Ejemplo n.º 1
Func repeat_edge(const Func &source,
                 const std::vector<std::pair<Expr, Expr>> &bounds) {
    std::vector<Var> args(source.args());
    user_assert(args.size() >= bounds.size()) <<
        "repeat_edge called with more bounds (" << bounds.size() <<
        ") than dimensions (" << args.size() << ") Func " <<
        source.name() << "has.\n";

    std::vector<Expr> actuals;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++) {
        Var arg_var = args[i];
        Expr min = bounds[i].first;
        Expr extent = bounds[i].second;

        if (min.defined() && extent.defined()) {
            actuals.push_back(clamp(likely(arg_var), min, min + extent - 1));
        } else if (!min.defined() && !extent.defined()) {
        } else {
            user_error << "Partially undefined bounds for dimension " << arg_var
                       << " of Func " << source.name() << "\n";

    // If there were fewer bounds than dimensions, regard the ones at the end as unbounded.
    actuals.insert(actuals.end(), args.begin() + actuals.size(), args.end());

    Func bounded("repeat_edge");
    bounded(args) = source(actuals);

    return bounded;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Func constant_exterior(const Func &source, Tuple value,
                       const std::vector<std::pair<Expr, Expr>> &bounds) {
    std::vector<Var> args(source.args());
    user_assert(args.size() >= bounds.size()) <<
        "constant_exterior called with more bounds (" << bounds.size() <<
        ") than dimensions (" << source.args().size() << ") Func " <<
        source.name() << "has.\n";

    Expr out_of_bounds = cast<bool>(false);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++) {
        Var arg_var = source.args()[i];
        Expr min = bounds[i].first;
        Expr extent = bounds[i].second;

        if (min.defined() && extent.defined()) {
            out_of_bounds = (out_of_bounds ||
                             arg_var < min ||
                             arg_var >= min + extent);
        } else if (min.defined() || extent.defined()) {
            user_error << "Partially undefined bounds for dimension " << arg_var
                       << " of Func " << source.name() << "\n";

    Func bounded("constant_exterior");
    if (value.as_vector().size() > 1) {
        std::vector<Expr> def;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < value.as_vector().size(); i++) {
            def.push_back(select(out_of_bounds, value[i], repeat_edge(source, bounds)(args)[i]));
        bounded(args) = Tuple(def);
    } else {
        bounded(args) = select(out_of_bounds, value[0], repeat_edge(source, bounds)(args));

    return bounded;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Func mirror_interior(const Func &source,
                     const std::vector<std::pair<Expr, Expr>> &bounds) {
    std::vector<Var> args(source.args());
    user_assert(args.size() >= bounds.size()) <<
        "mirror_interior called with more bounds (" << bounds.size() <<
        ") than dimensions (" << args.size() << ") Func " <<
        source.name() << "has.\n";

    std::vector<Expr> actuals;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++) {
        Var arg_var = args[i];

        Expr min = bounds[i].first;
        Expr extent = bounds[i].second;

        if (min.defined() && extent.defined()) {
            Expr limit = extent - 1;
            Expr coord = arg_var - min;  // Enforce zero origin.
            coord = coord % (2 * limit); // Range is 0 to 2w-1
            coord = coord - limit;       // Range is -w, w
            coord = abs(coord);          // Range is 0, w
            coord = limit - coord;       // Range is 0, w
            coord = coord + min;         // Restore correct min

            // The boundary condition probably doesn't apply
            coord = select(arg_var < min || arg_var >= min + extent, coord,
                           clamp(likely(arg_var), min, min + extent - 1));

        } else if (!min.defined() && !extent.defined()) {
        } else {
            user_error << "Partially undefined bounds for dimension " << arg_var
                       << " of Func " << source.name() << "\n";

    // If there were fewer bounds than dimensions, regard the ones at the end as unbounded.
    actuals.insert(actuals.end(), args.begin() + actuals.size(), args.end());

    Func bounded("mirror_interior");
    bounded(args) = source(actuals);

    return bounded;
Ejemplo n.º 4
ComplexFunc fft2d_r2c(Func r,
                      const vector<int> &R0,
                      const vector<int> &R1,
                      const Target& target,
                      const Fft2dDesc& desc) {
    string prefix = desc.name.empty() ? "r2c_" : desc.name + "_";

    vector<Var> args(r.args());
    Var n0(args[0]), n1(args[1]);

    // Get the innermost variable outside the FFT.
    Var outer = Var::outermost();
    if (!args.empty()) {
        outer = args.front();

    int N0 = product(R0);
    int N1 = product(R1);

    // Cache of twiddle factors for this FFT.
    TwiddleFactorSet twiddle_cache;

    // The gain requested of the FFT.
    Expr gain = desc.gain;

    // Combine pairs of real columns x, y into complex columns z = x + j y. This
    // allows us to compute two real DFTs using one complex FFT. See the large
    // comment above this function for more background.
    // An implementation detail is that we zip the columns in groups from the
    // input data to enable the loads to be dense vectors. x is taken from the
    // even indexed groups columns, y is taken from the odd indexed groups of
    // columns.
    // Changing the group size can (insignificantly) numerically change the result
    // due to regrouping floating point operations. To avoid this, if the FFT
    // description specified a vector width, use it as the group size.
    ComplexFunc zipped(prefix + "zipped");
    int zip_width = desc.vector_width;
    if (zip_width <= 0) {
        zip_width = target.natural_vector_size(r.output_types()[0]);
    // Ensure the zip width divides the zipped extent.
    zip_width = gcd(zip_width, N0 / 2);
    Expr zip_n0 = (n0 / zip_width) * zip_width * 2 + (n0 % zip_width);
    zipped(A({n0, n1}, args)) =
        ComplexExpr(r(A({zip_n0, n1}, args)),
                    r(A({zip_n0 + zip_width, n1}, args)));

    // DFT down the columns first.
    ComplexFunc dft1 = fft_dim1(zipped,
                                -1,  // sign
                                std::min(zip_width, N0 / 2),  // extent of dim 0
                                false,  // We parallelize unzipped below instead.

    // Unzip the two groups of real DFTs we zipped together above. For more
    // information about the unzipping operation, see the large comment above this
    // function.
    ComplexFunc unzipped(prefix + "unzipped"); {
        Expr unzip_n0 = (n0 / (zip_width * 2)) * zip_width + (n0 % zip_width);
        ComplexExpr Z = dft1(A({unzip_n0, n1}, args));
        ComplexExpr conjsymZ = conj(dft1(A({unzip_n0, (N1 - n1) % N1}, args)));

        ComplexExpr X = Z + conjsymZ;
        ComplexExpr Y = -j * (Z - conjsymZ);
        // Rather than divide the above expressions by 2 here, adjust the gain
        // instead.
        gain /= 2;

        unzipped(A({n0, n1}, args)) =
            select(n0 % (zip_width * 2) < zip_width, X, Y);

    // Zip the DC and Nyquist DFT bin rows, which should be real.
    ComplexFunc zipped_0(prefix + "zipped_0");
    zipped_0(A({n0, n1}, args)) =
        select(n1 > 0, likely(unzipped(A({n0, n1}, args))),
                       ComplexExpr(re(unzipped(A({n0, 0}, args))),
                                   re(unzipped(A({n0, N1 / 2}, args)))));

    // The vectorization of the columns must not exceed this value.
    int zipped_extent0 = std::min((N1 + 1) / 2, zip_width);

    // transpose so we can FFT dimension 0 (by making it dimension 1).
    ComplexFunc unzippedT, unzippedT_tiled;
    std::tie(unzippedT, unzippedT_tiled) = tiled_transpose(zipped_0, zipped_extent0, target, prefix);

    // DFT down the columns again (the rows of the original).
    ComplexFunc dftT = fft_dim1(unzippedT,
                                -1,  // sign

    // transpose the result back to the original orientation, unless the caller
    // requested a transposed DFT.
    ComplexFunc dft = transpose(dftT);

    // We are going to add a row to the result (with update steps) by unzipping
    // the DC and Nyquist bin rows. To avoid unnecessarily computing some junk for
    // this row before we overwrite it, pad the pure definition with undef.
    dft = ComplexFunc(constant_exterior((Func)dft, Tuple(undef_z()), Expr(), Expr(), Expr(0), Expr(N1 / 2)));

    // Unzip the DFTs of the DC and Nyquist bin DFTs. Unzip the Nyquist DFT first,
    // because the DC bin DFT is updated in-place. For more information about
    // this, see the large comment above this function.
    RDom n0z1(1, N0 / 2);
    RDom n0z2(N0 / 2, N0 / 2);
    // Update 0: Unzip the DC bin of the DFT of the Nyquist bin row.
    dft(A({0, N1 / 2}, args)) = im(dft(A({0, 0}, args)));
    // Update 1: Unzip the rest of the DFT of the Nyquist bin row.
    dft(A({n0z1, N1 / 2}, args)) =
        0.5f * -j * (dft(A({n0z1, 0}, args)) - conj(dft(A({N0 - n0z1, 0}, args))));
    // Update 2: Compute the rest of the Nyquist bin row via conjugate symmetry.
    // Note that this redundantly computes n0 = N0/2, but that's faster and easier
    // than trying to deal with N0/2 - 1 bins.
    dft(A({n0z2, N1 / 2}, args)) = conj(dft(A({N0 - n0z2, N1 / 2}, args)));

    // Update 3: Unzip the DC bin of the DFT of the DC bin row.
    dft(A({0, 0}, args)) = re(dft(A({0, 0}, args)));
    // Update 4: Unzip the rest of the DFT of the DC bin row.
    dft(A({n0z1, 0}, args)) =
        0.5f * (dft(A({n0z1, 0}, args)) + conj(dft(A({N0 - n0z1, 0}, args))));
    // Update 5: Compute the rest of the DC bin row via conjugate symmetry.
    // Note that this redundantly computes n0 = N0/2, but that's faster and easier
    // than trying to deal with N0/2 - 1 bins.
    dft(A({n0z2, 0}, args)) = conj(dft(A({N0 - n0z2, 0}, args)));

    // Schedule.
    dftT.compute_at(dft, outer);

    // Schedule the tiled transposes.
    if (unzippedT_tiled.defined()) {
        unzippedT_tiled.compute_at(dftT, group);

    // Schedule the input, if requested.
    if (desc.schedule_input) {
        r.compute_at(dft1, group);

    // Vectorize the zip groups, and unroll by a factor of 2 to simplify the
    // even/odd selection.
    Var n0o("n0o"), n0i("n0i");
    unzipped.compute_at(dft, outer)
        .split(n0, n0o, n0i, zip_width * 2)
        .reorder(n0i, n1, n0o)
        .vectorize(n0i, zip_width)
    dft1.compute_at(unzipped, n0o);
    if (desc.parallel) {
        // Note that this also parallelizes dft1, which is computed inside this loop
        // of unzipped.

    // Schedule the final DFT transpose and unzipping updates.
    dft.vectorize(n0, target.natural_vector_size<float>())
        .unroll(n0, std::min(N0 / target.natural_vector_size<float>(), 4));

    // The Nyquist bin at n0z = N0/2 looks like a race condition because it
    // simplifies to an expression similar to the DC bin. However, we include it
    // in the reduction because it makes the reduction have length N/2, which is
    // convenient for vectorization, and just ignore the resulting appearance of
    // a race condition.
        .vectorize(n0z1, target.natural_vector_size<float>());
        .vectorize(n0z2, target.natural_vector_size<float>());
        .vectorize(n0z1, target.natural_vector_size<float>());
        .vectorize(n0z2, target.natural_vector_size<float>());

    // Our result is undefined outside these bounds.
    dft.bound(n0, 0, N0);
    dft.bound(n1, 0, (N1 + 1) / 2 + 1);

    return dft;