Ejemplo n.º 1
void EditorsDialog::startjob(QString strDir)
    kdDebug(9006) << "EditorsDialog::start() workDir = " << strDir << endl;

    DCOPRef job = m_cvsService->editors( strDir );
    m_cvsJob = new CvsJob_stub( job.app(), job.obj() );

    // establish connections to the signals of the cvs m_job
    connectDCOPSignal( job.app(), job.obj(), "jobExited(bool, int)", "slotJobExited(bool, int)", true );
    // We'll read the ouput directly from the job ...
    connectDCOPSignal( job.app(), job.obj(), "receivedStdout(QString)", "slotReceivedOutput(QString)", true );

    kdDebug(9006) << "Running: " << m_cvsJob->cvsCommand() << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CVSLogPage::startLog( const QString &workDir, const QString &pathName )
    kdDebug(9006) << "CVSLogPage::start() here! workDir = " << workDir <<
        ", pathName = " << pathName << endl;

//    CvsOptions *options = CvsOptions::instance();
    // "cvs log" needs to be done on relative-path basis
    m_pathName = pathName;

    DCOPRef job = m_cvsService->log( pathName );
    m_cvsLogJob = new CvsJob_stub( job.app(), job.obj() );

    // establish connections to the signals of the cvs m_job
    connectDCOPSignal( job.app(), job.obj(), "jobExited(bool, int)", "slotJobExited(bool, int)", true );
    // We'll read the ouput directly from the job ...
    connectDCOPSignal( job.app(), job.obj(), "receivedStdout(QString)", "slotReceivedOutput(QString)", true );
//    connectDCOPSignal( job.app(), job.obj(), "receivedStderr(QString)", "slotReceivedErrors(QString)", true );

    kdDebug(9006) << "Running: " << m_cvsLogJob->cvsCommand() << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool CvsProcessWidget::startJob( const DCOPRef &aJob )
    kdDebug(9006) << "CvsProcessWidget::startJob(const DCOPRef &) here!" << endl;

    m_part->mainWindow()->raiseView( this );
    m_part->core()->running( m_part, true );

    // create a DCOP stub for the non-concurrent cvs job
    if (m_job)
        delete m_job;
        m_job = 0;
    m_job = new CvsJob_stub( aJob.app(), aJob.obj() );

    // establish connections to the signals of the cvs m_job
    connectDCOPSignal( m_job->app(), m_job->obj(), "jobExited(bool, int)", "slotJobExited(bool, int)", true );
    connectDCOPSignal( m_job->app(), m_job->obj(), "receivedStdout(QString)", "slotReceivedOutput(QString)", true );
    connectDCOPSignal( m_job->app(), m_job->obj(), "receivedStderr(QString)", "slotReceivedErrors(QString)", true );

    // get command line and add it to output buffer
    QString cmdLine = m_job->cvsCommand();
    m_part->mainWindow()->statusBar()->message( cmdLine );

    kdDebug(9006) << "Running: " << cmdLine << endl;

    // disconnect 3rd party slots from our signals
    disconnect( SIGNAL(jobFinished(bool, int)) );

    showInfo( i18n("Started job: %1").arg( cmdLine ) );

    g_dcopExitCounter = 0;
    g_dcopOutCounter = 0;
    g_dcopErrCounter = 0;

    return m_job->execute();
Ejemplo n.º 4
DCOPStub::DCOPStub( const DCOPRef& ref )
    : m_app( ref.app() ), m_obj( ref.obj() ), m_status( CallSucceeded ),d(0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
DCOPRef::DCOPRef(const DCOPRef &ref) : d(ref.d)
    m_app = ref.app();
    m_obj = ref.obj();
    m_type = ref.type();
Ejemplo n.º 6
int run(DCOPRef& ref) {
  DCOPClient *client = KApplication::dcopClient();

  // Disable completion for now.  We might want to add completion of JS
  // keywords and Kst objects at some point.
  rl_bind_key('\t', rl_insert);

  kstName = ref.app();

#ifndef SOLARIS
  signal(SIGALRM, &ping);
  itimerval tv = { { 1, 0 }, { 1, 0 } };
  itimerval old;
  setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &tv, &old);

  for (;;) {
    if (!client->registeredApplications().contains(kstName)) {
      printf("%s", _T("Kst application process has terminated.\n"));
      return ERR_KST_TERMINATED;

    char *l = 0L;
    const char *prompt = "kst> ";
    QString line;
    do {
      if (!line.isEmpty()) {
        // replace \ with \n
        line[line.length() - 1] = '\n';

      l = readline(prompt);

      prompt = "";

      if (!l) {
        return 0;
      line += QString(l);
      l = 0L;
    } while (line.endsWith("\\"));

    QString clean = line.stripWhiteSpace();

    if (clean == "exit") {
      return ERR_NONE;

    if (clean == "session") {
      printf("%s\n", ref.app().data());

    if (clean == "help") {
      printf("%s", _T("Help:\n"));
      printf("%s", _T("session\t\t\t\tDisplay the name of the session in use\n"));
      printf("%s", _T("help\t\t\t\tDisplay help\n"));
      printf("%s", _T("exit\t\t\t\tExit the command-line interpreter\n"));

    if (clean.isEmpty()) {


    DCOPReply r = ref.call("evaluate", clean);
    if (r.isValid()) {
      QString res;
      if (!res.isEmpty()) {
        printf("%s\n", res.latin1());