Ejemplo n.º 1
//part of the quick hull algorithm based on http://www.ahristov.com/tutorial/geometry-games/convex-hull.html
int point_location(City A, City B, City P){
        int cp1 = (B.x() - A.x())*(P.y()-A.y()) - (B.y()-A.y())*(P.x()-A.x());
        if(cp1 > 0)
                return 1;
		 return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
//City A the starting point of the line
//City B the ending point of the line
//City point the point to find the distance to
//the distance from this line to the point
double point_to_line(Vec2 A, Vec2 B, City point)
	float diffX = B.x() - A.x();
	float diffY = B.y() - A.y();
	if ((diffX == 0) && (diffY == 0)){
		diffX = point.x() - A.x();
		diffY = point.y() - A.y();
		return sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY);

	float t = ((point.x() - A.x()) * diffX + (point.y() - A.y()) * diffY) / (diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY);

	if (t < 0){
		//point is nearest to the first point i.e x1 and y1
		diffX = point.x() - A.x();
		diffY = point.y() - A.y();
	else if (t > 1){
		//point is nearest to the end point i.e x2 and y2
		diffX = point.x() - B.x();
		diffY = point.y() - B.y();
		//if perpendicular line intersect the line segment.
		diffX = point.x() - (A.x() + t * diffX);
		diffY = point.y() - (A.y() + t * diffY);
    //return shortest distance
    return sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY);
Ejemplo n.º 3
//part of the quick hull algorithm based on http://www.ahristov.com/tutorial/geometry-games/convex-hull.html
int distance(City A, City B, City C){
        int ABx = B.x() - A.x();
        int ABy = B.y() - A.y();
        int num = ABx * (A.y() - C.y()) - ABy * (A.x() - C.x());
        if (num < 0)
                num = -num;
        return num;