Ejemplo n.º 1
void Unit::enableIntercepts() {
  TranslatorX64* tx64 = TranslatorX64::Get();
  // Its ok to set maybeIntercepted(), because
  // we are protected by s_mutex in intercept.cpp
  for (MutableFuncRange fr(nonMainFuncs()); !fr.empty(); ) {
    Func *func = fr.popFront();
    if (func->isPseudoMain()) {
      // pseudomain's can't be intercepted
    Lock lock(s_classesMutex);
    for (int i = m_preClasses.size(); i--; ) {
      PreClass* pcls = m_preClasses[i].get();
      Class *cls = *pcls->namedEntity()->clsList();
      while (cls) {
         * verify that this class corresponds to the
         * preclass we're looking at. This avoids
         * redundantly iterating over the same class
         * multiple times, but also avoids a hard to
         * repro crash, if the unit owning cls is being
         * destroyed at the time we pick up cls from the
         * list (which is possible). Note that cls
         * itself will be destroyed by treadmill, so
         * it is safe to call preClass()
        if (cls->preClass() == pcls) {
          size_t numFuncs = cls->numMethods();
          Func* const* funcs = cls->methods();
          for (unsigned i = 0; i < numFuncs; i++) {
            if (funcs[i]->cls() != cls) {
               * This func is defined by a base
               * class. We can skip it now, because
               * we'll hit it when we process
               * the base class. More importantly,
               * the base class's unit may have been
               * destroyed; in which case we have to
               * skip it here, or we'll likely crash.
               * Note that Classes are ref counted,
               * so the the funcs[i]'s Class cant have
               * been freed yet, so the comparison is
               * safe; although we do seem to have a
               * class leak here (sandbox mode only)
        cls = cls->m_nextClass;