Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Initializes the main game frame.
void GcbApp::InitializeGameFrame()

        int windowedMode = tcOptions::Get()->windowedMode;
        if (windowedMode)
            int x, y;
            wxSize size;
            wxClientDisplayRect(&x, &y, &size.x, &size.y); // account for task bar size
            long frameStyle = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE;
            gameFrame = new tcGame(wxPoint(0,0), size, frameStyle);
            long frameStyle = wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE;
            gameFrame = new tcGame(wxPoint(0,0), wxGetDisplaySize(), frameStyle);
        wxMessageBox("The game frame failed to initialize.");
        WTL("The game frame failed to initialize.");

		throw std::exception();

void utils_controls::read_dialog_position_and_size( wxWindow* target_window,
                                    const wxString& configuration_key_basename,
                                    wxPoint default_position, wxSize default_size )
    wxPoint new_position;
    wxSize  new_size;
    wxPoint screen_lower_left;
    int     unused;    
    // Read settings from configuration
    new_position.x = the_configuration->Read( "/PLUCKER_DESKTOP/" + configuration_key_basename 
                        + "_position_x", default_position.x );
    new_position.y = the_configuration->Read( "/PLUCKER_DESKTOP/" + configuration_key_basename 
                        + "_position_y", default_position.y );    
    new_size.x     = the_configuration->Read( "/PLUCKER_DESKTOP/" + configuration_key_basename 
                        + "_size_x", default_size.x );
    new_size.y     = the_configuration->Read( "/PLUCKER_DESKTOP/" + configuration_key_basename 
                        + "_size_y", default_size.y );
    // If the window is now totally offscreen (this could happen for example by:
    // putting the dialog all the way to the lower right corner of the screen in 800x600,
    // cosing the dialog, dropping the display size down to 680x480, then reopening.
    // If so, just rewind back to the defaults that were passed.    
    // First, get the point of the lower left part of the viewable part of the screen,
    // taking into account a MSW taskbar, banner applications running on the computer, etc.
    wxClientDisplayRect( &unused, &unused, &screen_lower_left.x, &screen_lower_left.y );

    // Now if the new position would be to the left of the width of the viewable area,
    // or below the viewable area...
    if ( ( screen_lower_left.x < new_size.x ) || ( screen_lower_left.y < new_size.y ) ) {
        // ...then wind back to the defaults.
        new_position = default_position;
        new_size     = default_size;
    // Set the window to the new size. 
    target_window->SetSize( new_size );
    // Different user-defined behaviour of how want the windows to behave.
    long window_placement_type= the_configuration->Read( "/PLUCKER_DESKTOP/window_placement_type", 0L );
    switch ( window_placement_type ) {
            target_window->Move( new_position );   
            wxLogDebug( "Error: unknown window_placement type" );
Ejemplo n.º 3
TranslDlg::TranslDlg(wxWindow *parent) : wxPanel(parent)

	int height;
	int width;
	int x,y;
	int font_size;
	int height_ph = 350;

	wxTextAttr attr;


	wxClientDisplayRect(&x,&y,&width, &height);
	if(height <= 768)
		height_ph = height - 416;
	if(height <= 800)
		height_ph = 280;

	t_source = new wxTextCtrl(this,T_SOURCE,_T(""),wxPoint(0,4),
		wxSize(298,250),wxTE_MULTILINE,wxDefaultValidator,_T("Text input window"));

	t_phonetic = new wxTextCtrl(this,T_PHONETIC,_T(""),wxPoint(0,262),
		wxSize(298,height_ph),wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY, wxDefaultValidator,_T("Phoneme translation window"));

	style_phonetic = t_phonetic->GetDefaultStyle();
	font_phonetic = style_phonetic.GetFont();
	font_size = font_phonetic.GetPointSize();
	font_phonetic_large = font_phonetic;
	style_phonetic_large = style_phonetic;

	y = height_ph + 270;
	t_translate = new wxButton(this,T_TRANSLATE,_T("Translate"),wxPoint(4,y));
	t_translate = new wxButton(this,T_RULES,_T("Show Rules"),wxPoint(4,y+32));
	t_translate = new wxButton(this,T_TRANSLATE_IPA,_T("Show IPA"),wxPoint(100,y+32));
	t_process = new wxButton(this,T_PROCESS,_T("Speak"),wxPoint(100,y));

}  // end of TransDlg::TransDlg
Ejemplo n.º 4
wxSize wxTopLevelWindowBase::GetMaxSize() const
    wxSize  size( GetMaxWidth(), GetMaxHeight() );
    int     w, h;

    wxClientDisplayRect( 0, 0, &w, &h );

    if( size.GetWidth() == wxDefaultCoord )
        size.SetWidth( w );

    if( size.GetHeight() == wxDefaultCoord )
        size.SetHeight( h );

    return size;
void progress_dialog::show_listbox()
    int screen_height;
    int screen_top;
    int dialog_top;
    int unused;
    // This gets the pixels of the usable part of the screen, and the screen height.
    // This accounts for an MSW taskbar taking up part of the real estate, and the 
    // task bar could be at the top. 
    wxClientDisplayRect( &unused, &screen_top, &unused, &screen_height );

    // Get the y position of the dialog
    dialog_top = GetPosition().y;
    // If the expanded listbox would go past the drawable screen height.
    if ( screen_height < ( dialog_top + m_dialog_height_with_listbox ) ) {
        // Start at the bottom and move it up accordingly.
        dialog_top =  screen_height;
        dialog_top -= m_dialog_height_with_listbox;
        // However, if the top would now impinge into a top taskbar, then set it 
        // down to top of the the usable screen area, so the caption is at least visible.
        // and let the bottom part disappear.
        if ( dialog_top < screen_top ) {
            dialog_top = screen_top;
        // Set the y position of the dialog, ready for expansion. (-1 means default x)
        // The function is called Move() instead of SetPosition() for some reason.
        Move( -1, dialog_top );

    // Now set y the size of the dialog to expand the width of the listbox, thus showing 
    // it. (-1 means default x).
    SetSize( -1, m_dialog_height_with_listbox );   
    // Update the caption on the "Details" button
    XMLCTRL( *this, "progress_dialog_details_button", wxButton )->SetLabel( _( "<< Details" ) );
    // Mark the listbox as shown.
    m_progress_listbox_is_shown = TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void wxTopLevelWindowDFB::Maximize(bool maximize)
    int x, y, w, h;
    wxClientDisplayRect(&x, &y, &w, &h);

    if ( maximize && !m_isMaximized )
        m_isMaximized = true;

        GetPosition(&m_savedFrame.x, &m_savedFrame.y);
        GetSize(&m_savedFrame.width, &m_savedFrame.height);

        SetSize(x, y, w, h);
    else if ( !maximize && m_isMaximized )
        m_isMaximized = false;
        SetSize(m_savedFrame.x, m_savedFrame.y,
                m_savedFrame.width, m_savedFrame.height);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void wxTopLevelWindowMGL::Maximize(bool maximize)
    int x, y, w, h;
    wxClientDisplayRect(&x, &y, &w, &h);

    rect_t screenRect = MGL_defRect(x, y, w, h);
    MGL_wmInvalidateRect(g_winMng, &screenRect);

    if ( maximize && !m_isMaximized )
        m_isMaximized = true;

        GetPosition(&m_savedFrame.x, &m_savedFrame.y);
        GetSize(&m_savedFrame.width, &m_savedFrame.height);

        SetSize(x, y, w, h);
    else if ( !maximize && m_isMaximized )
        m_isMaximized = false;
        SetSize(m_savedFrame.x, m_savedFrame.y,
                m_savedFrame.width, m_savedFrame.height);
Ejemplo n.º 8
wxRect wxGetClientDisplayRect()
    int x, y, width, height;
    wxClientDisplayRect(&x, &y, &width, &height);  // call plat-specific version
    return wxRect(x, y, width, height);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void BubbleParam::onParamLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event)
//    wxMessageDialog dialog0(parent, _("Debug:"), _("Debug:")); //##Debug.
//    dialog0.ShowModal();

    if (parent)
        BubbleExpressionPicker *picker = NULL;
        if ( ((BubbleBlock*)parent)->getCanvas() )
            if ( (((BubbleBlock*)parent)->getCanvas())->getBubble() )
                Bubble *bubble = (((BubbleBlock*)parent)->getCanvas())->getBubble();
                if (bubble)
                    picker = bubble->getExpressionPicker(dataType);

        if (picker)

            //Prevents the picker to appear outside the visible screen area:
            int x = 0, y = 0;
            int screenOrigX = 0, screenOrigY = 0;
            int screenWidth = 0, screenHeight = 0;
            int pickerWidth = picker->GetSize().GetWidth();
            int pickerHeight = picker->GetSize().GetHeight();
            int xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0;
            int xPos = 0, yPos = 0;

            wxClientDisplayRect(&screenOrigX, &screenOrigY, &screenWidth, &screenHeight);

            //Obtains the paramSlot's screen position:
            GetScreenPosition(&x, &y);

            //Shows the picker in it's proper place:
            x = x + GetSize().GetWidth();
            if ( (x + pickerWidth) > screenWidth )
                //The picker goes outside the right margin:
                xOffset = screenWidth - (x + pickerWidth);
                yOffset = GetSize().GetHeight();
            //screenHeight*0.x is the security margin, because in some systems wxClientDisplayRect() does
            //not properly detect the OS taskbar:
            if ( (y + pickerHeight) > screenHeight )
                //The picker goes outside the bottom margin too, so it's showed OVER the paramslot, no
                //matter the previous calcs for the yOffset:
                yOffset = -pickerHeight;
            if ( (y + yOffset) > 0 )
                yPos = y + yOffset;
            xPos = x + xOffset;
//##See if the correction in x becomes necessary:
//            if (xPos < 0)
//                xPos = 0;
            picker->Move(xPos, yPos);

        //##Borrar esto: ((BubbleCanvas *)parent)->setCurrentBlock(this);