Ejemplo n.º 1
void Graphics::RefreshSceneRect() {

    // GFade is drawn after the scene buffer, so this is in window space
    UpdateScreenSize(windowWidth(), windowHeight());

    	Calculates the rectangle within the back buffer that the scene
    	will be drawn in. This accounts for "fit to width/height" scenarios
    	where the back buffer has a different aspect ratio.
    float w = static_cast<float>(windowWidth());
    float h = static_cast<float>(windowHeight());
    float wFactor = (float)w / config.renderWidth;
    float hFactor = (float)h / config.renderHeight;
    mSceneScale = std::min(wFactor, hFactor);
    int screenW = (int)round(mSceneScale * config.renderWidth);
    int screenH = (int)round(mSceneScale * config.renderHeight);

    // Center on screen
    RECT rect;
    rect.left = (mWindowWidth - screenW) / 2;
    rect.top = (mWindowHeight - screenH) / 2;
    rect.right = rect.left + screenW;
    rect.bottom = rect.top + screenH;
    mSceneRect = rect;

Ejemplo n.º 2
 // creation du contexte openGL et d'une fenetre
 TP( ):gk::App()
     // specifie le type de contexte openGL a creer :
     gk::AppSettings settings;
     settings.setGLVersion(3,3);     // version 3.3
     settings.setGLCoreProfile();      // core profile
     settings.setGLDebugContext();     // version debug pour obtenir les messages d'erreur en cas de probleme
     // cree le contexte et une fenetre
     if(createWindow(width,height, settings) < 0)
     m_widgets.reshape(windowWidth(), windowHeight());
Ejemplo n.º 3
int MainWindow::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
    _id = QMainWindow::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);
    if (_id < 0)
        return _id;
    if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
        switch (_id) {
        case 0: attachSexyAPI(); break;
        case 1: { QStringList _r = exec((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[2])));
            if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QStringList*>(_a[0]) = _r; }  break;
        case 2: { QStringList _r = exec((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1])));
            if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QStringList*>(_a[0]) = _r; }  break;
        case 3: alert((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 4: quit(); break;
        case 5: windowMinimize(); break;
        case 6: windowMaximize(); break;
        case 7: windowResize((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[2]))); break;
        case 8: { int _r = windowWidth();
            if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_a[0]) = _r; }  break;
        case 9: { int _r = windowHeight();
            if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_a[0]) = _r; }  break;
        case 10: { QStringList _r = getOpenFileName((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[2])));
            if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QStringList*>(_a[0]) = _r; }  break;
        case 11: { QStringList _r = getOpenFileName((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1])));
            if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QStringList*>(_a[0]) = _r; }  break;
        case 12: { QStringList _r = getOpenFileName();
            if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QStringList*>(_a[0]) = _r; }  break;
        case 13: { QString _r = getSaveFileName((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[2])));
            if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; }  break;
        case 14: { QString _r = getSaveFileName((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1])));
            if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; }  break;
        case 15: { QString _r = getSaveFileName();
            if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; }  break;
        case 16: { QString _r = getDirectory((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1])));
            if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; }  break;
        case 17: { QString _r = getDirectory();
            if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; }  break;
        case 18: { QStringList _r = getArgs();
            if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QStringList*>(_a[0]) = _r; }  break;
        default: ;
        _id -= 19;
    return _id;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 int draw( )
     glViewport(0, 0, windowWidth(), windowHeight());
     // mesurer le temps d'execution
     // dessiner quelquechose
     // parametrer le shader
     m_program->uniform("mvpMatrix")= T.matrix();      // transformation model view projection
     m_program->uniform("diffuse_color")= gk::VecColor(1, 1, 0);     // couleur des fragments
     // selectionner un ensemble de buffers et d'attributs de sommets
     // dessiner un maillage indexe
     glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, m_indices_size, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0);*/
     // nettoyage
     // mesurer le temps d'execution
     // afficher le temps d'execution
         m_widgets.doLabel(nv::Rect(), m_time->summary("draw").c_str());
     // afficher le dessin
     // continuer
     return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// MainWnd
HWND CustomWindow::Criar(HINSTANCE hInst, LPCTSTR wndName)
	this->_hWnd = CreateWindowEx(0L, _WndClsEx.lpszClassName, wndName, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, windowX(), windowY(), windowWidth(),
		windowHeight(), (HWND)HWND_DESKTOP, NULL, hInst, this);

	// Se a janela não foi criada
	if (this->_hWnd != NULL) {
		SetWindowLongPtr(this->_hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (long)this);
		this->hInst = hInst;
		return _hWnd;
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int Kore::System::desktopWidth() {
	return windowWidth(0);
Ejemplo n.º 7
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  analyze
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Analyze a range of (mono) samples at the given sample rate      
//! (in Hz) and store the extracted Partials in the Analyzer's
//! PartialList (std::list of Partials). Use the specified envelope
//! as a frequency reference for Partial tracking.
//! \param bufBegin is a pointer to a buffer of floating point samples
//! \param bufEnd is (one-past) the end of a buffer of floating point 
//! samples
//! \param srate is the sample rate of the samples in the buffer
//! \param reference is an Envelope having the approximate
//! frequency contour expected of the resulting Partials.
Analyzer::analyze( const double * bufBegin, const double * bufEnd, double srate,
                   const Envelope & reference )
    //  configure the reassigned spectral analyzer, 
    //  always use odd-length windows:

    //  Kaiser window
    double winshape = KaiserWindow::computeShape( sidelobeLevel() );
    long winlen = KaiserWindow::computeLength( windowWidth() / srate, winshape );    
    if (! (winlen % 2)) 
    debugger << "Using Kaiser window of length " << winlen << endl;
    std::vector< double > window( winlen );
    KaiserWindow::buildWindow( window, winshape );
    std::vector< double > windowDeriv( winlen );
    KaiserWindow::buildTimeDerivativeWindow( windowDeriv, winshape );
    ReassignedSpectrum spectrum( window, windowDeriv );   
    //  configure the peak selection and partial formation policies:
    SpectralPeakSelector selector( srate, m_cropTime );
    PartialBuilder builder( m_freqDrift, reference );
    //  configure bw association policy, unless
    //  bandwidth association is disabled:
    std::unique_ptr< AssociateBandwidth > bwAssociator;
    if( m_bwAssocParam > 0 )
        debugger << "Using bandwidth association regions of width " 
                 << bwRegionWidth() << " Hz" << endl;
        bwAssociator.reset( new AssociateBandwidth( bwRegionWidth(), srate ) );
        debugger << "Bandwidth association disabled" << endl;

    //  reset envelope builders:
        const double * winMiddle = bufBegin; 

        //  loop over short-time analysis frames:
        while ( winMiddle < bufEnd )
            //  compute the time of this analysis frame:
            const double currentFrameTime = long(winMiddle - bufBegin) / srate;
            //  compute reassigned spectrum:
            //  sampsBegin is the position of the first sample to be transformed,
            //  sampsEnd is the position after the last sample to be transformed.
            //  (these computations work for odd length windows only)
            const double * sampsBegin = std::max( winMiddle - (winlen / 2), bufBegin );
            const double * sampsEnd = std::min( winMiddle + (winlen / 2) + 1, bufEnd );
            spectrum.transform( sampsBegin, winMiddle, sampsEnd );
            //  extract peaks from the spectrum, and thin
            Peaks peaks = selector.selectPeaks( spectrum, m_freqFloor ); 
			Peaks::iterator rejected = thinPeaks( peaks, currentFrameTime );

            //	fix the stored bandwidth values
            //	KLUDGE: need to do this before the bandwidth
            //	associator tries to do its job, because the mixed
            //	derivative is temporarily stored in the Breakpoint 
            //	bandwidth!!! FIX!!!!
            fixBandwidth( peaks );
            if ( m_bwAssocParam > 0 )
                bwAssociator->associateBandwidth( peaks.begin(), rejected, peaks.end() );
            //  remove rejected Breakpoints (needed above to 
            //  compute bandwidth envelopes):
            peaks.erase( rejected, peaks.end() );
            //  estimate the amplitude in this frame:
            m_ampEnvBuilder->build( peaks, currentFrameTime );
            //  collect amplitudes and frequencies and try to 
            //  estimate the fundamental
            m_f0Builder->build( peaks, currentFrameTime );          

            //  form Partials from the extracted Breakpoints:
            builder.buildPartials( peaks, currentFrameTime );
            //  slide the analysis window:
            winMiddle += long( m_hopTime * srate ); //  hop in samples, truncated

        }   //  end of loop over short-time frames
        //  unwarp the Partial frequency envelopes:
        builder.finishBuilding( m_partials );
        //  fix the frequencies and phases to be consistent.
        if ( m_phaseCorrect )
            fixFrequency( m_partials.begin(), m_partials.end() );
        //  for debugging:
        if ( ! m_ampEnv.empty() )
            LinearEnvelope::iterator peakpos = 
                std::max_element( m_ampEnv.begin(), m_ampEnv.end(), 
                                  compare2nd<LinearEnvelope::iterator::value_type> );
            notifier << "Analyzer found amp peak at time : " << peakpos->first
                     << " value: " << peakpos->second << endl;
    catch ( Exception & ex ) 
        ex.append( "analysis failed." );
Ejemplo n.º 8
void Controller::setWindowHeight(int height)
    engine.getRoomsManager()->setRoomSize(windowWidth(), height);
    emit windowHeightChanged();