Ejemplo n.º 1
void FIWadManager::ParseIWadInfos(const char *fn)
	FResourceFile *resfile = FResourceFile::OpenResourceFile(fn, NULL, true);
	if (resfile != NULL)
		DWORD cnt = resfile->LumpCount();
		for(int i=cnt-1; i>=0; i--)
			FResourceLump *lmp = resfile->GetLump(i);

			if (lmp->Namespace == ns_global && !stricmp(lmp->Name, "IWADINFO"))
				// Found one!
				ParseIWadInfo(resfile->Filename, (const char*)lmp->CacheLump(), lmp->LumpSize);
		delete resfile;
	if (mIWadNames.Size() == 0 || mIWads.Size() == 0)
		I_FatalError("No IWAD definitions found");
Ejemplo n.º 2
unsigned FSavegameManager::ExtractSaveData(int index)
	FResourceFile *resf;
	FSaveGameNode *node;

	if (index == -1)
		if (SaveGames.Size() > 0 && SaveGames[0]->bNoDelete)
			index = LastSaved + 1;
			index = LastAccessed < 0? 0 : LastAccessed;


	if ((unsigned)index < SaveGames.Size() &&
		(node = SaveGames[index]) &&
		!node->Filename.IsEmpty() &&
		!node->bOldVersion &&
		(resf = FResourceFile::OpenResourceFile(node->Filename.GetChars(), true)) != nullptr)
		FResourceLump *info = resf->FindLump("info.json");
		if (info == nullptr)
			// this should not happen because the file has already been verified.
			return index;
		void *data = info->CacheLump();
		FSerializer arc(nullptr);
		if (arc.OpenReader((const char *)data, info->LumpSize))
			FString comment;

			FString time = arc.GetString("Creation Time");
			FString pcomment = arc.GetString("Comment");

			comment = time;
			if (time.Len() > 0) comment += "\n";
			comment += pcomment;
			SaveCommentString = comment;

			// Extract pic
			FResourceLump *pic = resf->FindLump("savepic.png");
			if (pic != nullptr)
				FileReader picreader;

				picreader.OpenMemoryArray([=](TArray<uint8_t> &array)
					auto cache = pic->CacheLump();
					memcpy(&array[0], cache, pic->LumpSize);
					return true;
				PNGHandle *png = M_VerifyPNG(picreader);
				if (png != nullptr)
					SavePic = PNGTexture_CreateFromFile(png, node->Filename);
					delete png;
					if (SavePic && SavePic->GetDisplayWidth() == 1 && SavePic->GetDisplayHeight() == 1)
						delete SavePic;
						SavePic = nullptr;
		delete resf;
	return index;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void FSavegameManager::ReadSaveStrings()
	if (SaveGames.Size() == 0)
		void *filefirst;
		findstate_t c_file;
		FString filter;

		LastSaved = LastAccessed = -1;
		quickSaveSlot = nullptr;
		filter = G_BuildSaveName("*." SAVEGAME_EXT, -1);
		filefirst = I_FindFirst(filter.GetChars(), &c_file);
		if (filefirst != ((void *)(-1)))
				// I_FindName only returns the file's name and not its full path
				FString filepath = G_BuildSaveName(I_FindName(&c_file), -1);

				FResourceFile *savegame = FResourceFile::OpenResourceFile(filepath, true, true);
				if (savegame != nullptr)
					bool oldVer = false;
					bool missing = false;
					FResourceLump *info = savegame->FindLump("info.json");
					if (info == nullptr)
						// savegame info not found. This is not a savegame so leave it alone.
						delete savegame;
					void *data = info->CacheLump();
					FSerializer arc(nullptr);
					if (arc.OpenReader((const char *)data, info->LumpSize))
						int savever = 0;
						arc("Save Version", savever);
						FString engine = arc.GetString("Engine");
						FString iwad = arc.GetString("Game WAD");
						FString title = arc.GetString("Title");

						if (engine.Compare(GAMESIG) != 0 || savever > SAVEVER)
							// different engine or newer version:
							// not our business. Leave it alone.
							delete savegame;

						if (savever < MINSAVEVER)
							// old, incompatible savegame. List as not usable.
							oldVer = true;
						else if (iwad.CompareNoCase(Wads.GetWadName(Wads.GetIwadNum())) == 0)
							missing = !G_CheckSaveGameWads(arc, false);
							// different game. Skip this.
							delete savegame;

						FSaveGameNode *node = new FSaveGameNode;
						node->Filename = filepath;
						node->bOldVersion = oldVer;
						node->bMissingWads = missing;
						node->SaveTitle = title;
						delete savegame;

				else // check for old formats.
					FileReader file;
					if (file.OpenFile(filepath))
						PNGHandle *png;
						char sig[16];
						char title[OLDSAVESTRINGSIZE + 1];
						bool oldVer = true;
						bool addIt = false;
						bool missing = false;

						// ZDoom 1.23 betas 21-33 have the savesig first.
						// Earlier versions have the savesig second.
						// Later versions have the savegame encapsulated inside a PNG.
						// Old savegame versions are always added to the menu so
						// the user can easily delete them if desired.

						title[OLDSAVESTRINGSIZE] = 0;

						if (nullptr != (png = M_VerifyPNG(file)))
							char *ver = M_GetPNGText(png, "ZDoom Save Version");
							if (ver != nullptr)
								// An old version
								if (!M_GetPNGText(png, "Title", title, OLDSAVESTRINGSIZE))
									strncpy(title, I_FindName(&c_file), OLDSAVESTRINGSIZE);
								addIt = true;
								delete[] ver;
							delete png;
							file.Seek(0, FileReader::SeekSet);
							if (file.Read(sig, 16) == 16)

								if (strncmp(sig, "ZDOOMSAVE", 9) == 0)
									if (file.Read(title, OLDSAVESTRINGSIZE) == OLDSAVESTRINGSIZE)
										addIt = true;
									memcpy(title, sig, 16);
									if (file.Read(title + 16, OLDSAVESTRINGSIZE - 16) == OLDSAVESTRINGSIZE - 16 &&
										file.Read(sig, 16) == 16 &&
										strncmp(sig, "ZDOOMSAVE", 9) == 0)
										addIt = true;

						if (addIt)
							FSaveGameNode *node = new FSaveGameNode;
							node->Filename = filepath;
							node->bOldVersion = true;
							node->bMissingWads = false;
							node->SaveTitle = title;
			} while (I_FindNext(filefirst, &c_file) == 0);