Ejemplo n.º 1
 static int getSerialNumber(int mjd)
       DayTime t;
       return getSerialNumber(t);
Ejemplo n.º 2
double GMST(DayTime t)
try {
      // days' since epoch = +/-(integer+0.5)
   double days = t.JD() - 2451545;
   int d=int(days);
   if(d < 0 && days==double(d)) d++;
   days = d + (days<0.0 ? -0.5 : 0.5);
   double Tp = days/36525.0;

      // Compute GMST
   double G;
   //G = 24060.0 + 50.54841 + 8640184.812866*Tp;  // seconds (24060s = 6h 41min)
   //G /= 86400.0; // instead, divide the above equation by 86400.0 manually...
   G = 0.27847222 + 0.00058505104167 + 100.0021390378009*Tp;
   G += (0.093104 - 6.2e-6*Tp)*Tp*Tp/86400.0;      // seconds/86400 = circles
   double r=1.002737909350795 + (5.9006e-11 - 5.9e-15*Tp)*Tp;
   G += r*t.secOfDay()/86400.0;                   // circles
   G *= 360.0;                                    // degrees
   //G = fmod(G,360.0);
   //if(G < -180.0) G += 360.0;
   //if(G >  180.0) G -= 360.0;

   return G;
catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
catch(exception& e) { Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E); }
catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
Ejemplo n.º 3
   DayTime endTime;
   logStream << "Execution end at: " << endTime.printf(epochFormat) << endl;
   logStream << "Total execution time: " << endTime - startTime << " seconds" 
	     << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 4
   string CommandOptionWithTimeArg :: checkArguments()
      string errstr = CommandOptionWithAnyArg::checkArguments();

      if (errstr != string())
         return errstr;

      vector<string>::size_type vecindex;
      for(vecindex = 0; vecindex < value.size(); vecindex++)
         string thisTimeSpec = getTimeSpec(vecindex);
         if (thisTimeSpec != string())
            try {
               DayTime dt;
               dt.setToString(value[vecindex], thisTimeSpec);
            catch (...)
               errstr += "\"" + value[vecindex] + "\" is not a valid time.";
            errstr += "\"" + value[vecindex] + "\" is not a valid time.";

      return errstr;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void xINCDayTime :: FinishUp (void)
	gpstk::DayTime dtorig(2000,12,1,0,0,0.);
	DayTime endTime;
        cout << endl << setprecision(4);
   	cout << endTime.printf("Completed on %B %d, %Y %H:%02M:%02S") << endl;
      	cout << "Processing time " << endTime-startTime << " seconds." << endl;
      	cout << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char **argv)
try {
   totaltime = clock();
   int iret,nfile,reading,nread;

      // Title and description
   Title = PrgmName + ", part of the GPS ToolKit, Ver " + PrgmVers + ", Run ";
   Title += PrgmEpoch.printf("%04Y/%02m/%02d %02H:%02M:%02S");
   Title += "\n";
   cout << Title;

      // get command line
   iret=GetCommandLine(argc, argv);
   if(iret) return iret;

   PrevEpoch = DayTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME;

   // loop over input files - reading them twice
   Ninterps = 0;
   for(reading=1; reading <= 2; reading++) {
      nread = 0;
      for(nfile=0; nfile<PIC.InputObsName.size(); nfile++) {
         iret = ReadFile(nfile,reading);
         if(iret < 0) break;
      // quit if error
      if(iret < 0) break;

      if(nread>0) {
         iret = AfterReadingFiles(reading);
         if(iret < 0) break;

      CurrEpoch = DayTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME;

   PIC.oflog << PrgmName << " did " << Ninterps << " interpolations" << endl;
   totaltime = clock()-totaltime;
   PIC.oflog << PrgmName << " timing: " << fixed << setprecision(3)
      << double(totaltime)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " seconds.\n";
   cout << PrgmName << " timing: " << fixed << setprecision(3)
      << double(totaltime)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " seconds.\n";


   return iret;
catch(FFStreamError& e) { cout << "FFStream exception:\n" << e << endl; }
catch(Exception& e) { cout << "GPSTK exception:\n" << e << endl; }
catch (...) { cout << "Unknown exception in main." << endl; }
}   // end main()
Ejemplo n.º 7
/// returns 0 if all tests pass
int main()
   using gpstk::DayTime;
      cout << "BOT:" << DayTime(gpstk::DayTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME) << endl;
      cout << "EOT:" << DayTime(gpstk::DayTime::END_OF_TIME) << endl;
      DayTime dt;
      cout << "Check that the output matches the current UTC time." << endl
           << "string                         printf()" << endl;

      dtft(cout, dt, "mjd:  %Q (%.0Q)");
      dtft(cout, dt, "mjd:  %5.3Q");
      dtft(cout, dt, "mdy:  %02m/%02d/%04Y");
      dtft(cout, dt, "hms:  %02H:%02M:%02S");
      dtft(cout, dt, "hms:  %02H:%02M:%06.3f");
      dtft(cout, dt, "cal:  %A, %B %d, %Y");
      dtft(cout, dt, "week: %F(%G)");
      dtft(cout, dt, "sow:  %g");
      dtft(cout, dt, "sow:  %06.3g");
      dtft(cout, dt, "doy:  %j:%s");
      dtft(cout, dt, "dow:  %w");
      dtft(cout, dt, "z:    %Z (%z)");
      dtft(cout, dt, "unix: %U.%06u");

      cout << endl
           << "The following functions use DayTime::setToString()" << endl;

      string format = "%02m/%02d/%04Y %02H:%02M:%02S";
      string st = dt.printf(format);

      DayTime q;
      q.setToString(st, format);
      dtft(cout, q, format);

      cout << "Tests complete." << endl;
      return 0;
   catch(gpstk::Exception& e)
      cout << e << endl;
      cout << "Some other exception thrown..." << endl;

   cout << "Exiting with exceptions." << endl;
   return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int OutputClockData(void) throw(Exception)
try {
   if(CI.Verbose) oflog << "BEGIN OutputClockData()" << endl;

   if(CI.OutputClkFile.empty()) return 0;

   int i;
   DayTime tt;
   map<string,Station>::const_iterator it;
   format f166(16,6),f92(9,2,2),f96(9,6);

      // open an output file for Clk data
   ofstream clkofs;
   if(clkofs.is_open()) {
      oflog << "Opened file " << CI.OutputClkFile << " for DD data output." << endl;
      clkofs << "# " << Title << endl;
      clkofs << "CLK site week  sec_wk   Rx_clk_bias(m)   Sig(m)   TT_off(s)\n";
   else {
      // TD error msg
      return -1;

      // loop over stations
   for(it=Stations.begin(); it != Stations.end(); it++) {

         // loop over epochs
      for(i=0; i<it->second.ClockBuffer.size(); i++) {

         tt = FirstEpoch + it->second.CountBuffer[i]*CI.DataInterval;

         clkofs << "CLK " << it->first << " " << tt.printf("%4F %10.3g")
            << " " << f166 << it->second.ClockBuffer[i]
            << " " << f92 << it->second.ClkSigBuffer[i]
            // TD add clock polynomial Evaluate(tt)
            << " " << f92 << it->second.RxTimeOffset[i]
            << endl;

      }  // loop over epochs

   }  // loop over stations

   return 0;
catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
catch(exception& e) { Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E); }
catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
}   // end OutputClockData()
Ejemplo n.º 9
void NavSum::getNewTime(DayTime& dt)
   short week = -1;
   double SOW;
   string buf;
   short done = 0;
   while (!done)
      cout << " Enter full GPS week: ";
      getline(cin, buf);
      istringstream instr(buf);
      instr >> week;
      if (week != -1)
         done = 1;
         cout << " Error entering week.  Please try again." << endl;
      // Now reset flag and get SOW
   done = 0;
   while (!done)
      cout << " Enter GPS seconds of week: ";
      istringstream instr(buf);
      instr >> SOW;
      if ((SOW >= 0.0L) && (SOW < 604800.0L) )
         done = 1;
         cout << " Error entering SOW.  Please try again." << endl;
   dt.setGPSfullweek(week, SOW);
Ejemplo n.º 10
      // Update the file name, returns true if the file name changed
      bool updateFileName(const DayTime& t=DayTime())
         bool openedNewFile = false;
         const std::string newFilename=t.printf(filespec);
         if (currentFilename.size() == 0 && newFilename.size() > 0)
            currentFilename = newFilename;
            currentTime = t;
            BaseStream::open(currentFilename.c_str(), omode);
            if (debugLevel)
               std::cout << "Opened " << currentFilename << std::endl;
         else if (newFilename == currentFilename)
            currentTime = t;
            if (debugLevel)
               std::cout << "Closing " << currentFilename << std::endl;
            currentFilename = newFilename;
            currentTime = t;
            BaseStream::open(currentFilename.c_str(), omode);
            if (debugLevel)
               std::cout << "Opened " << currentFilename << std::endl;

         return openedNewFile;
Ejemplo n.º 11
bool testRandomAccessors(DayTime &dtb, DayTime &dte, long ndates)
   bool cumulativeResult=true;

      // Seed the random number generator
   gpstk::DayTime dt;
   unsigned int seed= (unsigned int) dt.GPSsow();

   unsigned long dayDiff = (unsigned long) 
                           ceil(dte.MJD() - dtb.MJD());
   for (int j=0;j<ndates;++j) // Loop through set of random days
      double dayDelta = floor( rand()*1./ RAND_MAX * dayDiff);
      double sodDelta = rand()*1./RAND_MAX;
      gpstk::DayTime testDate;

      short year =     testDate.year();
      short month =    testDate.month();
      short dom =      testDate.day();
      short hour =     testDate.hour();
      short minute =   testDate.minute();
      double seconds = testDate.second();
      short doy =      testDate.DOY();
      double sod =     testDate.DOYsecond();
      short week =     testDate.GPSfullweek()%1024; 
      double sow =     testDate.GPSsow();
      long zcount =    testDate.GPSzcount();
      short hintYear = testDate.year();
      double MJD =     testDate.MJD();
      cumulativeResult = cumulativeResult &&
         testMutators( year, month, dom, hour, minute, seconds,
                       doy, sod,
                       week, sow, zcount, hintYear,
                       MJD );
      } // End loop over random dates
   return cumulativeResult;
Ejemplo n.º 12
ConstellationDefinition ConstellationSet::findCD( const gpstk::DayTime dt ) const
   DayTime localDT = dt;
   localDT.setSecOfDay(  (DayTime::SEC_DAY/2) );   // Set to noon to match CDs
      // Best case (hopefully nominal) is that there is a definition
      // available for the date in question.
   CI ci = cdMap.find(localDT);
   //cout << "Found in map: " << ci->first << endl;
   if (ci==cdMap.end())
         // If no, first check to see whether date in question is later
         // than any date available.
      if (localDT>getLatestDate())
         ConstellationSet::NoConstellationFound exc("All Constellation Definitions Too Early");
         // If not, start at the day of interest and back up until we
         // find a definition or hit the earliest definition
      bool done = false;
      localDT -= DayTime::SEC_DAY;
      while (!done && localDT > getEarliestDate() )
         ci = cdMap.find(localDT);
         if (ci!=cdMap.end()) done = true;
         localDT -= DayTime::SEC_DAY;
         // Did not find one before reaching the "head" of the list
      if (!done)
         ConstellationSet::NoConstellationFound exc("All Constellation Definitions Too Late");

   ConstellationDefinition cd = ci->second;
Ejemplo n.º 13
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

   try {
      DayTime time;

      cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
      cout << "   The current GPS week is " << time.GPSfullweek() << endl;
      cout << "   The day of the GPS week is " << time.GPSday() << endl;
      cout << "   The seconds of the GPS week is " << time.GPSsecond() << endl;

   catch( Exception error)
      cout << error << endl;

Ejemplo n.º 14
// Solar ephemeris, in ECEF coordinates.
// Accuracy is about 1 arcminute, when t is within 2 centuries of 2000.
// Ref. Astronomical Almanac pg C24, as presented on USNO web site.
// input
//    t             epoch of interest
// output
//    lat,lon,R     latitude, longitude and distance (deg,deg,m in ECEF) of sun at t.
//    AR            apparent angular radius of sun as seen at Earth (deg) at t.
void SolarPosition(DayTime t, double& lat, double& lon, double& R, double& AR)
try {
   //const double mPerAU = 149598.0e6;
   double D;     // days since J2000
   double g,q;
   double L;     // sun's geocentric apparent ecliptic longitude (deg)
   //double b=0; // sun's geocentric apparent ecliptic latitude (deg)
   double e;     // mean obliquity of the ecliptic (deg)
   //double R;   // sun's distance from Earth (m)
   double RA;    // sun's right ascension (deg)
   double DEC;   // sun's declination (deg)
   //double AR;  // sun's apparent angular radius as seen at Earth (deg)

   D = t.JD() - 2451545.0;
   g = (357.529 + 0.98560028 * D) * DEG_TO_RAD;
   q = 280.459 + 0.98564736 * D;
   L = (q + 1.915 * ::sin(g) + 0.020 * ::sin(2*g)) * DEG_TO_RAD;

   e = (23.439 - 0.00000036 * D) * DEG_TO_RAD;
   RA = atan2(::cos(e)*::sin(L),::cos(L)) * RAD_TO_DEG;
   DEC = ::asin(::sin(e)*::sin(L)) * RAD_TO_DEG;

   //equation of time = apparent solar time minus mean solar time
   //= [q-RA (deg)]/(15deg/hr)

   // compute the hour angle of the vernal equinox = GMST and convert RA to lon
   lon = fmod(RA-GMST(t),360.0);
   if(lon < -180.0) lon += 360.0;
   if(lon >  180.0) lon -= 360.0;

   lat = DEC;

   // ECEF unit vector in direction Earth to sun
   //xhat = ::cos(lat*DEG_TO_RAD)*::cos(lon*DEG_TO_RAD);
   //yhat = ::cos(lat*DEG_TO_RAD)*::sin(lon*DEG_TO_RAD);
   //zhat = ::sin(lat*DEG_TO_RAD);

   // R in AU
   R = 1.00014 - 0.01671 * ::cos(g) - 0.00014 * ::cos(2*g);
   // apparent angular radius in degrees
   AR = 0.2666/R;
   // convert to meters
   R *= 149598.0e6;
catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
catch(exception& e) { Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E); }
catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
Ejemplo n.º 15
    const double prange,
    const SatID& svid,
    const DayTime& time,
    const ECEF& rxpos,
    const XvtStore<SatID>& eph,
    GeoidModel& gm,
    bool svTime)
    : obstime(time), svid(svid), ord(0), wonky(false)
    computeOrd(prange, rxpos, eph, gm, svTime);
    Geodetic gx(rxpos, &gm);
    NBTropModel nb(gx.getAltitude(), gx.getLatitude(), time.DOYday());
Ejemplo n.º 16
gpstk::DayTime ConstellationSet::parseDate(string date)
   string whitespace = " \t\r\n";
   string::size_type end  = date.find_last_not_of(whitespace);
   string::size_type front = date.find("STATUS");
   front = date.find_first_not_of(whitespace, front+6);
   string dateString = date.substr(front, end-front+1);
   DayTime dt;
      //cout << dateString << endl;
      dt.setToString(dateString, "%d %b %Y");
      dt.setSecOfDay(  (DayTime::SEC_DAY/2) );
      return dt;
   catch(DayTime::DayTimeException exc)
      string s = "Invalid date: '" + dateString + "'";
      //cout << s << endl;
      ConstellationSet::InvalidDateString excids(s);
Ejemplo n.º 17
bool MPSim::initialize(int argc, char *argv[])
    if(!BasicFramework::initialize(argc, argv))
      return false;
    if (logfileOption.getCount()>0)
       logFileName = StringUtils::asString(logfileOption.getValue().front());

    logStream.open( logFileName.c_str() );

    logStream << "mpsim log file" << endl;
    logStream << "Execution started at: " << startTime.printf(epochFormat) << endl;
    return true;      
Ejemplo n.º 18
    const double prange,
    const SatID& svid,
    const DayTime& time,
    const ECEF& rxpos,
    const XvtStore<SatID>& eph,
    GeoidModel& gm,
    const IonoModelStore& ion,
    IonoModel::Frequency fq,
    bool svTime)
       : obstime(time), svid(svid), ord(0), wonky(false)
    computeOrd(prange, rxpos, eph, gm, svTime);
    Geodetic gx(rxpos, &gm);
    NBTropModel nb(gx.getAltitude(), gx.getLatitude(), time.DOYday());
    iono = ion.getCorrection(time, gx, elevation, azimuth, fq);
    ord -= iono;
Ejemplo n.º 19
      const double prange1,
      const double prange2,
      const SatID& svid,
      const DayTime& time,
      const ECEF& rxpos,
      const XvtStore<SatID>& eph,
      GeoidModel& gm,
      bool svTime)
         : obstime(time), svid(svid), ord(0), wonky(false)
      // for dual frequency see ICD-GPS-211, section
      double icpr = (prange2 - GAMMA * prange1)/IGAMMA;
      iono = prange1 - icpr;

      computeOrd(icpr, rxpos, eph, gm, svTime);
      Geodetic gx(rxpos, &gm);
      NBTropModel nb(gx.getAltitude(), gx.getLatitude(), time.DOYday());
Ejemplo n.º 20
int DumpGrid(DayTime& time, string dumpfile)
   ofstream ofs;

   // open output file
   if (!ofs) return -6;
   else lofs << "Opened output file " << dumpfile << endl;

   if (Grid.size() == 0) return 0;

   int i;

   for (i=0; i<Grid.size(); i++)
      ofs << " "
          << time.printf("%4F %8.1g")
          << fixed << setprecision(3)
          << " " << setw(7) << Grid[i].lon
          << " " << setw(6) << Grid[i].lat
          << " " << setw(7) << Grid[i].gdop
          << " " << setw(7) << Grid[i].pdop
          << " " << setw(7) << Grid[i].hdop
          << " " << setw(7) << Grid[i].vdop
          << " " << setw(7) << Grid[i].tdop
          << " " << setw(6) << Grid[i].nsvs
          << fixed << setprecision(7)
          << " " << setw(9) << Grid[i].bdop
          << " "
          << endl;


   return 0;
catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Ejemplo n.º 21
int main(int argc, char **argv)
try {
      // ------------------------------------------------------------------
      // START
   totaltime = clock();
   int iret;
   DayTime CurrEpoch;

      // Title title and version
   Title = PrgmName + ", ARL:UT DD phase estimation processor, Ver " + Version;
      // PrgmDesc description
   PrgmDesc = " Prgm " + PrgmName +
   " will read GPS data from any number of RINEX obs files and process them\n"
   " in a double-differenced carrier phase estimation algorithm to produce precise\n"
   " estimates of relative positions. Input is on the command line, or of the same\n"
   " format in a file (see -f<file> below). DDBase is built on the GPS Toolkit (GPSTk).\n"
   " NB. Input option --DT <data_interval_(seconds)> is optional but recommended.\n"
   " NB. Stations are defined, and many inputs for each are identified, by a label\n"
   "  (called station label or id below), which is case sensitive and must be used\n"
   "  consistently throughout. It cannot be 'X','Y' or 'Z' nor contain '-' or '_';\n"
   "  four characters work best.\n"
   " NB. There must be at least two stations defined, with observation file(s)\n"
   "  provided for each, and at least one station must be fixed.\n"
   " Options may be given in an input file (see -f<file>); the '#' character marks\n"
   " a comment, to EOL. All input options are shown below, followed by a\n"
   " description, and the default value, if there is one, in ().\n";

      // get current time
   time_t timer;
   struct tm *tblock;
   timer = time(NULL);
   tblock = localtime(&timer);
      // print title and current time to screen
   Title += CurrEpoch.printf(", Run %04Y/%02m/%02d %02H:%02M:%02S");
   cout << Title << endl;

   for(;;) {
         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // get command line input; -99 is 'help' return
      if((iret = CI.GetCmdInput(argc, argv))) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // test command input for validity
      if((iret = CI.ValidateCmdInput())) break;

         // dump command input to log
      if(CI.Verbose) {
         cout << "Output is directed to log file " << CI.LogFile << endl;

         // if 'validate' switch is on, quit here
      if(CI.Validate) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Configure #1
      if((iret = Configure(1))) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Open and read all files, compute PR solution, edit and buffer raw data
      if((iret = ReadAndProcessRawData())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Edit buffers
      if((iret = EditRawDataBuffers())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Output raw data buffers
      if((iret = OutputRawDataBuffers())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Configure #2
      if((iret = Configure(2))) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // clock processing
      if((iret = ClockModel())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // synchronization of data to epoch (SolutionEpoch)
      if((iret = Synchronization())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // correct ephemeris range, elevation, and compute phase windup
      if((iret = RecomputeFromEphemeris())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Orbit processing
      if((iret = EphemerisImprovement())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // output 'raw' data here

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Compute or read the timetable
      if((iret = Timetable())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Compute double differences, and buffer
      if((iret = DoubleDifference())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Edit double differences
      if((iret = EditDDs())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Configure #3 : prepare estimation
      if((iret = Configure(3))) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Estimation
      if((iret = Estimation())) break;

   }  // end for(;;)

      // END --------------------------------------------------------------
      // error condition?  -99 is 'normal' help return from GetCmdInput
   if(iret != -99) {
      if(iret) {
         cerr << PrgmName << " terminating with error code " << iret << endl;
         oflog << PrgmName << " terminating with error code " << iret << endl;
         // compute run time
      totaltime = clock()-totaltime;
      cout << PrgmName << " timing: " << fixed << setprecision(3)
         << double(totaltime)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " seconds." << endl;
      oflog << PrgmName << " timing: " << fixed << setprecision(3)
         << double(totaltime)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " seconds." << endl;

   return iret;
catch(Exception& e) {
   cerr << "GPSTk Exception : " << e;
   oflog << "GPSTk Exception : " << e;
catch (...) {
   cerr << "Unknown error in DDBase.  Abort." << endl;
   oflog << "Unknown error in DDBase.  Abort." << endl;

      // close files
   return -1;
}   // end main()
Ejemplo n.º 22
int ReadStatsFile(string statsfile)
   ifstream sifs;

   if (!sifs) return -5;
      lofs << "Opened stats file for input " << statsfile << endl;
      bool wtd;
      const int BUFF_SIZE=1024;
      char buffer[BUFF_SIZE];
      string line;
      vector<string> fields;
      int i;
      while (sifs.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE))
         line = buffer;
         for (i=0; i<StringUtils::numWords(line); i++)

         if (fields[0] == string("STAT"))
            i = StringUtils::asInt(fields[1]);
            if (fields[9] == string("Y")) wtd = true; else wtd = false;
                               (unsigned int)(StringUtils::asInt(fields[4])),
                               StringUtils::asDouble(fields[5]),                // min
                               StringUtils::asDouble(fields[6]),                // max
                               StringUtils::asDouble(fields[7]),                // ave
                               StringUtils::asDouble(fields[8]),                // var
                               StringUtils::asDouble(fields[10])                // norm
            if (fields[16] == string("Y")) wtd = true; else wtd = false;
                               (unsigned int)(StringUtils::asInt(fields[11])),
                               StringUtils::asDouble(fields[12]),               // min
                               StringUtils::asDouble(fields[13]),               // max
                               StringUtils::asDouble(fields[14]),               // ave
                               StringUtils::asDouble(fields[15]),               // var
                               StringUtils::asDouble(fields[17])                // norm
         else if (fields[0] == string("WORSTN"))
            IworstN = StringUtils::asInt(fields[1]);
            WorstN = StringUtils::asDouble(fields[6]);
            NtrofN = StringUtils::asInt(fields[7]);
         else if (fields[0] == string("WORSTH"))
            IworstH = StringUtils::asInt(fields[1]);
            WorstH = StringUtils::asDouble(fields[6]);
            NpeakH = StringUtils::asInt(fields[7]);
         else if (fields[0] == string("WORSTP"))
            IworstP = StringUtils::asInt(fields[1]);
            WorstP = StringUtils::asDouble(fields[6]);
            NpeakP = StringUtils::asInt(fields[7]);
      } // end loop over lines in file


   return 0;
catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Ejemplo n.º 23
 /** Edit the store by deleting all entries before(after)
  *  the given min(max) times. If tmin is later than tmax,
  *  the two times are switched.
  *  @param tmin DayTime desired earliest store time.
  *  @param tmax DayTime desired latest store time.
 void edit(const DayTime& tmin,
           const DayTime& tmax)
    { edit(int(tmin.MJD()+0.5),int(tmax.MJD()+1.5)); }
Ejemplo n.º 24
// called from DDBase.cpp
int OutputRawData(void) throw(Exception)
try {
   if(CI.Verbose) oflog << "BEGIN OutputRawData()" << endl;

   if(CI.OutputRawFile.empty()) return 0;

   int i;
   DayTime tt;
   map<string,Station>::const_iterator it;
   map<GSatID,RawData>::const_iterator jt;
   format f133(13,3),f52(5,2);

      // open an output file for RAW data
   ofstream rawofs;
   if(rawofs.is_open()) {
      oflog << "Opened file " << CI.OutputRawFile << " for raw data output.." << endl;
      rawofs << "# " << Title << endl;
      rawofs << "RAW site sat week   sec_wk   count    L1_cyc        L2_cyc"
         << "          P1_m          P2_m          ER_m      EL    AZ\n";
   else {
      // TD error msg
      return -1;

      // loop over stations
   for(it=Stations.begin(); it != Stations.end(); it++) {

         // loop over satellites
          jt != it->second.RawDataBuffers.end(); jt++) {

            // loop over epochs
         for(i=0; i<jt->second.count.size(); i++) {

            tt = FirstEpoch + jt->second.count[i]*CI.DataInterval;

            rawofs << "RAW " << it->first << " " << jt->first << " "
               << tt.printf("%4F %10.3g")
               << " " << setw(5) << jt->second.count[i]
               << " " << f133 << jt->second.L1[i]
               << " " << f133 << jt->second.L2[i]
               << " " << f133 << jt->second.P1[i]
               << " " << f133 << jt->second.P2[i]
               << " " << f133 << jt->second.ER[i]
               << " " << f52 << jt->second.elev[i]
               << " " << f52 << jt->second.az[i]
               << endl;

         }  // end loop over epochs

      }  // loop over satellites

   }  // loop over stations
      // close output file

   return 0;
catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
catch(exception& e) { Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E); }
catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
}   // end OutputRawData()
Ejemplo n.º 25
int InterpolateAndOutput(void) throw(Exception)
{                        // interpolate positions and output to rinex
try {
   bool Lagrange;
   int i,ipts;
   double PDOP,GDOP,rms,err,dt,Dt,delt,xx,yy,zz,tt;
   DayTime t0,ttag;
   RinexObsData psdata;
   vector<double> times,X,Y,Z,T;
   map<DayTime,PosInfo>::iterator itb,ite,itB,itE,itr;

      // if no previous epoch, nothing to do
      return 0;

      // find 4 positions on each side of CurrEpoch-1/2dt
   ite = TimePositionMap.lower_bound(CurrEpoch);
   if(ite == TimePositionMap.end())
      return 0;    // no position; get it next time
   if(ite->first - LastInterpolated < 0)
      return 0;    // already done

   itb = ite;
   if(itb == TimePositionMap.begin()) {
      //PIC.oflog << "Warning: cannot interpolate at " << CurrEpoch
         //<< ": before beginning of data" << endl;
      PIC.oflog << "Echo position at first epoch "
         << CurrEpoch.printf("%04Y/%02m/%02d %02H:%02M:%6.3f = %4F %.3g")
         << endl;

      // create the aux header
      // use data from the begin time

      // write it out
      ofstr << psdata;

      return 0;

      // itb and ite are now on either side of the times at which to interpolate
   if(PIC.Debug) PIC.oflog << "Interpolate : "
      << itb->first.printf("%02H:%02M:%04.1f") << " to "
      << ite->first.printf("%02H:%02M:%04.1f")
      << " : (" << (ite->first - itb->first) << " sec)" << endl;

      // now expand them out, up to 3 more epochs, watching for gaps TD: 3*DT input
   itB = itb;
   itE = ite;
   for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
      if(itB == TimePositionMap.begin() || (i==0 && itE->first-itB->first > 3*PIC.DT))

         // increase the end time
      ttag = itE->first;
      if(itE == TimePositionMap.end() || itE->first-ttag > 3*PIC.DT) { itE--; break; }

         // decrease the begin time
      ttag = itB->first;
      if(ttag-itB->first > 3*PIC.DT) { itE--; itB++; break; }


      // fill the arrays for interpolation
   t0 = itB->first;
   ipts = 1;
   itr = itB;
   if(PIC.Debug) PIC.oflog << "Data for interpolation:\n";

   while(1) {
      if(PIC.Debug) PIC.oflog << " " << ipts
         << " " << itr->first.printf("%02M:%04.1f")
         << fixed << setprecision(3)
         << " " << setw(6) << (itr->first-t0)
         << " " << setw(13) << itr->second.X
         << " " << setw(13) << itr->second.Y
         << " " << setw(13) << itr->second.Z
         << ((itr==itb || itr==ite) ? " *":"")
         << endl;

      times.push_back(itr->first - t0);      // sec
      X.push_back(itr->second.X);  // m
      if(itr == itE) break;

      // compute the time intervals involved
   ttag = itb->first;
   Dt = ite->first - ttag;          // time interval over which interpolating
   if(Dt > 3*PIC.DT) {
      PIC.oflog << "Warning: cannot interpolate at " << CurrEpoch
         << ": large gap = " << Dt << " seconds." << endl;
      return 0;
   dt = PIC.DT/double(PIC.irate);

      // is there enough data to do Lagrange interpolation?
      // fall back to linear interpolation if have to, but not over long periods
   if(ipts < 2 || (ipts==2 && Dt>3*PIC.DT)) {
      PIC.oflog << "Warning: cannot interpolate at " << CurrEpoch
         << ": not enough data" << endl;
      return 0;              // not enough data
   Lagrange = (ipts == 2 ? false : true);

   // number of interpolations needed to cover Dt, plus 1 endpt
   ipts = int(0.5+Dt/dt);
   PIC.oflog << "Dt dt and ipts are " << Dt << " " << dt << " " << ipts
      << CurrEpoch.printf(" at %04Y/%02m/%02d %02H:%02M:%6.3f = %4F %.3g") << endl;

      // loop over the interpolation times you want
   delt = itb->first - t0;          // time since first data point
   for(i=0; i<ipts; i++) {
      ttag += dt;               // itb->first was done last epoch
      delt += dt;

         // use 1. known position if i==ipts-1 (last epoch, ite)
         //     2. Lagrange if you have more than 1 data on each side
         //     3. linear interpolation
      xx = (i==ipts-1 ?
            ite->second.X :
               (Lagrange ?
                  LagrangeInterpolation(times,X,delt,err) :
      yy = (i==ipts-1 ?
            ite->second.Y :
               (Lagrange ?
                  LagrangeInterpolation(times,Y,delt,err) :
      zz = (i==ipts-1 ?
            ite->second.Z :
               (Lagrange ?
                  LagrangeInterpolation(times,Z,delt,err) :
      tt = (i==ipts-1 ?
            ite->second.T :
               (Lagrange ?
                  LagrangeInterpolation(times,T,delt,err) :

      // create the aux header
      // use N,DOPs,RMS of _end_ time for all interpolated times

      // write it out
      ofstr << psdata;

      if(i != ipts-1) Ninterps++;
      LastInterpolated = ttag;

   return 0;
catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
catch(exception& e) { Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E); }
catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
Ejemplo n.º 26
int OutputDDData(void) throw(Exception)
try {
   if(CI.Verbose) oflog << "BEGIN OutputDDData()" << endl;

   if(CI.OutputDDDFile.empty()) return 0;

   int i;
   double wlb;
   DayTime tt;
   map<DDid,DDData>::const_iterator it;
   format f166(16,6);

      // open an output file for DDD data
   ofstream dddofs;
   if(dddofs.is_open()) {
      oflog << "Opened file " << CI.OutputDDDFile << " for DD data output." << endl;
      dddofs << "# " << Title << endl;
      dddofs << "DDD sit1 sit2 sat ref week  sec_wk           DDL1_m           "
         << "DDL2_m           DDER_m            resL1_m          resL2_m";
      if(CI.Frequency == 3) dddofs << "          WLbias_m";
      dddofs << endl;
   else {
      // TD error msg
      return -1;

      // loop over DDids
   for(it=DDDataMap.begin(); it != DDDataMap.end(); it++) {

         // loop over epochs
      for(i=0; i<it->second.count.size(); i++) {

         tt = FirstEpoch + it->second.count[i]*CI.DataInterval;

         if(CI.Frequency == 3)
            wlb =   wl1p * it->second.DDL1[i]      // wide lane range minus phase
                  + wl2p * it->second.DDL2[i]      // = WL phase - NL range
                  - wl1r * it->second.DDP1[i] 
                  - wl2r * it->second.DDP2[i];

         dddofs << "DDD " << it->first << " " << tt.printf("%4F %10.3g")
            << " " << f166 << it->second.DDL1[i]
            << " " << f166 << it->second.DDL2[i]
            << " " << f166 << it->second.DDER[i]
            << " " << f166 << it->second.DDL1[i] - it->second.DDER[i]
            << " " << f166 << it->second.DDL2[i] - it->second.DDER[i];
         if(CI.Frequency == 3) dddofs << " " << f166 << wlb;
         dddofs << endl;



   return 0;
catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
catch(exception& e) { Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E); }
catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
}   // end OutputDDData()
Ejemplo n.º 27
// called from EditDDs.cpp
int OutputRawDData(const DDid& ddid, const DDData& dddata, const vector<int>& mark)
try {
   bool TripleOut=true;                      // output triple differences as well
   if(CI.OutputRawDDFile.empty()) return 0;

   static ofstream rddofs;

      // allow caller to close the file...
   if(mark.size() == 0) {
      if(rddofs.is_open()) rddofs.close();
      return 0;

   if(!rddofs.is_open()) {           // first call : open the file
      if(CI.Verbose) oflog << "BEGIN OutputRawDData()" << endl;
      if(rddofs.is_open()) {
         oflog << "Opened file " << CI.OutputRawDDFile
            << " for raw DD data output." << endl;
         rddofs << "# " << Title << endl;
         rddofs << "RDD sit1 sit2 sat ref week  sec_wk     flag      DDL1_m"
            << "           "
            << "DDL2_m           DDER_m            resL1_m          resL2_m";
         if(CI.Frequency == 3) rddofs << "          WLbias_m";
         rddofs << endl;
         if(TripleOut) rddofs
            << "RTD sit1 sit2 sat ref week  sec_wk     flag      TDL1_m"
            << "           TDL2_m           TDER_m" << endl;
      else {
         // TD error msg
         return -1;

   int i;
   double wlb;
   DayTime tt;
   format f166(16,6);

      // loop over epochs
   for(i=0; i<dddata.count.size(); i++) {

      tt = FirstEpoch + dddata.count[i]*CI.DataInterval;

      if(CI.Frequency == 3)
         wlb =   wl1p * dddata.DDL1[i]      // wide lane range minus phase
               + wl2p * dddata.DDL2[i]      // = WL phase - NL range
               - wl1r * dddata.DDP1[i] 
               - wl2r * dddata.DDP2[i];

      rddofs << "RDD " << ddid << " " << tt.printf("%4F %10.3g")
         << " " << setw(2) << mark[i]
         << " " << f166 << dddata.DDL1[i]
         << " " << f166 << dddata.DDL2[i]
         << " " << f166 << dddata.DDER[i]
         << " " << f166 << dddata.DDL1[i] - dddata.DDER[i]
         << " " << f166 << dddata.DDL2[i] - dddata.DDER[i];
      if(CI.Frequency == 3) rddofs << " " << f166 << wlb;
      rddofs << endl;

      if(TripleOut && i>0) {
         // wlb is a dummy here, = delta time for this triple diff
         wlb = (dddata.count[i]-dddata.count[i-1])*CI.DataInterval;
         rddofs << "RTD " << ddid << " " << tt.printf("%4F %10.3g")
            << " " << setw(2) << 10*mark[i]+mark[i-1]
            << " " << f166 << (dddata.DDL1[i]-dddata.DDL1[i-1])/wlb
            << " " << f166 << (dddata.DDL2[i]-dddata.DDL2[i-1])/wlb
            << " " << f166 << (dddata.DDER[i]-dddata.DDER[i-1])/wlb
            << endl;

   return 0;
catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
catch(exception& e) { Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E); }
catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
}   // end OutputRawDData()
Ejemplo n.º 28
   WxObservation WxObsData::getWxObservation(const DayTime& t,
                                             unsigned iv,
                                             bool interpolate) const
      if (obs.empty())
         ObjectNotFound e("No WxObservation available near time " +
                          t.printf("%02H:%02M:%02S on day %03j of %4Y"));

      // get the first object after time t;
      WxObsMap::const_iterator after = obs.upper_bound(t);
      if (after == obs.begin())
         const WxObservation& wxa = after->second;
         if ((wxa.t >= (t - iv)) && (wxa.t <= (t + iv)))
            // only after point fits
            return wxa;
            ObjectNotFound e("No WxObservation available near time " +
                             t.printf("%02H:%02M:%02S on day %03j of %4Y"));

      // get the first object at or before time t;
      WxObsMap::const_iterator before = after;

      if (after == obs.end())
         const WxObservation& wxb = before->second;
         if((wxb.t >= (t - iv)) && (wxb.t <= (t + iv)))
            // only before point fits
            return wxb;
            ObjectNotFound e("No WeatherData available near time " +
                             t.printf("%02H:%02M:%02S on day %03j of %4Y"));
         const WxObservation& wxa = after->second;
         const WxObservation& wxb = before->second;

         if (interpolate)
            if((wxb.t >= (t - iv)) && (wxb.t <= (t + iv)))
               if ((wxa.t >= (t - iv)) && (wxa.t <= (t + iv)))
                  // both points fit, linearly interpolate and create
                  // a WeatherData object with those values
                  double dtw = wxa.t - wxb.t;
                  double dt = t - wxb.t;

                  double slope = (wxa.pressure - wxb.pressure) / dtw;
                  double pressure = slope * dt + wxb.pressure;

                  slope = (wxa.humidity - wxb.humidity) / dtw;
                  double humidity = slope * dt + wxb.humidity;

                  slope = (wxa.temperature - wxb.temperature) / dtw;
                  double temp = slope * dt + wxb.temperature;

                  WxObservation wx(t, temp, pressure, humidity);
                  return wx;
                  // only before point fits
                  return wxb;
            else if ((wxa.t >= (t - iv)) && (wxa.t <= (t + iv)))
               // only after point fits
               return wxa;
               ObjectNotFound e("No WeatherData available near time " +
                                t.printf("%02H:%02M:%02S on day %03j of %4Y"));
            if((wxb.t >= (t - iv)) && (wxb.t <= (t + iv)))
               if ((wxa.t >= (t - iv)) && (wxa.t <= (t + iv)))
                  // both points fit, return closer point, or
                  // before point if at same distance
                  double diffa = wxa.t - t;
                  double diffb = t - wxb.t;
                  return(diffa < diffb ? wxa : wxb);
                  // only before point fits
                  return wxb;
            else if ((wxa.t >= (t - iv)) && (wxa.t <= (t + iv)))
               // only after point fits
               return wxa;
               ObjectNotFound e("No WeatherData available near time " +
                                t.printf("%02H:%02M:%02S on day %03j of %4Y"));
Ejemplo n.º 29
   // Method to print solution values
void example9::printSolution( ofstream& outfile,
                              const SolverLMS& solver,
                              const DayTime& time,
                              const ComputeDOP& cDOP,
                              bool  useNEU,
                              int   numSats,
                              double dryTropo,
                              int   precision )

      // Prepare for printing
   outfile << fixed << setprecision( precision );

      // Print results
   outfile << time.year()        << "  ";    // Year           - #1
   outfile << time.DOY()         << "  ";    // DayOfYear      - #2
   outfile << time.DOYsecond()   << "  ";    // SecondsOfDay   - #3

   if( useNEU )

      outfile << solver.getSolution(TypeID::dLat) << "  ";       // dLat  - #4
      outfile << solver.getSolution(TypeID::dLon) << "  ";       // dLon  - #5
      outfile << solver.getSolution(TypeID::dH) << "  ";         // dH    - #6
         // We add 0.1 meters to 'wetMap' because 'NeillTropModel' sets a
         // nominal value of 0.1 m. Also to get the total we have to add the
         // dry tropospheric delay value
                                                                 // ztd - #7
      outfile << solver.getSolution(TypeID::wetMap) + 0.1 + dryTropo << "  ";

      outfile << solver.getVariance(TypeID::dLat) << "  ";   // Cov dLat  - #8
      outfile << solver.getVariance(TypeID::dLon) << "  ";   // Cov dLon  - #9
      outfile << solver.getVariance(TypeID::dH) << "  ";     // Cov dH    - #10
      outfile << solver.getVariance(TypeID::wetMap) << "  "; // Cov ztd   - #11


      outfile << solver.getSolution(TypeID::dx) << "  ";         // dx    - #4
      outfile << solver.getSolution(TypeID::dy) << "  ";         // dy    - #5
      outfile << solver.getSolution(TypeID::dz) << "  ";         // dz    - #6
         // We add 0.1 meters to 'wetMap' because 'NeillTropModel' sets a
         // nominal value of 0.1 m. Also to get the total we have to add the
         // dry tropospheric delay value
                                                                 // ztd - #7
      outfile << solver.getSolution(TypeID::wetMap) + 0.1 + dryTropo << "  ";

      outfile << solver.getVariance(TypeID::dx) << "  ";     // Cov dx    - #8
      outfile << solver.getVariance(TypeID::dy) << "  ";     // Cov dy    - #9
      outfile << solver.getVariance(TypeID::dz) << "  ";     // Cov dz    - #10
      outfile << solver.getVariance(TypeID::wetMap) << "  "; // Cov ztd   - #11


   outfile << numSats << "  ";    // Number of satellites - #12

   outfile << cDOP.getGDOP()        << "  ";  // GDOP - #13
   outfile << cDOP.getPDOP()        << "  ";  // PDOP - #14
   outfile << cDOP.getTDOP()        << "  ";  // TDOP - #15
   outfile << cDOP.getHDOP()        << "  ";  // HDOP - #16
   outfile << cDOP.getVDOP()        << "  ";  // VDOP - #17

      // Add end-of-line
   outfile << endl;


}  // End of method 'example9::printSolution()'
Ejemplo n.º 30
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   // if no options are given on command line, print syntax and quit
  if (argc < 2 || string(argv[1]) == "-h" || string(argv[1]) == "--help")
      cout << "Program CalcDOPs reads an FIC, FICA or a Rinex Nav file" << endl
           << "Usage:  CalcDOPs -i  <inputfile>     input file for day to be calculated (required)" << endl
           << "                 -p  <inputfile>     input file for previous day (optional, ephemeris mode only)" << endl
           << "                 -o  <outputfile>    grid  output file [DOPs.out]" << endl
           << "                 -sf <outputfile>    stats output file [DOPs.stat]" << endl
           << "                 -tf <outputfile>    time steps output file [DOPs.times]" << endl
           << "                 -l  <outputfile>    log   output file [DOPs.log]" << endl
           << "                 -rs                 read from stats file" << endl
           << "                 -a                  work in almanac mode [ephemeris mode is default]" << endl
           << "                 -w <week> -s <sow>  starting time tag" << endl
           << "                 -x <prn>            exclude satellite PRN" << endl
           << "                 -t <dt>             time spacing" << endl
           << "                 -na                 do North America only" << endl
           << "                 -d                  dump grid results at each time step (time-intensive)" << endl
           << "                 -h, --help          output options info and exit" << endl
           << "                 -v                  print version info and exit" << endl
           << endl;
      return 0;

  int i, j, ii;

   // parse command line
   i = 1;
   while (i < argc)
          if (string(argv[i]) == "-i" ) inputfile = string(argv[++i]);
     else if (string(argv[i]) == "-p" ) previnputfile = string(argv[++i]);
     else if (string(argv[i]) == "-o" ) outputfile = string(argv[++i]);
     else if (string(argv[i]) == "-l" ) logfile = string(argv[++i]);
     else if (string(argv[i]) == "-tf") timesfile = string(argv[++i]);
     else if (string(argv[i]) == "-a" ) ephmode = false;
     else if (string(argv[i]) == "-w" ) week = atoi(argv[++i]);
     else if (string(argv[i]) == "-s" ) sow = atof(argv[++i]);
     else if (string(argv[i]) == "-x" ) ExPRN.push_back(atoi(argv[++i]));
     else if (string(argv[i]) == "-t" ) dt = atof(argv[++i]);
     else if (string(argv[i]) == "-sf") statsfile = string(argv[++i]);
     else if (string(argv[i]) == "-rs") readStats = true;
     else if (string(argv[i]) == "-na") NAonly = true;
     else if (string(argv[i]) == "-d" ) dumpeach = true;
     else if (string(argv[i]) == "-v" )
       cout << "CalcDOPs version " << fixed << setprecision(1) << setw(3) << version << endl;
       return 0;
     else cout << "Unrecognized option: " << argv[i] << endl;

   if (!lofs) return -8;

   if (!tofs) return -8;

   // reassurance print
   lofs << "Program visible with:" << endl << "current-day input file " << inputfile << endl;
   if ( previnputfile != "" ) lofs << "and previous-day input file " << previnputfile << endl;
   lofs << "and output file " << outputfile << endl;
   if (week > 0) lofs << " Input time tag: " << week << " " << sow << endl;
   if (ExPRN.size() > 0)
      lofs << " Exclude satellite PRNs";
      for(i=0; i<ExPRN.size(); i++) lofs << " " << ExPRN[i];
      lofs << "." << endl;

   // compute the number of time steps from the time spacing
   nt = int(86400.0/dt); // 86400 = 60*60*24 = sec/day

   // open and read the previous day's input data file first, if specified and in Eph mode
   if ( previnputfile != "" && ephmode )
     lofs << "Reading in previous-day input file..." << endl;
     i = ReadDataFile(previnputfile);
     if (i)
       if (i == -1) lofs << "Previous-day input file does not exist. Abort." << endl;
       if (i == -2) lofs << "Cannot identify previous-day file type. Abort." << endl;
       return i;

   // open and read the current day's input data file
   lofs << "Reading in current-day input file..." << endl;
   i = ReadDataFile(inputfile);
   if (i)
     if (i == -1) lofs << "Current-day input file does not exist. Abort." << endl;
     if (i == -2) lofs << "Cannot identify current-day file type. Abort." << endl;
     return i;

   // build the spatial grid, and store it in vector<GridData> Grid;

   // get a list of the available satellite PRNs and the initial timetag
   bool ok;
   DayTime tt, starttime;
   bool initialTimeSet = false;
   if ( ephmode ) // ephemeris mode
       DayTime earliest = ges.getInitialTime();
       DayTime latest = ges.getFinalTime();
//       DayTime start = latest - gpstk::DayTime::SEC_DAY/2; /* make sure you're in the right day */
       DayTime start = latest - 6*3600.0; /* go back 6 h: covers any 4 h ephemeris going into the next day */
       tt = DayTime( start.year(), start.month(), start.day(), 0, 0, 0.0 );
       starttime = tt;
       lofs << " Initial time tag is " << tt.printf("%4F %8.1g") << endl;
       initialTimeSet = true;
       i = -100;
       lofs << "Initial Time or Final Time missing. Abort." << endl;
       return i;
     for (i=1; i<33; i++)
       for (ok=true,j=0; j<ExPRN.size(); j++)
         if (ExPRN[j] == i) { ok=false; break; }
       if (!ok) continue;                     // skip this satellite
       Sats.push_back(i);                     // save this satellite
   else           // almanac mode (original version)
     DayTime start(DayTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME); // Declare and initialize to something guaranteed to be early.
     for (i=1; i<33; i++) // # of SVs hard-wired to 32
       if (aomap.find(i) == aomap.end()) continue; // satellite not found in almanac
       for (ok=true,j=0; j<ExPRN.size(); j++)
         if (ExPRN[j] == i) { ok=false; break; }
       if (!ok) continue;                     // skip this satellite if not ok

       Sats.push_back(i);                     // save this satellite otherwise

       // store latest transmit time tag of the set.
       if (aomap[i].getTransmitTime()>start) start = aomap[i].getTransmitTime();
     // Set starting time to beginning of day in which majority of almanac was collected.
     tt = DayTime( start.year(), start.month(), start.day(), 0, 0, 0.0 );
     starttime = tt;
     lofs << " Initial time tag is " << tt.printf("%4F %8.1g") << endl;
     initialTimeSet = true;
   if (Sats.size() < 4)
     lofs << "Fewer than 4 satellite almanacs are available - abort." << endl;
     return -3;

   // allocate Stats objects for each grid point's DOPs
   GGridStats = new Stats<double>[Grid.size()];    
   PGridStats = new Stats<double>[Grid.size()];
   HGridStats = new Stats<double>[Grid.size()];
   VGridStats = new Stats<double>[Grid.size()];
   TGridStats = new Stats<double>[Grid.size()];
   NGridStats = new Stats<double>[Grid.size()];
   BadPDOP = (double*)calloc(Grid.size(),sizeof(double));
   if (!GGridStats || !PGridStats || !HGridStats ||
       !VGridStats || !TGridStats || !NGridStats   )
      lofs << "Failed to allocate GridStats" << endl;
      return -4;

   // initialize storage of 'worsts' and 'peaks'
   IworstN = IworstG = IworstP = IworstH = IworstV = IworstT = -1; // indexes of worst Number and worst DOPs
   NtrofN  = NpeakG  = NpeakP  = NpeakH  = NpeakV  = NpeakT  =  0; // number of cells with DOP > 10, # with < 5 sats

   // if reading a stats file (-rs), initialize stats using data from a file
   if (readStats)
      i = ReadStatsFile(statsfile);
      if (i)
         lofs << "Could not open stats file for input. Abort." << endl;
         return i;

   // compute away
   dlon = 360.0/double(MaxNLon);

   for (j=0; j<nt; j++)             // LOOP OVER TIMES
      SVs.clear();                  // clear SV position array

      for (i=0; i<Sats.size(); i++) // LOOP OVER SVs -- get positions at each time step
        if (ephmode)  // ephemeris mode
          SatID sid(Sats[i],SatID::systemGPS);
            if (ges.getSatHealth(sid,tt)!=0) continue;
            SVPVT = ges.getXvt(sid,tt);
          catch(InvalidRequest& e)
          SV.setECEF(SVPVT.x[0],SVPVT.x[1],SVPVT.x[2]); // get SV position
          SVs.push_back(SV);                            // add to the vector
        else          // almanac mode
          SVPVT = aomap[Sats[i]].svXvt(tt);
          SV.setECEF(SVPVT.x[0],SVPVT.x[1],SVPVT.x[2]); // get SV position
          SVs.push_back(SV);                            // add to the vector

      // zero worst-site DOPs (worst #SVs to large #) for this time step

      StepWorstG = StepWorstP = StepWorstH = StepWorstV = StepWorstT = 0.;
      StepWorstN = 10000.;

      for (i=0; i<Grid.size(); i++) // LOOP OVER GRID POSITIONS
        if ( j == 0 ) // set up grid position vector only on first time step
          // transform XYZT to UENT: R*Vector(XYZT) = Vector(UENT)
          double ca,sa,co,so;
          Position Rx(Grid[i].lat,Grid[i].lon,0.0,Position::Geodetic); // grid position
          ca = cos(Rx.geodeticLatitude()*DEG_TO_RAD);
          sa = sin(Rx.geodeticLatitude()*DEG_TO_RAD);
          co = cos(Rx.longitude()*DEG_TO_RAD);
          so = sin(Rx.longitude()*DEG_TO_RAD);
          M4 Rtemp;
          Rtemp(0,0) = ca*co ; Rtemp(0,1) = ca*so ; Rtemp(0,2) = sa ; Rtemp(0,3) = 0.0;
          Rtemp(1,0) = -so   ; Rtemp(1,1) = co    ; Rtemp(1,2) = 0.0; Rtemp(1,3) = 0.0;
          Rtemp(2,0) = -sa*co; Rtemp(2,1) = -sa*so; Rtemp(2,2) = ca ; Rtemp(2,3) = 0.0;
          Rtemp(3,0) = 0.0   ; Rtemp(3,1) = 0.0   ; Rtemp(3,2) = 0.0; Rtemp(3,3) = 1.0;
          Rmat.push_back(Rtemp); // add this grid point's R matrix to the stack

        ComputeDOPs(tt,Grid[i],SVs,Rmat[i]); // compute DOPs

        BadPDOP[i] = BadPDOP[i] + Grid[i].bdop; // adds up each grid pt.'s BDOP over all times
                                                // BDOP for a single pt. is 0 or 1 for PDOP <= v. > 6

        // add to stats -- each GridStats object ends up holding all times for a grid point


        // save the worst and the peaks

        if (Grid[i].gdop > StepWorstG)
          StepWorstG = Grid[i].gdop;

        if (Grid[i].pdop > StepWorstP)
          StepWorstP = Grid[i].pdop;

        if (Grid[i].hdop > StepWorstH)
          StepWorstH = Grid[i].hdop;

        if (Grid[i].vdop > StepWorstV)
          StepWorstV = Grid[i].vdop;

        if (Grid[i].tdop > StepWorstT)
          StepWorstT = Grid[i].tdop;

        if (Grid[i].nsvs < StepWorstN)
          StepWorstN = Grid[i].nsvs;

        if (IworstG == -1 || Grid[i].gdop > WorstG)
          IworstG = i;
          WorstG  = Grid[i].gdop;
          TworstG = tt;

        if (IworstP == -1 || Grid[i].pdop > WorstP)
          IworstP = i;
          WorstP  = Grid[i].pdop;
          TworstP = tt;

        if (IworstH == -1 || Grid[i].hdop > WorstH)
          IworstH = i;
          WorstH  = Grid[i].hdop;
          TworstH = tt;

        if (IworstV == -1 || Grid[i].vdop > WorstV)
          IworstV = i;
          WorstV  = Grid[i].vdop;
          TworstV = tt;

        if (IworstT == -1 || Grid[i].tdop > WorstT)
          IworstT = i;
          WorstT  = Grid[i].tdop;
          TworstT = tt;

        if (IworstN == -1 || Grid[i].nsvs < WorstN)
          IworstN = i;
          WorstN  = Grid[i].nsvs;
          TworstN = tt;

        if (Grid[i].nsvs < 5) NtrofN++;

        if (Grid[i].pdop > 10.)
          lofs << "PDS " << NpeakP
               << " " << setw(4) << j+1              // time
               << fixed << setprecision(2)
               << " " << setw(7) << Grid[i].lon
               << " " << setw(7) << Grid[i].lat
               << endl;

        if (Grid[i].hdop > 10.)
          lofs << "HDS " << NpeakH
               << " " << setw(4) << j+1              // time
               << fixed << setprecision(2)
               << " " << setw(7) << Grid[i].lon
               << " " << setw(7) << Grid[i].lat
               << endl;

      } // end loop over grid

      // write timestep results to timesfile

      tofs << " "
           << tt.printf("%4F %8.1g") << "  "
           << " " << setw(7) << StepWorstG
           << " " << setw(7) << StepWorstP
           << " " << setw(7) << StepWorstH
           << " " << setw(7) << StepWorstV
           << " " << setw(7) << StepWorstT
           << " " << setw(6) << StepWorstN
           << endl;

      // dump grid results to file for each time step if enabled

      if (dumpeach)
        stringstream ss;
        ss << j;
        dumpfile = outputfile + ".t-" + ss.str();
        cout << dumpfile << endl;
        ii = DumpGrid(tt, dumpfile);
        if (ii)
          lofs << "Could not dump grid file for writing. Abort." << endl;
          return i;

      // record worst-site DOPs at each time step


      tt += dt;      // increment time tag
   } // end loop over times

   // get day's average of worst-site (grid) DOPs

   for (i=0; i<nt; i++)
     AvgWorstSiteDOP.wgdop += WGTimeStats[i];
     AvgWorstSiteDOP.wpdop += WPTimeStats[i];
     AvgWorstSiteDOP.whdop += WHTimeStats[i];
     AvgWorstSiteDOP.wvdop += WVTimeStats[i];
     AvgWorstSiteDOP.wtdop += WTTimeStats[i];
     AvgWorstSiteDOP.wnsvs += WNTimeStats[i];
   AvgWorstSiteDOP.wgdop /= nt;
   AvgWorstSiteDOP.wpdop /= nt;
   AvgWorstSiteDOP.whdop /= nt;
   AvgWorstSiteDOP.wvdop /= nt;
   AvgWorstSiteDOP.wtdop /= nt;
   AvgWorstSiteDOP.wnsvs /= nt;

   // output the grid itself and the stats - for use later

   i = OutputGrid(outputfile); // output average and worst-site DOP results over the grid
   if (i)
      lofs << "Could not output file for writing. Abort." << endl;
      return i;

   i = WriteStatsFile(statsfile);
   if (i)
      lofs << "Could not open stats file for output. Abort." << endl;
      return i;

   // clean up

   delete[] GGridStats;
   delete[] PGridStats;
   delete[] HGridStats;
   delete[] VGridStats;
   delete[] TGridStats;
   delete[] NGridStats;

catch(Exception& e) {
   lofs << "Caught an exception" << endl << e << endl;
   return 0;