Ejemplo n.º 1
bool CClientFXMgr::UpdateAllActiveFX()
	//track our performance
	CTimedSystemBlock TimingBlock(g_tsClientFXUpdate);

	//Update our frame time, before any early outs so there aren't giant pops when the early
	//out fails
	float fFrameTime = m_Timer.GetTimerElapsedS();

	//add in all the effects from our next update list and clear that out
	LTListIter<CClientFXInstance*> itFXInstance = m_NextUpdateFXList.Begin();
	while(itFXInstance != m_NextUpdateFXList.End())
		CClientFXInstance* pFXInstance = *itFXInstance;


	HCONSOLEVAR hVar = m_pClientDE->GetConsoleVariable("UpdateClientFX");
	if (hVar)
		float fVal = m_pClientDE->GetConsoleVariableFloat(hVar);

		if (!fVal) 
			return true;

	//see if we should even update
	if( g_pGameClientShell->IsServerPaused( ))
		//no time has elapsed, don't bother updating
		return true;

	// Update the group Instances
	itFXInstance = m_FXInstanceList.Begin();
	while(itFXInstance != m_FXInstanceList.End())
		CClientFXInstance* pInst = *itFXInstance;

		//see if this instance is suspended, if so, just call the suspended update
			//just run through all effects and give them a suspended updata
			LTListIter<CBaseFX*> itActiveFX = pInst->m_ActiveFXList.Begin();
			while(itActiveFX != pInst->m_ActiveFXList.End())
				CBaseFX* pFX = *itActiveFX;

			//don't bother with any interval updating

		//determine the start and end of our update interval, relative to the instance
		//time frame
		float fStartInterval	= pInst->m_tmElapsed;
		float fEndInterval		= fStartInterval + fFrameTime;

		//we now need to iteratively break this interval down into a series of intervals that
		//do not extend past the end of the effect
		bool bLastSegment = false;
			//pick whichever is closest, the end of the interval, or the duration of the
			float fEndSegment = pInst->m_fDuration;

			if(fEndInterval < pInst->m_fDuration)
				bLastSegment = true;
				fEndSegment = fEndInterval;
			//alright, we now have an interval, update all the effects that lie within it
			pInst->UpdateInterval(fStartInterval, fEndSegment);

			//now move on to the next interval if necessary
				fStartInterval	= 0.0f;
				fEndInterval	-= pInst->m_fDuration;

		//all done, save our time
		pInst->m_tmElapsed = fEndInterval;

		//see if we are done with this effect
			// Destroy the instance
			DeleteClientFXInstance( pInst );

	// Success !!
	return true;