Ejemplo n.º 1
bool LinearSystem<Real>::SolveSymmetricCG (const GMatrix<Real>& A,
    const Real* B, Real* X)
    // Based on the algorithm in "Matrix Computations" by Golum and Van Loan.
    assertion(A.GetNumRows() == A.GetNumColumns(), "Matrix must be square\n");
    int size = A.GetNumRows();
    Real* R = new1<Real>(size);
    Real* P = new1<Real>(size);
    Real* W = new1<Real>(size);

    // The first iteration.
    size_t numBytes = size*sizeof(Real);
    memset(X, 0, numBytes);
    memcpy(R, B, numBytes);
    Real rho0 = Dot(size, R, R);
    memcpy(P, R, numBytes);
    Multiply(A, P, W);
    Real alpha = rho0/Dot(size, P, W);
    UpdateX(size, X, alpha, P);
    UpdateR(size, R, alpha, W);
    Real rho1 = Dot(size, R, R);

    // The remaining iterations.
    const int imax = 1024;
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i < imax; ++i)
        Real root0 = Math<Real>::Sqrt(rho1);
        Real norm = Dot(size, B, B);
        Real root1 = Math<Real>::Sqrt(norm);
        if (root0 <= ZeroTolerance*root1)

        Real beta = rho1/rho0;
        UpdateP(size, P, beta, R);
        Multiply(A, P, W);
        alpha = rho1/Dot(size, P, W);
        UpdateX(size, X, alpha, P);
        UpdateR(size, R, alpha, W);
        rho0 = rho1;
        rho1 = Dot(size, R, R);


    return i < imax;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void LinearSystem<Real>::Multiply (const GMatrix<Real>& A, const Real* X,
    Real* Prod)
    int size = A.GetNumRows();
    memset(Prod, 0, size*sizeof(Real));
    for (int row = 0; row < size; ++row)
        for (int col = 0; col < size; ++col)
            Prod[row] += A[row][col]*X[col];
void SingularValueDecomposition<Real>::HouseholderPostmultiply (
    const GVector<Real>& V, GMatrix<Real>& A)
	GVector<Real> W = (((Real)-2)/V.SquaredLength())*(A*V);
	int numRows = A.GetNumRows();
	int numCols = A.GetNumColumns();
	for (int row = 0; row < numRows; ++row)
		for (int col = 0; col < numCols; ++col)
			A[row][col] += W[row]*V[col];
SingularValueDecomposition<Real>::SingularValueDecomposition (
    const GMatrix<Real>& M, GMatrix<Real>& L, GMatrix<Real>& D,
    GMatrix<Real>& RTranspose)
	// TODO.  Implement other QR factorizations and SVD code from "Matrix
	// Computations", and then give the user the ability to specify which
	// methods are used here.

	int numRows = M.GetNumRows();
	int numCols = M.GetNumColumns();
	L.SetSize(numRows, numRows);
	D.SetSize(numRows, numCols);
	RTranspose.SetSize(numCols, numCols);

	GMatrix<Real> kMTM = M.TransposeTimes(M);
	EigenDecomposition<Real> es(kMTM);
	GMatrix<Real> V = es.GetEigenvectors();
	GMatrix<Real> MV = M*V;
	HouseholderQR(MV, L, D);
	RTranspose = V.Transpose();
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool LinearSystem<Real>::Inverse (const GMatrix<Real>& A,
    GMatrix<Real>& invA)
    // Computations are performed in-place.
    assertion(A.GetNumRows() == A.GetNumColumns(), "Matrix must be square\n");

    int size = invA.GetNumRows();
    invA = A;

    int* colIndex = new1<int>(size);
    int* rowIndex = new1<int>(size);
    bool* pivoted = new1<bool>(size);
    memset(pivoted, 0, size*sizeof(bool));

    int i1, i2, row = 0, col = 0;
    Real save;

    // Elimination by full pivoting.
    for (int i0 = 0; i0 < size; ++i0)
        // Search matrix (excluding pivoted rows) for maximum absolute entry.
        Real maxValue = (Real)0;
        for (i1 = 0; i1 < size; ++i1)
            if (!pivoted[i1])
                for (i2 = 0; i2 < size; ++i2)
                    if (!pivoted[i2])
                        Real absValue = Math<Real>::FAbs(invA[i1][i2]);
                        if (absValue > maxValue)
                            maxValue = absValue;
                            row = i1;
                            col = i2;

        if (maxValue == (Real)0)
            // The matrix is not invertible.
            return false;

        pivoted[col] = true;

        // Swap rows so that A[col][col] contains the pivot entry.
        if (row != col)

        // Keep track of the permutations of the rows.
        rowIndex[i0] = row;
        colIndex[i0] = col;

        // Scale the row so that the pivot entry is 1.
        Real inv = ((Real)1)/invA[col][col];
        invA[col][col] = (Real)1;
        for (i2 = 0; i2 < size; i2++)
            invA[col][i2] *= inv;

        // Zero out the pivot column locations in the other rows.
        for (i1 = 0; i1 < size; ++i1)
            if (i1 != col)
                save = invA[i1][col];
                invA[i1][col] = (Real)0;
                for (i2 = 0; i2 < size; ++i2)
                    invA[i1][i2] -= invA[col][i2]*save;

    // Reorder rows so that A[][] stores the inverse of the original matrix.
    for (i1 = size-1; i1 >= 0; --i1)
        if (rowIndex[i1] != colIndex[i1])
            for (i2 = 0; i2 < size; ++i2)
                save = invA[i2][rowIndex[i1]];
                invA[i2][rowIndex[i1]] = invA[i2][colIndex[i1]];
                invA[i2][colIndex[i1]] = save;

    return true;
void SingularValueDecomposition<Real>::HouseholderQR (
    const GMatrix<Real>& A, GMatrix<Real>& Q, GMatrix<Real>& R)
	// The matrix R gets a copy of A, and is then overwritten during the
	// algorithm with the correct entries to be upper triangular.
	R = A;
	int numRows = R.GetNumRows();
	int numCols = R.GetNumColumns();
	assertion(numRows >= numCols, "Too many columns (use transpose)\n");
	int row, col;
	GVector<Real> V(numRows);
	std::vector<GVector<Real> > VSave;
	for (col = 0; col < numCols; ++col)
		// Create the Householder vector for the partial column of A.
		for (row = 0; row < col; ++row)
			V[row] = (Real)0;
		Real length = (Real)0;
		for (row = col; row < numRows; ++row)
			V[row] = R[row][col];
			length += V[row]*V[row];
		length = Math<Real>::Sqrt(length);
		Real beta = V[col] + Math<Real>::Sign(V[col])*length;
		if (beta != (Real)0)
			Real invBeta = ((Real)1)/beta;
			for (int i = col + 1; i < numRows; ++i)
				V[i] *= invBeta;
		V[col] = (Real)1;

		// Premultiply A by the V-reflection matrix.
		HouseholderPremultiply(V, R);

		// Save the Householder vectors.

	// First, make Q the identity.  Second, extract the Householder vectors
	// and premultiply by the V-reflections to build Q.
	memset(Q.GetElements(), 0, Q.GetNumElements()*sizeof(Real));
	for (row = 0; row < numRows; ++row)
		Q[row][row] = (Real)1;

	for (col = numCols - 1; col >= 0; --col)
		// Get the Householder vector.
		V = VSave[col];

		// Premultiply Q by the V-reflection matrix.
		HouseholderPremultiply(V, Q);