Ejemplo n.º 1
Eigen<Real>::Eigen (const GMatrix<Real>& rkM)
    m_iSize = rkM.GetRows();
    assert(m_iSize >= 2 && (rkM.GetColumns() == m_iSize));
    m_afDiag = WM4_NEW Real[m_iSize];
    m_afSubd = WM4_NEW Real[m_iSize];
    m_bIsRotation = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Eigen<Real>::Eigen (const GMatrix<Real>& rkM)
    m_iSize = rkM.GetRows();
    assert( m_iSize >= 2 && (rkM.GetColumns() == m_iSize) );
    m_afDiag = new Real[m_iSize];
    m_afSubd = new Real[m_iSize];

    // set according to the parity of the number of Householder reflections
    m_bIsRotation = ((m_iSize % 2) == 0);
EigenDecomposition<Real>::EigenDecomposition (const GMatrix<Real>& mat)
    mSize = mat.GetRows();
    assertion(mSize >= 2 && (mat.GetColumns() == mSize),
        "Square matrix required in EigenDecomposition constructor\n");

    mDiagonal = new1<Real>(mSize);
    mSubdiagonal = new1<Real>(mSize);
    mIsRotation = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool LinearSystem<Real>::SolveSymmetricCG (const GMatrix<Real>& rkA,
    const Real* afB, Real* afX)
    // based on the algorithm in "Matrix Computations" by Golum and Van Loan
    assert( rkA.GetRows() == rkA.GetColumns() );
    int iSize = rkA.GetRows();
    Real* afR = new Real[iSize];
    Real* afP = new Real[iSize];
    Real* afW = new Real[iSize];

    // first iteration
    Real fRho0 = Dot(iSize,afR,afR);
    Real fAlpha = fRho0/Dot(iSize,afP,afW);
    Real fRho1 = Dot(iSize,afR,afR);

    // remaining iterations
    const int iMax = 1024;
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i < iMax; i++)
        Real fRoot0 = Math<Real>::Sqrt(fRho1);
        Real fNorm = Dot(iSize,afB,afB);
        Real fRoot1 = Math<Real>::Sqrt(fNorm);
        if ( fRoot0 <= ms_fTolerance*fRoot1 )

        Real fBeta = fRho1/fRho0;
        fAlpha = fRho1/Dot(iSize,afP,afW);
        fRho0 = fRho1;
        fRho1 = Dot(iSize,afR,afR);

    delete[] afW;
    delete[] afP;
    delete[] afR;

    return i < iMax;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void LinearSystem<Real>::BackwardEliminate (int iReduceRow,
    BandedMatrix<Real>& rkA, GMatrix<Real>& rkB)
    int iRowMax = iReduceRow - 1;
    int iRowMin = iReduceRow - rkA.GetUBands();
    if ( iRowMin < 0 )
        iRowMin = 0;

    for (int iRow = iRowMax; iRow >= iRowMin; iRow--)
        Real fMult = rkA(iRow,iReduceRow);
        rkA(iRow,iReduceRow) = (Real)0.0;
        for (int iCol = 0; iCol < rkB.GetColumns(); iCol++)
            rkB(iRow,iCol) -= fMult*rkB(iReduceRow,iCol);
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool LinearSystem<Real>::Inverse (const GMatrix<Real>& rkA,
    GMatrix<Real>& rkInvA)
    // computations are performed in-place
    assert(rkA.GetRows() == rkA.GetColumns());
    int iSize = rkInvA.GetRows();
    rkInvA = rkA;

    int* aiColIndex = WM4_NEW int[iSize];
    int* aiRowIndex = WM4_NEW int[iSize];
    bool* abPivoted = WM4_NEW bool[iSize];

    int i1, i2, iRow = 0, iCol = 0;
    Real fSave;

    // elimination by full pivoting
    for (int i0 = 0; i0 < iSize; i0++)
        // search matrix (excluding pivoted rows) for maximum absolute entry
        Real fMax = 0.0f;
        for (i1 = 0; i1 < iSize; i1++)
            if (!abPivoted[i1])
                for (i2 = 0; i2 < iSize; i2++)
                    if (!abPivoted[i2])
                        Real fAbs = Math<Real>::FAbs(rkInvA[i1][i2]);
                        if (fAbs > fMax)
                            fMax = fAbs;
                            iRow = i1;
                            iCol = i2;

        if (fMax == (Real)0.0)
            // matrix is not invertible
            WM4_DELETE[] aiColIndex;
            WM4_DELETE[] aiRowIndex;
            WM4_DELETE[] abPivoted;
            return false;

        abPivoted[iCol] = true;

        // swap rows so that A[iCol][iCol] contains the pivot entry
        if (iRow != iCol)

        // keep track of the permutations of the rows
        aiRowIndex[i0] = iRow;
        aiColIndex[i0] = iCol;

        // scale the row so that the pivot entry is 1
        Real fInv = ((Real)1.0)/rkInvA[iCol][iCol];
        rkInvA[iCol][iCol] = (Real)1.0;
        for (i2 = 0; i2 < iSize; i2++)
            rkInvA[iCol][i2] *= fInv;

        // zero out the pivot column locations in the other rows
        for (i1 = 0; i1 < iSize; i1++)
            if (i1 != iCol)
                fSave = rkInvA[i1][iCol];
                rkInvA[i1][iCol] = (Real)0.0;
                for (i2 = 0; i2 < iSize; i2++)
                    rkInvA[i1][i2] -= rkInvA[iCol][i2]*fSave;
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool LinearSystem<Real>::SolveSymmetric (const GMatrix<Real>& rkA,
    const Real* afB, Real* afX)
    // A = L D L^t decomposition with diagonal terms of L equal to 1.  The
    // algorithm stores D terms in A[i][i] and off-diagonal L terms in
    // A[i][j] for i > j.  (G. Golub and C. Van Loan, Matrix Computations)

    // computations are performed in-place
    int iSize = rkA.GetColumns();
    GMatrix<Real> kLMat = rkA;

    int i0, i1;
    Real* afV = new Real[iSize];
    assert( afV );

    for (i1 = 0; i1 < iSize; i1++)
        for (i0 = 0; i0 < i1; i0++)
            afV[i0] = kLMat[i1][i0]*kLMat[i0][i0];

        afV[i1] = kLMat[i1][i1];
        for (i0 = 0; i0 < i1; i0++)
            afV[i1] -= kLMat[i1][i0]*afV[i0];

        kLMat[i1][i1] = afV[i1];
        if ( Math<Real>::FAbs(afV[i1]) <= Math<Real>::EPSILON )
            delete[] afV;
            return false;

        Real fInv = ((Real)1.0)/afV[i1];
        for (i0 = i1+1; i0 < iSize; i0++)
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < i1; i2++)
                kLMat[i0][i1] -= kLMat[i0][i2]*afV[i2];
            kLMat[i0][i1] *= fInv;
    delete[] afV;

    // Solve Ax = B.

    // Forward substitution:  Let z = DL^t x, then Lz = B.  Algorithm
    // stores z terms in B vector.
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < iSize; i0++)
        for (i1 = 0; i1 < i0; i1++)
            afX[i0] -= kLMat[i0][i1]*afX[i1];


    // Diagonal division:  Let y = L^t x, then Dy = z.  Algorithm stores
    // y terms in B vector.
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < iSize; i0++)
        if ( Math<Real>::FAbs(kLMat[i0][i0]) <= Math<Real>::EPSILON )
            return false;
        afX[i0] /= kLMat[i0][i0];

    // Back substitution:  Solve L^t x = y.
    for (i0 = iSize-2; i0 >= 0; i0--)
        for (i1 = i0+1; i1 < iSize; i1++)
            afX[i0] -= kLMat[i1][i0]*afX[i1];

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool LinearSystem<Real>::Solve (const GMatrix<Real>& rkA, const Real* afB,
    Real* afX)
    // computations are performed in-place
    int iSize = rkA.GetColumns();
    GMatrix<Real> kInvA = rkA;

    int* aiColIndex = new int[iSize];
    assert( aiColIndex );

    int* aiRowIndex = new int[iSize];
    assert( aiRowIndex );

    bool* abPivoted = new bool[iSize];
    assert( abPivoted );

    int i1, i2, iRow = 0, iCol = 0;
    Real fSave;

    // elimination by full pivoting
    for (int i0 = 0; i0 < iSize; i0++)
        // search matrix (excluding pivoted rows) for maximum absolute entry
        Real fMax = 0.0f;
        for (i1 = 0; i1 < iSize; i1++)
            if ( !abPivoted[i1] )
                for (i2 = 0; i2 < iSize; i2++)
                    if ( !abPivoted[i2] )
                        Real fAbs = Math<Real>::FAbs(kInvA[i1][i2]);
                        if ( fAbs > fMax )
                            fMax = fAbs;
                            iRow = i1;
                            iCol = i2;

        if ( fMax == (Real)0.0 )
            // matrix is not invertible
            delete[] aiColIndex;
            delete[] aiRowIndex;
            delete[] abPivoted;
            return false;

        abPivoted[iCol] = true;

        // swap rows so that A[iCol][iCol] contains the pivot entry
        if ( iRow != iCol )

            fSave = afX[iRow];
            afX[iRow] = afX[iCol];
            afX[iCol] = fSave;

        // keep track of the permutations of the rows
        aiRowIndex[i0] = iRow;
        aiColIndex[i0] = iCol;

        // scale the row so that the pivot entry is 1
        Real fInv = ((Real)1.0)/kInvA[iCol][iCol];
        kInvA[iCol][iCol] = (Real)1.0;
        for (i2 = 0; i2 < iSize; i2++)
            kInvA[iCol][i2] *= fInv;
        afX[iCol] *= fInv;

        // zero out the pivot column locations in the other rows
        for (i1 = 0; i1 < iSize; i1++)
            if ( i1 != iCol )
                fSave = kInvA[i1][iCol];
                kInvA[i1][iCol] = (Real)0.0;
                for (i2 = 0; i2 < iSize; i2++)
                    kInvA[i1][i2] -= kInvA[iCol][i2]*fSave;
                afX[i1] -= afX[iCol]*fSave;

    // reorder rows so that A[][] stores the inverse of the original matrix
    for (i1 = iSize-1; i1 >= 0; i1--)
        if ( aiRowIndex[i1] != aiColIndex[i1] )
            for (i2 = 0; i2 < iSize; i2++)
                fSave = kInvA[i2][aiRowIndex[i1]];
                kInvA[i2][aiRowIndex[i1]] = kInvA[i2][aiColIndex[i1]];
                kInvA[i2][aiColIndex[i1]] = fSave;

    delete[] aiColIndex;
    delete[] aiRowIndex;
    delete[] abPivoted;
    return true;