Ejemplo n.º 1
int CwxMcConfig::loadSyncHost(string const& strSyncHostFile){
  CwxIniParse cnf;
  string value;
  string strErrMsg;
  if (false == cnf.load(strSyncHostFile)) {
    CwxCommon::snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047,
      "Failure to Load conf file:%s. err:%s", strSyncHostFile.c_str(),
    return -1;
  //load sync_host
  list<pair<string, string> > hosts;
  if (!cnf.getAttr("host", hosts) || !hosts.size()){
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Must set [host].");
    return -1;
  list<pair<string, string> >::iterator iter = hosts.begin();
  list<string> items;
  list<string>::iterator item_iter;
  CwxMcConfigHost hostInfo;
  while(iter != hosts.end()){
    CwxCommon::split(iter->second, items, ':');
    if (items.size() != 4){
      snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "[host:%s]'s value[%s] is invalid, must be [port:user:passwd:limit].",
      return -1;
    hostInfo.m_host = iter->first;
    item_iter = items.begin();
    hostInfo.m_port = strtoul(item_iter->c_str(), NULL, 10);
    hostInfo.m_user = *item_iter;
    hostInfo.m_passwd = *item_iter;
    hostInfo.m_limit = strtoul(item_iter->c_str(), NULL, 10);
    if (m_syncHosts.m_hosts.find(hostInfo.m_host) != m_syncHosts.m_hosts.end()) {
      snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "[host name:%s] is duplicate.", hostInfo.m_host.c_str());
      return -1;
    m_syncHosts.m_hosts[hostInfo.m_host] = hostInfo;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int CwxMqImportConfig::loadConfig(string const & strConfFile) {
  CwxIniParse cnf;
  string value;
  if (false == cnf.load(strConfFile)) {
    CwxCommon::snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Failure to Load conf file:%s. err:%s",
      strConfFile.c_str(), cnf.getErrMsg());
    return -1;

  //load import:home
  if (!cnf.getAttr("import", "home", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [import:home].");
    return -1;
  if ('/' != value[value.length() - 1])
    value += "/";
  m_strWorkDir = value;
  //load import:listen
  if (!cnf.getAttr("import", "listen", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [import:listen].");
    return -1;
  if (!mqParseHostPort(value, m_listen)) {
    snprintf(m_szError, 2047,
      "import:listen must be [host:port], [%s] is invalid.", value.c_str());
    return -1;
  //load import:unix
  if (!cnf.getAttr("import", "unix", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [import:unix].");
    return -1;
  m_strUnixPathFile = value;
  //load import:user
  if (!cnf.getAttr("import", "user", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [import:user].");
    return -1;
  m_strUser = value;
  //load import:passwd
  if (!cnf.getAttr("import", "passwd", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [import:passwd].");
    return -1;
  m_strPasswd = value;
  //load import:conn_type
  if (!cnf.getAttr("import", "conn_type", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [import:conn_type].");
    return -1;
  m_bTcp = (value == "tcp" ? true : false);
  //load import:conn_num
  if (!cnf.getAttr("import", "conn_num", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [import:conn_num].");
    return -1;
  m_unConnNum = strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
  if (!m_unConnNum)
    m_unConnNum = 1;
  //load import:conn_lasting
  if (!cnf.getAttr("import", "conn_lasting", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [import:conn_lasting].");
    return -1;
  m_bLasting = (value == "1" ? true : false);
  //load import:data_group
  if (!cnf.getAttr("import", "data_group", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [import:data_group].");
    return -1;
  m_uiGroup = strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
  //load import:data_size
  if (!cnf.getAttr("import", "data_size", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [import:data_size].");
    return -1;
  m_unDataSize = strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int CwxMcConfig::loadConfig(string const & strConfFile) {
  CwxIniParse cnf;
  string value;
  string strErrMsg;
  if (false == cnf.load(strConfFile)) {
    CwxCommon::snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047,
      "Failure to Load conf file:%s. err:%s", strConfFile.c_str(),
    return -1;

  //load cmn:home
  if (!cnf.getAttr("cmn", "home", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Must set [cmn:home].");
    return -1;
  if ('/' != value[value.length() - 1])  value += "/";
  m_common.m_strWorkDir = value;
  //load cmn:monitor
  if (!cnf.getAttr("cmn", "monitor", value) || !value.length()) {
  } else {
    if (!mqParseHostPort(value, m_common.m_monitor)) {
      snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "cmn:monitor must be [host:port], [%s] is invalid.", value.c_str());
      return -1;

  //load store:path
  if (!cnf.getAttr("store", "path", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Must set [store:path].");
    return -1;
  if ('/' != value[value.length() - 1]) value += "/";
  m_store.m_strPath = value;

  //load store:file_max_mbyte
  if (!cnf.getAttr("store", "file_max_mbyte", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Must set [store:file_max_mbyte].");
    return -1;
  m_store.m_uiLogMSize = strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
  if (m_store.m_uiLogMSize < CwxMcConfigStore::MIN_LOG_MSIZE) {
    m_store.m_uiLogMSize = CwxMcConfigStore::MIN_LOG_MSIZE;
  if (m_store.m_uiLogMSize > CwxMcConfigStore::MAX_LOG_MSIZE) {
    m_store.m_uiLogMSize = CwxMcConfigStore::MAX_LOG_MSIZE;
  //load store:reserve_day
  if (!cnf.getAttr("store", "reserve_day", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Must set [store:reserve_day].");
    return -1;
  m_store.m_uiReserveDay = strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
  //load store:append_return
  if (!cnf.getAttr("store", "append_return", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Must set [store:append_return].");
    return -1;
  if (value=="yes"){
    m_store.m_bAppendReturn = true;
  }else if (value=="no"){
    m_store.m_bAppendReturn = false;
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Invalid [store:append_return]'s value[%s], must be yes/no.", value.c_str());
    return -1;
  //load store:record_prefix
  if (!cnf.getAttr("store", "record_prefix", value) || !value.length()) {
    m_store.m_strRecordPrefix = value;

  //load store:file_max_second
  if (!cnf.getAttr("store", "file_max_second", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Must set [store:file_max_second].");
    return -1;
  m_store.m_uiSwitchSecond = strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
  //load store:flush_log_num
  if (!cnf.getAttr("store", "flush_log_num", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Must set [store:flush_log_num].");
    return -1;
  m_store.m_uiFlushNum = strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
  if (m_store.m_uiFlushNum < 1) {
    m_store.m_uiFlushNum = 1;
  //load store:flush_log_second
  if (!cnf.getAttr("store", "flush_log_second", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Must set [store:flush_log_second].");
    return -1;
  m_store.m_uiFlushSecond = strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
  if (m_store.m_uiFlushSecond < 1) {
    m_store.m_uiFlushSecond = 1;
  //fetch mq
  if (!fetchHost(cnf, "mq", m_mq.m_mq)) return -1;
  //load mq:log_path
  if (!cnf.getAttr("mq", "name", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Must set [mq:name].");
    return -1;
  m_mq.m_strName = value;
  //load mq:cache_msize
  if (!cnf.getAttr("mq", "cache_msize", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Must set [mq:cache_msize].");
    return -1;
  m_mq.m_uiCacheMSize = strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
  if (m_mq.m_uiCacheMSize < 1) {
    m_mq.m_uiCacheMSize = 1;
  //load mq:cache_second
  if (!cnf.getAttr("mq", "cache_second", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Must set [mq:cache_second].");
    return -1;
  m_mq.m_uiCacheTimeout = strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
  //load sync
  //load sync:source
  if (!cnf.getAttr("sync", "source", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Must set [sync:source].");
    return -1;
  m_sync.m_strSource = value;
  //load sync:sock_buf_kbyte
  if (!cnf.getAttr("sync", "sock_buf_kbyte", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Must set [sync:sock_buf_kbyte].");
    return -1;
  m_sync.m_uiSockBufKByte = strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
  //load sync:max_chunk_kbyte
  if (!cnf.getAttr("sync", "max_chunk_kbyte", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Must set [sync:max_chunk_kbyte].");
    return -1;
  m_sync.m_uiChunkKBye = strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
  if (m_sync.m_uiChunkKBye > CWX_MQ_MAX_CHUNK_KSIZE)
    m_sync.m_uiChunkKBye = CWX_MQ_MAX_CHUNK_KSIZE;
  //load sync:sync_conn_num
  if (!cnf.getAttr("sync", "sync_conn_num", value) || !value.length()) {
    snprintf(m_szErrMsg, 2047, "Must set [sync:sync_conn_num].");
    return -1;
  m_sync.m_uiConnNum = strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
  if (m_sync.m_uiConnNum < 1) m_sync.m_uiConnNum = 1;
  //load sync:zip
  if (!cnf.getAttr("sync", "zip", value) || !value.length()) {
    m_sync.m_bzip = false;
  } else {
    if (value == "yes")
      m_sync.m_bzip = true;
      m_sync.m_bzip = false;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int UnistorBenchConfig::loadConfig(string const & strConfFile){
    CwxIniParse  parser;
    string value;
    if (false == parser.load(strConfFile)){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Failure to Load conf file. err=%s", parser.getErrMsg());
        return -1;

    //load unistor_bench:home
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "home", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:home] for running path.");
        return -1;
	if ('/' != value[value.length()-1]) value +="/";
    m_strWorkDir = value;

	//load unistor_bench:listen
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "listen", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:listen].");
        return -1;
    if (!parseHostPort(value, m_listen)){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "[unistor_bench:listen] is invalid, it should be [ip:port] format.");
        return -1;
    // load echo unistor_bench:conn_num
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "conn_num", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:conn_num].");
        return -1;
    m_unConnNum = strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 0);
    // load echo unistor_bench:conn_lasting
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "conn_lasting", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:conn_lasting].");
        return -1;
    m_bLasting = value=="1"?true:false;

    // load echo unistor_bench:data_opr
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "data_opr", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:data_opr].");
        return -1;
	m_strOpr =value;
	if ((m_strOpr != "import")&&(m_strOpr != "add")&&(m_strOpr != "set")&&(m_strOpr != "update")&&(m_strOpr != "delete")&&(m_strOpr != "get")){
		snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "invalid data opr[%s] for [unistor_bench:data_opr], must be [add/set/update/delete/import/get", m_strOpr.c_str());
		return -1;
    // load echo unistor_bench:data_size
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "data_size", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:data_size].");
        return -1;
    m_uiDataSize =strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 0);
	if (m_uiDataSize > 1024*1024) m_uiDataSize = 1024*1024;

    // load echo unistor_bench:data_key_in_order
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "data_key_in_order", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:data_key_in_order].");
        return -1;
	m_bKeyOrder = value=="yes"?true:false;

    // load echo unistor_bench:data_get_order
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "data_get_order", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:data_get_order].");
        return -1;
	m_bGetOrder = value == "yes"?true:false;

    // load echo unistor_bench:data_base
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "data_base", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:data_base].");
        return -1;
    m_uiDataBase =strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 0);
	if (m_uiDataBase < 10000) m_uiDataBase = 10000;
    // load echo unistor_bench:data_mod
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "data_mod", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:data_mod].");
        return -1;
    m_uiDataMod =strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 0);
    // load echo unistor_bench:data_master
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "data_master", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:data_master].");
        return -1;
    m_bGetMaster = (value == "yes"?true:false);
    // load echo unistor_bench:cache
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "cache", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:cache].");
        return -1;
    m_bCache = (value == "yes"?true:false);

    // load echo unistor_bench:data_group
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "data_group", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:data_group].");
        return -1;
	m_uiKeyGroup = strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 0);
	if (0 == m_uiKeyGroup) m_uiKeyGroup = 1;

    // load echo unistor_bench:data_group_index
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "data_group_index", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:data_group_index].");
        return -1;
	m_uiKeyIndex = strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 0);
	if (m_uiKeyIndex >= m_uiKeyGroup) m_uiKeyIndex = m_uiKeyGroup - 1;
    // load echo unistor_bench:expire
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "expire", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:expire].");
        return -1;
    m_uiExpire =strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 0);

    // load echo unistor_bench:user
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "user", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:user].");
        return -1;
    m_strUser = value;

    // load echo unistor_bench:passwd
    if (!parser.getAttr("unistor_bench", "passwd", value) || !value.length()){
        snprintf(m_szError, 2047, "Must set [unistor_bench:passwd].");
        return -1;
    m_strPasswd = value;
	return 0;