Ejemplo n.º 1
static cell_t sm_GetConVarBounds(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
	Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]);
	HandleError err;
	ConVar *pConVar;

	if ((err=g_ConVarManager.ReadConVarHandle(hndl, &pConVar))
		!= HandleError_None)
		return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid convar handle %x (error %d)", hndl, err);

	cell_t *addr;
	bool hasBound;
	float bound;

	switch (params[2])
	case ConVarBound_Upper:
		hasBound = pConVar->GetMax(bound);
	case ConVarBound_Lower:
		hasBound = pConVar->GetMin(bound);
		return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid ConVarBounds value %d");
	pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[3], &addr);
	*addr = sp_ftoc(bound);

	return hasBound;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Purpose: 
void ConVar_PrintDescription( const ConCommandBase *pVar )
	bool bMin, bMax;
	float fMin, fMax;
	const char *pStr;

	assert( pVar );

	Color clr;
	clr.SetColor( 255, 100, 100, 255 );

	if ( !pVar->IsCommand() )
		ConVar *var = ( ConVar * )pVar;
		const ConVar_ServerBounded *pBounded = dynamic_cast<const ConVar_ServerBounded*>( var );

		bMin = var->GetMin( fMin );
		bMax = var->GetMax( fMax );

		const char *value = NULL;
		char tempVal[ 32 ];

		if ( pBounded || var->IsFlagSet( FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING ) )
			value = tempVal;
			int intVal = pBounded ? pBounded->GetInt() : var->GetInt();
			float floatVal = pBounded ? pBounded->GetFloat() : var->GetFloat();

			if ( fabs( (float)intVal - floatVal ) < 0.000001 )
				Q_snprintf( tempVal, sizeof( tempVal ), "%d", intVal );
				Q_snprintf( tempVal, sizeof( tempVal ), "%f", floatVal );
			value = var->GetString();

		if ( value )
			ConColorMsg( clr, "\"%s\" = \"%s\"", var->GetName(), value );

			if ( stricmp( value, var->GetDefault() ) )
				ConMsg( " ( def. \"%s\" )", var->GetDefault() );

		if ( bMin )
			ConMsg( " min. %f", fMin );
		if ( bMax )
			ConMsg( " max. %f", fMax );

		ConMsg( "\n" );

		// Handled virtualized cvars.
		if ( pBounded && fabs( pBounded->GetFloat() - var->GetFloat() ) > 0.0001f )
			ConColorMsg( clr, "** NOTE: The real value is %.3f but the server has temporarily restricted it to %.3f **\n",
				var->GetFloat(), pBounded->GetFloat() );
		ConCommand *var = ( ConCommand * )pVar;

		ConColorMsg( clr, "\"%s\"\n", var->GetName() );

	ConVar_PrintFlags( pVar );

	pStr = pVar->GetHelpText();
	if ( pStr && pStr[0] )
		ConMsg( " - %s\n", pStr );