Ejemplo n.º 1
// Adds the coverage, column count and box for a single partition,
// without adding it to the list. (Helper factored from ComputeCoverage.)
void ColPartitionSet::AddPartitionCoverageAndBox(const ColPartition& part) {
  bounding_box_ += part.bounding_box();
  int coverage = part.ColumnWidth();
  if (part.good_width()) {
    good_coverage_ += coverage;
    good_column_count_ += 2;
  } else {
    if (part.blob_type() < BRT_UNKNOWN)
      coverage /= 2;
    if (part.good_column())
    bad_coverage_ += coverage;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Accumulate the widths and gaps into the given variables.
void ColPartitionSet::AccumulateColumnWidthsAndGaps(int* total_width,
                                                    int* width_samples,
                                                    int* total_gap,
                                                    int* gap_samples) {
  ColPartition_IT it(&parts_);
  for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) {
    ColPartition* part = it.data();
    *total_width += part->ColumnWidth();
    if (!it.at_last()) {
      ColPartition* next_part = it.data_relative(1);
      int gap = part->KeyWidth(part->right_key(), next_part->left_key());
      *total_gap += gap;