Ejemplo n.º 1
love::filesystem::FileData *ImageData::encode(EncodedFormat format, const char *filename)
	FormatHandler *encoder = nullptr;
	FormatHandler::EncodedImage encodedimage;
	FormatHandler::DecodedImage rawimage;

	rawimage.width = width;
	rawimage.height = height;
	rawimage.size = width*height*sizeof(pixel);
	rawimage.data = data;

	for (FormatHandler *handler : formatHandlers)
		if (handler->canEncode(format))
			encoder = handler;

	if (encoder != nullptr)
		thread::Lock lock(mutex);
		encodedimage = encoder->encode(rawimage, format);

	if (encoder == nullptr || encodedimage.data == nullptr)
		const char *fname = "unknown";
		getConstant(format, fname);
		throw love::Exception("No suitable image encoder for %s format.", fname);

	love::filesystem::FileData *filedata = nullptr;

		filedata = new love::filesystem::FileData(encodedimage.size, filename);
	catch (love::Exception &)

	memcpy(filedata->getData(), encodedimage.data, encodedimage.size);

	return filedata;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool ExternalFile::idle( const QString& name, bool read )
    setFileName( name );

    if( !TibiaFile::exists() ) {
        emit documentError( name, QObject::tr( "File does not exist." ), -1 );
        return false;

    if( !TibiaFile::open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) {
        emit parseError( QObject::tr( "Open Error" ), TibiaFile::error() );
        return false;

    if( read ) {
        QDataStream in( this );
        in.setByteOrder( QDataStream::LittleEndian );
        in >> m_version;

        m_datFormat = g_formatHandler.getFormatByClient( m_version );
        if( !m_datFormat ) {
            emit documentError( name, tr( "Unknown format: %1" ).arg( m_version ), -1 );
            return false;

    m_idle = true;
    m_success = true;
    return m_success;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ItemEditor::onCurrentIndexChanged( int index )
    qint32 version = ui->comboVersions->itemData( index, Qt::UserRole ).toInt();
    DatFormat *datFormat = g_formatHandler.getFormatByClient( version );
    if( datFormat ) {
        ui->itemAttributes->setFormat( datFormat );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ImageData::decode(love::filesystem::FileData *data)
	FormatHandler *decoder = nullptr;
	FormatHandler::DecodedImage decodedimage;

	for (FormatHandler *handler : formatHandlers)
		if (handler->canDecode(data))
			decoder = handler;

	if (decoder)
		decodedimage = decoder->decode(data);

	if (decodedimage.data == nullptr)
		const char *ext = data->getExtension().c_str();
		throw love::Exception("Could not decode to ImageData: unrecognized format (%s)", ext);

	// The decoder *must* output a 32 bits-per-pixel image.
	if (decodedimage.size != decodedimage.width*decodedimage.height*sizeof(pixel))
		if (decodeHandler)
			delete[] decodedimage.data;
		throw love::Exception("Could not convert image!");

	// Clean up any old data.
	if (decodeHandler)
		delete[] this->data;

	this->width = decodedimage.width;
	this->height = decodedimage.height;
	this->data = decodedimage.data;

	decodeHandler = decoder;
Ejemplo n.º 5
ItemEditor::ItemEditor( QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags, TibiaItem *tibiaItem, const ItemData& itemData ) : QMdiSubWindow( parent, flags ), ui( new Ui::ItemEditorClass )
    m_itemData = itemData;
    m_tibiaItem = tibiaItem;
    m_internalWidget = new QWidget;
    m_undoStack = new QUndoStack;
    ui->setupUi( m_internalWidget );
    ui->buttonLayout->setAlignment ( ui->viewDirectionE, Qt::AlignCenter );
    ui->buttonLayout->setAlignment ( ui->viewDirectionN, Qt::AlignCenter );
    ui->buttonLayout->setAlignment ( ui->viewDirectionNE, Qt::AlignCenter );
    ui->buttonLayout->setAlignment ( ui->viewDirectionNW, Qt::AlignCenter );
    ui->buttonLayout->setAlignment ( ui->viewDirectionS, Qt::AlignCenter );
    ui->buttonLayout->setAlignment ( ui->viewDirectionSE, Qt::AlignCenter );
    ui->buttonLayout->setAlignment ( ui->viewDirectionSW, Qt::AlignCenter );
    ui->buttonLayout->setAlignment ( ui->viewDirectionW, Qt::AlignCenter );
    setWidget( m_internalWidget );
    setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );

    setWindowTitle( ( tibiaItem ? TibiaItem::fullName( g_tibiaHandler.getItemFile(), tibiaItem ) : TibiaItem::typeName( itemData.type ) ) + " [*]" );
    setGeometry( m_internalWidget->geometry() );

    if( g_formatHandler.isLoaded() ) {
        for( DatFormatMap::const_iterator it = g_formatHandler.getFormatsBegin(); it != g_formatHandler.getFormatsEnd(); it++ )
            ui->comboVersions->insertItem( 0, it.value()->getName(), QVariant::fromValue( it.key() ) );
    } else
        ui->comboVersions->insertItem( 0, tr( "No Formats" ) );

    QObject::connect( ui->viewImage, SIGNAL( imageChanged( const QImage& ) ), this, SLOT( onImageChanged( const QImage& ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->viewShowNumbers, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), ui->viewImage, SLOT( showNumbers( bool ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->comboVersions, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( onCurrentIndexChanged( int ) ) );

    dParams.showPattern = true;

    ui->viewImage->setMimeDropType( MIME_TYPE_SPRITE );
    ui->viewImage->setImage( g_tibiaHandler.drawItem( m_itemData, dParams ) );
    ui->itemAttributes->setFormat( g_formatHandler.getBaseFormat() );

    m_spriteModel = new ItemSpriteModel( ui->spriteView, &m_itemData );
    m_spriteModel->setDragMimeFormat( MIME_TYPE_SPRITE );
    m_spriteModel->setDropMimeFormats( QStringList() << MIME_TYPE_SPRITE );
    ui->spriteView->setModel( m_spriteModel );


    QObject::connect( m_undoStack, SIGNAL( canUndoChanged( bool ) ), this, SLOT( setWindowModified( bool ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->viewAppearanceBox, SIGNAL( clicked( QAbstractButton * ) ), this, SLOT( onAppearanceButtonClicked( QAbstractButton * ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->viewAttributeBox, SIGNAL( clicked( QAbstractButton * ) ), this, SLOT( onAttributeButtonClicked( QAbstractButton * ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->viewBlendLayers, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onToggleBlend( bool ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->viewAnimation, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( onSetAnimation( int ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->viewLayer, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( onSetLayer( int ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->viewAddon, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( onSetAddon( int ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->viewFloorPattern, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( onSetFloorPattern( int ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->viewDirectionE, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onSetDirectionEast( void ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->viewDirectionN, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onSetDirectionNorth( void ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->viewDirectionNE, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onSetDirectionNorthEast( void ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->viewDirectionNW, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onSetDirectionNorthWest( void ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->viewDirectionS, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onSetDirectionSouth( void ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->viewDirectionSE, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onSetDirectionSouthEast( void ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->viewDirectionSW, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onSetDirectionSouthWest( void ) ) );
    QObject::connect( ui->viewDirectionW, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onSetDirectionWest( void ) ) );