Ejemplo n.º 1
TileModelFactory::createTileModel(const TileKey&           key, 
                                  const MapFrame&          frame,
                                  bool                     accumulate,
                                  osg::ref_ptr<TileModel>& out_model,
                                  ProgressCallback*        progress)

    osg::ref_ptr<TileModel> model = new TileModel( frame.getRevision(), frame.getMapInfo() );

    model->_useParentData = _terrainReqs->parentTexturesRequired();

    model->_tileKey = key;
    model->_tileLocator = GeoLocator::createForKey(key, frame.getMapInfo());


    // Fetch the image data and make color layers.
    unsigned index = 0;
    unsigned order = 0;
    for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = frame.imageLayers().begin(); i != frame.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
        ImageLayer* layer = i->get();

        if ( layer->getEnabled() && layer->isKeyInRange(key) )
            BuildColorData build;
            build.init( key, layer, order, frame.getMapInfo(), _terrainOptions, _liveTiles.get(), model.get() );

            bool addedToModel = build.execute(progress);
            if ( addedToModel )
                // only bump the order if we added something to the data model.

    if (progress)
        progress->stats()["fetch_imagery_time"] += OE_STOP_TIMER(fetch_imagery);

    // make an elevation layer.
    buildElevation(key, frame, accumulate, _terrainReqs->elevationTexturesRequired(), model.get(), progress);
    if (progress)
        progress->stats()["fetch_elevation_time"] += OE_STOP_TIMER(fetch_elevation);
    // make a normal map layer (if necessary)
    if ( _terrainReqs->normalTexturesRequired() )
        buildNormalMap(key, frame, accumulate, model.get(), progress);
        if (progress)
            progress->stats()["fetch_normalmap_time"] += OE_STOP_TIMER(fetch_normalmap);

    // If nothing was added, not even a fallback heightfield, something went
    // horribly wrong. Leave without a tile model. Chances are that a parent tile
    // not not found in the live-tile registry.
    if ( model->_colorData.size() == 0 && !model->_elevationData.getHeightField() )

    // OK we are making a tile, so if there's no heightfield yet, make an empty one (and mark it
    // as fallback data of course)
    if ( !model->_elevationData.getHeightField() )
        osg::HeightField* hf = HeightFieldUtils::createReferenceHeightField( key.getExtent(), 15, 15 );
        model->_elevationData = TileModel::ElevationData(
            GeoLocator::createForKey(key, frame.getMapInfo()),
            true );

    // look up the parent model and cache it.
    osg::ref_ptr<TileNode> parentTile;
    if ( _liveTiles->get(key.createParentKey(), parentTile) )
        model->_parentModel = parentTile->getTileModel();

    out_model = model.release();
Ejemplo n.º 2
TileModelFactory::createTileModel(const TileKey&           key, 
                                  osg::ref_ptr<TileModel>& out_model,
                                  bool&                    out_hasRealData,
                                  bool&                    out_hasLodBlendedLayers )
    MapFrame mapf( _map, Map::MASKED_TERRAIN_LAYERS );
    const MapInfo& mapInfo = mapf.getMapInfo();

    osg::ref_ptr<TileModel> model = new TileModel();
    model->_tileKey = key;
    model->_tileLocator = GeoLocator::createForKey(key, mapInfo);

    // init this to false, then search for real data. "Real data" is data corresponding
    // directly to the key, as opposed to fallback data, which is derived from a lower
    // LOD key.
    out_hasRealData = false;
    out_hasLodBlendedLayers = false;
    // Fetch the image data and make color layers.
    for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
        ImageLayer* layer = i->get();

        if ( layer->getEnabled() )
            BuildColorData build;
            build.init( key, layer, mapInfo, _terrainOptions, model.get() );

            if ( layer->getImageLayerOptions().lodBlending() == true )
                out_hasLodBlendedLayers = true;

    // make an elevation layer.
    BuildElevationData build;
    build.init( key, mapf, _terrainOptions, model.get(), _hfCache );

    // Bail out now if there's no data to be had.
    if ( model->_colorData.size() == 0 && !model->_elevationData.getHFLayer() )

    // OK we are making a tile, so if there's no heightfield yet, make an empty one.
    if ( !model->_elevationData.getHFLayer() )
        osg::HeightField* hf = HeightFieldUtils::createReferenceHeightField( key.getExtent(), 8, 8 );
        osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer* hfLayer = new osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer( hf );
        hfLayer->setLocator( GeoLocator::createForKey(key, mapInfo) );
        model->_elevationData = TileModel::ElevationData( hfLayer, true );

    // Now, if there are any color layers that did not get built, create them with an empty
    // image so the shaders have something to draw.
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> emptyImage;
    osgTerrain::Locator* locator = model->_elevationData.getHFLayer()->getLocator();

    for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
        ImageLayer* layer = i->get();

        if ( layer->getEnabled() && !layer->isKeyValid(key) )
            if ( !emptyImage.valid() )
                emptyImage = ImageUtils::createEmptyImage();

            model->_colorData[i->get()->getUID()] = TileModel::ColorData(
                true );

    // Ready to create the actual tile.
    //AssembleTile assemble;
    //assemble.init( key, mapInfo, _terrainOptions, model.get(), mapf.terrainMaskLayers() );

    // if we're using LOD blending, find and add the parent's state set.
    if ( out_hasLodBlendedLayers && key.getLevelOfDetail() > 0 && _liveTiles.valid() )
        osg::ref_ptr<TileNode> parent;
        if ( _liveTiles->get( key.createParentKey(), parent ) )
            model->_parentStateSet = parent->getPublicStateSet();

    if (!out_hasRealData)
        // Check the results and see if we have any real data.
        for( TileModel::ColorDataByUID::const_iterator i = model->_colorData.begin(); i != model->_colorData.end(); ++i )
            if ( !i->second.isFallbackData() ) 
                out_hasRealData = true;

    if ( !out_hasRealData && !model->_elevationData.isFallbackData() )
        out_hasRealData = true;

    out_model = model.release();
    //out_tile = assemble._node;
Ejemplo n.º 3
TileModelFactory::createTileModel(const TileKey&           key, 
                                  const MapFrame&          frame,
                                  osg::ref_ptr<TileModel>& out_model) //,
                                  //bool&                    out_hasRealData)

    osg::ref_ptr<TileModel> model = new TileModel( frame.getRevision(), frame.getMapInfo() );
    model->_tileKey = key;
    model->_tileLocator = GeoLocator::createForKey(key, frame.getMapInfo());
    // Fetch the image data and make color layers.
    unsigned order = 0;
    for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = frame.imageLayers().begin(); i != frame.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
        ImageLayer* layer = i->get();

        if ( layer->getEnabled() )
            BuildColorData build;
            build.init( key, layer, order, frame.getMapInfo(), _terrainOptions, model.get() );
            bool addedToModel = build.execute();
            if ( addedToModel )
                // only bump the order if we added something to the data model.

    // make an elevation layer.
    BuildElevationData build;
    build.init( key, frame, _terrainOptions, model.get(), _hfCache );

    // Bail out now if there's no data to be had.
    if ( model->_colorData.size() == 0 && !model->_elevationData.getHeightField() )

    // OK we are making a tile, so if there's no heightfield yet, make an empty one (and mark it
    // as fallback data of course)
    if ( !model->_elevationData.getHeightField() )
        osg::HeightField* hf = HeightFieldUtils::createReferenceHeightField( key.getExtent(), 15, 15 );
        model->_elevationData = TileModel::ElevationData(
            GeoLocator::createForKey(key, frame.getMapInfo()),
            true );

    // look up the parent model and cache it.
    osg::ref_ptr<TileNode> parentTile;
    if ( _liveTiles->get(key.createParentKey(), parentTile) )
        model->_parentModel = parentTile->getTileModel();

    out_model = model.release();
Ejemplo n.º 4
TileModelFactory::createTileModel(const TileKey&           key, 
                                  osg::ref_ptr<TileModel>& out_model,
                                  bool&                    out_hasRealData)
    MapFrame mapf( _map, Map::MASKED_TERRAIN_LAYERS );
    const MapInfo& mapInfo = mapf.getMapInfo();

    osg::ref_ptr<TileModel> model = new TileModel();
    model->_map         = _map;
    model->_tileKey     = key;
    model->_tileLocator = GeoLocator::createForKey(key, mapInfo);

    // init this to false, then search for real data. "Real data" is data corresponding
    // directly to the key, as opposed to fallback data, which is derived from a lower
    // LOD key.
    out_hasRealData = false;
    // Fetch the image data and make color layers.
    unsigned order = 0;
    for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
        ImageLayer* layer = i->get();

        if ( layer->getEnabled() )
            BuildColorData build;
            build.init( key, layer, order, mapInfo, _terrainOptions, model.get() );
            bool addedToModel = build.execute();
            if ( addedToModel )
                // only bump the order if we added something to the data model.

    // make an elevation layer.
    BuildElevationData build;
    build.init( key, mapf, _terrainOptions, model.get(), _hfCache );

    // Bail out now if there's no data to be had.
    if ( model->_colorData.size() == 0 && !model->_elevationData.getHeightField() )

    // OK we are making a tile, so if there's no heightfield yet, make an empty one.
    if ( !model->_elevationData.getHeightField() )
        osg::HeightField* hf = HeightFieldUtils::createReferenceHeightField( key.getExtent(), 8, 8 );
        model->_elevationData = TileModel::ElevationData(
            GeoLocator::createForKey(key, mapInfo),
            true );

    if (!out_hasRealData)
        // Check the results and see if we have any real data.
        for( TileModel::ColorDataByUID::const_iterator i = model->_colorData.begin(); i != model->_colorData.end(); ++i )
            if ( !i->second.isFallbackData() ) 
                out_hasRealData = true;

    if ( !out_hasRealData && !model->_elevationData.isFallbackData() )
        out_hasRealData = true;

    // look up the parent model and cache it.
    osg::ref_ptr<TileNode> parentTile;
    if ( _liveTiles->get(key.createParentKey(), parentTile) )
        model->_parentModel = parentTile->getTileModel();

    out_model = model.release();