LRESULT COption::ExtractProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { static CFolderDialog FolderDlg; static SOption* pOption = &m_option_tmp; // Extraction Settings static constexpr std::array<LPCTSTR, 3> ExtractCheckText{{ _T("Extract each folder"), _T("Fix the CRC of OGG files upon extraction"), _T("Enable simple decoding") }}; static const std::array<BOOL*, 4> ExtractCheckFlag{{ &pOption->bCreateFolder, &pOption->bFixOgg, &pOption->bEasyDecrypt, &pOption->bRenameScriptExt }}; static std::array<CCheckBox, ExtractCheckText.size()> ExtractCheck; static CCheckBox ExtractCheckAlpha; static CLabel ExtractLabelPng, ExtractLabelAlpha, ExtractLabelBuf, ExtractLabelTmp; static CRadioBtn ExtractRadioImage, ExtractRadioSave; static CUpDown ExtractUpDownPng; static CEditBox ExtractEditPng, ExtractEditAlpha, ExtractEditSave, ExtractEditBuf, ExtractEditTmp; static CButton ExtractBtnSave, ExtractBtnTmp; static CGroupBox ExtractGroupImage, ExtractGroupSave; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { UINT ID = 10000; const int x = 10; const int xx = 15; int y = 0; // Extraction Settings for (size_t i = 0; i < ExtractCheckText.size(); i++) { ExtractCheck[i].Create(hWnd, ExtractCheckText[i], ID++, x, y += 20, 230, 20); ExtractCheck[i].SetCheck(*ExtractCheckFlag[i]); } // int y_image = y; ExtractGroupImage.Create(hWnd, _T("Output image format"), ID++, x, y_image += 34, 240, 110); ExtractRadioImage.Close(); ExtractRadioImage.Create(hWnd, _T("BMP"), ID++, x + xx, y_image += 18, 50, 20); ExtractRadioImage.Create(hWnd, _T("PNG"), ID++, x + xx, y_image += 20, 50, 20); ExtractRadioImage.SetCheck(0, pOption->bDstBMP); ExtractRadioImage.SetCheck(1, pOption->bDstPNG); ExtractLabelPng.Create(hWnd, _T("Compression Level"), ID++, x + xx + 50, y_image + 3, 100, 20); ExtractEditPng.Create(hWnd, _T(""), ID++, x + xx + 150, y_image, 40, 22); ExtractEditPng.SetLimit(1); ExtractUpDownPng.Create(hWnd, ExtractEditPng.GetCtrlHandle(), pOption->CmplvPng, ID++, 9, 0); // ExtractCheckAlpha.Create(hWnd, _T("Enable alpha blending"), ID++, x + xx, y_image += 22, 140, 20); ExtractCheckAlpha.SetCheck(pOption->bAlphaBlend); ExtractLabelAlpha.Create(hWnd, _T("Background color"), ID++, x + xx * 2 + 4, y_image += 24, 100, 20); ExtractEditAlpha.Create(hWnd, pOption->szBgRGB, ID++, x + xx * 2 + 100, y_image - 4, 100, 22); ExtractEditAlpha.SetLimit(6); ExtractEditAlpha.Enable(pOption->bAlphaBlend); // const int x_save = x + 200; int y_save = y; ExtractGroupSave.Create(hWnd, _T("Destination"), ID++, x_save + 50, y_save += 34, 290, 110); ExtractRadioSave.Close(); ExtractRadioSave.Create(hWnd, _T("Specify each time"), ID++, x_save + xx + 50, y_save += 18, 220, 20); ExtractRadioSave.Create(hWnd, _T("Same folder as input source"), ID++, x_save + xx + 50, y_save += 20, 200, 20); ExtractRadioSave.Create(hWnd, _T("The following folder"), ID++, x_save + xx + 50, y_save += 20, 200, 20); ExtractRadioSave.SetCheck(0, pOption->bSaveSel); ExtractRadioSave.SetCheck(1, pOption->bSaveSrc); ExtractRadioSave.SetCheck(2, pOption->bSaveDir); ExtractEditSave.Create(hWnd, pOption->SaveDir, ID++, x_save + xx * 2 + 40, y_save += 20, 200, 22); ExtractEditSave.Enable(pOption->bSaveDir); ExtractBtnSave.Create(hWnd, _T("Browse"), ID++, x_save + xx * 2 + 250, y_save + 1, 50, 20); ExtractBtnSave.Enable(pOption->bSaveDir); // y = (y_image > y_save) ? y_image : y_save; ExtractLabelBuf.Create(hWnd, _T("Buffer Size(KB)"), ID++, x, y += 44, 100, 20); ExtractEditBuf.Create(hWnd, pOption->BufSize, ID++, x + 100, y - 4, 110, 22); // ExtractLabelTmp.Create(hWnd, _T("Temporary Folder"), ID++, x, y += 24, 100, 20); ExtractEditTmp.Create(hWnd, pOption->TmpDir, ID++, x + 100, y - 4, 200, 22); ExtractBtnTmp.Create(hWnd, _T("Browse"), ID++, x + 310, y - 3, 50, 20); break; } case WM_COMMAND: // Checkbox if (LOWORD(wp) >= ExtractCheck.front().GetID() && LOWORD(wp) <= ExtractCheck.back().GetID()) { PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // Alpha blend check box if (LOWORD(wp) == ExtractCheckAlpha.GetID()) { ExtractEditAlpha.Enable(ExtractCheckAlpha.GetCheck()); PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } //Output image format radio button if (LOWORD(wp) >= ExtractRadioImage.GetID(0) && LOWORD(wp) <= ExtractRadioImage.GetID(1)) { PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // Destination radio button if (LOWORD(wp) >= ExtractRadioSave.GetID(0) && LOWORD(wp) <= ExtractRadioSave.GetID(2)) { ExtractEditSave.Enable(ExtractRadioSave.GetCheck(2)); ExtractBtnSave.Enable(ExtractRadioSave.GetCheck(2)); PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // Output folder browse if (LOWORD(wp) == ExtractBtnSave.GetID()) { TCHAR szSaveDir[_MAX_DIR]; ExtractEditSave.GetText(szSaveDir, sizeof(szSaveDir)); if (FolderDlg.DoModal(hWnd, _T("Select the output folder"), szSaveDir)) ExtractEditSave.SetText(szSaveDir); break; } // Temporary folder browse if (LOWORD(wp) == ExtractBtnTmp.GetID()) { TCHAR szTmpDir[_MAX_DIR]; ExtractEditTmp.GetText(szTmpDir, sizeof(szTmpDir)); if (FolderDlg.DoModal(hWnd, _T("Select a temporary folder"), szTmpDir)) ExtractEditTmp.SetText(szTmpDir); break; } // Contents of the edit box have been changed if (HIWORD(wp) == EN_CHANGE) { PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } break; case WM_NOTIFY: { const auto* const hdr = reinterpret_cast<LPNMHDR>(lp); switch (hdr->code) { // OK/Apply, Tabbing case PSN_APPLY: case PSN_KILLACTIVE: // Extraction Settings for (size_t i = 0; i < ExtractCheck.size(); i++) *ExtractCheckFlag[i] = ExtractCheck[i].GetCheck(); // pOption->bDstBMP = ExtractRadioImage.GetCheck(0); pOption->bDstPNG = ExtractRadioImage.GetCheck(1); ExtractEditPng.GetText(&pOption->CmplvPng, FALSE); // pOption->bAlphaBlend = ExtractCheckAlpha.GetCheck(); ExtractEditAlpha.GetText(&pOption->BgRGB, TRUE); _stprintf(pOption->szBgRGB, _T("%06x"), pOption->BgRGB); // pOption->bSaveSel = ExtractRadioSave.GetCheck(0); pOption->bSaveSrc = ExtractRadioSave.GetCheck(1); pOption->bSaveDir = ExtractRadioSave.GetCheck(2); ExtractEditSave.GetText(pOption->SaveDir); // ExtractEditBuf.GetText(&pOption->BufSize, FALSE); // ExtractEditTmp.GetText(pOption->TmpDir); // OK/Apply if (hdr->code == PSN_APPLY) Apply(); return TRUE; } break; } } return FALSE; }
void EditBoxImplWin::openKeyboard() { if (_delegate != nullptr) { _delegate->editBoxEditingDidBegin(_editBox); } CEditBox* pEditBox = this->getEditBox(); if (nullptr != pEditBox && 0 != pEditBox->getScriptEditBoxHandler()) { CommonScriptData data(pEditBox->getScriptEditBoxHandler(), "began",pEditBox); ScriptEvent event(kCommonEvent,(void*)&data); ScriptEngineManager::getInstance()->getScriptEngine()->sendEvent(&event); } std::string placeHolder = _labelPlaceHolder->getString(); if (placeHolder.length() == 0) placeHolder = "Enter value"; char pText[100]= {0}; std::string text = getText(); if (text.length()) strncpy(pText, text.c_str(), 100); GLView *glView = Director::getInstance()->getOpenGLView(); GLFWwindow *glfwWindow = glView->getWindow(); HWND hwnd = glfwGetWin32Window(glfwWindow); bool didChange = CWin32InputBox::InputBox("Input", placeHolder.c_str(), pText, 100, false, hwnd) == IDOK; if (didChange) setText(pText); if (_delegate != nullptr) { if (didChange) _delegate->editBoxTextChanged(_editBox, getText()); _delegate->editBoxEditingDidEnd(_editBox); _delegate->editBoxReturn(_editBox); } #if CC_ENABLE_SCRIPT_BINDING if (nullptr != _editBox && 0 != _editBox->getScriptEditBoxHandler()) { CommonScriptData data(_editBox->getScriptEditBoxHandler(), "changed",_editBox); ScriptEvent event(kCommonEvent,(void*)&data); if (didChange) { ScriptEngineManager::getInstance()->getScriptEngine()->sendEvent(&event); } memset(data.eventName,0,sizeof(data.eventName)); strncpy(data.eventName,"ended",sizeof(data.eventName)); = (void*)&data; ScriptEngineManager::getInstance()->getScriptEngine()->sendEvent(&event); memset(data.eventName,0,sizeof(data.eventName)); strncpy(data.eventName,"return",sizeof(data.eventName)); = (void*)&data; ScriptEngineManager::getInstance()->getScriptEngine()->sendEvent(&event); } #endif // #if CC_ENABLE_SCRIPT_BINDING }
LRESULT CFolderInputDialog::WndProc(HWND window, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { static CButton btn_dir, btn_ok, btn_cancel; static CEditBox edit_dir; static CLabel label_dir; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { // Allow D&D (Drag & Drop) DragAcceptFiles(window, TRUE); UINT id = 10000; int x = 10; int y = -10; SetWindowText(window, _T("Select a destination")); label_dir.Create(window, _T("Input folder name"), id++, x, y += 20, 100, 20); edit_dir.Create(window, m_save_dir, id++, x, y += 20, 300, 22); btn_dir.Create(window, _T("Browse"), id++, x + 300, y + 1, 40, 20); btn_ok.Create(window, _T("OK"), IDOK, 110, y += 30, 70, 23); btn_cancel.Create(window, _T("Cancel"), IDCANCEL, 190, y, 70, 23); edit_dir.SetFocus(); btn_ok.SetDef(); Init(380, y + 60); return FALSE; } case WM_DROPFILES: { TCHAR save_dir[_MAX_DIR]; HDROP drop = reinterpret_cast<HDROP>(wp); DragQueryFile(drop, 0, save_dir, sizeof(save_dir)); edit_dir.SetText(save_dir); return FALSE; } case WM_COMMAND: // Browse button is pressed if (LOWORD(wp) == btn_dir.GetID()) { TCHAR save_dir[_MAX_DIR]; lstrcpy(save_dir, m_save_dir); CFolderDialog folder_dialog; if (folder_dialog.DoModal(window, _T("Select a folder"), save_dir) == TRUE) edit_dir.SetText(save_dir); return FALSE; } // OK button is pressed if (LOWORD(wp) == IDOK) { edit_dir.GetText(m_save_dir, _MAX_DIR); PathRemoveBackslash(m_save_dir); EndDialog(window, IDOK); return TRUE; } // Cancel button is pressed if (LOWORD(wp) == IDCANCEL) { EndDialog(window, IDCANCEL); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } return FALSE; }
inline void CAppDlg::SetItemFocus() { m_ebItem.Focus(); }
inline void CAppDlg::SetItemName(const CString& strName) { m_ebItem.Text(strName); }
inline CString CAppDlg::GetItemValue() { return m_ebValue.Text(); }
inline CString CAppDlg::GetItemName() { return m_ebItem.Text(); }
LRESULT COption::SusieProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { static CFolderDialog FolderDlg; static SOption* pOption = &m_option_tmp; static CCheckBox SusieCheckUse, SusieCheckFirst; static CLabel SusieLabelDir; static CEditBox SusieEditDir; static CButton SusieBtnDir, SusieBtnUpdate; static std::array<CButton, 2> SusieBtn; static CSusieListView SusieListView; static CSusie susie; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { UINT ID = 10000; const int x = 10; const int xx = 15; int y = 0; SusieCheckUse.Create(hWnd, _T("Use Susie Plugins"), ID++, x + 15, y += 20, 200, 20); SusieCheckUse.SetCheck(pOption->bSusieUse); SusieLabelDir.Create(hWnd, _T("Susie Folder"), ID++, x + xx, y += 24, 75, 20); SusieEditDir.Create(hWnd, pOption->SusieDir, ID++, x + xx + 75, y - 4, 200, 22); SusieEditDir.Enable(pOption->bSusieUse); SusieBtnDir.Create(hWnd, _T("Browse"), ID++, x + xx + 280, y - 3, 50, 20); SusieBtnDir.Enable(pOption->bSusieUse); SusieCheckFirst.Create(hWnd, _T("Give Susie plugins priority when decoding"), ID++, x + xx, y += 20, 250, 20); SusieCheckFirst.SetCheck(pOption->bSusieFirst); SusieCheckFirst.Enable(pOption->bSusieUse); SusieListView.Create(hWnd, *pOption, x + xx, y += 30, 500, 190); SusieListView.Close(); SusieListView.Enable(pOption->bSusieUse); SusieListView.Show(); SusieBtnUpdate.Create(hWnd, _T("Update"), ID++, x + 290, y += 200, 50, 20); SusieBtnUpdate.Enable(pOption->bSusieUse); SusieBtn[0].Create(hWnd, _T("All ON"), ID++, x + 350, y, 80, 20); SusieBtn[0].Enable(pOption->bSusieUse); SusieBtn[1].Create(hWnd, _T("All OFF"), ID++, x + 430, y, 80, 20); SusieBtn[1].Enable(pOption->bSusieUse); break; } case WM_COMMAND: // Use Susie plugins if (LOWORD(wp) == SusieCheckUse.GetID()) { const BOOL flag = SusieCheckUse.GetCheck(); SusieEditDir.Enable(flag); SusieBtnDir.Enable(flag); SusieCheckFirst.Enable(flag); SusieListView.Enable(flag); SusieBtnUpdate.Enable(flag); SusieBtn[0].Enable(flag); SusieBtn[1].Enable(flag); PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); // Click here to show / hide the list of checkboxes, de-selected state pOption->bSusieUse = flag; SusieListView.SetItemSelAll(0); break; } // Susie Folder Browse if (LOWORD(wp) == SusieBtnDir.GetID()) { TCHAR szSusieDir[_MAX_DIR]; SusieEditDir.GetText(szSusieDir, sizeof(szSusieDir)); if (FolderDlg.DoModal(hWnd, _T("Select the Susie folder"), szSusieDir)) SusieEditDir.SetText(szSusieDir); } // Give Susie plugins priority on decoding if (LOWORD(wp) == SusieCheckFirst.GetID()) { PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // Update if (LOWORD(wp) == SusieBtnUpdate.GetID()) { susie.LoadSpi(pOption->SusieDir); susie.Init(); SusieListView.Show(); SusieListView.Update(); break; } // All ON if (LOWORD(wp) == SusieBtn[0].GetID()) { SusieListView.SetCheckAll(true); PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // All OFF if (LOWORD(wp) == SusieBtn[1].GetID()) { SusieListView.SetCheckAll(false); PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // Settings if (LOWORD(wp) == IDM_SUSIE_SET) { const SSusieInfo* const susie_info = SusieListView.GetFocusSusieInfo(); // Get ConfigurationDlg() const auto ConfigurationDlg = reinterpret_cast<ConfigurationDlgProc>(susie_info->plugin.GetProcAddress(_T("ConfigurationDlg"))); if (ConfigurationDlg == nullptr) break; // Call settings ConfigurationDlg(hWnd, 1); break; } // Contents of the editbox have changed if (HIWORD(wp) == EN_CHANGE) { PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } break; case WM_NOTIFY: { const auto* const hdr = reinterpret_cast<LPNMHDR>(lp); switch (hdr->code) { // OK/Apply, Tabbing case PSN_APPLY: case PSN_KILLACTIVE: pOption->bSusieUse = SusieCheckUse.GetCheck(); pOption->bSusieFirst = SusieCheckFirst.GetCheck(); SusieEditDir.GetText(pOption->SusieDir); SusieListView.SaveIni(); // OK/Apply if (hdr->code == PSN_APPLY) { const bool update = m_option.SusieDir == pOption->SusieDir; Apply(); // Re-acquire plugin folder only when Susie has been changed if (pOption->bSusieUse && update) { susie.LoadSpi(pOption->SusieDir); susie.Init(); SusieListView.Show(); SusieListView.Update(); } } return TRUE; // Check processing case NM_CLICK: case NM_DBLCLK: if (hdr->idFrom == idsSusieList) { if (SusieListView.SetCheck()) PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } } // List view if (wp == idsSusieList) { const auto* const plv = reinterpret_cast<LPNMLISTVIEW>(lp); switch (plv->hdr.code) { // Custom draw case NM_CUSTOMDRAW: return SusieListView.CustomDraw(reinterpret_cast<LPNMLVCUSTOMDRAW>(lp)); // Show tool tip case LVN_GETINFOTIP: SusieListView.ShowTip(reinterpret_cast<LPNMLVGETINFOTIP>(lp)); break; // View case LVN_GETDISPINFO: SusieListView.Show(reinterpret_cast<NMLVDISPINFO*>(lp)); break; } } break; } case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: { POINT pos; GetCursorPos(&pos); HWND pWnd = WindowFromPoint(pos); if (pWnd == SusieListView.GetHandle()) SendMessage(pWnd, WM_MOUSEWHEEL, wp, lp); break; } // Right-click menu (Context menu) case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { if (wp == reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(SusieListView.GetHandle())) SusieListView.CreateMenu(lp); break; } } return FALSE; }
LRESULT COption::StdProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { static SOption* pOption = &m_option_tmp; // Listview settings static CGroupBox ListGroup; static CLabel ListLabelBk, ListLabelText; static CEditBox ListEditBk, ListEditText; // Search settings static std::array<CCheckBox, search_files_labels.size()> SearchCheck; static const size_t SearchCheckNum = search_files_labels.size(); static std::array<CButton, 2> SearchBtn; static CGroupBox SearchGroup; // Search accuracy static CGroupBox HighSearchGroup; static CCheckBox HighSearchCheckOgg; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { CWindowBase::Init(::GetParent(hWnd)); UINT ID = 10000; const int x = 10; const int xx = 15; int y = 0; // Listview settings ListGroup.Create(hWnd, _T("List Settings"), ID++, x, y += 20, 510, 75); ListLabelBk.Create(hWnd, _T("Background Color"), ID++, x + xx, y += 24, 100, 20); ListEditBk.Create(hWnd, pOption->szListBkColor, ID++, x + xx + 100, y - 4, 70, 22); ListEditBk.SetLimit(6); ListLabelText.Create(hWnd, _T("Text Color"), ID++, x + xx, y += 24, 100, 20); ListEditText.Create(hWnd, pOption->szListTextColor, ID++, x + xx + 100, y - 4, 70, 22); ListEditText.SetLimit(6); // Search Settings SearchGroup.Create(hWnd, _T("Files to be searched"), ID++, x, y += 40, 510, 100); //y += 20; for (size_t i = 0, xxx = 0; i < SearchCheckNum; i++, xxx += 55) { if ((i % 8) == 0) { xxx = 0, y += 20; } SearchCheck[i].Create(hWnd, search_files_labels[i], ID++, x + xx + static_cast<int>(xxx), y, 50, 20); SearchCheck[i].SetCheck(pOption->bSearch[i]); } SearchBtn[0].Create(hWnd, _T("Select all"), ID++, 350, y += 30, 80, 20); SearchBtn[1].Create(hWnd, _T("Deselect all"), ID++, 430, y, 80, 20); // Search Accuracy Settings HighSearchGroup.Create(hWnd, _T("Search Accuracy"), ID++, x, y += 40, 510, 50); HighSearchCheckOgg.Create(hWnd, _T("Increase the accuracy of OGG searches"), ID++, x + xx, y += 20, 220, 20); HighSearchCheckOgg.SetCheck(pOption->bHighSearchOgg); break; } case WM_COMMAND: // Check the file search box if (LOWORD(wp) >= SearchCheck[0].GetID() && LOWORD(wp) <= SearchCheck[SearchCheckNum-1].GetID()) { const int number = LOWORD(wp) - SearchCheck[0].GetID(); pOption->bSearch[number] ^= 1; SearchCheck[number].SetCheck(pOption->bSearch[number]); PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // Select all if (LOWORD(wp) == SearchBtn[0].GetID()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < SearchCheckNum; i++) { pOption->bSearch[i] = TRUE; SearchCheck[i].SetCheck(pOption->bSearch[i]); } PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // Deselect if (LOWORD(wp) == SearchBtn[1].GetID()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < SearchCheckNum; i++) { pOption->bSearch[i] = FALSE; SearchCheck[i].SetCheck(pOption->bSearch[i]); } PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } if (LOWORD(wp) == HighSearchCheckOgg.GetID()) { PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // The contents of the editbox have been changed if (HIWORD(wp) == EN_CHANGE) { PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } break; case WM_NOTIFY: { const auto* const hdr = reinterpret_cast<LPNMHDR>(lp); switch (hdr->code) { // Apply/OK, Tabbing case PSN_APPLY: case PSN_KILLACTIVE: ListEditBk.GetText(&pOption->ListBkColor, TRUE); _stprintf(pOption->szListBkColor, _T("%06x"), pOption->ListBkColor); ListEditText.GetText(&pOption->ListTextColor, TRUE); _stprintf(pOption->szListTextColor, _T("%06x"), pOption->ListTextColor); pOption->bHighSearchOgg = HighSearchCheckOgg.GetCheck(); // OK/Apply if (hdr->code == PSN_APPLY) Apply(); return TRUE; } break; } } return FALSE; }