Ejemplo n.º 1
void FontResource::checkNotify()
    ResourceClientWalker<FontResourceClient> w(m_clients);
    while (FontResourceClient* c = w.next())
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Fl_Roller::draw()
    if (damage()&(FL_DAMAGE_ALL|FL_DAMAGE_HIGHLIGHT)) draw_box();
    int X=0; int Y=0; int W=w(); int H=h(); box()->inset(X,Y,W,H);
    if (W<=0 || H<=0) return;

    double s = step();
    if (!s) s = (maximum()-minimum())/100;
    int offset = int(value()/s);

    const double ARC = 1.5;      // 1/2 the number of radians visible
    const double delta = .2;     // radians per knurl
    if (type()==HORIZONTAL)
        // draw shaded ends of wheel:
        int h1 = W/4+1;          // distance from end that shading starts
        fl_color(button_color()); fl_rectf(X+h1,Y,W-2*h1,H);
        for (int i=0; h1; i++)
            int h2 = FL_GRAY-i-1 > FL_DARK3 ? 2*h1/3+1 : 0;
            h1 = h2;
        if (active_r())
            // draw ridges:
            double junk;
            for (double y = -ARC+modf(offset*sin(ARC)/(W/2)/delta,&junk)*delta;;
                    y += delta)
                int y1 = int((sin(y)/sin(ARC)+1)*W/2);
                if (y1 <= 0) continue; else if (y1 >= W-1) break;
                fl_color(FL_DARK3); fl_line(X+y1,Y+1,X+y1,Y+H-1);
                if (y < 0) y1--; else y1++;
            // draw edges:
            h1 = W/8+1;          // distance from end the color inverts
    }                            // vertical one
        offset = (1-offset);
        // draw shaded ends of wheel:
        int h1 = H/4+1;          // distance from end that shading starts
        fl_color(button_color()); fl_rectf(X,Y+h1,W,H-2*h1);
        for (int i=0; h1; i++)
            int h2 = FL_GRAY-i-1 > FL_DARK3 ? 2*h1/3+1 : 0;
            h1 = h2;
        if (active_r())
            // draw ridges:
            double junk;
            for (double y = -ARC+modf(offset*sin(ARC)/(H/2)/delta,&junk)*delta;
                    ; y += delta)
                int y1 = int((sin(y)/sin(ARC)+1)*H/2);
                if (y1 <= 0) continue; else if (y1 >= H-1) break;
                fl_color(FL_DARK3); fl_line(X+1,Y+y1,X+W-1,Y+y1);
                if (y < 0) y1--; else y1++;
            // draw edges:
            h1 = H/8+1;          // distance from end the color inverts
    if (focused())
        focus_box()->draw(0,0,w(),h(), FL_BLACK, FL_INVISIBLE);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    // If running Win version, check if an explicit style
    // was defined on the command-line. If so, make a note
    // of it.
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
    bool styleChangeFound = false;
    for (int i=0; i < argc && !styleChangeFound; i++)
        char *tempchrstr = argv[i];
        QString temp = QString::fromUtf8(tempchrstr);
        if (temp == "-style")
            styleChangeFound = true;

    QApplication a(argc, argv);
    //QString defaultStyleName = qApp->style()->objectName();

    // If running Win version and no explicit style was
    // defined, use the style Fusion by default. I find the
    // windowsvista style a tad ugly
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
    if (!styleChangeFound)

    CommandLineUtility cmdutility;
    QStringList cmdarguments = a.arguments();

    QTranslator qtTranslator;
    qtTranslator.load("qt_" + QLocale::system().name(), QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath));

    QTranslator myappTranslator;
#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
    myappTranslator.load("antimicro_" + QLocale::system().name(), QApplication::applicationDirPath().append("/../share/antimicro/translations"));
#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN)
    myappTranslator.load("antimicro_" + QLocale::system().name(), QApplication::applicationDirPath().append("\\share\\antimicro\\translations"));

    if (cmdutility.hasError())
        return 1;
    else if (cmdutility.isHelpRequested())
        return 0;
    else if (cmdutility.isVersionRequested())
        return 0;


    QDir configDir (PadderCommon::configPath);
    if (!configDir.exists())

#ifdef USE_SDL_2
    QHash<SDL_JoystickID, InputDevice*> *joysticks = new QHash<SDL_JoystickID, InputDevice*>();
    QHash<int, InputDevice*> *joysticks = new QHash<int, InputDevice*>();

    // Cross-platform way of performing IPC. Currently,
    // only establish a connection and then disconnect.
    // In the future, there might be a reason to actually send
    // messages to the QLocalServer.
    QLocalSocket socket;
    if (socket.state() == QLocalSocket::ConnectedState)
        // An instance of this program is already running.
        // Save app config and exit.
        InputDaemon *joypad_worker = new InputDaemon(joysticks, false);
        MainWindow w(joysticks, &cmdutility, false);

        if (!cmdutility.hasError() && cmdutility.hasProfile())



#ifdef USE_SDL_2
        QHashIterator<SDL_JoystickID, InputDevice*> iter(*joysticks);
        QHashIterator<int, InputDevice*> iter(*joysticks);

        while (iter.hasNext())
            InputDevice *joystick = iter.next().value();
            if (joystick)
                delete joystick;
                joystick = 0;

        delete joysticks;
        joysticks = 0;

        delete joypad_worker;
        joypad_worker = 0;

        return 0;

    InputDaemon *joypad_worker = new InputDaemon (joysticks);
    MainWindow w(joysticks, &cmdutility);

#ifdef USE_SDL_2
    QObject::connect(joypad_worker, SIGNAL(joysticksRefreshed(QHash<SDL_JoystickID, InputDevice*>*)), &w, SLOT(fillButtons(QHash<SDL_JoystickID, InputDevice*>*)));
    QObject::connect(joypad_worker, SIGNAL(joysticksRefreshed(QHash<int, InputDevice*>*)), &w, SLOT(fillButtons(QHash<int, InputDevice*>*)));
    QObject::connect(&w, SIGNAL(joystickRefreshRequested()), joypad_worker, SLOT(refresh()));
    QObject::connect(joypad_worker, SIGNAL(joystickRefreshed(InputDevice*)), &w, SLOT(fillButtons(InputDevice*)));
    QObject::connect(&a, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), &a, SLOT(quit()));
    QObject::connect(&a, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), &w, SLOT(saveAppConfig()));
    QObject::connect(&a, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), &w, SLOT(removeJoyTabs()));
    QObject::connect(&a, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), joypad_worker, SLOT(quit()));
#ifdef USE_SDL_2
    QObject::connect(&w, SIGNAL(mappingUpdated(QString,InputDevice*)), joypad_worker, SLOT(refreshMapping(QString,InputDevice*)));
    QObject::connect(joypad_worker, SIGNAL(deviceUpdated(int,InputDevice*)), &w, SLOT(testMappingUpdateNow(int,InputDevice*)));
    QObject::connect(joypad_worker, SIGNAL(deviceRemoved(SDL_JoystickID)), &w, SLOT(removeJoyTab(SDL_JoystickID)));
    QObject::connect(joypad_worker, SIGNAL(deviceAdded(InputDevice*)), &w, SLOT(addJoyTab(InputDevice*)));

    /*if (!cmdutility.isHiddenRequested() && (!cmdutility.isLaunchInTrayEnabled() || !QSystemTrayIcon::isSystemTrayAvailable()))

    int app_result = a.exec();

#ifdef USE_SDL_2
    QHashIterator<SDL_JoystickID, InputDevice*> iter(*joysticks);
    QHashIterator<int, InputDevice*> iter(*joysticks);

    while (iter.hasNext())
        InputDevice *joystick = iter.next().value();
        if (joystick)
            delete joystick;
            joystick = 0;

    delete joysticks;
    joysticks = 0;

    delete joypad_worker;
    joypad_worker = 0;

    return app_result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    std::vector<boost::function1<Real, Array> >
    LsmBasisSystem::multiPathBasisSystem(Size dim, Size order,
                                         PolynomType polynomType) {

        const std::vector<boost::function1<Real, Real> > b
            = pathBasisSystem(order, polynomType);

        std::vector<boost::function1<Real, Array> > ret;
        ret.push_back(bind(constant<Real, Real>(1.0),
                           bind(f_workaround, _1, 0, dim)));

        for (Size i=1; i<=order; ++i) {
            const std::vector<boost::function1<Real, Array> > a
                = w(dim, i, polynomType, b);

            for (std::vector<boost::function1<Real, Array> >::const_iterator
                     iter = a.begin(); iter < a.end(); ++iter) {

        // remove-o-zap: now remove redundant functions.
        // usually we do have a lot of them due to the construction schema.
        // We use a more "hands on" method here.
        std::deque<bool> rm(ret.size(), true);

        Array x(dim), v(ret.size());
        MersenneTwisterUniformRng rng(1234UL);

        for (Size i=0; i<10; ++i) {
            Size k;

            // calculate random x vector
            for (k=0; k<dim; ++k) {
                x[k] = rng.next().value;

            // get return values for all basis functions
            for (k=0; k<ret.size(); ++k) {
                v[k] = ret[k](x);

            // find duplicates
            for (k=0; k<ret.size(); ++k) {
                if (std::find_if(v.begin(), v.end(),
                                      v[k], _1) )
                    == v.begin() + k) {

                    // don't remove this item, it's unique!
                    rm[k] = false;

        std::vector<boost::function1<Real, Array> >::iterator
            iter = ret.begin();

        for (Size i=0; i < rm.size(); ++i) {
            if (rm[i]) {
                iter = ret.erase(iter);
            else {

        return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool link_det_minor(
	size_t                     size     ,
	size_t                     repeat   ,
	CppAD::vector<double>     &matrix   ,
	CppAD::vector<double>     &gradient )
	// speed test global option values
	if( global_option["atomic"] )
		return false;

	// -----------------------------------------------------
	// setup

	// object for computing determinant
	typedef CppAD::AD<double>       ADScalar;
	typedef CppAD::vector<ADScalar> ADVector;
	CppAD::det_by_minor<ADScalar>   Det(size);

	size_t i;               // temporary index
	size_t m = 1;           // number of dependent variables
	size_t n = size * size; // number of independent variables
	ADVector   A(n);        // AD domain space vector
	ADVector   detA(m);     // AD range space vector

	// vectors of reverse mode weights
	CppAD::vector<double> w(1);
	w[0] = 1.;

	// the AD function object
	CppAD::ADFun<double> f;

	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	if( ! global_option["onetape"] ) while(repeat--)
		// choose a matrix
		CppAD::uniform_01(n, matrix);
		for( i = 0; i < size * size; i++)
			A[i] = matrix[i];

		// declare independent variables

		// AD computation of the determinant
		detA[0] = Det(A);

		// create function object f : A -> detA
		f.Dependent(A, detA);

		if( global_option["optimize"] )

		// skip comparison operators

		// evaluate the determinant at the new matrix value
		f.Forward(0, matrix);

		// evaluate and return gradient using reverse mode
		gradient = f.Reverse(1, w);
		// choose a matrix
		CppAD::uniform_01(n, matrix);
		for( i = 0; i < size * size; i++)
			A[i] = matrix[i];

		// declare independent variables

		// AD computation of the determinant
		detA[0] = Det(A);

		// create function object f : A -> detA
		f.Dependent(A, detA);

		if( global_option["optimize"] )

		// skip comparison operators

		// ------------------------------------------------------
		{	// get the next matrix
			CppAD::uniform_01(n, matrix);

			// evaluate the determinant at the new matrix value
			f.Forward(0, matrix);

			// evaluate and return gradient using reverse mode
			gradient = f.Reverse(1, w);
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void Screen::blockMove() {
	blockMove(Common::Rect(0, 0, w(), h()));
Ejemplo n.º 7
int Flu_Wrap_Group :: layout( bool sbVisible, bool doScrollTo, int *measure )
  int xx = x()+Fl::box_dx(box()), yy = y()+Fl::box_dy(box()),
    ww = w()-Fl::box_dw(box()), hh = h()-Fl::box_dh(box());

  if( type() == FL_VERTICAL )
      int i, X, Y, maxH, H, col, row, maxW, scrollY;
      Fl_Widget *c;

      scrollbar.type( FL_VERTICAL );


      X = xx+_offset[0];
      Y = yy+_offset[1] - (sbVisible ? scrollbar.value() : 0);
      maxH = _offset[1];
      H = 0;
      col = 0;
      row = 0;
      scrollY = 0;
      maxW = xx + ww - (sbVisible ? scrollbar.w() : 0);

      for( i = 0; i < group.children(); i++ )
	  c = group.child(i);
	  if( !c->visible() )
	  H = MAX( H, c->h() );
	  if( col == 0 )
	    maxH += H + _spacing[1];
	  if( ( X + c->w() ) > maxW )
	      Y += H + _spacing[1];
	      scrollY += H + _spacing[1];
	      if( i == group.children()-1 )
		maxH += H + _spacing[1];

	      if( measure )
		  if( xx+_offset[0] <= measure[0] && measure[0] <= xx+c->w()+_offset[0]+_spacing[0] &&
		      Y <= measure[1] && measure[1] <= Y+c->h()+_spacing[1] )
		    return i;
		c->position( xx+_offset[0], Y );

	      col = 0;
	      H = 0;
	      X = xx+c->w() + _offset[0] + _spacing[0];
	      if( measure )
		  if( X <= measure[0] && measure[0] <= X+c->w()+_spacing[0] &&
		      Y <= measure[1] && measure[1] <= Y+c->h()+_spacing[1] )
		    return i;
		c->position( X, Y );
	      X += c->w() + _spacing[0];

	  if( doScrollTo && (c == scrollTo) )
	      if( scrollY > scrollbar.maximum() )
		scrollY = (int)scrollbar.maximum();
	      ((Fl_Valuator*)&scrollbar)->value( scrollY );
	      scrollTo = NULL;
	      goto BEGIN_H;

	  // if we exceed the height and the scrollbar is not visible,
	  // then it will soon become visible so we don't need to process anymore
	  if( !measure && !sbVisible && maxH > hh )
	    return 1;

      if( measure )
	return -1;
      else if( maxH > hh )
	  scrollbar.range( 0, maxH-hh );
	  scrollbar.slider_size( MAX( float(scrollbar.h()-(maxH-hh))/float(scrollbar.h()), 0.08f ) );
	  return 1;
	return 0;
      int i, X, Y, W, maxW, maxH, col, row, scrollX;
      Fl_Widget *c;

      scrollbar.type( FL_HORIZONTAL );


      X = xx+_offset[0] - (sbVisible ? scrollbar.value() : 0);
      Y = yy+_offset[1];
      maxW = _offset[0];
      W = 0;
      col = 0;
      row = 0;
      scrollX = 0;
      maxH = yy + hh - (sbVisible ? scrollbar.h() : 0);

      for( i = 0; i < group.children(); i++ )
	  c = group.child(i);
	  if( !c->visible() )

	  W = MAX( W, c->w() );

	  if( row == 0 )
	    maxW += W + _spacing[0];

	  if( ( Y + c->h() ) > maxH )
	      X += W + _spacing[0];
	      scrollX += W + _spacing[0];
	      if( i == group.children()-1 )
		maxW += W + _spacing[0];

	      if( measure )
		  if( X <= measure[0] && measure[0] <= X+c->w()+_spacing[0] &&
		      yy+_offset[1] <= measure[1] && measure[1] <= yy+c->h()+_offset[1]+_spacing[1] )
		    return i;
		c->position( X, yy+_offset[1] );

	      row = 0;
	      W = 0;
	      Y = yy+c->h() + _offset[1] + _spacing[1];
	      if( measure )
		  if( X <= measure[0] && measure[0] <= X+c->w()+_spacing[0] &&
		      Y <= measure[1] && measure[1] <= Y+c->h()+_spacing[1] )
		    return i;
		c->position( X, Y );
	      Y += c->h() + _spacing[1];

	  if( doScrollTo && (c == scrollTo) )
	      if( scrollX > scrollbar.maximum() )
		scrollX = (int)scrollbar.maximum();
	      ((Fl_Valuator*)&scrollbar)->value( scrollX );
	      scrollTo = NULL;
	      goto BEGIN_W;

	  // if we exceed the width and the scrollbar is not visible,
	  // then it will soon become visible so we don't need to process anymore
	  if( !measure && !sbVisible && maxW > ww )
	    return 1;

      if( measure )
	return -1;
      else if( maxW > ww )
	  scrollbar.range( 0, maxW-ww );
	  scrollbar.slider_size( MAX( float(scrollbar.w()-(maxW-ww))/float(scrollbar.w()), 0.08f ) );
	  return 1;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void gWaveform::draw() 
  /* blank canvas */

  fl_rectf(x(), y(), w(), h(), COLOR_BG_0);

  /* draw selection (if any) */

  if (selectionA != selectionB) {

    int a_x = selectionA + x() - BORDER; // - start;
    int b_x = selectionB + x() - BORDER; //  - start;

    if (a_x < 0)
      a_x = 0;
    if (b_x >= w()-1)
      b_x = w()-1;

    if (selectionA < selectionB)
      fl_rectf(a_x+BORDER, y(), b_x-a_x, h(), COLOR_BD_0);
      fl_rectf(b_x+BORDER, y(), a_x-b_x, h(), COLOR_BD_0);

  /* draw waveform from x1 (offset driven by the scrollbar) to x2
   * (width of parent window). We don't draw the entire waveform,
   * only the visibile part. */

  int offset = h() / 2;
  int zero   = y() + offset; // sample zero (-inf dB)

  int wx1 = abs(x() - ((gWaveTools*)parent())->x());
  int wx2 = wx1 + ((gWaveTools*)parent())->w();
  if (x()+w() < ((gWaveTools*)parent())->w())
    wx2 = x() + w() - BORDER;

  fl_color(0, 0, 0);
  for (int i=wx1; i<wx2; i++) {
    fl_line(i+x(), zero, i+x(), data.sup[i]);
    fl_line(i+x(), zero, i+x(), data.inf[i]);
    /* print grid */

    for (unsigned k=0; k<grid.points.size; k++) {
      if (grid.points.at(k) == i) {
        //gLog("draw grid line at %d\n", i);
        fl_color(fl_rgb_color(54, 54, 54));
        fl_line_style(FL_DASH, 0, NULL);
        fl_line(i+x(), y(), i+x(), y()+h());
        fl_color(0, 0, 0);
        fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, 0, NULL);

  /* border box */

  fl_rect(x(), y(), w(), h(), COLOR_BD_0);

  /* print chanStart */

  int lineX = x()+chanStart+1;

  if (chanStartLit) fl_color(COLOR_BD_1);
  else              fl_color(COLOR_BD_0);

  /* vertical line */

  fl_line(lineX, y()+1, lineX, y()+h()-2);

  /* print flag and avoid overflow */

  if (lineX+FLAG_WIDTH > w()+x()-2)
    fl_rectf(lineX, y()+h()-FLAG_HEIGHT-1, w()-lineX+x()-1, FLAG_HEIGHT);
  else  {
    fl_rectf(lineX, y()+h()-FLAG_HEIGHT-1, FLAG_WIDTH, FLAG_HEIGHT);
    fl_color(255, 255, 255);
    fl_draw("s", lineX+4, y()+h()-3);

  /* print chanEnd */

  lineX = x()+chanEnd;
  if (chanEndLit) fl_color(COLOR_BD_1);
  else            fl_color(COLOR_BD_0);

  fl_line(lineX, y()+1, lineX, y()+h()-2);

  if (lineX-FLAG_WIDTH < x())
    fl_rectf(x()+1, y()+1, lineX-x(), FLAG_HEIGHT);
  else {
    fl_rectf(lineX-FLAG_WIDTH, y()+1, FLAG_WIDTH, FLAG_HEIGHT);
    fl_color(255, 255, 255);
    fl_draw("e", lineX-10, y()+10);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void ClpLsqr::do_lsqr(CoinDenseVector< double > &b,
  double damp, double atol, double btol, double conlim, int itnlim,
  bool show, Info info, CoinDenseVector< double > &x, int *istop,
  int *itn, Outfo *outfo, bool precon, CoinDenseVector< double > &Pr)

     Special version of LSQR for use with pdco.m.
     It continues with a reduced atol if a pdco-specific test isn't
     satisfied with the input atol.

  //     Initialize.
  static char term_msg[8][80] = {
    "The exact solution is x = 0",
    "The residual Ax - b is small enough, given ATOL and BTOL",
    "The least squares error is small enough, given ATOL",
    "The estimated condition number has exceeded CONLIM",
    "The residual Ax - b is small enough, given machine precision",
    "The least squares error is small enough, given machine precision",
    "The estimated condition number has exceeded machine precision",
    "The iteration limit has been reached"

  //  printf("***************** Entering LSQR *************\n");

  char str1[100], str2[100], str3[100], str4[100], head1[100], head2[100];

  int n = ncols_; // set  m,n from lsqr object

  *itn = 0;
  *istop = 0;
  double ctol = 0;
  if (conlim > 0)
    ctol = 1 / conlim;

  double anorm = 0;
  double acond = 0;
  double ddnorm = 0;
  double xnorm = 0;
  double xxnorm = 0;
  double z = 0;
  double cs2 = -1;
  double sn2 = 0;

  // Set up the first vectors u and v for the bidiagonalization.
  // These satisfy  beta*u = b,  alfa*v = A'u.

  CoinDenseVector< double > u(b);
  CoinDenseVector< double > v(n, 0.0);
  double alfa = 0;
  double beta = u.twoNorm();
  if (beta > 0) {
    u = (1 / beta) * u;
    matVecMult(2, v, u);
    if (precon)
      v = v * Pr;
    alfa = v.twoNorm();
  if (alfa > 0) {
    v.scale(1 / alfa);
  CoinDenseVector< double > w(v);

  double arnorm = alfa * beta;
  if (arnorm == 0) {
    printf("  %s\n\n", term_msg[0]);

  double rhobar = alfa;
  double phibar = beta;
  double bnorm = beta;
  double rnorm = beta;
  sprintf(head1, "   Itn      x(1)      Function");
  sprintf(head2, " Compatible   LS      Norm A   Cond A");

  if (show) {
    printf(" %s%s\n", head1, head2);
    double test1 = 1;
    double test2 = alfa / beta;
    sprintf(str1, "%6d %12.5e %10.3e", *itn, x[0], rnorm);
    sprintf(str2, "  %8.1e  %8.1e", test1, test2);
    printf("%s%s\n", str1, str2);

  // Main iteration loop.
  while (*itn < itnlim) {
    *itn += 1;
    // Perform the next step of the bidiagonalization to obtain the
    // next beta, u, alfa, v.  These satisfy the relations
    // beta*u  =  a*v   -  alfa*u,
    // alfa*v  =  A'*u  -  beta*v.

    if (precon) {
      CoinDenseVector< double > pv(v * Pr);
      matVecMult(1, u, pv);
    } else {
      matVecMult(1, u, v);
    beta = u.twoNorm();
    if (beta > 0) {
      u.scale((1 / beta));
      anorm = sqrt(anorm * anorm + alfa * alfa + beta * beta + damp * damp);
      CoinDenseVector< double > vv(n);
      matVecMult(2, vv, u);
      if (precon)
        vv = vv * Pr;
      v = v + vv;
      alfa = v.twoNorm();
      if (alfa > 0)
        v.scale((1 / alfa));

    // Use a plane rotation to eliminate the damping parameter.
    // This alters the diagonal (rhobar) of the lower-bidiagonal matrix.

    double rhobar1 = sqrt(rhobar * rhobar + damp * damp);
    double cs1 = rhobar / rhobar1;
    double sn1 = damp / rhobar1;
    double psi = sn1 * phibar;
    phibar *= cs1;

    // Use a plane rotation to eliminate the subdiagonal element (beta)
    // of the lower-bidiagonal matrix, giving an upper-bidiagonal matrix.

    double rho = sqrt(rhobar1 * rhobar1 + beta * beta);
    double cs = rhobar1 / rho;
    double sn = beta / rho;
    double theta = sn * alfa;
    rhobar = -cs * alfa;
    double phi = cs * phibar;
    phibar = sn * phibar;
    double tau = sn * phi;

    // Update x and w.

    double t1 = phi / rho;
    double t2 = -theta / rho;
    //    dk           =   ((1/rho)*w);

    double w_norm = w.twoNorm();
    x = x + t1 * w;
    w = v + t2 * w;
    ddnorm = ddnorm + (w_norm / rho) * (w_norm / rho);
    // if wantvar, var = var  +  dk.*dk; end

    // Use a plane rotation on the right to eliminate the
    // super-diagonal element (theta) of the upper-bidiagonal matrix.
    // Then use the result to estimate  norm(x).

    double delta = sn2 * rho;
    double gambar = -cs2 * rho;
    double rhs = phi - delta * z;
    double zbar = rhs / gambar;
    xnorm = sqrt(xxnorm + zbar * zbar);
    double gamma = sqrt(gambar * gambar + theta * theta);
    cs2 = gambar / gamma;
    sn2 = theta / gamma;
    z = rhs / gamma;
    xxnorm = xxnorm + z * z;

    // Test for convergence.
    // First, estimate the condition of the matrix  Abar,
    // and the norms of  rbar  and  Abar'rbar.

    acond = anorm * sqrt(ddnorm);
    double res1 = phibar * phibar;
    double res2 = res1 + psi * psi;
    rnorm = sqrt(res1 + res2);
    arnorm = alfa * fabs(tau);

    // Now use these norms to estimate certain other quantities,
    // some of which will be small near a solution.

    double test1 = rnorm / bnorm;
    double test2 = arnorm / (anorm * rnorm);
    double test3 = 1 / acond;
    t1 = test1 / (1 + anorm * xnorm / bnorm);
    double rtol = btol + atol * anorm * xnorm / bnorm;

    // The following tests guard against extremely small values of
    // atol, btol  or  ctol.  (The user may have set any or all of
    // the parameters  atol, btol, conlim  to 0.)
    // The effect is equivalent to the normal tests using
    // atol = eps,  btol = eps,  conlim = 1/eps.

    if (*itn >= itnlim)
      *istop = 7;
    if (1 + test3 <= 1)
      *istop = 6;
    if (1 + test2 <= 1)
      *istop = 5;
    if (1 + t1 <= 1)
      *istop = 4;

    // Allow for tolerances set by the user.

    if (test3 <= ctol)
      *istop = 3;
    if (test2 <= atol)
      *istop = 2;
    if (test1 <= rtol)
      *istop = 1;

    // Aname in pdco   is  iw in lsqr.
    // dy              is  x
    // Other stuff     is in info.

    // We allow for diagonal preconditioning in pdDDD3.
    if (*istop > 0) {
      double r3new = arnorm;
      double r3ratio = r3new / info.r3norm;
      double atolold = atol;
      double atolnew = atol;

      if (atol > info.atolmin) {
        if (r3ratio <= 0.1) { // dy seems good
          // Relax
        } else if (r3ratio <= 0.5) { // Accept dy but make next one more accurate.
          atolnew = atolnew * 0.1;
        } else { // Recompute dy more accurately
          if (show) {
            printf("\n                                ");
            printf("                                \n");
            printf(" %5.1f%7d%7.3f", log10(atolold), *itn, r3ratio);
          atol = atol * 0.1;
          atolnew = atol;
          *istop = 0;

        outfo->atolold = atolold;
        outfo->atolnew = atolnew;
        outfo->r3ratio = r3ratio;

      // See if it is time to print something.
      int prnt = 0;
      if (n <= 40)
        prnt = 1;
      if (*itn <= 10)
        prnt = 1;
      if (*itn >= itnlim - 10)
        prnt = 1;
      if (*itn % 10 == 0)
        prnt = 1;
      if (test3 <= 2 * ctol)
        prnt = 1;
      if (test2 <= 10 * atol)
        prnt = 1;
      if (test1 <= 10 * rtol)
        prnt = 1;
      if (*istop != 0)
        prnt = 1;

      if (prnt == 1) {
        if (show) {
          sprintf(str1, "   %6d %12.5e %10.3e", *itn, x[0], rnorm);
          sprintf(str2, "  %8.1e %8.1e", test1, test2);
          sprintf(str3, " %8.1e %8.1e", anorm, acond);
          printf("%s%s%s\n", str1, str2, str3);
      if (*istop > 0)
  // End of iteration loop.
  // Print the stopping condition.

  if (show) {
    printf("\n LSQR finished\n");
    //    disp(msg(istop+1,:))
    //    disp(' ')
    printf("%s\n", term_msg[*istop]);
    sprintf(str1, "istop  =%8d     itn    =%8d", *istop, *itn);
    sprintf(str2, "anorm  =%8.1e   acond  =%8.1e", anorm, acond);
    sprintf(str3, "rnorm  =%8.1e   arnorm =%8.1e", rnorm, arnorm);
    sprintf(str4, "bnorm  =%8.1e   xnorm  =%8.1e", bnorm, xnorm);
    printf("%s %s\n", str1, str2);
    printf("%s %s\n", str3, str4);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void CachedRawResource::didSendData(unsigned long long bytesSent, unsigned long long totalBytesToBeSent)
    CachedResourceClientWalker<CachedRawResourceClient> w(m_clients);
    while (CachedRawResourceClient* c = w.next())
        c->dataSent(this, bytesSent, totalBytesToBeSent);
Ejemplo n.º 11
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // Creation des abonnes, des etudiants et des professeurs
    Abonne john("1839456", "Doe", "John", 23);
    Abonne nicolas("1630236", "Gagnon", "Nicolas", 8);
    Abonne martin("1269348", "Tremblay", "Martin", 18);
    Etudiant harry("1782965", "Potter", "Harry", 21, "Pourdlard");
    Etudiant hermione("1876458", "Granger", "Hermione", 20, "Pourdlard");
    EtudiantBaccalaureat tony("1865487", "Stark", "Tony", 42);
    Professeur albus("p878546", "Dumbledore", "Albus", 78, { "Polytechnique", "UdM", "Poudlard" });

    // Création des livres et DVD
    Livre livre1("BD302", "Harry Potter et le prisionier d'Azkaban", 1999, 3, 17, "JK ROWLING", "Science-Fiction");
    Livre livre2("QA204", "Calcul a plusieurs variables partie 2", 2011, 3, 1, "Cay HORTSTMANN", "Informatique");
    Livre livre3("GA403", "Big C++", 2009, 8, 2, "Cay HORTSTMANN", "Informatique");
    Livre livre4("AC409", "Le chateau d'Ortrante", 1764, 16, 2, "Cay HORTSTMANN", "Informatique");
    Livre livre5("QA203", "Calcul a plusieurs variables partie 1", 2011, 3, 1, "Cay HORTSTMANN", "Informatique");
    Livre livre6("GA404", "Big C++", 2016, 8, 2, "Cay HORTSTMANN", "Informatique");

    Dvd dvd1("D8403", "Rush Hour", 1998, 2, 13, "Al", { "Jackie Chan", "Chris Tucker" });
    Dvd dvd2("D7203", "Avenger", 2012, 3, 5, "Nick Fury", { "Iron Man", "Thor","Hulk", "Captain America", "Black Window" });

    // Creation de la bibliotheque, et ajout des elements
    Bibliotheque biblio;

    //Ajout des Abonnes
    biblio += &john;	biblio += &nicolas;	biblio += &martin;
    biblio += &harry;	biblio += &tony;	biblio += &hermione;
    biblio += &albus;

    // Ajout des livres et DVD
    biblio += &livre1;	biblio += &livre2;	biblio += &livre3;
    biblio += &livre4;	biblio += &livre5;	biblio += &livre6;
    biblio += &dvd1;	biblio += &dvd2;

    // Creation des objets numeriques et ajout à la bibliotheque
    LivreNumerique livNum1(FORMAT_EPUB, 1270, "vvv.3Mousquetaire.com", "NUM392",
                           "Les 3 mousquetaires", 1844, 11, 5, "A. Dumas", "Roman");
    LivreNumerique livNum2(FORMAT_EPUB, 1270, "vvv.3Mousquetaire.com", "NUM393",
                           "Les 3 mousquetaires 2", 1846, 11, 5, "A. Dumas", "Roman");
    biblio += &livNum1;
    biblio += &livNum2;

    // Création du vecteur pour effectuer les emprunts
    vector<pair<string,string> > vecEmp {make_pair("1630236","BD302"), make_pair("1630236","D7203"),
                                         make_pair("1782965","AC409"), make_pair("1782965","BD302"),
                                         make_pair("1782965","D7203"), make_pair("1782965","QA203"),
                                         make_pair("1865487","AC409"), make_pair("1865487","BD302"),
                                         make_pair("1865487","D7203"), make_pair("1865487","QA204"),
                                         make_pair("1865487","NUM392"), make_pair("p878546","BD302"),
                                         make_pair("p878546","D7203"), make_pair("p878546","NUM392")};
	// Effectue les emprunts
    for (size_t i = 0; i < vecEmp.size(); i++) {
        try {
            biblio.emprunter(vecEmp[i].first, vecEmp[i].second, 160204);
        } catch (exception&) {}

    QApplication a(argc, argv);
    MainWindow w(&biblio);

    return a.exec();
Ejemplo n.º 12
speedometer::update(vertex3d & v)
	vertex3d diff = v-m_last;

	float rad;
	color w((unsigned char)0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
	color b((unsigned char)0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff);

	float diffx2 = diff.x() * diff.x();
	float diffy2 = diff.y() * diff.y();
	float diffz2 = diff.z() * diff.z();

	float groundspeed = sqrt(diffx2 + diffy2);
	float airspeed = sqrt(diffx2 + diffy2 + diffz2);

	airspeed = (unsigned int)(airspeed * 3.6f);

	/* Erase last speed */
	rad = (((float)m_lastvel)/360.0f)*6.283f;
	for(float r=0; r<20.0f; r++)
		float x = 120.0f + (r*cosf(rad));
		float y = 160.0f + (r*sinf(rad));
//		m_fb.pixel((unsigned int)x,(unsigned int)y);
	/* Display */
	rad = (((float)airspeed)/360.0f)*6.283f;
	for(float r=0; r<20.0f; r++)
		float x = 120.0f + (r*cosf(rad));
		float y = 160.0f + (r*sinf(rad));
//		m_fb.pixel((unsigned int)x,(unsigned int)y);
	printf("%f\n", airspeed);

	float vdiff = airspeed - m_lastvel;

	if((airspeed + (3*vdiff)) > 250)
	//if((airspeed + (1*vdiff)) > 280)
	//	m_sc.play(m_warning);

	if((airspeed + (3*vdiff)) < 70)
	//if((airspeed + (2*vdiff)) < 70);
	//	m_sc.play(m_warning);

//	if(	(airspeed - m_lastvel) > 5 ||
//		(airspeed - m_lastvel) < -5)
//		m_fb.pixel((unsigned int)airspeed-50, (unsigned int)(diff.z() * -10));

	m_lastvel = airspeed;
	m_last = v;
Ejemplo n.º 13
bool gWaveform::smaller() 
  return w() < ((gWaveTools*)parent())->w();
Ejemplo n.º 14
/** Loads a weight list specified in powerup.xml. The different position
 *  classes must be loaded in the right order
 *  \param root The root node of powerup.xml
 *  \param class_name The name of the position class to load.
 *  \param position_class The class for which the weights are read.
void PowerupManager::loadWeights(const XMLNode &root,
                                 unsigned int num_karts, 
                                 const std::string &class_name,
                                 PositionClass position_class)
    const XMLNode *node = root.getNode(class_name), *node2;
    std::string s(""), s_multi(""), k;
    std::string w("w"), w_multi("w-multi"), w_add("");
    /** Adds to w the suffixe of the num_karts_class 
     *  associated with num_karts
    && position_class!=POSITION_TUTORIAL_MODE)
        node2 = root.getNode("range_kart");
        k = StringUtils::toString(num_karts);
        k = "k" + k;//Xml nodes can't start with a number
        //k now contains XML attributes containing kart number class
        if(node2) node2->get(k, &w_add);
            Log::error("[PowerupManager]","No class of weights found"
                       "for %d karts - probabilities will be incorrect",
            w_add = "f";    
            w_add = "d";//fallback values
            Log::warn("[PowerupManager]","powerup.xml do not support"
                      "%d karts - fallback probabilities will be used",
        w = w + w_add;
        w_multi = w_multi + w_add;
    }//w is changed to associate with an arbitrary class of kart numbers
    if(node) node->get(w,       &s      );
    if(node) node->get(w_multi, &s_multi);

    if(!node || s=="" || s_multi=="")
        Log::error("[PowerupManager]", "No weights found for class '%s'"
                    " - probabilities will be incorrect.",

    std::vector<std::string> weight_list = StringUtils::split(s+" "+s_multi,' ');

    std::vector<std::string>::iterator i=weight_list.begin();
            std::vector<std::string>::iterator next=weight_list.erase(i);
    // Fill missing entries with 0s

        Log::error("[PowerupManager]", "Incorrect number of weights found in class '%s':",
        Log::error("[PowerupManager]", "%d instead of %d - probabilities will be incorrect.",
               (int)weight_list.size(), (int)POWERUP_LAST);

    for(unsigned int i=0; i<weight_list.size(); i++)
        int w = atoi(weight_list[i].c_str());

}   // loadWeights
Ejemplo n.º 15
void Flu_Wrap_Group :: type( int t )
  _type = t;
  resize( x(), y(), w(), h() );
Ejemplo n.º 16
void check_stdvector_matrix(const MatrixType& m)
  int rows = m.rows();
  int cols = m.cols();
  MatrixType x = MatrixType::Random(rows,cols), y = MatrixType::Random(rows,cols);
  std::vector<MatrixType,Eigen::aligned_allocator<MatrixType> > v(10, MatrixType(rows,cols)), w(20, y);
  v[5] = x;
  w[6] = v[5];
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(w[6], v[5]);
  v = w;
  for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(w[i], v[i]);

  v[20] = x;
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(v[20], x);
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(v[21], y);
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(v[22], x);
  VERIFY((std::size_t)&(v[22]) == (std::size_t)&(v[21]) + sizeof(MatrixType));

  // do a lot of push_back such that the vector gets internally resized
  // (with memory reallocation)
  MatrixType* ref = &w[0];
  for(int i=0; i<30 || ((ref==&w[0]) && i<300); ++i)
  for(unsigned int i=23; i<v.size(); ++i)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 std::vector<double> getWeights() const {
   std::vector<double> w(weights, weights + n_points);
   return w;