Ejemplo n.º 1
* Emits a tag for the given 'name' of kind 'kind' at the current nesting.
static void emitRubyTag (vString* name, rubyKind kind)
	tagEntryInfo tag;
	vString* scope;
	const char *this_name;

	vStringTerminate (name);
	scope = stringListToScope (nesting);

	/* extract scope and actual name from tag name in case of tags like
	 * "class Foo::Bar::Baz" which are parsed as a single name, "Foo.Bar.Baz" */
	this_name = strrchr (vStringValue (name), '.');
	if (this_name)
		if (vStringLength (scope) > 0)
			vStringPut (scope, '.');
		vStringNCat (scope, name, this_name - vStringValue (name));
		vStringTerminate (scope);
		this_name ++;
		this_name = vStringValue (name);

	initTagEntry (&tag, this_name);
	if (vStringLength (scope) > 0) {
	    tag.extensionFields.scope [0] = "class";
	    tag.extensionFields.scope [1] = vStringValue (scope);
	tag.kindName = RubyKinds [kind].name;
	tag.kind = RubyKinds [kind].letter;
	makeTagEntry (&tag);

	stringListAdd (nesting, vStringNewCopy (name));

	vStringClear (name);
	vStringDelete (scope);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void parseString (vString *const string)
	boolean verbatim = FALSE;
	boolean align = FALSE;
	boolean end = FALSE;
	vString *verbatimCloser = vStringNew ();
	vString *lastLine = vStringNew ();
	int prev = '\0';
	int c;

	while (! end)
		c = getcFromInputFile ();
		if (c == EOF)
			end = TRUE;
		else if (c == '"')
			if (! verbatim)
				end = TRUE;
				end = (boolean) (strcmp (vStringValue (lastLine),
				                         vStringValue (verbatimCloser)) == 0);
		else if (c == '\n')
			if (verbatim)
				vStringClear (lastLine);
			if (prev == '[' /* ||  prev == '{' */)
				verbatim = TRUE;
				vStringClear (verbatimCloser);
				vStringClear (lastLine);
				if (prev == '{')
					vStringPut (verbatimCloser, '}');
					vStringPut (verbatimCloser, ']');
					align = TRUE;
				vStringNCat (verbatimCloser, string, vStringLength (string) - 1);
				vStringClear (string);
			if (verbatim && align)
					c = getcFromInputFile ();
				while (isspace (c));
		else if (c == '%')
			c = parseEscapedCharacter ();
		if (! end)
			vStringPut (string, c);
			if (verbatim)
				vStringPut (lastLine, c);
				vStringTerminate (lastLine);
			prev = c;
	vStringTerminate (string);
	vStringDelete (lastLine);
	vStringDelete (verbatimCloser);