void CheckSurfaceRecreation(LPRDATA rdPtr) { fprh rhPtr = rdPtr->rHo.hoAdRunHeader; LPSURFACE ps = WinGetSurface((int)rhPtr->rhIdEditWin); LPSURFACE pProto = NULL; ParallaxFrame current = *rdPtr->currentPframe; //Recreate surface if nessecary. if( (rdPtr->direction == HORIZONTAL && rdPtr->rHo.hoImgWidth != rdPtr->oldWidth) || (rdPtr->direction == VERTICAL && rdPtr->rHo.hoImgHeight != rdPtr->oldHeight) || (rdPtr->finalImage == NULL) ) { if( rdPtr->finalImage != NULL ) { rdPtr->finalImage->Delete(); delete rdPtr->finalImage; } rdPtr->finalImage = new cSurface(); if ( GetSurfacePrototype( &pProto, ps->GetDepth(), ST_MEMORY, SD_DIB) ) { int newWidth = (rdPtr->direction == HORIZONTAL) ? rdPtr->rHo.hoImgWidth : current.parallaxImage->GetWidth(); int newHeight = (rdPtr->direction == HORIZONTAL) ? current.parallaxImage->GetHeight() : rdPtr->rHo.hoImgHeight; rdPtr->finalImage->Create(newWidth, newHeight, pProto); if( !rdPtr->finalImage->IsValid() ) { rdPtr->finalImage->Delete(); delete rdPtr->finalImage; } } } rdPtr->oldWidth = rdPtr->rHo.hoImgWidth; rdPtr->oldHeight = rdPtr->rHo.hoImgHeight; }
void WINAPI DLLExport EditorDisplay(mv _far * mV, fpObjInfo oiPtr, fpLevObj loPtr, LPEDATA edPtr, RECT FAR * rc) { #ifndef RUN_ONLY LPSURFACE ps = WinGetSurface((int)mV->mvIdEditWin); if (ps != NULL) // Do the following if this surface exists { // ps->SetClipRect(rc->left, rc->top, rc->right-rc->left, // rc->bottom-rc->top); // Prevent the user from having a seizure // srand((long)mV->mvEditFrame + edPtr->width + edPtr->height); // Get surfaces of tilesets // cSurface surfs[TILESETCOUNT]; // for (int i = 0; i < edPtr->tilesetCount; ++i) //{ // LockImageSurface(mV->mvIdAppli, edPtr->tilesets[i], surfs[i]); //} // Draw opaque background if (!edPtr->transparent) ps->Rectangle(rc->left, rc->top, rc->right, rc->bottom, edPtr->background, 0, 0, 1); //// For each tile // if (edPtr->tileWidth > 0 && edPtr->tileHeight > 0) //{ // for (int x = rc->left; x <= rc->right; x += edPtr->tileWidth) // { // for (int y = rc->top; y <= rc->bottom; y += // edPtr->tileHeight) // { // // Draw a random tile // if (edPtr->tilesetCount) // { // int tileset = 0; // //int tileset = rand() % // edPtr->tilesetCount; // int tx = rand() % //(surfs[tileset].GetWidth() /// // edPtr->tileWidth); // int ty = rand() % //(surfs[tileset].GetHeight() /// // edPtr->tileHeight); // surfs[tileset].Blit(*ps, x, y, // tx*edPtr->tileWidth, // ty*edPtr->tileHeight, edPtr->tileWidth, edPtr->tileHeight, // BMODE_TRANSP, BOP_COPY); // } // // Draw grid // else // { // ps->Rectangle(x, y, // x+edPtr->tileWidth+1, // y+edPtr->tileHeight+1, // 1, 0x999999); // } // } // } //} // Draw border ps->Rectangle(rc->left, rc->top, rc->right, rc->bottom, 1, OPAQUE_BLACK); ps->ClearClipRect(); // Unlock stuff // for (int i = 0; i < edPtr->tilesetCount; ++i) //{ // UnlockImageSurface(surfs[i]); //} } #endif // !RUN_ONLY }
short WINAPI DLLExport CreateRunObject(LPRDATA rdPtr, LPEDATA edPtr, fpcob cobPtr) { // Do some rSDK stuff #include "rCreateRunObject.h" #ifdef _DEBUG AllocConsole(); freopen("conin$","r",stdin); freopen("conout$","w",stdout); freopen("conout$","w",stderr); #ifdef UNICODE printf("Surface Unicode version\n"); #endif #endif srand(time(NULL)); LPRH rhPtr = rdPtr->rHo.hoAdRunHeader; mv* mV = rdPtr->rHo.hoAdRunHeader->rh4.rh4Mv; rdPtr->rHo.hoImgWidth = edPtr->width_def; rdPtr->rHo.hoImgHeight = edPtr->height_def; rdPtr->useAbs = edPtr->useAbs; rdPtr->keepPoints = edPtr->keepPoints; rdPtr->dispTarget = edPtr->dispTarget; rdPtr->selectLast = edPtr->selectLast; rdPtr->threadedIO = edPtr->threadedIO; rdPtr->ioFile = 0; //Font rdPtr->hFont = 0; memcpy(&rdPtr->textFont,&edPtr->textFont,sizeof(LOGFONT)); rdPtr->hFlags = edPtr->textFlags; //Depth rdPtr->depth = 24; //Internal blending rdPtr->b.mode = BMODE_TRANSP; rdPtr->b.operation = BOP_COPY; rdPtr->b.param = 0; rdPtr->b.param = 0xffffffff; rdPtr->b.flags = 0; rdPtr->b.destX = 0; rdPtr->b.destY = 0; rdPtr->b.destW = 0; rdPtr->b.destH = 0; rdPtr->b.StretchMode = 0; rdPtr->b.srcX = 0; rdPtr->b.srcY = 0; rdPtr->b.srcW = 0; rdPtr->b.srcH = 0; rdPtr->b.srcUse = false; rdPtr->b.callback[0] = 0; rdPtr->b.procOp[0] = 0; rdPtr->b.procOpSrc = 1; rdPtr->b.composeAlpha = false; rdPtr->b.angle = 0; rdPtr->b.angleResample = false; rdPtr->b.hotX = 0; rdPtr->b.hotY = 0; rdPtr->b.hotspotMode = 1; // no longer possible to disable rdPtr->blitStackCursor = -1; //Current & target surfaces rdPtr->targetId = -1; rdPtr->target = 0; rdPtr->currentId = -1; rdPtr->current = 0; rdPtr->lastId = -1; rdPtr->targetValid = false; //Default settings rdPtr->transCol = BLACK; //Collision mask and fill data rdPtr->collision = 0; rdPtr->fill = new FillDB; //Polygon's points rdPtr->points = new PolyPoints; //Buffer rdPtr->buffer = 0; rdPtr->buffPitch = 0; rdPtr->buffSurf = 0; //Overlay rdPtr->ovl = 0; //Callback rdPtr->colSrc = 0; rdPtr->colDest = 0; rdPtr->colNew = 0; rdPtr->colAlphaSrc = 0; rdPtr->colAlphaDest = 0; rdPtr->colAlphaNew = 0; rdPtr->callback = 0; rdPtr->callX = 0; rdPtr->callY = 0; rdPtr->colAlphaRet = 0; rdPtr->colRet = 0; //Flood fill region rdPtr->floodL = 0; rdPtr->floodT = 0; rdPtr->floodR = 0; rdPtr->floodB = 0; //I/O rdPtr->ioHandle = 0; //Quick store rdPtr->stored = 0; // Random color function rdPtr->randomSeed = 0; //Functions for extension integration rdPtr->imageAt = GetImgAt; rdPtr->imageCount = GetImgCount; //Running HWA? LPSURFACE wSurf = WinGetSurface((int)rhPtr->rhIdEditWin); int nDrv = wSurf->GetDriver(); rdPtr->isHWA = nDrv >= SD_3DFX; //Display surface not necessary by default rdPtr->display = 0; rdPtr->rc.rcAngle = 0; rdPtr->rc.rcScaleX = 1.0f; rdPtr->rc.rcScaleY = 1.0f; //Images rdPtr->surf = new ImageBank; //Hotspot info Img imgInfo; //Prototype for new surfaces cSurface *proto = 0; if(edPtr->multiImg) { //First image empty if(!edPtr->images[0]&&edPtr->loadFirst) { cSurface *tmp = new cSurface; rdPtr->surf->push_back(new SImage(tmp)); //Empty image with size if(edPtr->loadFirst) { GetSurfacePrototype(&proto,rdPtr->depth,ST_MEMORYWITHDC,SD_DIB); tmp->Create(edPtr->width,edPtr->height,proto); tmp->Fill(BLACK); } rdPtr->targetId = rdPtr->currentId = rdPtr->lastId = 0; TargetImg = CurrentImg = tmp; rdPtr->targetValid = true; } for(int i=0;i<edPtr->imageCount;i++) { //Get surface prototype on first loop if(!i) GetSurfacePrototype(&proto,rdPtr->depth,ST_MEMORYWITHDC,SD_DIB); //Valid image? Load if(edPtr->images[i]) { cSurface is, *tmp = new cSurface; GetImageInfos(rhPtr->rhIdAppli,edPtr->images[i],&imgInfo); rdPtr->surf->push_back(new SImage(tmp,true,imgInfo.imgXSpot,imgInfo.imgYSpot)); LockImageSurface(rhPtr->rhIdAppli,edPtr->images[i],is); if(is.GetWidth()) { if(!i) { rdPtr->targetId = 0; TargetImg = tmp; rdPtr->lastId = rdPtr->targetId; rdPtr->targetValid = true; if(edPtr->loadFirst) { rdPtr->currentId = rdPtr->targetId; CurrentImg = TargetImg; } } tmp->Create(is.GetWidth(),is.GetHeight(),proto); tmp->SetTransparentColor(is.GetTransparentColor()); is.Blit(*tmp,0,0,BMODE_OPAQUE,BOP_COPY,0,BLTF_COPYALPHA); } else if(!i&&edPtr->loadFirst) { rdPtr->targetId = rdPtr->currentId = 0; TargetImg = CurrentImg = 0; rdPtr->lastId = rdPtr->targetId; } UnlockImageSurface(is); } //Add prototype if there's more than one empty image else if(i&&edPtr->imageCount>1) { rdPtr->surf->push_back(new SImage(new cSurface)); } } } //Single image else { //First image is set if(edPtr->images[0]) { cSurface is, *tmp = new cSurface; GetImageInfos(rhPtr->rhIdAppli,edPtr->images[0],&imgInfo); rdPtr->surf->push_back(new SImage(tmp,true,imgInfo.imgXSpot,imgInfo.imgYSpot)); LockImageSurface(rhPtr->rhIdAppli,edPtr->images[0],is); if(is.GetWidth()) { GetSurfacePrototype(&proto,rdPtr->depth,ST_MEMORYWITHDC,SD_DIB); rdPtr->targetId = rdPtr->currentId = rdPtr->lastId = 0; TargetImg = CurrentImg = tmp; tmp->Create(is.GetWidth(),is.GetHeight(),proto); tmp->SetTransparentColor(is.GetTransparentColor()); is.Blit(*tmp); } UnlockImageSurface(is); rdPtr->targetValid = true; } //Create empty image if wanted else { cSurface *tmp = new cSurface; rdPtr->surf->push_back(new SImage(tmp)); //Empty image with size if(edPtr->loadFirst) { GetSurfacePrototype(&proto,rdPtr->depth,ST_MEMORYWITHDC,SD_DIB); tmp->Create(edPtr->width,edPtr->height,proto); tmp->Fill(BLACK); } rdPtr->targetId = rdPtr->currentId = rdPtr->lastId = 0; TargetImg = CurrentImg = tmp; rdPtr->targetValid = TargetImg->IsValid(); } } //Initialize information if(rdPtr->current) { rdPtr->rHo.hoImgWidth = rdPtr->current->GetWidth(); rdPtr->rHo.hoImgHeight = rdPtr->current->GetHeight(); rdPtr->rHo.hoImgXSpot = ImageS(rdPtr->currentId)->hotX; rdPtr->rHo.hoImgYSpot = ImageS(rdPtr->currentId)->hotY; } // No errors return 0; }
void LoadImageFile(LPRDATA rdPtr, LPSTR pFileName) { LPRH rhPtr = rdPtr->rHo.hoAdRunHeader; HANDLE hf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; do { if ( pFileName == NULL || *pFileName == 0 ) break; // Copy filename to temp buffer char fname[MAX_PATH]; strcpy(fname, pFileName); // Get surface prototype LPSURFACE wSurf = WinGetSurface((int)rhPtr->rhIdEditWin); LPSURFACE proto; GetSurfacePrototype(&proto, (wSurf != NULL) ? wSurf->GetDepth() : 24, ST_MEMORYWITHDC, SD_DIB); if ( proto == NULL ) break; // Ask MMF2 to open the file (opens external file and embedded files, and downloads files in Vitalize mode) DWORD dwSize; hf = rhPtr->rh4.rh4Mv->mvOpenHFile(fname, &dwSize, 0); if ( hf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) break; // Create CInpuBufFile object associated with the file handle DWORD dwOff = File_GetPosition((HFILE)hf); CInputBufFile bf; if ( bf.Create((HFILE)hf, dwOff, dwSize) != 0 ) break; // Create surface cSurface* psf = NewSurface(); if ( psf == NULL ) break; psf->Create(4, 4, proto); psf->Fill(RGB(0,0,0)); if ( psf->GetDepth() == 8 ) psf->SetPalette (*wSurf); // Load picture CImageFilterMgr* pImgMgr = rhPtr->rh4.rh4Mv->mvImgFilterMgr; if ( ImportImageFromInputFile(pImgMgr, &bf, psf, NULL, IMPORT_IMAGE_USESURFACEDEPTH | IMPORT_IMAGE_USESURFACEPALETTE) ) { // Copy filename if file successfully loaded strcpy(rdPtr->sFilename, fname); rdPtr->nWidth = rdPtr->rHo.hoImgWidth = psf->GetWidth(); rdPtr->nHeight = rdPtr->rHo.hoImgHeight = psf->GetHeight(); // Replace picture surface if ( rdPtr->pSf != NULL ) DeleteSurface(rdPtr->pSf); rdPtr->pSf = psf; // Free collision mask FreeColMask(rdPtr); // Set transparent color if ( psf->GetTransparentColor() == RGB(0,0,0) ) { COLORREF trspColor = rdPtr->dwTranspColor; if ( (rdPtr->dwOptions & SPICTFLAGS_TRANSP_FIRSTPIXEL) != 0 ) psf->GetPixel(0,0,trspColor); psf->SetTransparentColor(trspColor); } } else DeleteSurface(psf); } while(FALSE); // Close picture file (opened with mvOpenHFile) if ( hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) rhPtr->rh4.rh4Mv->mvCloseHFile(hf); }
void WINAPI DLLExport EditorDisplay(mv _far *mV, fpObjInfo oiPtr, fpLevObj loPtr, LPEDATA edPtr, RECT FAR *rc) { #ifndef RUN_ONLY // This is a simple case of drawing an image onto MMF's frame editor window // First, we must get a pointer to the surface used by the frame editor LPSURFACE ps = WinGetSurface((int)mV->mvIdEditWin); if ( ps != NULL ) // Do the following if this surface exists { int x = rc->left; int y = rc->top; int w = rc->right-rc->left; int h = rc->bottom-rc->top; cSurface is; // New surface variable for us to use is.Create(4, 4, ps); // Create a surface implementation from a prototype (frame editor win) is.LoadImage(hInstLib, EXO_IMAGE, LI_NONE); // Load our bitmap from the resource, COLORREF color; is.GetPixel(0,0,color); ps->Fill(x, y, w, h, color); ps->Rectangle(x+4,y+4,rc->right-4,rc->bottom -4, (COLORREF)0x000000, 1, (COLORREF)0x000000, false); ps->Rectangle(x,y,x+36,y+36,color,0,color,true); ps->Line(rc->right-112,rc->bottom-5,rc->right-8,rc->bottom-5,1,color); // This actually blits (or copies) the whole of our surface onto the frame editor's surface // at a specified position. // We could use different image effects when we copy, e.g. invert, AND, OR, XOR, // blend (semi-transparent, the 6th param is amount of transparency) // You can 'anti-alias' with the 7th param (default=0 or off) is.Blit(*ps, x, y, BMODE_TRANSP, BOP_COPY, 0); // Blit the image to the frame editor surface! // Create font HFONT hFnt = NULL; // Ink effects BOOL bTransp = ((oiPtr->oiHdr.oiInkEffect & EFFECTFLAG_TRANSPARENT) != 0); BlitMode bm = (bTransp) ? BMODE_TRANSP : BMODE_OPAQUE; BOOL bAntiA = (oiPtr->oiHdr.oiInkEffect & EFFECTFLAG_ANTIALIAS) ? TRUE : FALSE; BlitOp bo = (BlitOp)(oiPtr->oiHdr.oiInkEffect & EFFECT_MASK); LPARAM boParam = oiPtr->oiHdr.oiInkEffectParam; // Draw text DWORD dwDTFlags = DT_RIGHT | DT_BOTTOM | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_END_ELLIPSIS; ps->DrawText("Exclusion Zone", 14, rc, dwDTFlags, 0x000000, hFnt, bm, bo, boParam, bAntiA, 0UL,8UL); // Delete font if ( hFnt != NULL ) DeleteObject(hFnt); } #endif // !RUN_ONLY }