Ejemplo n.º 1
static void goto_center_ll ( VikViewport *vp,
                             struct LatLon ll_tl,
                             struct LatLon ll_br )
  VikCoord vc_center;
  struct LatLon ll_center;

  ll_center.lat = (ll_tl.lat + ll_br.lat) / 2.0;
  ll_center.lon = (ll_tl.lon + ll_br.lon) / 2.0;

  vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &vc_center, vik_viewport_get_coord_mode (vp), &ll_center );
  vik_viewport_set_center_coord ( vp, &vc_center, TRUE );
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void datasource_gc_draw_circle ( datasource_gc_widgets_t *widgets )
  gdouble lat, lon;
  if ( widgets->circle_onscreen ) {
    vik_viewport_draw_arc ( widgets->vvp, widgets->circle_gc, FALSE,
		widgets->circle_x - widgets->circle_width/2,
		widgets->circle_y - widgets->circle_width/2,
		widgets->circle_width, widgets->circle_width, 0, 360*64 );
  /* calculate widgets circle_x and circle_y */
  /* split up lat,lon into lat and lon */
  if ( 2 == sscanf ( gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(widgets->center_entry) ), "%lf,%lf", &lat, &lon ) ) {
    struct LatLon ll;
    VikCoord c;
    gint x, y;

    ll.lat = lat; ll.lon = lon;
    vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &c, vik_viewport_get_coord_mode ( widgets->vvp ), &ll );
    vik_viewport_coord_to_screen ( widgets->vvp, &c, &x, &y );
    /* TODO: real calculation */
    if ( x > -1000 && y > -1000 && x < (vik_viewport_get_width(widgets->vvp) + 1000) &&
	y < (vik_viewport_get_width(widgets->vvp) + 1000) ) {
      VikCoord c1, c2;
      gdouble pixels_per_meter;

      widgets->circle_x = x;
      widgets->circle_y = y;

      /* determine miles per pixel */
      vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( widgets->vvp, 0, vik_viewport_get_height(widgets->vvp)/2, &c1 );
      vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( widgets->vvp, vik_viewport_get_width(widgets->vvp), vik_viewport_get_height(widgets->vvp)/2, &c2 );
      pixels_per_meter = ((gdouble)vik_viewport_get_width(widgets->vvp)) / vik_coord_diff(&c1, &c2);

      /* this is approximate */
      widgets->circle_width = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_float ( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(widgets->miles_radius_spin) )
		* METERSPERMILE * pixels_per_meter * 2;

      vik_viewport_draw_arc ( widgets->vvp, widgets->circle_gc, FALSE,
		widgets->circle_x - widgets->circle_width/2,
		widgets->circle_y - widgets->circle_width/2,
		widgets->circle_width, widgets->circle_width, 0, 360*64 );

      widgets->circle_onscreen = TRUE;
    } else
      widgets->circle_onscreen = FALSE;

  /* see if onscreen */
  /* okay */
  vik_viewport_sync ( widgets->vvp );
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void clip_add_wp(VikLayersPanel *vlp, struct LatLon *coord) 
  VikCoord vc;
  VikLayer *sel = vik_layers_panel_get_selected ( vlp );

  vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &vc, VIK_COORD_LATLON, coord );

  if (sel && sel->type == VIK_LAYER_TRW) {
    vik_trw_layer_new_waypoint ( VIK_TRW_LAYER(sel), VIK_GTK_WINDOW_FROM_LAYER(sel), &vc );
  } else {
    a_dialog_error_msg_extra ( VIK_GTK_WINDOW_FROM_WIDGET(GTK_WIDGET(vlp)), _("In order to paste a waypoint, please select an appropriate layer to paste into."), NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void a_geonames_wikipedia_box(VikWindow *vw, VikTrwLayer *vtl, VikLayersPanel *vlp, struct LatLon maxmin[2])
  gchar *uri;
  gchar *tmpname;
  GList *wiki_places;
  GList *selected;
  GList *wp_runner;
  VikWaypoint *wiki_wp;
  found_geoname *wiki_geoname;

  /* encode doubles in a C locale */
  gchar *north = a_coords_dtostr(maxmin[0].lat);
  gchar *south = a_coords_dtostr(maxmin[1].lat);
  gchar *east = a_coords_dtostr(maxmin[0].lon);
  gchar *west = a_coords_dtostr(maxmin[1].lon);
  uri = g_strdup_printf(GEONAMES_WIKIPEDIA_URL_FMT, north, south, east, west);
  g_free(north); north = NULL;
  g_free(south); south = NULL;
  g_free(east);  east = NULL;
  g_free(west);  west = NULL;
  tmpname = download_url(uri);
  if (!tmpname) {
  wiki_places = get_entries_from_file(tmpname);
  if (g_list_length(wiki_places) == 0) {
  selected = a_select_geoname_from_list(VIK_GTK_WINDOW_FROM_WIDGET(vw), wiki_places, TRUE, "Select articles", "Select the articles you want to add.");
  wp_runner = selected;
  while (wp_runner) {
    wiki_geoname = (found_geoname *)wp_runner->data;
    wiki_wp = vik_waypoint_new();
    wiki_wp->visible = TRUE;
    vik_coord_load_from_latlon(&(wiki_wp->coord), vik_trw_layer_get_coord_mode ( vtl ), &(wiki_geoname->ll));
    vik_waypoint_set_comment(wiki_wp, wiki_geoname->desc);
    vik_trw_layer_filein_add_waypoint ( vtl, wiki_geoname->name, wiki_wp );
    wp_runner = g_list_next(wp_runner);
  if (tmpname) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void tpwin_sync_ll_to_tp ( VikTrwLayerTpwin *tpwin )
  if ( tpwin->cur_tp && (!tpwin->sync_to_tp_block) )
    struct LatLon ll;
    VikCoord coord;
    ll.lat = gtk_spin_button_get_value ( tpwin->lat );
    ll.lon = gtk_spin_button_get_value ( tpwin->lon );
    vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &coord, tpwin->cur_tp->coord.mode, &ll );

    /* don't redraw unless we really have to */
    if ( vik_coord_diff(&(tpwin->cur_tp->coord), &coord) > 0.05 ) /* may not be exact due to rounding */
      tpwin->cur_tp->coord = coord;
      gtk_dialog_response ( GTK_DIALOG(tpwin), VIK_TRW_LAYER_TPWIN_DATA_CHANGED );
Ejemplo n.º 6
static int geonames_search_get_coord(VikWindow *vw, VikViewport *vvp, gchar *srch_str, VikCoord *coord)
  gchar *uri;
  gchar *escaped_srch_str;
  int ret = 1;  /* OK */
  struct LatLon ll;
  gchar *tmpname;

  g_debug("%s: raw search: %s", __FUNCTION__, srch_str);
  escaped_srch_str = uri_escape(srch_str);
  g_debug("%s: escaped search: %s", __FUNCTION__, escaped_srch_str);

  //uri = g_strdup_printf(GEONAMES_SEARCH_URL_FMT, srch_str);
  uri = g_strdup_printf(GEONAMES_SEARCH_URL_FMT, escaped_srch_str);

  tmpname = download_url(uri);
  if (!tmpname) {
    ret = -1;
    goto done;
  ret = parse_file_for_latlon(vw, tmpname, &ll);
  if (ret == 3) {
    goto done;

  vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( coord, vik_viewport_get_coord_mode(vvp), &ll );

  if (last_coord)
  last_coord = g_malloc(sizeof(VikCoord));
  *last_coord = *coord;
  if (last_successful_search_str)
  last_successful_search_str = g_strdup(last_search_str);

  if (tmpname) {
  return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void gpx_start(VikTrwLayer *vtl, const char *el, const char **attr)
  static const gchar *tmp;

  g_string_append_c ( xpath, '/' );
  g_string_append ( xpath, el );
  current_tag = get_tag ( xpath->str );

  switch ( current_tag ) {

     case tt_gpx:
       c_md = vik_trw_metadata_new();

     case tt_wpt:
       if ( set_c_ll( attr ) ) {
         c_wp = vik_waypoint_new ();
         c_wp->visible = TRUE;
         if ( get_attr ( attr, "hidden" ) )
           c_wp->visible = FALSE;

         vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(c_wp->coord), vik_trw_layer_get_coord_mode ( vtl ), &c_ll );

     case tt_trk:
     case tt_rte:
       c_tr = vik_track_new ();
       vik_track_set_defaults ( c_tr );
       c_tr->is_route = (current_tag == tt_rte) ? TRUE : FALSE;
       c_tr->visible = TRUE;
       if ( get_attr ( attr, "hidden" ) )
         c_tr->visible = FALSE;

     case tt_trk_trkseg:
       f_tr_newseg = TRUE;

     case tt_trk_trkseg_trkpt:
       if ( set_c_ll( attr ) ) {
         c_tp = vik_trackpoint_new ();
         vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(c_tp->coord), vik_trw_layer_get_coord_mode ( vtl ), &c_ll );
         if ( f_tr_newseg ) {
           c_tp->newsegment = TRUE;
           f_tr_newseg = FALSE;
         c_tr->trackpoints = g_list_append ( c_tr->trackpoints, c_tp );

     case tt_gpx_name:
     case tt_gpx_author:
     case tt_gpx_desc:
     case tt_gpx_keywords:
     case tt_gpx_time:
     case tt_trk_trkseg_trkpt_name:
     case tt_trk_trkseg_trkpt_ele:
     case tt_trk_trkseg_trkpt_time:
     case tt_wpt_cmt:
     case tt_wpt_desc:
     case tt_wpt_name:
     case tt_wpt_ele:
     case tt_wpt_time:
     case tt_wpt_url:
     case tt_wpt_link:
     case tt_trk_cmt:
     case tt_trk_desc:
     case tt_trk_name:
       g_string_erase ( c_cdata, 0, -1 ); /* clear the cdata buffer */

     case tt_waypoint:
       c_wp = vik_waypoint_new ();
       c_wp->visible = TRUE;

     case tt_waypoint_coord:
       if ( set_c_ll( attr ) )
         vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(c_wp->coord), vik_trw_layer_get_coord_mode ( vtl ), &c_ll );

     case tt_waypoint_name:
       if ( ( tmp = get_attr(attr, "id") ) ) {
         if ( c_wp_name )
           g_free ( c_wp_name );
         c_wp_name = g_strdup ( tmp );
       g_string_erase ( c_cdata, 0, -1 ); /* clear the cdata buffer for description */
     default: break;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Correlate the image against the specified track
static void trw_layer_geotag_track ( const gchar *name, VikTrack *track, geotag_options_t *options )
	// If already found match then don't need to check this track
	if ( options->found_match )

	VikTrackpoint *trkpt;
	VikTrackpoint *trkpt_next;

	GList *mytrkpt = track->trackpoints;
	for ( mytrkpt = mytrkpt; mytrkpt; mytrkpt = mytrkpt->next ) {

		// Do something for this trackpoint...

		trkpt = VIK_TRACKPOINT(mytrkpt->data);

		// is it exactly this point?
		if ( options->PhotoTime == trkpt->timestamp ) {
			options->coord = trkpt->coord;
			options->altitude = trkpt->altitude;
			options->found_match = TRUE;

		// Now need two trackpoints, hence check next is available
		if ( !mytrkpt->next ) break;
		trkpt_next = VIK_TRACKPOINT(mytrkpt->next->data);

		// TODO need to use 'has_timestamp' property
		if ( trkpt->timestamp == trkpt_next->timestamp ) continue;
		if ( trkpt->timestamp > trkpt_next->timestamp ) continue;

		// When interpolating between segments, no need for any special segment handling
		if ( !options->ov.interpolate_segments )
			// Don't check between segments
			if ( trkpt_next->newsegment )
				// Simply move on to consider next point

		// Too far
		if ( trkpt->timestamp > options->PhotoTime ) break;

		// Is is between this and the next point?
		if ( (options->PhotoTime > trkpt->timestamp) && (options->PhotoTime < trkpt_next->timestamp) ) {
			options->found_match = TRUE;
			// Interpolate
			/* Calculate the "scale": a decimal giving the relative distance
			 * in time between the two points. Ie, a number between 0 and 1 -
			 * 0 is the first point, 1 is the next point, and 0.5 would be
			 * half way. */
			gdouble scale = (gdouble)trkpt_next->timestamp - (gdouble)trkpt->timestamp;
			scale = ((gdouble)options->PhotoTime - (gdouble)trkpt->timestamp) / scale;

			struct LatLon ll_result, ll1, ll2;

			vik_coord_to_latlon ( &(trkpt->coord), &ll1 );
			vik_coord_to_latlon ( &(trkpt_next->coord), &ll2 );

			ll_result.lat = ll1.lat + ((ll2.lat - ll1.lat) * scale);

			// NB This won't cope with going over the 180 degrees longitude boundary
			ll_result.lon = ll1.lon + ((ll2.lon - ll1.lon) * scale);

			// set coord
			vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(options->coord), VIK_COORD_LATLON, &ll_result );

			// Interpolate elevation
			options->altitude = trkpt->altitude + ((trkpt_next->altitude - trkpt->altitude) * scale);
Ejemplo n.º 9
/* todo: less on this side, like add track */
gchar *a_dialog_waypoint ( GtkWindow *parent, gchar *default_name, VikTrwLayer *vtl, VikWaypoint *wp, VikCoordMode coord_mode, gboolean is_new, gboolean *updated )
  GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("Waypoint Properties"),
                                                   GTK_DIALOG_MODAL | GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
  struct LatLon ll;
  GtkWidget *latlabel, *lonlabel, *namelabel, *latentry, *lonentry, *altentry, *altlabel, *nameentry=NULL;
  GtkWidget *commentlabel, *commententry, *descriptionlabel, *descriptionentry, *imagelabel, *imageentry, *symbollabel, *symbolentry;
  GtkWidget *sourcelabel = NULL, *sourceentry = NULL;
  GtkWidget *typelabel = NULL, *typeentry = NULL;
  GtkWidget *timelabel = NULL;
  GtkWidget *timevaluebutton = NULL;
  GtkWidget *hasGeotagCB = NULL;
  GtkWidget *consistentGeotagCB = NULL;
  GtkWidget *direction_sb = NULL;
  GtkWidget *direction_hb = NULL;
  GtkListStore *store;

  gchar *lat, *lon, *alt;

  vik_coord_to_latlon ( &(wp->coord), &ll );

  lat = g_strdup_printf ( "%f", ll.lat );
  lon = g_strdup_printf ( "%f", ll.lon );
  vik_units_height_t height_units = a_vik_get_units_height ();
  switch (height_units) {
    alt = g_strdup_printf ( "%f", wp->altitude );
    alt = g_strdup_printf ( "%f", VIK_METERS_TO_FEET(wp->altitude) );
    alt = g_strdup_printf ( "%f", wp->altitude );
    g_critical("Houston, we've had a problem. height=%d", height_units);

  *updated = FALSE;

  namelabel = gtk_label_new (_("Name:"));
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), namelabel, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  // Name is now always changeable
  nameentry = gtk_entry_new ();
  if ( default_name )
    gtk_entry_set_text( GTK_ENTRY(nameentry), default_name );
  g_signal_connect_swapped ( nameentry, "activate", G_CALLBACK(a_dialog_response_accept), GTK_DIALOG(dialog) );
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), nameentry, FALSE, FALSE, 0);

  latlabel = gtk_label_new (_("Latitude:"));
  latentry = gtk_entry_new ();
  gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY(latentry), lat );
  g_free ( lat );

  lonlabel = gtk_label_new (_("Longitude:"));
  lonentry = gtk_entry_new ();
  gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY(lonentry), lon );
  g_free ( lon );

  altlabel = gtk_label_new (_("Altitude:"));
  altentry = gtk_entry_new ();
  gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY(altentry), alt );
  g_free ( alt );

  if ( wp->comment && !strncmp(wp->comment, "http", 4) )
    commentlabel = gtk_link_button_new_with_label (wp->comment, _("Comment:") );
    commentlabel = gtk_label_new (_("Comment:"));
  commententry = gtk_entry_new ();
  gchar *cmt =  NULL;
  // Auto put in some kind of 'name' as a comment if one previously 'goto'ed this exact location
  cmt = a_vik_goto_get_search_string_for_this_place(VIK_WINDOW(parent));
  if (cmt)
    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(commententry), cmt);

  if ( wp->description && !strncmp(wp->description, "http", 4) )
    descriptionlabel = gtk_link_button_new_with_label (wp->description, _("Description:") );
    descriptionlabel = gtk_label_new (_("Description:"));
  descriptionentry = gtk_entry_new ();

  sourcelabel = gtk_label_new (_("Source:"));
  if ( wp->source ) {
    sourceentry = gtk_entry_new ();
    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(sourceentry), wp->source);

  typelabel = gtk_label_new (_("Type:"));
  if ( wp->type ) {
    typeentry = gtk_entry_new ();
    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(typeentry), wp->type);

  imagelabel = gtk_label_new (_("Image:"));
  imageentry = vik_file_entry_new (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, VF_FILTER_IMAGE, NULL, NULL);

    GtkCellRenderer *r;
    symbollabel = gtk_label_new (_("Symbol:"));
    GtkTreeIter iter;

    store = gtk_list_store_new(3, G_TYPE_STRING, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, G_TYPE_STRING);
    symbolentry = gtk_combo_box_new_with_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL(store));
    gtk_combo_box_set_wrap_width(GTK_COMBO_BOX(symbolentry), 6);

    g_signal_connect(symbolentry, "changed", G_CALLBACK(symbol_entry_changed_cb), store);
    gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter);
    gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 2, _("(none)"), -1);

    r = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new ();
    gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (symbolentry), r, FALSE);
    gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (symbolentry), r, "pixbuf", 1, NULL);

    r = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
    gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (symbolentry), r, FALSE);
    gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (symbolentry), r, "text", 2, NULL);

    if ( !is_new && wp->symbol ) {
      gboolean ok;
      gchar *sym;
      for (ok = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first ( GTK_TREE_MODEL(store), &iter ); ok; ok = gtk_tree_model_iter_next ( GTK_TREE_MODEL(store), &iter)) {
	gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL(store), &iter, 0, (void *)&sym, -1 );
	if (sym && !strcmp(sym, wp->symbol)) {
	} else {
      // Ensure is it a valid symbol in the given symbol set (large vs small)
      // Not all symbols are available in both
      // The check prevents a Gtk Critical message
      if ( iter.stamp )
	gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter(GTK_COMBO_BOX(symbolentry), &iter);

  if ( !is_new && wp->comment )
    gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY(commententry), wp->comment );

  if ( !is_new && wp->description )
    gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY(descriptionentry), wp->description );

  if ( !edit_wp )
    edit_wp = vik_waypoint_new ();
  edit_wp = vik_waypoint_copy ( wp );

  if ( !is_new && wp->image ) {
    vik_file_entry_set_filename ( VIK_FILE_ENTRY(imageentry), wp->image );

    // Geotag Info [readonly]
    hasGeotagCB = gtk_check_button_new_with_label ( _("Has Geotag") );
    gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( hasGeotagCB, FALSE );
    gboolean hasGeotag;
    gchar *ignore = a_geotag_get_exif_date_from_file ( wp->image, &hasGeotag );
    g_free ( ignore );
    gtk_toggle_button_set_active ( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(hasGeotagCB), hasGeotag );

    consistentGeotagCB = gtk_check_button_new_with_label ( _("Consistent Position") );
    gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( consistentGeotagCB, FALSE );
    if ( hasGeotag ) {
      struct LatLon ll = a_geotag_get_position ( wp->image );
      VikCoord coord;
      vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &coord, coord_mode, &ll );
      gtk_toggle_button_set_active ( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(consistentGeotagCB), vik_coord_equalish(&coord, &wp->coord) );

    // ATM the direction value box is always shown, even when there is no information.
    // It would be nice to be able to hide it until the 'Add' has been performed,
    //  however I've not been able to achieve this.
    // Thus simply sensistizing it instead.
    GtkWidget *direction_label = gtk_label_new ( _("Image Direction:") );
    direction_hb = gtk_hbox_new ( FALSE, 0 );
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(direction_hb), direction_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
    direction_sb = gtk_spin_button_new ( (GtkAdjustment*)gtk_adjustment_new (0, 0.0, 359.9, 5.0, 1, 0 ), 1, 1 );

    if ( !is_new && !isnan(wp->image_direction) ) {
      GtkWidget *direction_ref = gtk_label_new ( NULL );
      if ( wp->image_direction_ref == WP_IMAGE_DIRECTION_REF_MAGNETIC )
        gtk_label_set_label ( GTK_LABEL(direction_ref), _("Magnetic") );
        gtk_label_set_label ( GTK_LABEL(direction_ref), _("True") );

      gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(direction_hb), direction_ref, TRUE, FALSE, 0);
      gtk_spin_button_set_value ( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(direction_sb), wp->image_direction );
    else {
      GtkWidget *direction_ref_button = gtk_button_new ();
      gtk_button_set_relief ( GTK_BUTTON(direction_ref_button), GTK_RELIEF_NONE );
      GtkWidget *img = gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_ADD, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU );
      gtk_button_set_image ( GTK_BUTTON(direction_ref_button), img );
      gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(direction_hb), direction_ref_button, TRUE, FALSE, 0);
      gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( direction_sb, FALSE );
      direction_signal_id = g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT(direction_ref_button), "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK(direction_add_click), direction_sb );


  timelabel = gtk_label_new ( _("Time:") );
  timevaluebutton = gtk_button_new();
  gtk_button_set_relief ( GTK_BUTTON(timevaluebutton), GTK_RELIEF_NONE );

  // TODO: Consider if there should be a remove time button...

  if ( !is_new && wp->has_timestamp ) {
    update_time ( timevaluebutton, wp );
  else {
    GtkWidget *img = gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_ADD, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU );
    gtk_button_set_image ( GTK_BUTTON(timevaluebutton), img );
    // Initially use current time or otherwise whatever the last value used was
    if ( edit_wp->timestamp == 0 ) {
      time ( &edit_wp->timestamp );
  g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT(timevaluebutton), "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK(time_edit_click), edit_wp );

  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), latlabel, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), latentry, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), lonlabel, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), lonentry, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), timelabel, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), timevaluebutton, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), altlabel, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), altentry, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), commentlabel, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), commententry, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), descriptionlabel, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), descriptionentry, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  if ( wp->source ) {
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), sourcelabel, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), sourceentry, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  if ( wp->type ) {
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), typelabel, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), typeentry, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), imagelabel, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), imageentry, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  if ( hasGeotagCB ) {
    GtkWidget *hbox =  gtk_hbox_new ( FALSE, 0 );
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(hbox), hasGeotagCB, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(hbox), consistentGeotagCB, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  if ( direction_hb )
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), direction_hb, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  if ( direction_sb )
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), direction_sb, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), symbollabel, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), GTK_WIDGET(symbolentry), FALSE, FALSE, 0);

  gtk_dialog_set_default_response ( GTK_DIALOG(dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT );

  gtk_widget_show_all ( gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)) );

  if ( !is_new ) {
    // Shift left<->right to try not to obscure the waypoint.
    trw_layer_dialog_shift ( vtl, GTK_WINDOW(dialog), &(wp->coord), FALSE );

  while ( gtk_dialog_run ( GTK_DIALOG(dialog) ) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT )
    if ( strlen((gchar*)gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(nameentry) )) == 0 ) /* TODO: other checks (isalpha or whatever ) */
      a_dialog_info_msg ( parent, _("Please enter a name for the waypoint.") );
    else {
      // NB: No check for unique names - this allows generation of same named entries.
      gchar *entered_name = g_strdup ( (gchar*)gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(nameentry) ) );

      /* Do It */
      ll.lat = convert_dms_to_dec ( gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(latentry) ) );
      ll.lon = convert_dms_to_dec ( gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(lonentry) ) );
      vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(wp->coord), coord_mode, &ll );
      // Always store in metres
      switch (height_units) {
        wp->altitude = atof ( gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(altentry) ) );
        wp->altitude = VIK_FEET_TO_METERS(atof ( gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(altentry) ) ));
        wp->altitude = atof ( gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(altentry) ) );
        g_critical("Houston, we've had a problem. height=%d", height_units);
      if ( g_strcmp0 ( wp->comment, gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(commententry) ) ) )
        vik_waypoint_set_comment ( wp, gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(commententry) ) );
      if ( g_strcmp0 ( wp->description, gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(descriptionentry) ) ) )
        vik_waypoint_set_description ( wp, gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(descriptionentry) ) );
      if ( g_strcmp0 ( wp->image, vik_file_entry_get_filename ( VIK_FILE_ENTRY(imageentry) ) ) )
        vik_waypoint_set_image ( wp, vik_file_entry_get_filename ( VIK_FILE_ENTRY(imageentry) ) );
      if ( sourceentry && g_strcmp0 ( wp->source, gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(sourceentry) ) ) )
        vik_waypoint_set_source ( wp, gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(sourceentry) ) );
      if ( typeentry && g_strcmp0 ( wp->type, gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(typeentry) ) ) )
        vik_waypoint_set_type ( wp, gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(typeentry) ) );
      if ( wp->image && *(wp->image) && (!a_thumbnails_exists(wp->image)) )
        a_thumbnails_create ( wp->image );
      if ( edit_wp->timestamp ) {
        wp->timestamp = edit_wp->timestamp;
        wp->has_timestamp = TRUE;

      if ( direction_sb ) {
        if ( gtk_widget_get_sensitive (direction_sb) ) {
          wp->image_direction = gtk_spin_button_get_value ( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(direction_sb) );
          if ( wp->image_direction != edit_wp->image_direction )
            a_geotag_write_exif_gps ( wp->image, wp->coord, wp->altitude, wp->image_direction, wp->image_direction_ref, TRUE );

      GtkTreeIter iter, first;
      gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first ( GTK_TREE_MODEL(store), &first );
      if ( !gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter ( GTK_COMBO_BOX(symbolentry), &iter ) || !memcmp(&iter, &first, sizeof(GtkTreeIter)) ) {
        vik_waypoint_set_symbol ( wp, NULL );
      } else {
        gchar *sym;
        gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL(store), &iter, 0, (void *)&sym, -1 );
        vik_waypoint_set_symbol ( wp, sym );

      gtk_widget_destroy ( dialog );
      if ( is_new )
        return entered_name;
      else {
        *updated = TRUE;
        // See if name has been changed
        if ( g_strcmp0 (default_name, entered_name ) )
          return entered_name;
          return NULL;
  gtk_widget_destroy ( dialog );
  return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * a_geotag_create_waypoint_from_file:
 * @filename: The image file to process
 * @vcmode:   The current location mode to use in the positioning of Waypoint
 * @name:     Returns a name for the Waypoint (can be NULL)
 * Returns: An allocated Waypoint or NULL if Waypoint could not be generated (e.g. no EXIF info)
VikWaypoint* a_geotag_create_waypoint_from_file ( const gchar *filename, VikCoordMode vcmode, gchar **name )
	// Default return values (for failures)
	*name = NULL;
	VikWaypoint *wp = NULL;

	// TODO use log?
	//ExifLog *log = NULL;

	// open image with libexif
	ExifData *ed = exif_data_new_from_file ( filename );

	// Detect EXIF load failure
	if ( !ed )
		// return with no Waypoint
		return wp;

	struct LatLon ll;

	gchar str[128];
	ExifEntry *ee;

	ee = exif_content_get_entry (ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_GPS], EXIF_TAG_GPS_VERSION_ID);
	// Confirm this has a GPS Id - normally "" or ""
	if ( ! ( ee && ee->components == 4 ) )
		goto MyReturn;
	// Could test for these versions explicitly but may have byte order issues...
	//if ( ! ( ee->data[0] == 2 && ee->data[2] == 0 && ee->data[3] == 0 ) )
	//	goto MyReturn;

	ee = exif_content_get_entry (ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_GPS], EXIF_TAG_GPS_MAP_DATUM);
	if ( ! ( ee && ee->components > 0 && ee->format == EXIF_FORMAT_ASCII ) )
		goto MyReturn;

	// If map datum specified - only deal in WGS-84 - the defacto standard
	if ( ee && ee->components > 0 ) {
		exif_entry_get_value ( ee, str, 128 );
		if ( strncmp (str, "WGS-84", 6) )
			goto MyReturn;

	// Lat & Long is necessary to form a waypoint.
	ee = exif_content_get_entry (ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_GPS], EXIF_TAG_GPS_LATITUDE);
	if ( ! ( ee && ee->components == 3 && ee->format == EXIF_FORMAT_RATIONAL ) )
		goto MyReturn;
	ll.lat = Rational2Double ( ee->data,
							   exif_data_get_byte_order(ed) );

	ee = exif_content_get_entry (ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_GPS], EXIF_TAG_GPS_LATITUDE_REF);
	if ( ee ) {
		exif_entry_get_value ( ee, str, 128 );
		if ( str[0] == 'S' )
			ll.lat = -ll.lat;

	ee = exif_content_get_entry (ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_GPS], EXIF_TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE);
	if ( ! ( ee && ee->components == 3 && ee->format == EXIF_FORMAT_RATIONAL ) )
		goto MyReturn;

	ll.lon = Rational2Double ( ee->data,
							   exif_data_get_byte_order(ed) );

	ee = exif_content_get_entry (ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_GPS], EXIF_TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE_REF);
	if ( ee ) {
		exif_entry_get_value ( ee, str, 128 );
		if ( str[0] == 'W' )
			ll.lon = -ll.lon;

	// Not worried if none of the other fields exist, as can default the values to something

	gdouble alt = VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE;
	ee = exif_content_get_entry (ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_GPS], EXIF_TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE);
	if ( ee && ee->components == 1 && ee->format == EXIF_FORMAT_RATIONAL ) {
		alt = Rational2Double ( ee->data,
								exif_data_get_byte_order(ed) );

		ee = exif_content_get_entry (ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_GPS], EXIF_TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE_REF);
		if ( ee && ee->components == 1 && ee->format == EXIF_FORMAT_BYTE && ee->data[0] == 1 )
			alt = -alt;

	// Name
	ee = exif_content_get_entry (ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_0], EXIF_TAG_XP_TITLE);
	if ( ee ) {
		exif_entry_get_value ( ee, str, 128 );
		*name = g_strdup ( str );

	// Now create Waypoint with acquired information
	wp = vik_waypoint_new();
	wp->visible = TRUE;
	// Set info from exif values
	// Location
	vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(wp->coord), vcmode, &ll );
	// Altitude
	wp->altitude = alt;

	wp->comment = geotag_get_exif_comment ( ed );

	vik_waypoint_set_image ( wp, filename );

	// Finished with EXIF
	exif_data_free ( ed );

	return wp;
static void vik_dem_layer_draw_dem ( VikDEMLayer *vdl, VikViewport *vp, VikDEM *dem )
  VikDEMColumn *column, *prevcolumn, *nextcolumn;

  struct LatLon dem_northeast, dem_southwest;
  gdouble max_lat, max_lon, min_lat, min_lon;

  /**** Check if viewport and DEM data overlap ****/

  /* get min, max lat/lon of viewport */
  vik_viewport_get_min_max_lat_lon ( vp, &min_lat, &max_lat, &min_lon, &max_lon );

  /* get min, max lat/lon of DEM data */
  if ( dem->horiz_units == VIK_DEM_HORIZ_LL_ARCSECONDS ) {
    dem_northeast.lat = dem->max_north / 3600.0;
    dem_northeast.lon = dem->max_east / 3600.0;
    dem_southwest.lat = dem->min_north / 3600.0;
    dem_southwest.lon = dem->min_east / 3600.0;
  } else if ( dem->horiz_units == VIK_DEM_HORIZ_UTM_METERS ) {
    struct UTM dem_northeast_utm, dem_southwest_utm;
    dem_northeast_utm.northing = dem->max_north;
    dem_northeast_utm.easting = dem->max_east;
    dem_southwest_utm.northing = dem->min_north;
    dem_southwest_utm.easting = dem->min_east;
    dem_northeast_utm.zone = dem_southwest_utm.zone = dem->utm_zone;
    dem_northeast_utm.letter = dem_southwest_utm.letter = dem->utm_letter;

    a_coords_utm_to_latlon(&dem_northeast_utm, &dem_northeast);
    a_coords_utm_to_latlon(&dem_southwest_utm, &dem_southwest);

  if ( (max_lat > dem_northeast.lat && min_lat > dem_northeast.lat) ||
       (max_lat < dem_southwest.lat && min_lat < dem_southwest.lat) )
  else if ( (max_lon > dem_northeast.lon && min_lon > dem_northeast.lon) ||
            (max_lon < dem_southwest.lon && min_lon < dem_southwest.lon) )
  /* else they overlap */

  /**** End Overlap Check ****/
  /* boxes to show where we have DEM instead of actually drawing the DEM.
   * useful if we want to see what areas we have coverage for (if we want
   * to get elevation data for a track) but don't want to cover the map.

  #if 0
  /* draw a box if a DEM is loaded. in future I'd like to add an option for this
   * this is useful if we want to see what areas we have dem for but don't want to
   * cover the map (or maybe we just need translucent DEM?) */
    VikCoord demne, demsw;
    gint x1, y1, x2, y2;
    vik_coord_load_from_latlon(&demne, vik_viewport_get_coord_mode(vp), &dem_northeast);
    vik_coord_load_from_latlon(&demsw, vik_viewport_get_coord_mode(vp), &dem_southwest);

    vik_viewport_coord_to_screen ( vp, &demne, &x1, &y1 );
    vik_viewport_coord_to_screen ( vp, &demsw, &x2, &y2 );

    if ( x1 > vik_viewport_get_width(vp) ) x1=vik_viewport_get_width(vp);
    if ( y2 > vik_viewport_get_height(vp) ) y2=vik_viewport_get_height(vp);
    if ( x2 < 0 ) x2 = 0;
    if ( y1 < 0 ) y1 = 0;
    vik_viewport_draw_rectangle ( vp, gtk_widget_get_style(GTK_WIDGET(vp))->black_gc,
	FALSE, x2, y1, x1-x2, y2-y1 );

  if ( dem->horiz_units == VIK_DEM_HORIZ_LL_ARCSECONDS ) {
    VikCoord tmp; /* TODO: don't use coord_load_from_latlon, especially if in latlon drawing mode */

    gdouble max_lat_as, max_lon_as, min_lat_as, min_lon_as;  
    gdouble start_lat_as, end_lat_as, start_lon_as, end_lon_as;

    gdouble start_lat, end_lat, start_lon, end_lon;

    struct LatLon counter;

    guint x, y, start_x, start_y;

    gint16 elev;

    guint skip_factor = ceil ( vik_viewport_get_xmpp(vp) / 80 ); /* todo: smarter calculation. */

    gdouble nscale_deg = dem->north_scale / ((gdouble) 3600);
    gdouble escale_deg = dem->east_scale / ((gdouble) 3600);

    max_lat_as = max_lat * 3600;
    min_lat_as = min_lat * 3600;
    max_lon_as = max_lon * 3600;
    min_lon_as = min_lon * 3600;

    start_lat_as = MAX(min_lat_as, dem->min_north);
    end_lat_as   = MIN(max_lat_as, dem->max_north);
    start_lon_as = MAX(min_lon_as, dem->min_east);
    end_lon_as   = MIN(max_lon_as, dem->max_east);

    start_lat = floor(start_lat_as / dem->north_scale) * nscale_deg;
    end_lat   = ceil (end_lat_as / dem->north_scale) * nscale_deg;
    start_lon = floor(start_lon_as / dem->east_scale) * escale_deg;
    end_lon   = ceil (end_lon_as / dem->east_scale) * escale_deg;

    vik_dem_east_north_to_xy ( dem, start_lon_as, start_lat_as, &start_x, &start_y );
    guint gradient_skip_factor = 1;
    if(vdl->type == DEM_TYPE_GRADIENT)
	    gradient_skip_factor = skip_factor;

    /* verify sane elev interval */
    if ( vdl->max_elev <= vdl->min_elev )
      vdl->max_elev = vdl->min_elev + 1;

    for ( x=start_x, counter.lon = start_lon; counter.lon <= end_lon+escale_deg*skip_factor; counter.lon += escale_deg * skip_factor, x += skip_factor ) {
      // NOTE: ( counter.lon <= end_lon + ESCALE_DEG*SKIP_FACTOR ) is neccessary so in high zoom modes,
      // the leftmost column does also get drawn, if the center point is out of viewport.
      if ( x < dem->n_columns ) {
        column = g_ptr_array_index ( dem->columns, x );
        // get previous and next column. catch out-of-bound.
	gint32 new_x = x;
	new_x -= gradient_skip_factor;
        if(new_x < 1)
          prevcolumn = g_ptr_array_index ( dem->columns, x+1);
          prevcolumn = g_ptr_array_index ( dem->columns, new_x);
	new_x = x;
	new_x += gradient_skip_factor;
        if(new_x >= dem->n_columns)
          nextcolumn = g_ptr_array_index ( dem->columns, x-1);
          nextcolumn = g_ptr_array_index ( dem->columns, new_x);

        for ( y=start_y, counter.lat = start_lat; counter.lat <= end_lat; counter.lat += nscale_deg * skip_factor, y += skip_factor ) {
          if ( y > column->n_points )

          elev = column->points[y];

	  // calculate bounding box for drawing
	  gint box_x, box_y, box_width, box_height;
	  struct LatLon box_c;
	  box_c = counter;
	  box_c.lat += (nscale_deg * skip_factor)/2;
          box_c.lon -= (escale_deg * skip_factor)/2;
	  vik_coord_load_from_latlon(&tmp, vik_viewport_get_coord_mode(vp), &box_c);
	  vik_viewport_coord_to_screen(vp, &tmp, &box_x, &box_y);
	  // catch box at borders
	  if(box_x < 0)
	          box_x = 0;
	  if(box_y < 0)
	          box_y = 0;
          box_c.lat -= nscale_deg * skip_factor;
	  box_c.lon += escale_deg * skip_factor;
	  vik_coord_load_from_latlon(&tmp, vik_viewport_get_coord_mode(vp), &box_c);
	  vik_viewport_coord_to_screen(vp, &tmp, &box_width, &box_height);
	  box_width -= box_x;
	  box_height -= box_y;
          // catch box at borders
	  if(box_width < 0 || box_height < 0)
		  continue; // skip this. this is out of our viewport anyway. FIXME: why?

	  gboolean below_minimum = FALSE;
          if(vdl->type == DEM_TYPE_HEIGHT) {
            if ( elev != VIK_DEM_INVALID_ELEVATION && elev < vdl->min_elev ) {
              // Prevent 'elev - vdl->min_elev' from being negative so can safely use as array index
              elev = ceil ( vdl->min_elev );
	      below_minimum = TRUE;
            if ( elev != VIK_DEM_INVALID_ELEVATION && elev > vdl->max_elev )
              elev = vdl->max_elev;

	    if(box_width < 0 || box_height < 0) // FIXME: why does this happen?

            if(vdl->type == DEM_TYPE_GRADIENT) {
              if( elev == VIK_DEM_INVALID_ELEVATION ) {
                /* don't draw it */
              } else {
                // calculate and sum gradient in all directions
                gint16 change = 0;
		gint32 new_y;

		// calculate gradient from height points all around the current one
		new_y = y - gradient_skip_factor;
		if(new_y < 0)
			new_y = y;
		change += get_height_difference(elev, prevcolumn->points[new_y]);
		change += get_height_difference(elev, column->points[new_y]);
		change += get_height_difference(elev, nextcolumn->points[new_y]);

		change += get_height_difference(elev, prevcolumn->points[y]);
		change += get_height_difference(elev, nextcolumn->points[y]);

		new_y = y + gradient_skip_factor;
		if(new_y >= column->n_points)
			new_y = y;
		change += get_height_difference(elev, prevcolumn->points[new_y]);
		change += get_height_difference(elev, column->points[new_y]);
		change += get_height_difference(elev, nextcolumn->points[new_y]);

		change = change / ((skip_factor > 1) ? log(skip_factor) : 0.55); // FIXME: better calc.

                if(change < vdl->min_elev)
                  // Prevent 'change - vdl->min_elev' from being negative so can safely use as array index
                  change = ceil ( vdl->min_elev );

                if(change > vdl->max_elev)
                  change = vdl->max_elev;

                // void vik_viewport_draw_rectangle ( VikViewport *vvp, GdkGC *gc, gboolean filled, gint x1, gint y1, gint x2, gint y2 );
                vik_viewport_draw_rectangle(vp, vdl->gcsgradient[(gint)floor(((change - vdl->min_elev)/(vdl->max_elev - vdl->min_elev))*(DEM_N_GRADIENT_COLORS-2))+1], TRUE, box_x, box_y, box_width, box_height);
            } else {
              if(vdl->type == DEM_TYPE_HEIGHT) {
                if ( elev == VIK_DEM_INVALID_ELEVATION )
                  ; /* don't draw it */
                else if ( elev <= 0 || below_minimum )
		  /* If 'sea' colour or below the defined mininum draw in the configurable colour */
                  vik_viewport_draw_rectangle(vp, vdl->gcs[0], TRUE, box_x, box_y, box_width, box_height);
                  vik_viewport_draw_rectangle(vp, vdl->gcs[(gint)floor(((elev - vdl->min_elev)/(vdl->max_elev - vdl->min_elev))*(DEM_N_HEIGHT_COLORS-2))+1], TRUE, box_x, box_y, box_width, box_height);
        } /* for y= */
    } /* for x= */
  } else if ( dem->horiz_units == VIK_DEM_HORIZ_UTM_METERS ) {
    gdouble max_nor, max_eas, min_nor, min_eas;
    gdouble start_nor, start_eas, end_nor, end_eas;

    gint16 elev;

    guint x, y, start_x, start_y;

    VikCoord tmp; /* TODO: don't use coord_load_from_latlon, especially if in latlon drawing mode */
    struct UTM counter;

    guint skip_factor = ceil ( vik_viewport_get_xmpp(vp) / 10 ); /* todo: smarter calculation. */

    VikCoord tleft, tright, bleft, bright;

    vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vp, 0, 0, &tleft );
    vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vp, vik_viewport_get_width(vp), 0, &tright );
    vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vp, 0, vik_viewport_get_height(vp), &bleft );
    vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vp, vik_viewport_get_width(vp), vik_viewport_get_height(vp), &bright );

    vik_coord_convert(&tleft, VIK_COORD_UTM);
    vik_coord_convert(&tright, VIK_COORD_UTM);
    vik_coord_convert(&bleft, VIK_COORD_UTM);
    vik_coord_convert(&bright, VIK_COORD_UTM);

    max_nor = MAX(tleft.north_south, tright.north_south);
    min_nor = MIN(bleft.north_south, bright.north_south);
    max_eas = MAX(bright.east_west, tright.east_west);
    min_eas = MIN(bleft.east_west, tleft.east_west);

    start_nor = MAX(min_nor, dem->min_north);
    end_nor   = MIN(max_nor, dem->max_north);
    if ( tleft.utm_zone == dem->utm_zone && bleft.utm_zone == dem->utm_zone
         && (tleft.utm_letter >= 'N') == (dem->utm_letter >= 'N')
         && (bleft.utm_letter >= 'N') == (dem->utm_letter >= 'N') ) /* if the utm zones/hemispheres are different, min_eas will be bogus */
      start_eas = MAX(min_eas, dem->min_east);
      start_eas = dem->min_east;
    if ( tright.utm_zone == dem->utm_zone && bright.utm_zone == dem->utm_zone
         && (tright.utm_letter >= 'N') == (dem->utm_letter >= 'N')
         && (bright.utm_letter >= 'N') == (dem->utm_letter >= 'N') ) /* if the utm zones/hemispheres are different, min_eas will be bogus */
      end_eas = MIN(max_eas, dem->max_east);
      end_eas = dem->max_east;

    start_nor = floor(start_nor / dem->north_scale) * dem->north_scale;
    end_nor   = ceil (end_nor / dem->north_scale) * dem->north_scale;
    start_eas = floor(start_eas / dem->east_scale) * dem->east_scale;
    end_eas   = ceil (end_eas / dem->east_scale) * dem->east_scale;

    vik_dem_east_north_to_xy ( dem, start_eas, start_nor, &start_x, &start_y );

    /* TODO: why start_x and start_y are -1 -- rounding error from above? */

    counter.zone = dem->utm_zone;
    counter.letter = dem->utm_letter;

    for ( x=start_x, counter.easting = start_eas; counter.easting <= end_eas; counter.easting += dem->east_scale * skip_factor, x += skip_factor ) {
      if ( x > 0 && x < dem->n_columns ) {
        column = g_ptr_array_index ( dem->columns, x );
        for ( y=start_y, counter.northing = start_nor; counter.northing <= end_nor; counter.northing += dem->north_scale * skip_factor, y += skip_factor ) {
          if ( y > column->n_points )
          elev = column->points[y];
          if ( elev != VIK_DEM_INVALID_ELEVATION && elev < vdl->min_elev )
          if ( elev != VIK_DEM_INVALID_ELEVATION && elev > vdl->max_elev )

            gint a, b;
            vik_coord_load_from_utm(&tmp, vik_viewport_get_coord_mode(vp), &counter);
	            vik_viewport_coord_to_screen(vp, &tmp, &a, &b);
            if ( elev == VIK_DEM_INVALID_ELEVATION )
              ; /* don't draw it */
            else if ( elev <= 0 )
              vik_viewport_draw_rectangle(vp, vdl->gcs[0], TRUE, a-1, b-1, 2, 2 );
              vik_viewport_draw_rectangle(vp, vdl->gcs[(gint)floor((elev - vdl->min_elev)/(vdl->max_elev - vdl->min_elev)*(DEM_N_HEIGHT_COLORS-2))+1], TRUE, a-1, b-1, 2, 2 );
        } /* for y= */
    } /* for x= */
Ejemplo n.º 12
void a_gpspoint_read_file(VikTrwLayer *trw, FILE *f ) {
    VikCoordMode coord_mode = vik_trw_layer_get_coord_mode ( trw );
    gchar *tag_start, *tag_end;
    g_assert ( f != NULL && trw != NULL );
    line_type = 0;
    line_timestamp = 0;
    line_newsegment = FALSE;
    line_image = NULL;
    line_symbol = NULL;

    current_track = NULL;
    while (fgets(line_buffer, 2048, f))
        gboolean inside_quote = 0;
        gboolean backslash = 0;

        line_buffer[strlen(line_buffer)-1] = '\0'; /* chop off newline */

        /* for gpspoint files wrapped inside */
        if ( strlen(line_buffer) >= 13 && strncmp ( line_buffer, "~EndLayerData", 13 ) == 0 )

        /* each line: nullify stuff, make thing if nes, free name if ness */
        tag_start = line_buffer;
        for (;;)
            /* my addition: find first non-whitespace character. if the null, skip line. */
            while (*tag_start != '\0' && isspace(*tag_start))
            if (tag_start == '\0')

            if (*tag_start == '#')

            tag_end = tag_start;
            if (*tag_end == '"')
                inside_quote = !inside_quote;
            while (*tag_end != '\0' && (!isspace(*tag_end) || inside_quote)) {
                if (*tag_end == '\\' && !backslash)
                    backslash = TRUE;
                else if (backslash)
                    backslash = FALSE;
                else if (*tag_end == '"')
                    inside_quote = !inside_quote;

            gpspoint_process_tag ( tag_start, tag_end - tag_start );

            if (*tag_end == '\0' )
                tag_start = tag_end+1;
        if (line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_WAYPOINT && line_name)
            VikWaypoint *wp = vik_waypoint_new();
            wp->visible = line_visible;
            wp->altitude = line_altitude;

            vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(wp->coord), coord_mode, &line_latlon );

            vik_trw_layer_filein_add_waypoint ( trw, line_name, wp );
            g_free ( line_name );
            line_name = NULL;

            if ( line_comment )
                vik_waypoint_set_comment ( wp, line_comment );
                line_comment = NULL;

            if ( line_image )
                vik_waypoint_set_image ( wp, line_image );
                line_image = NULL;

            if ( line_symbol )
                vik_waypoint_set_symbol ( wp, line_symbol );
                line_symbol = NULL;
        else if (line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_TRACK && line_name)
            VikTrack *pl = vik_track_new();

            /* Thanks to Peter Jones for this Fix */
            if (!line_name) line_name = g_strdup("UNK");

            pl->visible = line_visible;

            if ( line_comment )
                vik_track_set_comment ( pl, line_comment );
                line_comment = NULL;

            pl->trackpoints = NULL;
            vik_trw_layer_filein_add_track ( trw, line_name, pl );
            g_free ( line_name );
            line_name = NULL;

            current_track = pl;
        else if (line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_TRACKPOINT && current_track)
            VikTrackpoint *tp = vik_trackpoint_new();
            vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(tp->coord), coord_mode, &line_latlon );
            tp->newsegment = line_newsegment;
            tp->has_timestamp = line_has_timestamp;
            tp->timestamp = line_timestamp;
            tp->altitude = line_altitude;
            if (line_extended) {
                tp->extended = TRUE;
                tp->speed = line_speed;
                tp->course = line_course;
                tp->nsats = line_sat;
                tp->fix_mode = line_fix;
            else {
                tp->extended = FALSE;
            current_track->trackpoints = g_list_append ( current_track->trackpoints, tp );

        if (line_name)
            g_free ( line_name );
        line_name = NULL;
        if (line_comment)
            g_free ( line_comment );
        if (line_image)
            g_free ( line_image );
        if (line_symbol)
            g_free ( line_symbol );
        line_comment = NULL;
        line_image = NULL;
        line_symbol = NULL;
        line_type = GPSPOINT_TYPE_NONE;
        line_newsegment = FALSE;
        line_has_timestamp = FALSE;
        line_timestamp = 0;
        line_altitude = VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE;
        line_visible = TRUE;
        line_symbol = NULL;

        line_extended = FALSE;
        line_speed = NAN;
        line_course = NAN;
        line_sat = 0;
        line_fix = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void vik_viewport_set_center_latlon ( VikViewport *vvp, const struct LatLon *ll )
  vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(vvp->center), vvp->coord_mode, ll );
  if ( vvp->coord_mode == VIK_COORD_UTM )
    viewport_utm_zone_check ( vvp );
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * Returns whether file read was a success
 * No obvious way to test for a 'gpspoint' file,
 *  thus set a flag if any actual tag found during processing of the file
gboolean a_gpspoint_read_file(VikTrwLayer *trw, FILE *f, const gchar *dirpath ) {
  VikCoordMode coord_mode = vik_trw_layer_get_coord_mode ( trw );
  gchar *tag_start, *tag_end;
  g_assert ( f != NULL && trw != NULL );
  line_type = 0;
  line_timestamp = 0;
  line_newsegment = FALSE;
  line_image = NULL;
  line_symbol = NULL;
  current_track = NULL;
  gboolean have_read_something = FALSE;

  while (fgets(line_buffer, VIKING_LINE_SIZE, f))
    gboolean inside_quote = 0;
    gboolean backslash = 0;

    line_buffer[strlen(line_buffer)-1] = '\0'; /* chop off newline */

    /* for gpspoint files wrapped inside */
    if ( strlen(line_buffer) >= 13 && strncmp ( line_buffer, "~EndLayerData", 13 ) == 0 ) {
      // Even just a blank TRW is ok when in a .vik file
      have_read_something = TRUE;

    /* each line: nullify stuff, make thing if nes, free name if ness */
    tag_start = line_buffer;
    for (;;)
      /* my addition: find first non-whitespace character. if the null, skip line. */
      while (*tag_start != '\0' && isspace(*tag_start))
      if (*tag_start == '\0')

      if (*tag_start == '#')

      tag_end = tag_start;
        if (*tag_end == '"')
          inside_quote = !inside_quote;
      while (*tag_end != '\0' && (!isspace(*tag_end) || inside_quote)) {
        if (*tag_end == '\\' && !backslash)
          backslash = TRUE;
        else if (backslash)
          backslash = FALSE;
        else if (*tag_end == '"')
          inside_quote = !inside_quote;

      // Won't have super massively long strings, so potential truncation in cast is acceptable.
      guint len = (guint)(tag_end - tag_start);
      gpspoint_process_tag ( tag_start, len );

      if (*tag_end == '\0' )
        tag_start = tag_end+1;
    if (line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_WAYPOINT && line_name)
      have_read_something = TRUE;
      VikWaypoint *wp = vik_waypoint_new();
      wp->visible = line_visible;
      wp->altitude = line_altitude;
      wp->has_timestamp = line_has_timestamp;
      wp->timestamp = line_timestamp;

      vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(wp->coord), coord_mode, &line_latlon );

      vik_trw_layer_filein_add_waypoint ( trw, line_name, wp );
      g_free ( line_name );
      line_name = NULL;

      if ( line_comment )
        vik_waypoint_set_comment ( wp, line_comment );

      if ( line_description )
        vik_waypoint_set_description ( wp, line_description );

      if ( line_source )
        vik_waypoint_set_source ( wp, line_source );

      if ( line_xtype )
        vik_waypoint_set_type ( wp, line_xtype );

      if ( line_image ) {
        // Ensure the filename is absolute
        if ( g_path_is_absolute ( line_image ) )
          vik_waypoint_set_image ( wp, line_image );
        else {
          // Otherwise create the absolute filename from the directory of the .vik file & and the relative filename
          gchar *full = g_strconcat(dirpath, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, line_image, NULL);
          gchar *absolute = file_realpath_dup ( full ); // resolved into the canonical name
          vik_waypoint_set_image ( wp, absolute );
          g_free ( absolute );
          g_free ( full );

      if ( line_symbol )
        vik_waypoint_set_symbol ( wp, line_symbol );
    else if ((line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_TRACK || line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_ROUTE) && line_name)
      have_read_something = TRUE;
      VikTrack *pl = vik_track_new();
      // NB don't set defaults here as all properties are stored in the GPS_POINT format
      //vik_track_set_defaults ( pl );

      /* Thanks to Peter Jones for this Fix */
      if (!line_name) line_name = g_strdup("UNK");

      pl->visible = line_visible;
      pl->is_route = (line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_ROUTE);

      if ( line_comment )
        vik_track_set_comment ( pl, line_comment );

      if ( line_description )
        vik_track_set_description ( pl, line_description );

      if ( line_source )
        vik_track_set_source ( pl, line_source );

      if ( line_xtype )
        vik_track_set_type ( pl, line_xtype );

      if ( line_color )
        if ( gdk_color_parse ( line_color, &(pl->color) ) )
        pl->has_color = TRUE;

      pl->draw_name_mode = line_name_label;
      pl->max_number_dist_labels = line_dist_label;

      pl->trackpoints = NULL;
      vik_trw_layer_filein_add_track ( trw, line_name, pl );
      g_free ( line_name );
      line_name = NULL;

      current_track = pl;
    else if ((line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_TRACKPOINT || line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_ROUTEPOINT) && current_track)
      have_read_something = TRUE;
      VikTrackpoint *tp = vik_trackpoint_new();
      vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(tp->coord), coord_mode, &line_latlon );
      tp->newsegment = line_newsegment;
      tp->has_timestamp = line_has_timestamp;
      tp->timestamp = line_timestamp;
      tp->altitude = line_altitude;
      vik_trackpoint_set_name ( tp, line_name );
      if (line_extended) {
        tp->speed = line_speed;
        tp->course = line_course;
        tp->nsats = line_sat;
        tp->fix_mode = line_fix;
        tp->hdop = line_hdop;
        tp->vdop = line_vdop;
        tp->pdop = line_pdop;
      current_track->trackpoints = g_list_append ( current_track->trackpoints, tp );

    if (line_name) 
      g_free ( line_name );
    line_name = NULL;
    if (line_comment)
      g_free ( line_comment );
    if (line_description)
      g_free ( line_description );
    if (line_source)
      g_free ( line_source );
    if (line_xtype)
      g_free ( line_xtype );
    if (line_color)
      g_free ( line_color );
    if (line_image)
      g_free ( line_image );
    if (line_symbol)
      g_free ( line_symbol );
    line_comment = NULL;
    line_description = NULL;
    line_source = NULL;
    line_xtype = NULL;
    line_color = NULL;
    line_image = NULL;
    line_symbol = NULL;
    line_type = GPSPOINT_TYPE_NONE;
    line_newsegment = FALSE;
    line_has_timestamp = FALSE;
    line_timestamp = 0;
    line_altitude = VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE;
    line_visible = TRUE;
    line_symbol = NULL;

    line_extended = FALSE;
    line_speed = NAN;
    line_course = NAN;
    line_sat = 0;
    line_fix = 0;
    line_hdop = VIK_DEFAULT_DOP;
    line_vdop = VIK_DEFAULT_DOP;
    line_pdop = VIK_DEFAULT_DOP;
    line_name_label = 0;
    line_dist_label = 0;

  return have_read_something;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 * a_geotag_create_waypoint_from_file:
 * @filename: The image file to process
 * @vcmode:   The current location mode to use in the positioning of Waypoint
 * @name:     Returns a name for the Waypoint (can be NULL)
 * Returns: An allocated Waypoint or NULL if Waypoint could not be generated (e.g. no EXIF info)
VikWaypoint* a_geotag_create_waypoint_from_file ( const gchar *filename, VikCoordMode vcmode, gchar **name )
	// Default return values (for failures)
	*name = NULL;
	VikWaypoint *wp = NULL;

	GExiv2Metadata *gemd = gexiv2_metadata_new ();
	if ( gexiv2_metadata_open_path ( gemd, filename, NULL ) ) {
		gdouble lat;
		gdouble lon;
		gdouble alt;
		if ( gexiv2_metadata_get_gps_info ( gemd, &lon, &lat, &alt ) ) {
			struct LatLon ll;
			ll.lat = lat;
			ll.lon = lon;

			// Now create Waypoint with acquired information
			wp = vik_waypoint_new();
			wp->visible = TRUE;
			// Set info from exif values
			// Location
			vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(wp->coord), vcmode, &ll );
			// Altitude
			wp->altitude = alt;

			if ( gexiv2_metadata_has_tag ( gemd, "Exif.Image.XPTitle" ) )
				*name = g_strdup ( gexiv2_metadata_get_tag_interpreted_string ( gemd, "Exif.Image.XPTitle" ) );
			wp->comment = geotag_get_exif_comment ( gemd );

			// Direction
			VikWaypointImageDirectionRef ref = WP_IMAGE_DIRECTION_REF_TRUE;
			if ( gexiv2_metadata_has_tag ( gemd, EXIF_GPS_IMGDIR_REF ) ) {
				gchar* ref_str = gexiv2_metadata_get_tag_interpreted_string(gemd, EXIF_GPS_IMGDIR_REF);
				if ( ref_str && g_ascii_strncasecmp ("M", ref_str, 1) == 0 )
				g_free ( ref_str );
			if ( gexiv2_metadata_has_tag ( gemd, EXIF_GPS_IMGDIR ) ) {
				gint nom;
				gint den;
				gdouble direction = NAN;
				if ( gexiv2_metadata_get_exif_tag_rational (gemd, EXIF_GPS_IMGDIR, &nom, &den) )
					if ( den != 0 )
						direction = (gdouble)nom/(gdouble)den;

				if ( !isnan(direction) )
					vik_waypoint_set_image_direction_info ( wp, direction, ref );

			vik_waypoint_set_image ( wp, filename );
	metadata_free ( gemd );
	// TODO use log?
	//ExifLog *log = NULL;

	// open image with libexif
	ExifData *ed = exif_data_new_from_file ( filename );

	// Detect EXIF load failure
	if ( !ed )
		// return with no Waypoint
		return wp;

	struct LatLon ll;

	gchar str[128];
	ExifEntry *ee;

	ee = exif_content_get_entry (ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_GPS], EXIF_TAG_GPS_VERSION_ID);
	// Confirm this has a GPS Id - normally "" or ""
	if ( ! ( ee && ee->components == 4 ) )
		goto MyReturn;
	// Could test for these versions explicitly but may have byte order issues...
	//if ( ! ( ee->data[0] == 2 && ee->data[2] == 0 && ee->data[3] == 0 ) )
	//	goto MyReturn;

	ll = get_latlon ( ed );

	// Hopefully won't have valid images at 0,0!
	if ( ll.lat == 0.0 && ll.lon == 0.0 )
		goto MyReturn;

	// Not worried if none of the other fields exist, as can default the values to something

	gdouble alt = VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE;
	ee = exif_content_get_entry (ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_GPS], EXIF_TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE);
	if ( ee && ee->components == 1 && ee->format == EXIF_FORMAT_RATIONAL ) {
		alt = Rational2Double ( ee->data,
								exif_data_get_byte_order(ed) );

		ee = exif_content_get_entry (ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_GPS], EXIF_TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE_REF);
		if ( ee && ee->components == 1 && ee->format == EXIF_FORMAT_BYTE && ee->data[0] == 1 )
			alt = -alt;

	// Name
	ee = exif_content_get_entry (ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_0], EXIF_TAG_XP_TITLE);
	if ( ee ) {
		exif_entry_get_value ( ee, str, 128 );
		*name = g_strdup ( str );

	// Now create Waypoint with acquired information
	wp = vik_waypoint_new();
	wp->visible = TRUE;
	// Set info from exif values
	// Location
	vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(wp->coord), vcmode, &ll );
	// Altitude
	wp->altitude = alt;

	wp->comment = geotag_get_exif_comment ( ed );

	vik_waypoint_set_image ( wp, filename );

	// Finished with EXIF
	exif_data_free ( ed );

	return wp;