Ejemplo n.º 1
    void OpDebug::append( const CurOp& curop, BSONObjBuilder& b ) const {
        b.append( "op" , iscommand ? "command" : opToString( op ) );
        b.append( "ns" , ns );
        if ( ! query.isEmpty() )
            b.append( iscommand ? "command" : "query" , query );
        else if ( ! iscommand && curop.haveQuery() )
            curop.appendQuery( b , "query" );

        if ( ! updateobj.isEmpty() )
            b.append( "updateobj" , updateobj );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( cursorid );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( ntoreturn );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( ntoskip );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( exhaust );

        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( nscanned );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( idhack );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( scanAndOrder );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( nupdated );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( ninserted );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( ndeleted );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( fastmod );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( fastmodinsert );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( upsert );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( keyUpdates );

        b.append( "lockStats" , curop.lockStat().report() );
        if ( ! exceptionInfo.empty() ) 
            exceptionInfo.append( b , "exception" , "exceptionCode" );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( nreturned );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( responseLength );
        b.append( "millis" , executionTime );
Ejemplo n.º 2
    string OpDebug::report( const CurOp& curop ) const {
        StringBuilder s;
        if ( iscommand )
            s << "command ";
            s << opToString( op ) << ' ';
        s << ns;

        if ( ! query.isEmpty() ) {
            if ( iscommand )
                s << " command: ";
                s << " query: ";
            s << query.toString(false, true);
        if ( ! updateobj.isEmpty() ) {
            s << " update: ";
            updateobj.toString( s );

        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( cursorid );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( ntoreturn );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( ntoskip );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL( exhaust );

        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( nscanned );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL( scanAndOrder );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( nupdated );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( ninserted );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( ndeleted );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL( fastmodinsert );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( keyUpdates );
        if ( extra.len() )
            s << " " << extra.str();

        if ( ! exceptionInfo.empty() ) {
            s << " exception: " << exceptionInfo.msg;
            if ( exceptionInfo.code )
                s << " code:" << exceptionInfo.code;

        if (!lockNotGrantedInfo.isEmpty()) {
            BSONObjBuilder expandedLockNotGrantedInfoBuilder;
            long long blockingTxnid = lockNotGrantedInfo["blockingTxnid"].numberLong();
                scoped_lock bl(Client::clientsMutex);
                for (set<Client*>::iterator i = Client::clients.begin(); i != Client::clients.end(); i++) {
                    Client *c = *i;
                    if (c->rootTransactionId() == blockingTxnid && c->curop() != NULL) {
                        expandedLockNotGrantedInfoBuilder.append("blockingOp", c->curop()->info());
            s << " lockNotGranted: " << expandedLockNotGrantedInfoBuilder.done();

        s << " ";
        curop.lockStat().report( s );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( nreturned );
        if ( responseLength > 0 )
            s << " reslen:" << responseLength;
        s << " " << executionTime << "ms";
        return s.str();
Ejemplo n.º 3
    bool OpDebug::append(const CurOp& curop, BSONObjBuilder& b, size_t maxSize) const {
        b.append( "op" , iscommand ? "command" : opToString( op ) );
        b.append( "ns" , ns.toString() );
        int queryUpdateObjSize = 0;
        if (!query.isEmpty()) {
            queryUpdateObjSize += query.objsize();
        else if (!iscommand && curop.haveQuery()) {
            queryUpdateObjSize += curop.query()["query"].size();

        if (!updateobj.isEmpty()) {
            queryUpdateObjSize += updateobj.objsize();

        if (static_cast<size_t>(queryUpdateObjSize) > maxSize) {
            if (!query.isEmpty()) {
                // Use 60 since BSONObj::toString can truncate strings into 150 chars
                // and we want to have enough room for both query and updateobj when
                // the entire document is going to be serialized into a string
                const string abbreviated(query.toString(false, false), 0, 60);
                b.append(iscommand ? "command" : "query", abbreviated + "...");
            else if (!iscommand && curop.haveQuery()) {
                const string abbreviated(curop.query()["query"].toString(false, false), 0, 60);
                b.append("query", abbreviated + "...");

            if (!updateobj.isEmpty()) {
                const string abbreviated(updateobj.toString(false, false), 0, 60);
                b.append("updateobj", abbreviated + "...");

            return false;

        if (!query.isEmpty()) {
            b.append(iscommand ? "command" : "query", query);
        else if (!iscommand && curop.haveQuery()) {
            curop.appendQuery(b, "query");

        if (!updateobj.isEmpty()) {
            b.append("updateobj", updateobj);

        const bool moved = (nmoved >= 1);

        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( cursorid );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( ntoreturn );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( ntoskip );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( exhaust );

        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( nscanned );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( idhack );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( scanAndOrder );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( moved );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( nmoved );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( nMatched );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( nModified );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( ninserted );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( ndeleted );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( fastmod );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( fastmodinsert );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( upsert );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( keyUpdates );

        b.appendNumber( "numYield" , curop.numYields() );
        b.append( "lockStats" , curop.lockStat().report() );

        if ( ! exceptionInfo.empty() )
            exceptionInfo.append( b , "exception" , "exceptionCode" );

        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( nreturned );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( responseLength );
        b.append( "millis" , executionTime );

        execStats.append(b, "execStats");

        return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    string OpDebug::report( const CurOp& curop ) const {
        StringBuilder s;
        if ( iscommand )
            s << "command ";
            s << opToString( op ) << ' ';
        s << ns.toString();

        if ( ! query.isEmpty() ) {
            if ( iscommand ) {
                s << " command: ";
                Command* curCommand = curop.getCommand();
                if (curCommand) {
                    mutablebson::Document cmdToLog(curop.query(), 
                    s << cmdToLog.toString();
                else { // Should not happen but we need to handle curCommand == NULL gracefully
                    s << query.toString();
            else {
                s << " query: ";
                s << query.toString();

        if (!planSummary.empty()) {
            s << " planSummary: " << planSummary.toString();
        if ( ! updateobj.isEmpty() ) {
            s << " update: ";
            updateobj.toString( s );

        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( cursorid );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( ntoreturn );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( ntoskip );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL( exhaust );

        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( nscanned );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL( scanAndOrder );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( nmoved );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( nMatched );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( nModified );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( ninserted );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( ndeleted );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL( fastmod );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL( fastmodinsert );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( keyUpdates );
        if ( extra.len() )
            s << " " << extra.str();

        if ( ! exceptionInfo.empty() ) {
            s << " exception: " << exceptionInfo.msg;
            if ( exceptionInfo.code )
                s << " code:" << exceptionInfo.code;

        s << " numYields:" << curop.numYields();
        s << " ";
        curop.lockStat().report( s );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( nreturned );
        if ( responseLength > 0 )
            s << " reslen:" << responseLength;
        s << " " << executionTime << "ms";
        return s.str();
Ejemplo n.º 5
    string OpDebug::report( const CurOp& curop ) const {
        StringBuilder s;
        if ( iscommand )
            s << "command ";
            s << opToString( op ) << ' ';
        s << ns;

        if ( ! query.isEmpty() ) {
            if ( iscommand )
                s << " command: ";
                s << " query: ";
            s << query.toString(false, true);
        if ( ! updateobj.isEmpty() ) {
            s << " update: ";
            updateobj.toString( s );

        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( cursorid );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( ntoreturn );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( ntoskip );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL( exhaust );

        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( nscanned );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL( scanAndOrder );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( nupdated );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( ninserted );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( ndeleted );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL( fastmod );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL( fastmodinsert );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( keyUpdates );
        if ( extra.len() )
            s << " " << extra.str();

        if ( ! exceptionInfo.empty() ) {
            s << " exception: " << exceptionInfo.msg;
            if ( exceptionInfo.code )
                s << " code:" << exceptionInfo.code;

        if ( ! lockNotGrantedInfo.isEmpty() ) {
            s << " lockNotGranted: " << lockNotGrantedInfo;

        s << " ";
        curop.lockStat().report( s );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( nreturned );
        if ( responseLength > 0 )
            s << " reslen:" << responseLength;
        s << " " << executionTime << "ms";
        return s.str();