Ejemplo n.º 1
 static std::vector<Mat> extractMatVector(InputArray in)
     if (in.isMat() || in.isUMat())
         return std::vector<Mat>(1, in.getMat());
     else if (in.isMatVector())
         return *static_cast<const std::vector<Mat>*>(in.getObj());
     else if (in.isUMatVector())
         std::vector<Mat> vmat;
         return vmat;
         CV_Assert(in.isMat() || in.isMatVector() || in.isUMat() || in.isUMatVector());
         return std::vector<Mat>();
Ejemplo n.º 2
void QualityBRISQUE::computeFeatures(InputArray img, OutputArray features)

    auto mat = mat_convert(img.getMat());

    const auto vals = ComputeBrisqueFeature(mat);
    cv::Mat valmat( cv::Size( (int)vals.size(), 1 ), CV_32FC1, (void*)vals.data()); // create row vector, type depends on brisque_calc_element_type

    if (features.isUMat())
    else if (features.isMat())
        // how to move data instead?
        // if calling this:
        //      features.getMatRef() = valmat;
        //  then shared data is erased when valmat is released, corrupting the data in the outputarray for the caller
        CV_Error(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented, "Unsupported output type");
Ejemplo n.º 3
void HDF5Impl::dswrite( InputArray Array, const String& dslabel,
             const int* dims_offset, const int* dims_counts ) const
    // only Mat support
    CV_Assert( Array.isMat() );

    Mat matrix = Array.getMat();

    // memory array should be compact
    CV_Assert( matrix.isContinuous() );

    int n_dims = matrix.dims;
    int channs = matrix.channels();

    int *dsizes = new int[n_dims];
    hsize_t *dsdims = new hsize_t[n_dims];
    hsize_t *offset = new hsize_t[n_dims];
    // replicate Mat dimensions
    for ( int d = 0; d < n_dims; d++ )
      offset[d] = 0;
      dsizes[d] = matrix.size[d];
      dsdims[d] = matrix.size[d];

    // FixMe: If one of the groups the dataset belongs to does not exist,
    // FixMe: dscreate() will fail!
    // FixMe: It should be an error if the specified dataset has not been created instead of trying to create it
    // pre-create dataset if needed
    if ( hlexists( dslabel ) == false )
      dscreate( n_dims, dsizes, matrix.type(), dslabel );

    // set custom amount of data
    if ( dims_counts != NULL )
      for ( int d = 0; d < n_dims; d++ )
        dsdims[d] = dims_counts[d];

    // open dataset
    hid_t dsdata = H5Dopen( m_h5_file_id, dslabel.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT );

    // create input data space
    hid_t dspace = H5Screate_simple( n_dims, dsdims, NULL );

    // set custom offsets
    if ( dims_offset != NULL )
      for ( int d = 0; d < n_dims; d++ )
        offset[d] = dims_offset[d];

    // create offset write window space
    hid_t fspace = H5Dget_space( dsdata );
    H5Sselect_hyperslab( fspace, H5S_SELECT_SET,
                         offset, NULL, dsdims, NULL );

    // convert type
    hid_t dstype = GetH5type( matrix.type() );

    // expand channs
    if ( matrix.channels() > 1 )
      hsize_t adims[1] = { (hsize_t)channs };
      dstype = H5Tarray_create( dstype, 1, adims );

    // write into dataset
    H5Dwrite( dsdata, dstype, dspace, fspace,
              H5P_DEFAULT, matrix.data );

    if ( matrix.channels() > 1 )
      H5Tclose( dstype );

    delete [] dsizes;
    delete [] dsdims;
    delete [] offset;

    H5Sclose( dspace );
    H5Sclose( fspace );
    H5Dclose( dsdata );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void HDF5Impl::dsinsert( InputArray Array, const String& dslabel,
             const int* dims_offset, const int* dims_counts ) const
    // only Mat support
    CV_Assert( Array.isMat() );

    // check dataset exists
    if ( hlexists( dslabel ) == false )
      CV_Error_(Error::StsInternal, ("Dataset '%s' does not exist.", dslabel.c_str()));

    Mat matrix = Array.getMat();

    // memory array should be compact
    CV_Assert( matrix.isContinuous() );

    int n_dims = matrix.dims;
    int channs = matrix.channels();

    hsize_t *dsdims = new hsize_t[n_dims];
    hsize_t *offset = new hsize_t[n_dims];
    // replicate Mat dimensions
    for ( int d = 0; d < n_dims; d++ )
      offset[d] = 0;
      dsdims[d] = matrix.size[d];

    // set custom amount of data
    if ( dims_counts != NULL )
      for ( int d = 0; d < n_dims; d++ )
        CV_Assert( dims_counts[d] <= matrix.size[d] );
        dsdims[d] = dims_counts[d];

    // open dataset
    hid_t dsdata = H5Dopen( m_h5_file_id, dslabel.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT );

    // create input data space
    hid_t dspace = H5Screate_simple( n_dims, dsdims, NULL );

    // set custom offsets
    if ( dims_offset != NULL )
      for ( int d = 0; d < n_dims; d++ )
        offset[d] = dims_offset[d];

    // get actual file space and dims
    hid_t fspace = H5Dget_space( dsdata );
    int f_dims = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims( fspace );
    hsize_t *fsdims = new hsize_t[f_dims];
    H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( fspace, fsdims, NULL );
    H5Sclose( fspace );

    CV_Assert( f_dims == n_dims );

    // compute new extents
    hsize_t *nwdims = new hsize_t[n_dims];
    for ( int d = 0; d < n_dims; d++ )
      // init
      nwdims[d] = 0;
      // add offset
      if ( dims_offset != NULL )
        nwdims[d] += dims_offset[d];
      // add counts or matrix size
      if ( dims_counts != NULL )
        nwdims[d] += dims_counts[d];
        nwdims[d] += matrix.size[d];

      // clamp back if smaller
      if ( nwdims[d] < fsdims[d] )
        nwdims[d] = fsdims[d];

    // extend dataset
    H5Dextend( dsdata, nwdims );

    // get the extended data space
    fspace = H5Dget_space( dsdata );

    H5Sselect_hyperslab( fspace, H5S_SELECT_SET,
                         offset, NULL, dsdims, NULL );

    // convert type
    hid_t dstype = GetH5type( matrix.type() );

    // expand channs
    if ( matrix.channels() > 1 )
      hsize_t adims[1] = { (hsize_t)channs };
      dstype = H5Tarray_create( dstype, 1, adims );

    // write into dataset
    H5Dwrite( dsdata, dstype, dspace, fspace,
              H5P_DEFAULT, matrix.data );

    if ( matrix.channels() > 1 )
      H5Tclose( dstype );

    delete [] dsdims;
    delete [] offset;
    delete [] fsdims;
    delete [] nwdims;

    H5Sclose( dspace );
    H5Sclose( fspace );
    H5Dclose( dsdata );