tresult PLUGIN_API IPlugVST3Plugin::setEditorState(IBStream* state)
  WDL_MutexLock lock(&mMutex);

  ByteChunk chunk;
  SerializeState(&chunk); // to get the size

  if (chunk.Size() > 0)
    state->read(chunk.GetBytes(), chunk.Size());
    UnserializeState(&chunk, 0);
    int32 savedBypass = 0;
    if (state->read (&savedBypass, sizeof (int32)) != kResultOk)
      return kResultFalse;
    mIsBypassed = (bool) savedBypass;
    return kResultOk;

  return kResultFalse;
Ejemplo n.º 2
tresult PLUGIN_API IPlugVST3::getEditorState(IBStream* state)
  ByteChunk chunk;
  if (SerializeState(&chunk))
    state->write(chunk.GetBytes(), chunk.Size());
    return kResultOk;
  return kResultFalse;
Ejemplo n.º 3
tresult PLUGIN_API IPlugVST3::setEditorState(IBStream* state)
  ByteChunk chunk;
  if (chunk.Size() >= 0)
    state->read(chunk.GetBytes(), chunk.Size());
    UnserializeState(&chunk, 0);
    return kResultOk;
  return kResultFalse;
Ejemplo n.º 4
ComponentResult IPlugProcess::GetChunk(OSType chunkID, SFicPlugInChunk *chunk)

  if (chunkID == mPluginID)
    ByteChunk IPlugChunk;
    if (mPlug->SerializeState(&IPlugChunk))
      chunk->fSize = IPlugChunk.Size() + sizeof(SFicPlugInChunkHeader);
      memcpy(chunk->fData, IPlugChunk.GetBytes(), IPlugChunk.Size());
      return noErr;

  return kChunkRangeErr;
tresult PLUGIN_API IPlugVST3Plugin::getEditorState(IBStream* state)
  WDL_MutexLock lock(&mMutex);

  ByteChunk chunk;

  if (SerializeState(&chunk))
    state->write(chunk.GetBytes(), chunk.Size());
    return kResultFalse;
  int32 toSaveBypass = mIsBypassed ? 1 : 0;
  state->write(&toSaveBypass, sizeof (int32));  

  return kResultOk;
Ejemplo n.º 6
AAX_Result IPlugAAX::GetChunk(AAX_CTypeID chunkID, AAX_SPlugInChunk * oChunk ) const
  IPlugAAX* _this = const_cast<IPlugAAX*>(this);

  if (chunkID == _this->GetUniqueID()) 
    ByteChunk IPlugChunk;
    if (_this->SerializeState(&IPlugChunk)) 
      oChunk->fSize = IPlugChunk.Size();
      memcpy(oChunk->fData, IPlugChunk.GetBytes(), IPlugChunk.Size());
      return AAX_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 7
VstIntPtr VSTCALLBACK IPlugVST::VSTDispatcher(AEffect *pEffect, VstInt32 opCode, VstInt32 idx, VstIntPtr value, void *ptr, float opt)
  // VSTDispatcher is an IPlugVST class member, we can access anything in IPlugVST from here.
  IPlugVST* _this = (IPlugVST*) pEffect->object;
  if (!_this)
    return 0;
  IPlugBase::IMutexLock lock(_this);

  // Handle a couple of opcodes here to make debugging easier.
  switch (opCode)
    case effEditIdle:
    case __effIdleDeprecated:
    #ifdef USE_IDLE_CALLS
    return 0;

  Trace(TRACELOC, "%d(%s):%d:%d", opCode, VSTOpcodeStr(opCode), idx, (int) value);

  switch (opCode)
    case effOpen:
      return 0;
    case effClose:
      return 0;
    case effGetParamLabel:
      if (idx >= 0 && idx < _this->NParams())
        strcpy((char*) ptr, _this->GetParam(idx)->GetLabelForHost());
      return 0;
    case effGetParamDisplay:
      if (idx >= 0 && idx < _this->NParams())
        _this->GetParam(idx)->GetDisplayForHost((char*) ptr);
      return 0;
    case effGetParamName:
      if (idx >= 0 && idx < _this->NParams())
        strcpy((char*) ptr, _this->GetParam(idx)->GetNameForHost());
      return 0;
      //could implement effGetParameterProperties to group parameters, but can't find a host that supports it
//    case effGetParameterProperties:
//    {
//      if (idx >= 0 && idx < _this->NParams())
//      {
//        VstParameterProperties* props = (VstParameterProperties*) ptr;
//        props->flags = kVstParameterSupportsDisplayCategory;
//        props->category = idx+1;
//        props->numParametersInCategory = 1;
//        strcpy(props->categoryLabel, "test");
//      }
//      return 1;
//    }
    case effGetParameterProperties:
      if (idx >= 0 && idx < _this->NParams())
        VstParameterProperties* props = (VstParameterProperties*) ptr;
        props->flags = 0;
        IParam* pParam = _this->GetParam(idx);
        if (pParam->Type() == IParam::kTypeBool) {
          props->flags |= kVstParameterIsSwitch;
        if (pParam->Type() == IParam::kTypeEnum || pParam->Type() == IParam::kTypeInt) {
          props->flags |= kVstParameterUsesFloatStep;
          int possibleValuesCount = (int) (pParam->GetMax() - pParam->GetMin());
          props->stepFloat = 1.0 / possibleValuesCount;
          props->smallStepFloat = props->stepFloat;
          props->largeStepFloat = props->stepFloat;
      return 1;
    case effString2Parameter:
      if (idx >= 0 && idx < _this->NParams())
        if (ptr)
          double v;
          IParam* pParam = _this->GetParam(idx);
          if (pParam->GetNDisplayTexts())
            int vi;
            if (!pParam->MapDisplayText((char*)ptr, &vi)) return 0;
            v = (double)vi;
            v = atof((char*)ptr);
            if (pParam->DisplayIsNegated()) v = -v;
          if (_this->GetGUI()) _this->GetGUI()->SetParameterFromPlug(idx, v, false);
        return 1;
      return 0;
    case effSetSampleRate:
      return 0;
    case effSetBlockSize:
      return 0;
    case effMainsChanged:
      if (!value)
      return 0;
    case effEditGetRect:
      if (ptr && _this->GetGUI())
        *(ERect**) ptr = &(_this->mEditRect);
        return 1;
      ptr = 0;
      return 0;
    case effEditOpen:
      IGraphics* pGraphics = _this->GetGUI();
      if (pGraphics)
        #ifdef _WIN32
          if (!pGraphics->OpenWindow(ptr)) pGraphics=0;
        #else   // OSX, check if we are in a Cocoa VST host
          #if defined(__LP64__)
          if (!pGraphics->OpenWindow(ptr)) pGraphics=0;
          bool iscocoa = (_this->mHasVSTExtensions&VSTEXT_COCOA);
          if (iscocoa && !pGraphics->OpenWindow(ptr)) pGraphics=0;
          if (!iscocoa && !pGraphics->OpenWindow(ptr, 0)) pGraphics=0;
        if (pGraphics)
          return 1;
      return 0;
    case effEditClose:
      if (_this->GetGUI())
        return 1;
      return 0;
    case __effIdentifyDeprecated:
      return 'NvEf';  // Random deprecated magic.
    case effGetChunk:
      BYTE** ppData = (BYTE**) ptr;
      if (ppData)
        bool isBank = (!idx);
        ByteChunk* pChunk = (isBank ? &(_this->mBankState) : &(_this->mState));
        bool savedOK = true;
        if (isBank)
          savedOK = _this->SerializePresets(pChunk);
          savedOK = _this->SerializeState(pChunk);
        if (savedOK && pChunk->Size())
          *ppData = pChunk->GetBytes();
          return pChunk->Size();
      return 0;
    case effSetChunk:
      if (ptr)
        bool isBank = (!idx);
        ByteChunk* pChunk = (isBank ? &(_this->mBankState) : &(_this->mState));
        memcpy(pChunk->GetBytes(), ptr, value);
        int pos = 0;
        int iplugVer = _this->GetIPlugVerFromChunk(pChunk, &pos);
        isBank &= (iplugVer >= 0x010000);
        if (isBank)
          pos = _this->UnserializePresets(pChunk, pos);
          pos = _this->UnserializeState(pChunk, pos);
        if (pos >= 0)
          return 1;
      return 0;
    case effProcessEvents:
      VstEvents* pEvents = (VstEvents*) ptr;
      if (pEvents && pEvents->events)
        for (int i = 0; i < pEvents->numEvents; ++i)
          VstEvent* pEvent = pEvents->events[i];
          if (pEvent)
            if (pEvent->type == kVstMidiType)
              VstMidiEvent* pME = (VstMidiEvent*) pEvent;
              IMidiMsg msg(pME->deltaFrames, pME->midiData[0], pME->midiData[1], pME->midiData[2]);
              //#ifdef TRACER_BUILD
              //  msg.LogMsg();
            else if (pEvent->type == kVstSysExType) 
              VstMidiSysexEvent* pSE = (VstMidiSysexEvent*) pEvent;
              ISysEx sysex(pSE->deltaFrames, (const BYTE*)pSE->sysexDump, pSE->dumpBytes);
        return 1;
      return 0;
    case effCanBeAutomated:
      return 1;
    case effGetInputProperties:
      if (ptr && idx >= 0 && idx < _this->NInChannels())
        VstPinProperties* pp = (VstPinProperties*) ptr;
        pp->flags = kVstPinIsActive;
        if (!(idx%2) && idx < _this->NInChannels()-1)
          pp->flags |= kVstPinIsStereo;

        if (_this->GetInputLabel(idx)->GetLength())
          sprintf(pp->label, "%s", _this->GetInputLabel(idx)->Get());
          sprintf(pp->label, "Input %d", idx + 1);

        return 1;
      return 0;
    case effGetOutputProperties:
      if (ptr && idx >= 0 && idx < _this->NOutChannels())
        VstPinProperties* pp = (VstPinProperties*) ptr;
        pp->flags = kVstPinIsActive;
        if (!(idx%2) && idx < _this->NOutChannels()-1)
          pp->flags |= kVstPinIsStereo;

        if (_this->GetOutputLabel(idx)->GetLength())
          sprintf(pp->label, "%s", _this->GetOutputLabel(idx)->Get());
          sprintf(pp->label, "Output %d", idx + 1);

        return 1;
      return 0;
    case effGetPlugCategory:
      if (_this->IsInst()) return kPlugCategSynth;
      return kPlugCategEffect;
    case effProcessVarIo:
      // VstVariableIo* pIO = (VstVariableIo*) ptr; // For offline processing (of audio files?)
      return 0;
    case effSetSpeakerArrangement:
      VstSpeakerArrangement* pInputArr = (VstSpeakerArrangement*) value;
      VstSpeakerArrangement* pOutputArr = (VstSpeakerArrangement*) ptr;
      if (pInputArr)
        int n = pInputArr->numChannels;
        _this->SetInputChannelConnections(0, n, true);
        _this->SetInputChannelConnections(n, _this->NInChannels() - n, false);
      if (pOutputArr)
        int n = pOutputArr->numChannels;
        _this->SetOutputChannelConnections(0, n, true);
        _this->SetOutputChannelConnections(n, _this->NOutChannels() - n, false);
      return 1;
    case effGetSpeakerArrangement:
      VstSpeakerArrangement** ppInputArr = (VstSpeakerArrangement**) value;
      VstSpeakerArrangement** ppOutputArr = (VstSpeakerArrangement**) ptr;
      if (ppInputArr)
        *ppInputArr = &(_this->mInputSpkrArr);
      if (ppOutputArr)
        *ppOutputArr = &(_this->mOutputSpkrArr);
      return 1;
    case effGetEffectName:
      if (ptr)
        strcpy((char*) ptr, _this->GetEffectName());
        return 1;
      return 0;
    case effGetProductString:
      if (ptr)
        strcpy((char*) ptr, _this->GetProductName());
        return 1;
      return 0;
    case effGetVendorString:
      if (ptr)
        strcpy((char*) ptr, _this->GetMfrName());
        return 1;
      return 0;
    case effCanDo:
      if (ptr)
        Trace(TRACELOC, "VSTCanDo(%s)", (char*) ptr);
        if (!strcmp((char*) ptr, "receiveVstTimeInfo"))
          return 1;
        if (_this->DoesMIDI())
          if (!strcmp((char*) ptr, "sendVstEvents") ||
              !strcmp((char*) ptr, "sendVstMidiEvent") ||
              !strcmp((char*) ptr, "receiveVstEvents") ||
              !strcmp((char*) ptr, "receiveVstMidiEvent"))   // ||
            //!strcmp((char*) ptr, "midiProgramNames")) {
            return 1;
        // Support Reaper VST extensions:
        if (!strcmp((char*) ptr, "hasCockosExtensions"))
          _this->mHasVSTExtensions |= VSTEXT_COCKOS;
          return 0xbeef0000;
        else if (!strcmp((char*) ptr, "hasCockosViewAsConfig"))
          _this->mHasVSTExtensions |= VSTEXT_COCOA;
          return 0xbeef0000;
      return 0;
    case effGetTailSize:
      return _this->GetTailSize();
    case effVendorSpecific:
      // Support Reaper VST extensions:
      if (idx == effGetParamDisplay && ptr)
        if (value >= 0 && value < _this->NParams())
          _this->GetParam(value)->GetDisplayForHost((double) opt, true, (char*) ptr);
        return 0xbeef;

      if (idx == kVstParameterUsesIntStep)
        if (value >= 0 && value < _this->NParams())
          if (_this->GetParam(value)->Type() != IParam::kTypeDouble)
            return 0xbeef;

      return 0;
    case effGetProgram:
      return _this->GetCurrentPresetIdx();
    case effSetProgram:
      if (_this->DoesStateChunks() == false)
        _this->ModifyCurrentPreset(); // TODO: test, something is funny about this
      _this->RestorePreset((int) value);
      return 0;
    case effGetProgramNameIndexed:
      strcpy((char*) ptr, _this->GetPresetName(idx));
      return (CSTR_NOT_EMPTY((char*) ptr) ? 1 : 0);
    case effSetProgramName:
      if (ptr)
        _this->ModifyCurrentPreset((char*) ptr);
      return 0;
    case effGetProgramName:
      if (ptr)
        int idx = _this->GetCurrentPresetIdx();
        strcpy((char*) ptr, _this->GetPresetName(idx));
      return 0;
    case effGetMidiKeyName:
      if (ptr)
        MidiKeyName* pMKN = (MidiKeyName*) ptr;
        pMKN->keyName[0] = '\0';
        if (_this->MidiNoteName(pMKN->thisKeyNumber, pMKN->keyName))
          return 1;
      return 0;
    case effGetVstVersion:
      return VST_VERSION;
    case effEndSetProgram:
    case effBeginSetProgram:
    case effGetMidiProgramName:
    case effHasMidiProgramsChanged:
    case effGetMidiProgramCategory:
    case effGetCurrentMidiProgram:
    case effSetBypass:
      return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
VstIntPtr VSTCALLBACK IPlugVST::VSTDispatcher(AEffect *pEffect, VstInt32 opCode, VstInt32 idx, VstIntPtr value, void *ptr, float opt)
	// VSTDispatcher is an IPlugVST class member, we can access anything in IPlugVST from here.
	IPlugVST* _this = (IPlugVST*) pEffect->object;
	if (!_this) {
		return 0;
  IPlugBase::IMutexLock lock(_this);

  // Handle a couple of opcodes here to make debugging easier.
  switch (opCode) {
    case effEditIdle:
    case __effIdleDeprecated:
      #ifdef USE_IDLE_CALLS
    	return 0;

  Trace(TRACELOC, "%d(%s):%d:%d", opCode, VSTOpcodeStr(opCode), idx, (int) value);

  switch (opCode) {

    case effOpen: {
	    return 0;
    case effClose: {
	    return 0;
    case effGetParamLabel: {
      if (idx >= 0 && idx < _this->NParams())
	      strcpy((char*) ptr, _this->GetParam(idx)->GetLabelForHost());
      return 0;
    case effGetParamDisplay: {
      if (idx >= 0 && idx < _this->NParams())
	      _this->GetParam(idx)->GetDisplayForHost((char*) ptr);
	    return 0;
    case effGetParamName: {
      if (idx >= 0 && idx < _this->NParams())
	      strcpy((char*) ptr, _this->GetParam(idx)->GetNameForHost());      
	    return 0;
    case effString2Parameter:
      if (idx >= 0 && idx < _this->NParams())
        if (ptr)
          IParam* pParam = _this->GetParam(idx);
          double v = VSTString2Parameter(pParam, (char*)ptr);
          if (_this->GetGUI()) _this->GetGUI()->SetParameterFromPlug(idx, v, false);
        return 1;
      return 0;
    case effSetSampleRate: {
	    return 0;
    case effSetBlockSize: {
	    return 0;
    case effMainsChanged: {
      if (!value) {
      else {
	    return 0;
    case effEditGetRect: {
	    if (ptr && _this->GetGUI()) {
		    *(ERect**) ptr = &(_this->mEditRect);
		    return 1;
	    ptr = 0;
	    return 0;
    case effEditOpen:
      IGraphics* pGraphics = _this->GetGUI();
	    if (pGraphics)
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(IPLUG_NO_CARBON_SUPPORT)
        if (!pGraphics->OpenWindow(ptr)) pGraphics=0;
#else   // OSX, check if we are in a Cocoa VST host
        bool iscocoa = (_this->mHasVSTExtensions&VSTEXT_COCOA);
        if (iscocoa && !pGraphics->OpenWindow(ptr)) pGraphics=0;
        if (!iscocoa && !pGraphics->OpenWindow(ptr, 0)) pGraphics=0;
        if (pGraphics)
          return 1;
	    return 0;
    case effEditClose: {
	    if (_this->GetGUI()) {
		    return 1;
	    return 0;
    case __effIdentifyDeprecated: {
      return 'NvEf';  // Random deprecated magic.
    case effGetChunk: {
	    BYTE** ppData = (BYTE**) ptr;
      if (ppData) {
        bool isBank = (!idx);
        ByteChunk* pChunk = (isBank ? &(_this->mBankState) : &(_this->mState));
        bool savedOK = true;
        if (isBank) {
          savedOK = _this->SerializePresets(pChunk);
          //savedOK = _this->SerializeState(pChunk);
        else {
          savedOK = _this->SerializeState(pChunk);
        if (savedOK && pChunk->Size()) {
          *ppData = pChunk->GetBytes();
          return pChunk->Size();
      return 0;
    case effSetChunk: {
      if (ptr) {
        bool isBank = (!idx);
        ByteChunk* pChunk = (isBank ? &(_this->mBankState) : &(_this->mState));
        memcpy(pChunk->GetBytes(), ptr, value);
        int pos = 0;
        int iplugVer = GetIPlugVerFromChunk(pChunk, &pos);
        isBank &= (iplugVer >= 0x010000);
        if (isBank) {
          pos = _this->UnserializePresets(pChunk, pos);
          //pos = _this->UnserializeState(pChunk, pos);
        else {
          pos = _this->UnserializeState(pChunk, pos);
        if (pos >= 0) {
		      return 1;
	    return 0;
    case effProcessEvents: {
	    VstEvents* pEvents = (VstEvents*) ptr;
	    if (pEvents && pEvents->events) {
		    for (int i = 0; i < pEvents->numEvents; ++i) {
          VstEvent* pEvent = pEvents->events[i];
			    if (pEvent) {
				    if (pEvent->type == kVstMidiType) {
					    VstMidiEvent* pME = (VstMidiEvent*) pEvent;
              IMidiMsg msg(pME->deltaFrames, pME->midiData[0], pME->midiData[1], pME->midiData[2]);
              //#ifdef TRACER_BUILD
              //  msg.LogMsg();
				    else if (pEvent->type == kVstSysExType) {
				        VstMidiSysexEvent* pSE = (VstMidiSysexEvent*) pEvent;
				        ISysEx sysex(pSE->deltaFrames, (const BYTE*)pSE->sysexDump, pSE->dumpBytes);
		    return 1;
	    return 0;
	  case effCanBeAutomated: {
	  	return 1;
	  case effGetInputProperties: {
      if (ptr && idx >= 0 && idx < _this->NInChannels()) {
        VstPinProperties* pp = (VstPinProperties*) ptr;
        pp->flags = kVstPinIsActive;
        if (!(idx%2) && idx < _this->NInChannels()-1)
          pp->flags |= kVstPinIsStereo;
        sprintf(pp->label, "Input %d", idx + 1);
        return 1;
      return 0;
    case effGetOutputProperties: {
	    if (ptr && idx >= 0 && idx < _this->NOutChannels()) {
		    VstPinProperties* pp = (VstPinProperties*) ptr;
			  pp->flags = kVstPinIsActive;
        if (!(idx%2) && idx < _this->NOutChannels()-1)
			  	pp->flags |= kVstPinIsStereo;
		    sprintf(pp->label, "Output %d", idx + 1);
		    return 1;
	    return 0;
    case effGetPlugCategory: {
      if (_this->IsInst()) return kPlugCategSynth;
	    return kPlugCategEffect;
    case effProcessVarIo: {
	    // VstVariableIo* pIO = (VstVariableIo*) ptr;		// For offline processing (of audio files?)
	    return 0;
    case effSetSpeakerArrangement: {
	    VstSpeakerArrangement* pInputArr = (VstSpeakerArrangement*) value;
	    VstSpeakerArrangement* pOutputArr = (VstSpeakerArrangement*) ptr;
	    if (pInputArr) {
        int n = pInputArr->numChannels;
        _this->SetInputChannelConnections(0, n, true);
        _this->SetInputChannelConnections(n, _this->NInChannels() - n, false);
	    if (pOutputArr) {
        int n = pOutputArr->numChannels;
        _this->SetOutputChannelConnections(0, n, true);
        _this->SetOutputChannelConnections(n, _this->NOutChannels() - n, false);
	    return 1;
    case effGetSpeakerArrangement: {
	    VstSpeakerArrangement** ppInputArr = (VstSpeakerArrangement**) value;
	    VstSpeakerArrangement** ppOutputArr = (VstSpeakerArrangement**) ptr;
      if (ppInputArr) {
        *ppInputArr = &(_this->mInputSpkrArr);
      if (ppOutputArr) {
        *ppOutputArr = &(_this->mOutputSpkrArr);
      return 1;
    case effGetEffectName: {
	    if (ptr) {
		    strcpy((char*) ptr, _this->GetEffectName());
 		    return 1;
	    return 0;
    case effGetProductString: {
	    if (ptr) {
		    strcpy((char*) ptr, _this->GetProductName());
		    return 1;
	    return 0;
    case effGetVendorString: {
	    if (ptr) {
		    strcpy((char*) ptr, _this->GetMfrName());
		    return 1;
	    return 0;
    case effGetVendorVersion: {
      return _this->GetEffectVersion(true);
    case effCanDo: {
	    if (ptr) {
        Trace(TRACELOC, "VSTCanDo(%s)", (char*) ptr);
        if (!strcmp((char*) ptr, "receiveVstTimeInfo")) {
          return 1;
        if (_this->DoesMIDI()) {
          if (_this->DoesMIDI() & 1) {
            if (!strcmp((char*) ptr, "sendVstEvents") ||
                !strcmp((char*) ptr, "sendVstMidiEvent")) {
              return 1;
          if (_this->DoesMIDI() <= 2) {
            if (!strcmp((char*) ptr, "receiveVstEvents") ||
                !strcmp((char*) ptr, "receiveVstMidiEvent")) {
              return 1;
          //if (!strcmp((char*) ptr, "midiProgramNames")) {
          //  return 1;
        // Support Reaper VST extensions:
        if (!strcmp((char*) ptr, "hasCockosExtensions"))
          _this->mHasVSTExtensions |= VSTEXT_COCKOS;
          return 0xbeef0000;
        else if (!strcmp((char*) ptr, "hasCockosViewAsConfig")) 
          _this->mHasVSTExtensions |= VSTEXT_COCOA;
          return 0xbeef0000; 
	    return 0;
    case effVendorSpecific: {
      switch (idx) {
        // Mouse wheel
        case 0x73744341: {
          if (value == 0x57686565) {
            IGraphics* pGraphics = _this->GetGUI();
            if (pGraphics) {
              return pGraphics->ProcessMouseWheel(opt);
        // Support Reaper VST extensions:
        case effGetParamDisplay: {
          if (ptr) {
            if (value >= 0 && value < _this->NParams()) {
              _this->GetParam(value)->GetDisplayForHost((double) opt, true, (char*) ptr);
            return 0xbeef;
        case effString2Parameter: {
          if (ptr && value >= 0 && value < _this->NParams()) {
            if (*(char*) ptr != '\0') {
              IParam* pParam = _this->GetParam(value);
              sprintf((char*) ptr, "%.17f", pParam->GetNormalized(VSTString2Parameter(pParam, (char*) ptr)));
            return 0xbeef;
        case kVstParameterUsesIntStep: {
          if (value >= 0 && value < _this->NParams()) {
            IParam* pParam = _this->GetParam(value);
            switch (pParam->Type()) {
              case IParam::kTypeBool: {
                return 0xbeef;
              case IParam::kTypeInt:
              case IParam::kTypeEnum: {
                double min, max;
                pParam->GetBounds(&min, &max);
                if (fabs(max - min) < 1.5) {
                  return 0xbeef;
      return 0;
    case effGetProgram: {
      return _this->GetCurrentPresetIdx();
    case effSetProgram: {
      //if (!(_this->DoesStateChunks())) {
      _this->RestorePreset((int) value);
      return 0;
    case effGetProgramNameIndexed: {
      strcpy((char*) ptr, _this->GetPresetName(idx));
      return (CSTR_NOT_EMPTY((char*) ptr) ? 1 : 0);
    case effSetProgramName: {
      if (ptr) {
        _this->ModifyCurrentPreset((char*) ptr);
      return 0;
    case effGetProgramName: {
      if (ptr) {
        int idx = _this->GetCurrentPresetIdx();      
        strcpy((char*) ptr, _this->GetPresetName(idx));
      return 0;
    case effGetMidiKeyName: {
	    if (ptr) {
		    MidiKeyName* pMKN = (MidiKeyName*) ptr;
		    pMKN->keyName[0] = '\0';
		    if (_this->MidiNoteName(pMKN->thisKeyNumber, pMKN->keyName)) {
			    return 1;
	    return 0;
    case effGetVstVersion: {
	    return VST_VERSION;
    case effBeginSetProgram:
    case effEndSetProgram:
    case effGetMidiProgramName: 
    case effHasMidiProgramsChanged:
    case effGetMidiProgramCategory: 
    case effGetCurrentMidiProgram:
    case effSetBypass:
    default: {
	    return 0;