Ejemplo n.º 1
void LayerPreview::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *ev)
	m_bMouseGrab = false;
	setCursor( QCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor ) );

	 * We want the tooltip to still show if mouse pointer
	 * is over an active layer's boundary
	InstrumentLayer *pLayer = m_pInstrument->get_layer( m_nSelectedLayer );

	if ( pLayer ) {
		int x1 = (int)( pLayer->get_start_velocity() * width() );
		int x2 = (int)( pLayer->get_end_velocity() * width() );

		if ( ( ev->x() < x1  + 5 ) && ( ev->x() > x1 - 5 ) ){
			setCursor( QCursor( Qt::SizeHorCursor ) );
			showLayerStartVelocity(pLayer, ev);
		else if ( ( ev->x() < x2 + 5 ) && ( ev->x() > x2 - 5 ) ){
			setCursor( QCursor( Qt::SizeHorCursor ) );
			showLayerEndVelocity(pLayer, ev);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// Render a note
/// Return 0: the note is not ended
/// Return 1: the note is ended
unsigned Sampler::__render_note( Note* pNote, unsigned nBufferSize, Song* pSong )
	//infoLog( "[renderNote] instr: " + pNote->getInstrument()->m_sName );
	assert( pSong );

	unsigned int nFramepos;
	Hydrogen* pEngine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
	AudioOutput* audio_output = pEngine->getAudioOutput();
	if (  pEngine->getState() == STATE_PLAYING ) {
		nFramepos = audio_output->m_transport.m_nFrames;
	} else {
		// use this to support realtime events when not playing
		nFramepos = pEngine->getRealtimeFrames();

	Instrument *pInstr = pNote->get_instrument();
	if ( !pInstr ) {
		ERRORLOG( "NULL instrument" );
		return 1;

	float fLayerGain = 1.0;
	float fLayerPitch = 0.0;

	// scelgo il sample da usare in base alla velocity
	Sample *pSample = NULL;
	for ( unsigned nLayer = 0; nLayer < MAX_LAYERS; ++nLayer ) {
		InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pInstr->get_layer( nLayer );
		if ( pLayer == NULL ) continue;

		if ( ( pNote->get_velocity() >= pLayer->get_start_velocity() ) && ( pNote->get_velocity() <= pLayer->get_end_velocity() ) ) {
			pSample = pLayer->get_sample();
			fLayerGain = pLayer->get_gain();
			fLayerPitch = pLayer->get_pitch();
	if ( !pSample ) {
		QString dummy = QString( "NULL sample for instrument %1. Note velocity: %2" ).arg( pInstr->get_name() ).arg( pNote->get_velocity() );
		WARNINGLOG( dummy );
		return 1;

	if ( pNote->get_sample_position() >= pSample->get_frames() ) {
		WARNINGLOG( "sample position out of bounds. The layer has been resized during note play?" );
		return 1;

	int noteStartInFrames = ( int ) ( pNote->get_position() * audio_output->m_transport.m_nTickSize ) + pNote->get_humanize_delay();

	int nInitialSilence = 0;
	if ( noteStartInFrames > ( int ) nFramepos ) {	// scrivo silenzio prima dell'inizio della nota
		nInitialSilence = noteStartInFrames - nFramepos;
		int nFrames = nBufferSize - nInitialSilence;
		if ( nFrames < 0 ) {
			int noteStartInFramesNoHumanize = ( int )pNote->get_position() * audio_output->m_transport.m_nTickSize;
			if ( noteStartInFramesNoHumanize > ( int )( nFramepos + nBufferSize ) ) {
				// this note is not valid. it's in the future...let's skip it....
				ERRORLOG( QString( "Note pos in the future?? Current frames: %1, note frame pos: %2" ).arg( nFramepos ).arg(noteStartInFramesNoHumanize ) );
				return 1;
			// delay note execution
			//INFOLOG( "Delaying note execution. noteStartInFrames: " + to_string( noteStartInFrames ) + ", nFramePos: " + to_string( nFramepos ) );
			return 0;

	float cost_L = 1.0f;
	float cost_R = 1.0f;
	float cost_track_L = 1.0f;
	float cost_track_R = 1.0f;

	if ( pInstr->is_muted() || pSong->__is_muted ) {	// is instrument muted?
		cost_L = 0.0;
		cost_R = 0.0;
		if ( Preferences::get_instance()->m_nJackTrackOutputMode == 0 ) {
		// Post-Fader
		cost_track_L = 0.0;
		cost_track_R = 0.0;

	} else {	// Precompute some values...
		cost_L = cost_L * pNote->get_velocity();		// note velocity
		cost_L = cost_L * pNote->get_pan_l();		// note pan
		cost_L = cost_L * fLayerGain;				// layer gain
		cost_L = cost_L * pInstr->get_pan_l();		// instrument pan
		cost_L = cost_L * pInstr->get_gain();		// instrument gain

		cost_L = cost_L * pInstr->get_volume();		// instrument volume
		if ( Preferences::get_instance()->m_nJackTrackOutputMode == 0 ) {
			// Post-Fader
			cost_track_L = cost_L * 2;
		cost_L = cost_L * pSong->get_volume();	// song volume
		cost_L = cost_L * 2; // max pan is 0.5

		cost_R = cost_R * pNote->get_velocity();		// note velocity
		cost_R = cost_R * pNote->get_pan_r();		// note pan
		cost_R = cost_R * fLayerGain;				// layer gain
		cost_R = cost_R * pInstr->get_pan_r();		// instrument pan
		cost_R = cost_R * pInstr->get_gain();		// instrument gain

		cost_R = cost_R * pInstr->get_volume();		// instrument volume
		if ( Preferences::get_instance()->m_nJackTrackOutputMode == 0 ) {
		// Post-Fader
			cost_track_R = cost_R * 2;
		cost_R = cost_R * pSong->get_volume();	// song pan
		cost_R = cost_R * 2; // max pan is 0.5

	// direct track outputs only use velocity
	if ( Preferences::get_instance()->m_nJackTrackOutputMode == 1 ) {
		cost_track_L = cost_track_L * pNote->get_velocity();
		cost_track_L = cost_track_L * fLayerGain;
		cost_track_R = cost_track_L;

	// Se non devo fare resample (drumkit) posso evitare di utilizzare i float e gestire il tutto in
	// maniera ottimizzata
	//	constant^12 = 2, so constant = 2^(1/12) = 1.059463.
	//	float nStep = 1.0;1.0594630943593

	float fTotalPitch = pNote->get_total_pitch() + fLayerPitch;

	//_INFOLOG( "total pitch: " + to_string( fTotalPitch ) );
	if( ( int )pNote->get_sample_position() == 0 )
		if( Hydrogen::get_instance()->getMidiOutput() != NULL ){
			Hydrogen::get_instance()->getMidiOutput()->handleQueueNote( pNote );

	if ( fTotalPitch == 0.0 && pSample->get_sample_rate() == audio_output->getSampleRate() ) {	// NO RESAMPLE
				return __render_note_no_resample( pSample, pNote, nBufferSize, nInitialSilence, cost_L, cost_R, cost_track_L, cost_track_R, pSong );
	} else {	// RESAMPLE
				return __render_note_resample( pSample, pNote, nBufferSize, nInitialSilence, cost_L, cost_R, cost_track_L, cost_track_R, fLayerPitch, pSong );
Ejemplo n.º 3
/// Render a note
/// Return false: the note is not ended
/// Return true: the note is ended
bool Sampler::__render_note( Note* pNote, unsigned nBufferSize, Song* pSong )
	//infoLog( "[renderNote] instr: " + pNote->getInstrument()->m_sName );
	assert( pSong );

	unsigned int nFramepos;
	Hydrogen* pEngine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
	AudioOutput* audio_output = pEngine->getAudioOutput();
	if (  pEngine->getState() == STATE_PLAYING ) {
		nFramepos = audio_output->m_transport.m_nFrames;
	} else {
		// use this to support realtime events when not playing
		nFramepos = pEngine->getRealtimeFrames();

	Instrument *pInstr = pNote->get_instrument();
	if ( !pInstr ) {
		ERRORLOG( "NULL instrument" );
		return 1;

	bool nReturnValues [pInstr->get_components()->size()];
	for(int i = 0; i < pInstr->get_components()->size(); i++){
		nReturnValues[i] = false;
	int nReturnValueIndex = 0;
	int nAlreadySelectedLayer = -1;

	for (std::vector<InstrumentComponent*>::iterator it = pInstr->get_components()->begin() ; it !=pInstr->get_components()->end(); ++it) {
		nReturnValues[nReturnValueIndex] = false;
		InstrumentComponent *pCompo = *it;
		DrumkitComponent* pMainCompo = pEngine->getSong()->get_component( pCompo->get_drumkit_componentID() );

		if( pNote->get_specific_compo_id() != -1 && pNote->get_specific_compo_id() != pCompo->get_drumkit_componentID() )

		if(		pInstr->is_preview_instrument()
			||	pInstr->is_metronome_instrument()){
			pMainCompo = pEngine->getSong()->get_components()->front();
		} else {
			pMainCompo = pEngine->getSong()->get_component( pCompo->get_drumkit_componentID() );


		float fLayerGain = 1.0;
		float fLayerPitch = 0.0;

		// scelgo il sample da usare in base alla velocity
		Sample *pSample = nullptr;
		SelectedLayerInfo *pSelectedLayer = pNote->get_layer_selected( pCompo->get_drumkit_componentID() );

		if ( !pSelectedLayer ) {
			QString dummy = QString( "NULL Layer Information for instrument %1. Component: %2" ).arg( pInstr->get_name() ).arg( pCompo->get_drumkit_componentID() );
			WARNINGLOG( dummy );
			nReturnValues[nReturnValueIndex] = true;

		if( pSelectedLayer->SelectedLayer != -1 ) {
			InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( pSelectedLayer->SelectedLayer );

			if( pLayer )
				pSample = pLayer->get_sample();
				fLayerGain = pLayer->get_gain();
				fLayerPitch = pLayer->get_pitch();
		else {
			switch ( pInstr->sample_selection_alg() ) {
				case Instrument::VELOCITY:
					for ( unsigned nLayer = 0; nLayer < __maxLayers; ++nLayer ) {
						InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( nLayer );
						if ( pLayer == NULL ) continue;

						if ( ( pNote->get_velocity() >= pLayer->get_start_velocity() ) && ( pNote->get_velocity() <= pLayer->get_end_velocity() ) ) {
							pSelectedLayer->SelectedLayer = nLayer;

							pSample = pLayer->get_sample();
							fLayerGain = pLayer->get_gain();
							fLayerPitch = pLayer->get_pitch();

				case Instrument::RANDOM:
					if( nAlreadySelectedLayer != -1 ) {
						InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( nAlreadySelectedLayer );
						if ( pLayer != NULL ) {
							pSelectedLayer->SelectedLayer = nAlreadySelectedLayer;

							pSample = pLayer->get_sample();
							fLayerGain = pLayer->get_gain();
							fLayerPitch = pLayer->get_pitch();
					if( pSample == NULL ) {
						int __possibleIndex[ __maxLayers ];
						int __poundSamples = 0;
						for ( unsigned nLayer = 0; nLayer < __maxLayers; ++nLayer ) {
							InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( nLayer );
							if ( pLayer == NULL ) continue;

							if ( ( pNote->get_velocity() >= pLayer->get_start_velocity() ) && ( pNote->get_velocity() <= pLayer->get_end_velocity() ) ) {
								__possibleIndex[__poundSamples] = nLayer;

						if( __poundSamples > 0 ) {
							nAlreadySelectedLayer = __possibleIndex[rand() % __poundSamples];
							pSelectedLayer->SelectedLayer = nAlreadySelectedLayer;

							InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( nAlreadySelectedLayer );

							pSample = pLayer->get_sample();
							fLayerGain = pLayer->get_gain();
							fLayerPitch = pLayer->get_pitch();

				case Instrument::ROUND_ROBIN:
					if( nAlreadySelectedLayer != -1 ) {
						InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( nAlreadySelectedLayer );
						if ( pLayer != NULL ) {
							pSelectedLayer->SelectedLayer = nAlreadySelectedLayer;

							pSample = pLayer->get_sample();
							fLayerGain = pLayer->get_gain();
							fLayerPitch = pLayer->get_pitch();
					if( !pSample ) {
						int __possibleIndex[ __maxLayers ];
						int __foundSamples = 0;
						float __roundRobinID;
						for ( unsigned nLayer = 0; nLayer < __maxLayers; ++nLayer ) {
							InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( nLayer );
							if ( pLayer == NULL ) continue;

							if ( ( pNote->get_velocity() >= pLayer->get_start_velocity() ) && ( pNote->get_velocity() <= pLayer->get_end_velocity() ) ) {
								__possibleIndex[__foundSamples] = nLayer;
								__roundRobinID = pLayer->get_start_velocity();

						if( __foundSamples > 0 ) {
							__roundRobinID = pInstr->get_id() * 10 + __roundRobinID;
							int p_indexToUse = pSong->get_latest_round_robin(__roundRobinID)+1;
							if( p_indexToUse > __foundSamples - 1)
								p_indexToUse = 0;

							pSong->set_latest_round_robin(__roundRobinID, p_indexToUse);
							nAlreadySelectedLayer = __possibleIndex[p_indexToUse];

							pSelectedLayer->SelectedLayer = nAlreadySelectedLayer;

							InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( nAlreadySelectedLayer );
							pSample = pLayer->get_sample();
							fLayerGain = pLayer->get_gain();
							fLayerPitch = pLayer->get_pitch();
		if ( !pSample ) {
			QString dummy = QString( "NULL sample for instrument %1. Note velocity: %2" ).arg( pInstr->get_name() ).arg( pNote->get_velocity() );
			WARNINGLOG( dummy );
			nReturnValues[nReturnValueIndex] = true;

		if ( pSelectedLayer->SamplePosition >= pSample->get_frames() ) {
			WARNINGLOG( "sample position out of bounds. The layer has been resized during note play?" );
			nReturnValues[nReturnValueIndex] = true;

		int noteStartInFrames = ( int ) ( pNote->get_position() * audio_output->m_transport.m_nTickSize ) + pNote->get_humanize_delay();

		int nInitialSilence = 0;
		if ( noteStartInFrames > ( int ) nFramepos ) {	// scrivo silenzio prima dell'inizio della nota
			nInitialSilence = noteStartInFrames - nFramepos;
			int nFrames = nBufferSize - nInitialSilence;
			if ( nFrames < 0 ) {
				int noteStartInFramesNoHumanize = ( int )pNote->get_position() * audio_output->m_transport.m_nTickSize;
				if ( noteStartInFramesNoHumanize > ( int )( nFramepos + nBufferSize ) ) {
					// this note is not valid. it's in the future...let's skip it....
					ERRORLOG( QString( "Note pos in the future?? Current frames: %1, note frame pos: %2" ).arg( nFramepos ).arg(noteStartInFramesNoHumanize ) );
					nReturnValues[nReturnValueIndex] = true;
				// delay note execution
				//INFOLOG( "Delaying note execution. noteStartInFrames: " + to_string( noteStartInFrames ) + ", nFramePos: " + to_string( nFramepos ) );
				//return 0;

		float cost_L = 1.0f;
		float cost_R = 1.0f;
		float cost_track_L = 1.0f;
		float cost_track_R = 1.0f;

		bool isMutedForExport = (pEngine->getIsExportSessionActive() && !pInstr->is_currently_exported());
		 *  Is instrument muted?
		 *  This can be the case either if the song, instrument or component is muted or if we're in an
		 *  export session and we're doing per-instruments exports, but this instrument is not currently
		 *  beeing exported.
		if ( isMutedForExport || pInstr->is_muted() || pSong->__is_muted || pMainCompo->is_muted() ) {	
			cost_L = 0.0;
			cost_R = 0.0;
			if ( Preferences::get_instance()->m_nJackTrackOutputMode == 0 ) {
				// Post-Fader
				cost_track_L = 0.0;
				cost_track_R = 0.0;

		} else {	// Precompute some values...
			if ( pInstr->get_apply_velocity() ) {
				cost_L = cost_L * pNote->get_velocity();		// note velocity
				cost_R = cost_R * pNote->get_velocity();		// note velocity
			cost_L = cost_L * pNote->get_pan_l();		// note pan
			cost_L = cost_L * fLayerGain;				// layer gain
			cost_L = cost_L * pInstr->get_pan_l();		// instrument pan
			cost_L = cost_L * pInstr->get_gain();		// instrument gain

			cost_L = cost_L * pCompo->get_gain();		// Component gain
			cost_L = cost_L * pMainCompo->get_volume(); // Component volument

			cost_L = cost_L * pInstr->get_volume();		// instrument volume
			if ( Preferences::get_instance()->m_nJackTrackOutputMode == 0 ) {
			// Post-Fader
			cost_track_L = cost_L * 2;
			cost_L = cost_L * pSong->get_volume();	// song volume
			cost_L = cost_L * 2; // max pan is 0.5

			cost_R = cost_R * pNote->get_pan_r();		// note pan
			cost_R = cost_R * fLayerGain;				// layer gain
			cost_R = cost_R * pInstr->get_pan_r();		// instrument pan
			cost_R = cost_R * pInstr->get_gain();		// instrument gain

			cost_R = cost_R * pCompo->get_gain();		// Component gain
			cost_R = cost_R * pMainCompo->get_volume(); // Component volument

			cost_R = cost_R * pInstr->get_volume();		// instrument volume
			if ( Preferences::get_instance()->m_nJackTrackOutputMode == 0 ) {
			// Post-Fader
			cost_track_R = cost_R * 2;
			cost_R = cost_R * pSong->get_volume();	// song pan
			cost_R = cost_R * 2; // max pan is 0.5

		// direct track outputs only use velocity
		if ( Preferences::get_instance()->m_nJackTrackOutputMode == 1 ) {
			cost_track_L = cost_track_L * pNote->get_velocity();
			cost_track_L = cost_track_L * fLayerGain;
			cost_track_R = cost_track_L;

		// Se non devo fare resample (drumkit) posso evitare di utilizzare i float e gestire il tutto in
		// maniera ottimizzata
		//	constant^12 = 2, so constant = 2^(1/12) = 1.059463.
		//	float nStep = 1.0;1.0594630943593

		float fTotalPitch = pNote->get_total_pitch() + fLayerPitch;

		//_INFOLOG( "total pitch: " + to_string( fTotalPitch ) );
		if( ( int )pSelectedLayer->SamplePosition == 0 )
			if( Hydrogen::get_instance()->getMidiOutput() != NULL ){
			Hydrogen::get_instance()->getMidiOutput()->handleQueueNote( pNote );

		if ( fTotalPitch == 0.0 && pSample->get_sample_rate() == audio_output->getSampleRate() ) // NO RESAMPLE
			nReturnValues[nReturnValueIndex] = __render_note_no_resample( pSample, pNote, pSelectedLayer, pCompo, pMainCompo, nBufferSize, nInitialSilence, cost_L, cost_R, cost_track_L, cost_track_R, pSong );
		else // RESAMPLE
			nReturnValues[nReturnValueIndex] = __render_note_resample( pSample, pNote, pSelectedLayer, pCompo, pMainCompo, nBufferSize, nInitialSilence, cost_L, cost_R, cost_track_L, cost_track_R, fLayerPitch, pSong );

	for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < pInstr->get_components()->size() ; i++ )
		if ( !nReturnValues[i] ) return false;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Returns 0 on success, passes the TinyXml error code otherwise.
int SongWriter::writeSong( Song *song, const QString& filename )
	INFOLOG( "Saving song " + filename );
	int rv = 0; // return value

	// FIXME: has the file write-permssion?
	// FIXME: verificare che il file non sia gia' esistente
	// FIXME: effettuare copia di backup per il file gia' esistente

	QDomDocument doc;
	QDomProcessingInstruction header = doc.createProcessingInstruction( "xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"");
	doc.appendChild( header );

	QDomNode songNode = doc.createElement( "song" );

	LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( songNode, "version", QString( get_version().c_str() ) );
	LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( songNode, "bpm", QString("%1").arg( song->__bpm ) );
	LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( songNode, "volume", QString("%1").arg( song->get_volume() ) );
	LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( songNode, "metronomeVolume", QString("%1").arg( song->get_metronome_volume() ) );
	LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( songNode, "name", song->__name );
	LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( songNode, "author", song->__author );
	LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( songNode, "notes", song->get_notes() );
	LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( songNode, "license", song->get_license() );
	LocalFileMng::writeXmlBool( songNode, "loopEnabled", song->is_loop_enabled() );
	LocalFileMng::writeXmlBool( songNode, "patternModeMode", Preferences::get_instance()->patternModePlaysSelected());
	LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( songNode, "playbackTrackFilename", QString("%1").arg( song->get_playback_track_filename() ) );
	LocalFileMng::writeXmlBool( songNode, "playbackTrackEnabled", song->get_playback_track_enabled() );
	LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( songNode, "playbackTrackVolume", QString("%1").arg( song->get_playback_track_volume() ) );

	if ( song->get_mode() == Song::SONG_MODE ) {
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( songNode, "mode", QString( "song" ) );
	} else {
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( songNode, "mode", QString( "pattern" ) );

	LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( songNode, "humanize_time", QString("%1").arg( song->get_humanize_time_value() ) );
	LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( songNode, "humanize_velocity", QString("%1").arg( song->get_humanize_velocity_value() ) );
	LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( songNode, "swing_factor", QString("%1").arg( song->get_swing_factor() ) );

	// component List
	QDomNode componentListNode = doc.createElement( "componentList" );
	for (std::vector<DrumkitComponent*>::iterator it = song->get_components()->begin() ; it != song->get_components()->end(); ++it) {
		DrumkitComponent* pCompo = *it;

		QDomNode componentNode = doc.createElement( "drumkitComponent" );

		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( componentNode, "id", QString("%1").arg( pCompo->get_id() ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( componentNode, "name", pCompo->get_name() );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( componentNode, "volume", QString("%1").arg( pCompo->get_volume() ) );

		componentListNode.appendChild( componentNode );
	songNode.appendChild( componentListNode );

	// instrument list
	QDomNode instrumentListNode = doc.createElement( "instrumentList" );
	unsigned nInstrument = song->get_instrument_list()->size();

	for ( unsigned i = 0; i < nInstrument; i++ ) {
		Instrument *instr = song->get_instrument_list()->get( i );
		assert( instr );

		QDomNode instrumentNode = doc.createElement( "instrument" );

		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "id", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_id() ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "name", instr->get_name() );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "drumkit", instr->get_drumkit_name() );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "volume", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_volume() ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlBool( instrumentNode, "isMuted", instr->is_muted() );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "pan_L", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_pan_l() ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "pan_R", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_pan_r() ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "gain", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_gain() ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlBool( instrumentNode, "applyVelocity", instr->get_apply_velocity() );

		LocalFileMng::writeXmlBool( instrumentNode, "filterActive", instr->is_filter_active() );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "filterCutoff", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_filter_cutoff() ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "filterResonance", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_filter_resonance() ) );

		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "FX1Level", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_fx_level( 0 ) ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "FX2Level", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_fx_level( 1 ) ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "FX3Level", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_fx_level( 2 ) ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "FX4Level", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_fx_level( 3 ) ) );

		assert( instr->get_adsr() );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "Attack", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_adsr()->get_attack() ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "Decay", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_adsr()->get_decay() ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "Sustain", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_adsr()->get_sustain() ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "Release", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_adsr()->get_release() ) );

		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "randomPitchFactor", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_random_pitch_factor() ) );

		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "muteGroup", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_mute_group() ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlBool( instrumentNode, "isStopNote", instr->is_stop_notes() );
		switch ( instr->sample_selection_alg() ) {
			case Instrument::VELOCITY:
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "sampleSelectionAlgo", "VELOCITY" );
			case Instrument::RANDOM:
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "sampleSelectionAlgo", "RANDOM" );
			case Instrument::ROUND_ROBIN:
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "sampleSelectionAlgo", "ROUND_ROBIN" );

		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "midiOutChannel", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_midi_out_channel() ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "midiOutNote", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_midi_out_note() ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "isHihat", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_hihat_grp() ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "lower_cc", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_lower_cc() ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( instrumentNode, "higher_cc", QString("%1").arg( instr->get_higher_cc() ) );

		for (std::vector<InstrumentComponent*>::iterator it = instr->get_components()->begin() ; it != instr->get_components()->end(); ++it) {
			InstrumentComponent* pComponent = *it;

			QDomNode componentNode = doc.createElement( "instrumentComponent" );

			LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( componentNode, "component_id", QString("%1").arg( pComponent->get_drumkit_componentID() ) );
			LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( componentNode, "gain", QString("%1").arg( pComponent->get_gain() ) );

			for ( unsigned nLayer = 0; nLayer < InstrumentComponent::getMaxLayers(); nLayer++ ) {
				InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pComponent->get_layer( nLayer );

				if ( pLayer == NULL ) continue;
				Sample *pSample = pLayer->get_sample();
				if ( pSample == NULL ) continue;

				bool sIsModified = pSample->get_is_modified();
				Sample::Loops lo = pSample->get_loops();
				Sample::Rubberband ro = pSample->get_rubberband();
				QString sMode = pSample->get_loop_mode_string();

				QDomNode layerNode = doc.createElement( "layer" );
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( layerNode, "filename", Filesystem::prepare_sample_path( pSample->get_filepath() ) );
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlBool( layerNode, "ismodified", sIsModified);
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( layerNode, "smode", pSample->get_loop_mode_string() );
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( layerNode, "startframe", QString("%1").arg( lo.start_frame ) );
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( layerNode, "loopframe", QString("%1").arg( lo.loop_frame ) );
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( layerNode, "loops", QString("%1").arg( lo.count ) );
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( layerNode, "endframe", QString("%1").arg( lo.end_frame ) );
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( layerNode, "userubber", QString("%1").arg( ro.use ) );
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( layerNode, "rubberdivider", QString("%1").arg( ro.divider ) );
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( layerNode, "rubberCsettings", QString("%1").arg( ro.c_settings ) );
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( layerNode, "rubberPitch", QString("%1").arg( ro.pitch ) );
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( layerNode, "min", QString("%1").arg( pLayer->get_start_velocity() ) );
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( layerNode, "max", QString("%1").arg( pLayer->get_end_velocity() ) );
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( layerNode, "gain", QString("%1").arg( pLayer->get_gain() ) );
				LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( layerNode, "pitch", QString("%1").arg( pLayer->get_pitch() ) );

				Sample::VelocityEnvelope* velocity = pSample->get_velocity_envelope();
				for (int y = 0; y < velocity->size(); y++){
					QDomNode volumeNode = doc.createElement( "volume" );
					LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( volumeNode, "volume-position", QString("%1").arg( velocity->at(y).frame ) );
					LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( volumeNode, "volume-value", QString("%1").arg( velocity->at(y).value ) );
					layerNode.appendChild( volumeNode );

				Sample::PanEnvelope* pan = pSample->get_pan_envelope();
				for (int y = 0; y < pan->size(); y++){
					QDomNode panNode = doc.createElement( "pan" );
					LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( panNode, "pan-position", QString("%1").arg( pan->at(y).frame ) );
					LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( panNode, "pan-value", QString("%1").arg( pan->at(y).value ) );
					layerNode.appendChild( panNode );

				componentNode.appendChild( layerNode );
			instrumentNode.appendChild( componentNode );

		instrumentListNode.appendChild( instrumentNode );
	songNode.appendChild( instrumentListNode );

	// pattern list
	QDomNode patternListNode = doc.createElement( "patternList" );

	unsigned nPatterns = song->get_pattern_list()->size();
	for ( unsigned i = 0; i < nPatterns; i++ ) {
		Pattern *pat = song->get_pattern_list()->get( i );

		// pattern
		QDomNode patternNode = doc.createElement( "pattern" );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( patternNode, "name", pat->get_name() );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( patternNode, "category", pat->get_category() );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( patternNode, "size", QString("%1").arg( pat->get_length() ) );
		LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( patternNode, "info", pat->get_info() );

		QDomNode noteListNode = doc.createElement( "noteList" );
		const Pattern::notes_t* notes = pat->get_notes();
			Note *pNote = it->second;
			assert( pNote );

			QDomNode noteNode = doc.createElement( "note" );
			LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( noteNode, "position", QString("%1").arg( pNote->get_position() ) );
			LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( noteNode, "leadlag", QString("%1").arg( pNote->get_lead_lag() ) );
			LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( noteNode, "velocity", QString("%1").arg( pNote->get_velocity() ) );
			LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( noteNode, "pan_L", QString("%1").arg( pNote->get_pan_l() ) );
			LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( noteNode, "pan_R", QString("%1").arg( pNote->get_pan_r() ) );
			LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( noteNode, "pitch", QString("%1").arg( pNote->get_pitch() ) );
			LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( noteNode, "probability", QString("%1").arg( pNote->get_probability() ) );

			LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( noteNode, "key", pNote->key_to_string() );

			LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( noteNode, "length", QString("%1").arg( pNote->get_length() ) );
			LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( noteNode, "instrument", QString("%1").arg( pNote->get_instrument()->get_id() ) );

			QString noteoff = "false";
			if ( pNote->get_note_off() ) noteoff = "true";
			LocalFileMng::writeXmlString( noteNode, "note_off", noteoff );
			noteListNode.appendChild( noteNode );

		patternNode.appendChild( noteListNode );

		patternListNode.appendChild( patternNode );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void LayerPreview::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *ev)

	QPainter p( this );
	p.fillRect( ev->rect(), QColor( 58, 62, 72 ) );

	int nLayers = 0;
	for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_LAYERS; i++ ) {
		if ( m_pInstrument ) {
			InstrumentLayer *pLayer = m_pInstrument->get_layer( i );
			if ( pLayer ) {

	int nLayer = 0;
	for ( int i = MAX_LAYERS - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
		int y = 20 + m_nLayerHeight * i;

		if ( m_pInstrument ) {
			InstrumentLayer *pLayer = m_pInstrument->get_layer( i );

			if ( pLayer ) {
				int x1 = (int)( pLayer->get_start_velocity() * width() );
				int x2 = (int)( pLayer->get_end_velocity() * width() );

				int red = (int)( 128.0 / nLayers * nLayer );
				int green = (int)( 134.0 / nLayers * nLayer );
				int blue = (int)( 152.0 / nLayers * nLayer );
				QColor layerColor( red, green, blue );

				p.fillRect( x1, 0, x2 - x1, 19, layerColor );
				p.setPen( QColor( 230, 230, 230 ) );
				p.drawText( x1, 0, x2 - x1, 20, Qt::AlignCenter, QString("%1").arg( i + 1 ) );

				if ( m_nSelectedLayer == i ) {
					p.setPen( QColor( 210, 0, 0 ) );
				p.drawRect( x1, 1, x2 - x1 - 1, 18 );	// bordino in alto

				// layer view
				p.fillRect( 0, y, width(), m_nLayerHeight, QColor( 25, 44, 65 ) );
				p.fillRect( x1, y, x2 - x1, m_nLayerHeight, QColor( 90, 160, 233 ) );

			else {
				// layer view
				p.fillRect( 0, y, width(), m_nLayerHeight, QColor( 59, 73, 96 ) );
		else {
			// layer view
			p.fillRect( 0, y, width(), m_nLayerHeight, QColor( 59, 73, 96 ) );
		p.setPen( QColor( 128, 134, 152 ) );
		p.drawRect( 0, y, width() - 1, m_nLayerHeight );

	// selected layer
	p.setPen( QColor( 210, 0, 0 ) );
	int y = 20 + m_nLayerHeight * m_nSelectedLayer;
	p.drawRect( 0, y, width() - 1, m_nLayerHeight );

Ejemplo n.º 6
void LayerPreview::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *ev )
	if ( !m_pInstrument ) {

	int x = ev->pos().x();
	int y = ev->pos().y();

	float fVel = (float)x / (float)width();
	if (fVel < 0 ) {
		fVel = 0;
	else  if (fVel > 1) {
		fVel = 1;

	if ( y < 20 ) {
		setCursor( QCursor( m_speakerPixmap ) );
	if ( m_bMouseGrab ) {
		InstrumentLayer *pLayer = m_pInstrument->get_layer( m_nSelectedLayer );
		if ( pLayer ) {
			if ( m_bMouseGrab ) {
				if ( m_bGrabLeft ) {
					if ( fVel < pLayer->get_end_velocity()) {
						showLayerStartVelocity(pLayer, ev);
				else {
					if ( fVel > pLayer->get_start_velocity()) {
						pLayer->set_end_velocity( fVel );
						showLayerEndVelocity(pLayer, ev);
	else {
		m_nSelectedLayer = ( ev->y() - 20 ) / m_nLayerHeight;
		if ( m_nSelectedLayer < MAX_LAYERS ) {
			InstrumentLayer *pLayer = m_pInstrument->get_layer( m_nSelectedLayer );
			if ( pLayer ) {
				int x1 = (int)( pLayer->get_start_velocity() * width() );
				int x2 = (int)( pLayer->get_end_velocity() * width() );

				if ( ( x < x1  + 5 ) && ( x > x1 - 5 ) ){
					setCursor( QCursor( Qt::SizeHorCursor ) );
					showLayerStartVelocity(pLayer, ev);
				else if ( ( x < x2 + 5 ) && ( x > x2 - 5 ) ){
					setCursor( QCursor( Qt::SizeHorCursor ) );
					showLayerEndVelocity(pLayer, ev);
				else {
					setCursor( QCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor ) );
			else {
				setCursor( QCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor ) );
Ejemplo n.º 7
void LayerPreview::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *ev)
	const unsigned nPosition = 0;
	const float fPan_L = 0.5f;
	const float fPan_R = 0.5f;
	const int nLength = -1;
	const float fPitch = 0.0f;

	if ( !m_pInstrument ) {
	if ( ev->y() < 20 ) {
		float fVelocity = (float)ev->x() / (float)width();

		Note *note = new Note( m_pInstrument, nPosition, fVelocity, fPan_L, fPan_R, nLength, fPitch );

		for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_LAYERS; i++ ) {
			InstrumentLayer *pLayer = m_pInstrument->get_layer( i );
			if ( pLayer ) {
				if ( ( fVelocity > pLayer->get_start_velocity()) && ( fVelocity < pLayer->get_end_velocity() ) ) {
					if ( i != m_nSelectedLayer ) {
						m_nSelectedLayer = i;
						InstrumentEditorPanel::get_instance()->selectLayer( m_nSelectedLayer );
	else {
		m_nSelectedLayer = ( ev->y() - 20 ) / m_nLayerHeight;
		InstrumentLayer *pLayer = m_pInstrument->get_layer( m_nSelectedLayer );

		InstrumentEditorPanel::get_instance()->selectLayer( m_nSelectedLayer );

		if ( m_pInstrument->get_layer( m_nSelectedLayer ) ) {
			Note *note = new Note( m_pInstrument , nPosition, m_pInstrument->get_layer( m_nSelectedLayer )->get_end_velocity() - 0.01, fPan_L, fPan_R, nLength, fPitch );

		if ( pLayer ) {
			int x1 = (int)( pLayer->get_start_velocity() * width() );
			int x2 = (int)( pLayer->get_end_velocity() * width() );

			if ( ( ev->x() < x1  + 5 ) && ( ev->x() > x1 - 5 ) ){
				setCursor( QCursor( Qt::SizeHorCursor ) );
				m_bGrabLeft = true;
				m_bMouseGrab = true;
				showLayerStartVelocity(pLayer, ev);
			else if ( ( ev->x() < x2 + 5 ) && ( ev->x() > x2 - 5 ) ){
				setCursor( QCursor( Qt::SizeHorCursor ) );
				m_bGrabLeft = false;
				m_bMouseGrab = true;
				showLayerEndVelocity(pLayer, ev);
			else {
				setCursor( QCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor ) );