Ejemplo n.º 1
bool CReactionInterface::loadMappingAndValues(const CReaction & rea)
  bool success = true;
  std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >::const_iterator it;
  std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >::const_iterator iEnd;
  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator jt;
  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator jEnd;
  size_t i;

  std::string metabName;
  const CModelEntity* pObj;

  std::vector<std::string> SubList;
  SubList[0] = "unknown";


  for (i = 0; i != size(); ++i)
      mNameMap[i] = SubList;

  mValues.resize(size(), 0.1);
  mIsLocal.resize(size(), false);

  it = rea.getParameterMappings().begin();
  iEnd = rea.getParameterMappings().end();

  for (i = 0; it != iEnd; ++it, ++i)

      if (isVector(i))
          assert((getUsage(i) == CFunctionParameter::SUBSTRATE)
                 || (getUsage(i) == CFunctionParameter::PRODUCT)
                 || (getUsage(i) == CFunctionParameter::MODIFIER));


          for (jt = it->begin(), jEnd = it->end(); jt != jEnd; ++jt)
              metabName = CMetabNameInterface::getDisplayName(mpModel, *jt, true);
              assert(metabName != "");
          assert(it->size() == 1);
          SubList.resize(1); SubList[0] = "unknown";

          switch (getUsage(i))
              case CFunctionParameter::SUBSTRATE:
              case CFunctionParameter::PRODUCT:
              case CFunctionParameter::MODIFIER:
                metabName = CMetabNameInterface::getDisplayName(mpModel, *(it->begin()), true);
                // assert(metabName != "");
                SubList[0] = metabName;
                //TODO: check if the metabolite is in the chemical equation with the correct rule

              case CFunctionParameter::VOLUME:
                pObj = dynamic_cast<const CCompartment*>(CCopasiRootContainer::getKeyFactory()->get(*(it->begin())));
                SubList[0] = pObj->getObjectName();

              case CFunctionParameter::TIME:
                pObj = dynamic_cast<const CModel*>(CCopasiRootContainer::getKeyFactory()->get(*(it->begin())));
                SubList[0] = pObj->getObjectName();

              case CFunctionParameter::PARAMETER:
                const CCopasiParameter * pParameter = rea.getParameters().getParameter(getParameterName(i));

                if (pParameter != NULL)
                    mValues[i] = * pParameter->getValue().pDOUBLE;
                    mValues[i] = std::numeric_limits< C_FLOAT64 >::quiet_NaN();

                mIsLocal[i] = rea.isLocalParameter(i);

                if (!mIsLocal[i])
                    pObj = dynamic_cast<const CModelValue*>(CCopasiRootContainer::getKeyFactory()->get(*(it->begin())));

                    if (pObj)
                        SubList[0] = pObj->getObjectName();
                        mValues[i] = pObj->getInitialValue();


      mNameMap[i] = SubList;

  return success;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool CODEExporterC::exportTitleData(const CModel* copasiModel, std::ostream & os)

  size_t metab_size = copasiModel->getMetabolitesX().size();
  size_t indep_size = copasiModel->getNumIndependentReactionMetabs();
  size_t ode_size = copasiModel->getNumODEMetabs();
  size_t comps_size = copasiModel->getCompartments().size();
  size_t modvals_size = copasiModel->getModelValues().size();
  size_t reacs_size = copasiModel->getReactions().size();

  size_t i, j, num_params, count;
  const CCopasiVector< CReaction > & reacs = copasiModel->getReactions();
  CReaction* reac;

  count = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < reacs_size; ++i)

      reac = reacs[i];
      num_params = reac->getParameters().size();

      for (j = 0; j < num_params; ++j)
          if (reac->isLocalParameter(j))

  size_t numX = 0;
  size_t numY = 0;
  size_t numXC = 0;
  size_t numYC = 0;
  size_t numPC = 0;
  size_t numP = 0;
  size_t numDX = 0;
  size_t numCT = 0;

  std::ostringstream p_names;  p_names  << "const char* p_names[] = {";
  std::ostringstream x_names;  x_names  << "const char* x_names[] = {";
  std::ostringstream y_names;  y_names  << "const char* y_names[] = {";
  std::ostringstream xc_names; xc_names << "const char* xc_names[] = {";
  std::ostringstream pc_names; pc_names << "const char* pc_names[] = {";
  std::ostringstream yc_names; yc_names << "const char* yc_names[] = {";
  std::ostringstream dx_names; dx_names << "const char* dx_names[] = {";
  std::ostringstream ct_names; ct_names << "const char* ct_names[] = {";

  CKeyFactory* kf = CCopasiRootContainer::getKeyFactory();

  std::map< std::string, std::string >::const_iterator it = NameMap.begin();
  std::map< std::string, std::string > reverse_map;

  while (it != NameMap.end())
      const std::string& abbrev = it->second;
      const std::string& key = it->first;

      if (startsWith(abbrev, "p["))
          reverse_map[abbrev] = key;
      else if (startsWith(abbrev, "x["))
          reverse_map[abbrev] = key;
      else if (startsWith(abbrev, "y["))
          reverse_map[abbrev] = key;
      else if (startsWith(abbrev, "dx["))
          reverse_map[abbrev] = key;
      else if (startsWith(abbrev, "ct["))
          reverse_map[abbrev] = key;
      else if (startsWith(abbrev, "x_c["))
          CCopasiObject* obj = kf->get(key);

          if (obj != NULL)
              reverse_map[abbrev] = obj->getObjectName();
              reverse_map[abbrev] = key;

      else if (startsWith(abbrev, "p_c["))
          CCopasiObject* obj = kf->get(key);

          if (obj != NULL)
              reverse_map[abbrev] = obj->getObjectName();
              reverse_map[abbrev] = key;

      else if (startsWith(abbrev, "y_c["))
          CCopasiObject* obj = kf->get(key);

          if (obj != NULL)
              reverse_map[abbrev] = obj->getObjectName();
              reverse_map[abbrev] = key;



  for (size_t i = 0; i < numP; ++i)
      std::stringstream str; str << "p[" << i << "]";
      printNameForKey(p_names, kf, reverse_map[str.str()]);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < numX; ++i)
      std::stringstream str; str << "x[" << i << "]";
      printNameForKey(x_names, kf, reverse_map[str.str()]);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < numY; ++i)
      std::stringstream str; str << "y[" << i << "]";
      printNameForKey(y_names, kf, reverse_map[str.str()]);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < numDX; ++i)
      std::stringstream str; str << "dx[" << i << "]";
      printNameForKey(dx_names, kf, reverse_map[str.str()]);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < numCT; ++i)
      std::stringstream str; str << "ct[" << i << "]";
      printNameForKey(ct_names, kf, reverse_map[str.str()]);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < numXC; ++i)
      std::stringstream str; str << "x_c[" << i << "]";
      xc_names << "\"" << reverse_map[str.str()] << "\", ";

  for (size_t i = 0; i < numPC; ++i)
      std::stringstream str; str << "p_c[" << i << "]";
      pc_names << "\"" << reverse_map[str.str()] << "\", ";

  for (size_t i = 0; i < numYC; ++i)
      std::stringstream str; str << "y_c[" << i << "]";
      yc_names << "\"" << reverse_map[str.str()] << "\", ";

  os << "#ifdef SIZE_DEFINITIONS" << std::endl;
  os << "#define N_METABS " << metab_size << std::endl;
  os << "#define N_ODE_METABS " << ode_size << std::endl;
  os << "#define N_INDEP_METABS " << indep_size << std::endl;
  os << "#define N_COMPARTMENTS " << comps_size << std::endl;
  os << "#define N_GLOBAL_PARAMS " << modvals_size << std::endl;
  os << "#define N_KIN_PARAMS " << count << std::endl;
  os << "#define N_REACTIONS " << reacs_size << std::endl << std::endl;

  os << "#define N_ARRAY_SIZE_P  " << numP  << "\t// number of parameters" << std::endl;
  os << "#define N_ARRAY_SIZE_X  " << numX  << "\t// number of initials" << std::endl;
  os << "#define N_ARRAY_SIZE_Y  " << numY  << "\t// number of assigned elements" << std::endl;
  os << "#define N_ARRAY_SIZE_XC " << numXC << "\t// number of x concentration" << std::endl;
  os << "#define N_ARRAY_SIZE_PC " << numPC << "\t// number of p concentration" << std::endl;
  os << "#define N_ARRAY_SIZE_YC " << numYC << "\t// number of y concentration" << std::endl;
  os << "#define N_ARRAY_SIZE_DX " << numDX << "\t// number of ODEs " << std::endl;
  os << "#define N_ARRAY_SIZE_CT " << numCT << "\t// number of conserved totals" << std::endl << std::endl;

  os << "#endif // SIZE_DEFINITIONS" << std::endl;
  os << std::endl;

  os << "#ifdef TIME" << std::endl;
  os << "#define T  <set here a user name for the time variable> " << std::endl;
  os << "#endif // TIME" << std::endl;

  os << std::endl;
  os << "#ifdef NAME_ARRAYS" << std::endl;
  os << p_names.str()  << " \"\" };" << std::endl;
  os << x_names.str()  << " \"\" };" << std::endl;
  os << y_names.str()  << " \"\" };" << std::endl;
  os << xc_names.str() << " \"\" };" << std::endl;
  os << pc_names.str() << " \"\" };" << std::endl;
  os << yc_names.str() << " \"\" };" << std::endl;
  os << dx_names.str() << " \"\" };" << std::endl;
  os << ct_names.str() << " \"\" };" << std::endl;
  os << "#endif // NAME_ARRAYS" << std::endl;

  return true;