Ejemplo n.º 1
static bool util_addr2line_lookup__(const void * bt_addr , char ** func_name , char ** file_name , int * line_nr, bool subtract_base_adress) {
  *func_name = NULL;    // If dladdr() succeeds, but addr2line fails the func_name pointer will be set, but the function will return false anyway.
  *file_name = NULL;
  *line_nr   = 0;
    bool  address_found = false;
    Dl_info dl_info;
#if defined(__APPLE__)
    return false;
    if (dladdr(bt_addr , &dl_info)) {
      const char * executable = dl_info.dli_fname;
      *func_name = util_alloc_string_copy( dl_info.dli_sname );
      if (util_file_exists( executable )) {
        char *stdout_file = util_alloc_tmp_file("/tmp" , "addr2line" , true);
        /* 1: Run addr2line application */
          char ** argv = util_calloc(3 , sizeof * argv );
          argv[0] = util_alloc_string_copy("--functions");
          argv[1] = util_alloc_sprintf("--exe=%s" , executable );
            char * rel_address = (char *) bt_addr;
            if (subtract_base_adress)
              rel_address -= (size_t) dl_info.dli_fbase;
            argv[2] = util_alloc_sprintf("%p" , (void *) rel_address);
          util_spawn_blocking("addr2line", 3, (const char **) argv, stdout_file, NULL);
          util_free_stringlist(argv , 3);

        /* 2: Parse stdout output */
          bool at_eof;
          FILE * stream = util_fopen(stdout_file , "r");
          char * tmp_fname = util_fscanf_alloc_line(stream , &at_eof);

          if (strcmp(tmp_fname , UNDEFINED_FUNCTION) != 0) {
            char * stdout_file_name = util_fscanf_alloc_line(stream , &at_eof);
            char * line_string = NULL;
            util_binary_split_string( stdout_file_name , ":" , false , file_name , &line_string);
            if (line_string && util_sscanf_int( line_string , line_nr))
              address_found = true;

            free( stdout_file_name );
            util_safe_free( line_string );
          free( tmp_fname );
        free( stdout_file );
    return address_found;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 bool hash_add_option( hash_type * hash, const char * key_value) {
   bool addOK = false;
     char * value;
     char * key;

     util_binary_split_string( key_value , ":" , true , &key , &value);
     if (value != NULL) {
       hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( hash , key , value , free );
       addOK = true;

     util_safe_free( key );
   return addOK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
hash_type * hash_alloc_from_options(const stringlist_type * options) {
  int num_options = stringlist_get_size( options );
  hash_type * opt_hash = hash_alloc();
  int iopt;

  for (iopt = 0; iopt < num_options; iopt++) {
    char * option;
    char * value;

    util_binary_split_string( stringlist_iget(options , iopt) , ":" , true , &option , &value);
    if ((option != NULL) && (value != NULL))
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( opt_hash , option , util_alloc_string_copy(value) , free);
    // Warning: could not interpret string as KEY:VALUE - ignored


  return opt_hash;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main( int argc, char ** argv) {
  if (argc == 1)
    util_exit("block_node  node1  node2  node3:2  \n");
  /* Initialize lsf environment */
  util_setenv( "LSF_BINDIR"    , "/prog/LSF/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/bin" );
  util_setenv( "LSF_LINDIR"    , "/prog/LSF/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib" );
  util_setenv( "XLSF_UIDDIR"   , "/prog/LSF/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib/uid" );
  util_setenv( "LSF_SERVERDIR" , "/prog/LSF/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/etc");
  util_setenv( "LSF_ENVDIR"    , "/prog/LSF/conf");
  util_update_path_var( "PATH"               , "/prog/LSF/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/bin" , false);
  util_update_path_var( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"    , "/prog/LSF/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib" , false);

  lsf_driver = lsf_driver_alloc();
  if (lsf_driver_get_submit_method( lsf_driver ) != LSF_SUBMIT_INTERNAL)
    util_exit("Sorry - the block_node program must be invoked on a proper LSF node \n");

    int iarg;
    int total_blocked_target = 0;
    nodes       = hash_alloc();
    for (iarg = 1; iarg < argc; iarg++) {
      char   *node_name;
      int    num_slots;
        char * num_slots_string;
        util_binary_split_string( argv[iarg] , ":" , true , &node_name , &num_slots_string);
        if (num_slots_string)
          util_sscanf_int( num_slots_string , &num_slots);
          num_slots = 1;
      if (!hash_has_key( nodes , node_name))
        hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( nodes , node_name , count_pair_alloc() , free);

        count_pair_type * pair = hash_get( nodes , node_name);
        pair->target += num_slots;
      total_blocked_target += num_slots;

    signal(SIGINT , block_node_exit );
      const int sleep_time    = 5;
      const int chunk_size    = 10;    /* We submit this many at a time. */
      const int max_pool_size = 1000;  /* The absolute total maximum of jobs we will submit. */  

      bool           cont        = true;
      int            pending     = 0;   
      bool           all_blocked;
      job_pool                   = vector_alloc_new();

      while (cont) {
        printf("[Ctrl-C to give up] "); fflush( stdout );
        if (cont) sleep( sleep_time );
        if (pending == 0) {
          if (vector_get_size( job_pool ) < max_pool_size)
            add_jobs( chunk_size );
        update_pool_status( &all_blocked , &pending);

        if (all_blocked)
          cont = false;
      if (!all_blocked)
        printf("Sorry - failed to block all the nodes \n");
      block_node_exit( 0 );
      hash_free( nodes );