Ejemplo n.º 1
    bool DagHelper::getPlugValue ( const MPlug& plug, MColor& value )
        MStatus status;
        if ( plug.isCompound() && plug.numChildren() >= 3 )
            status = plug.child ( 0 ).getValue ( value.r );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return false;

            status = plug.child ( 1 ).getValue ( value.g );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return false;

            status = plug.child ( 2 ).getValue ( value.b );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return false;

            if ( plug.numChildren() >= 4 )
                status = plug.child ( 3 ).getValue ( value.a );
                if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return false;
            else value.a = 1.0f;

            return true;

        else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool getColor(MString& plugName, MFnDependencyNode& dn, MColor& value)
	MDGContext ctx = MDGContext::fsNormal;
	MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
	bool result = false;
	float r, g, b;
	// I suppose the attribute is a color and has 3 children
	MPlug plug = dn.findPlug(plugName, stat);
	if (!stat)
		return result;
	if (plug.numChildren() < 3)
		return result;
	r = plug.child(0).asFloat(ctx, &stat);
	if (!stat)
		return result;
	g = plug.child(1).asFloat(ctx, &stat);
	if (!stat)
		return result;
	b = plug.child(2).asFloat(ctx, &stat);
	if (!stat)
		return result;
	value.r = r;
	value.g = g;
	value.b = b;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
TheaSDK::Normal3D TheaRenderer::getSunDirection()
	MFnDependencyNode depFn(getRenderGlobalsNode());
	std::shared_ptr<RenderGlobals> renderGlobals = MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->worldRenderGlobalsPtr;
	std::shared_ptr<TheaRenderer> renderer = std::static_pointer_cast<TheaRenderer>(MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->worldRendererPtr);

	TheaSDK::Normal3D sunDir;

	MObjectArray nodeList;
	getConnectedInNodes(MString("sunLightConnection"), getRenderGlobalsNode(), nodeList);
	if( nodeList.length() > 0)	
		MVector lightDir(0,0,1);
		MFnDagNode sunDagNode(nodeList[0]);
		//lightDir *= this->mtth_renderGlobals->globalConversionMatrix.inverse();
		lightDir *= sunDagNode.transformationMatrix();
		lightDir *= renderGlobals->globalConversionMatrix;
		return TheaSDK::Normal3D(lightDir.x,lightDir.y,lightDir.z);
	float sunDirX = 0.0f, sunDirY = 0.0f, sunDirZ = 1.0f;
	MPlug sunDirPlug = depFn.findPlug("sunDirection");
	if (!sunDirPlug.isNull())
		sunDirX = sunDirPlug.child(0).asFloat();
		sunDirY = sunDirPlug.child(1).asFloat();
		sunDirZ = sunDirPlug.child(2).asFloat();
	return TheaSDK::Normal3D(sunDirX, sunDirY, sunDirZ);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ConnectIntWeld( vm::CUndo &undo, const MObject &weldNodeObj, const MDagPath &toWeldPath, int nType, int nIntValue, const MMatrix &offsetMatrix )
	MFnDependencyNode weldFn( weldNodeObj );
	MFnDagNode toWeldFn( toWeldPath );

	MPlug wiAP = weldFn.findPlug( CVstWeldNode::m_iaWeldInput );
	const uint nWeldIndex = vm::NextAvailable( wiAP );
	MPlug wiP = wiAP.elementByLogicalIndex( nWeldIndex );

	undo.SetAttr( wiP.child( CVstWeldNode::m_iaType ), nType );
	undo.SetAttr( wiP.child( CVstWeldNode::m_iaInt ), nIntValue );

	MFnMatrixData dFn;
	MObject mdObj = dFn.create( offsetMatrix );
	undo.SetAttr( wiP.child( CVstWeldNode::m_iaOffsetMatrix ), mdObj );

	undo.Connect( toWeldFn.findPlug( "parentInverseMatrix" ).elementByLogicalIndex( toWeldPath.instanceNumber() ), wiP.child( CVstWeldNode::m_iaInverseParentSpace ), true );
	undo.Connect( toWeldFn.findPlug( "rotateOrder" ), wiP.child( CVstWeldNode::m_iaRotateOrder ), true );

	MPlug woAP = weldFn.findPlug( CVstWeldNode::m_oaWeldOutput );
	MPlug woP = woAP.elementByLogicalIndex( nWeldIndex );
	MPlug tP = woP.child( CVstWeldNode::m_oaTranslate );

	undo.Connect( tP.child( CVstWeldNode::m_oaTranslateX ), toWeldFn.findPlug( "translateX" ) );
	undo.Connect( tP.child( CVstWeldNode::m_oaTranslateY ), toWeldFn.findPlug( "translateY" ) );
	undo.Connect( tP.child( CVstWeldNode::m_oaTranslateZ ), toWeldFn.findPlug( "translateZ" ) );

	MPlug rP = woP.child( CVstWeldNode::m_oaRotate );

	undo.Connect( rP.child( CVstWeldNode::m_oaRotateX ), toWeldFn.findPlug( "rotateX" ) );
	undo.Connect( rP.child( CVstWeldNode::m_oaRotateY ), toWeldFn.findPlug( "rotateY" ) );
	undo.Connect( rP.child( CVstWeldNode::m_oaRotateZ ), toWeldFn.findPlug( "rotateZ" ) );
Ejemplo n.º 5
    bool DagHelper::setPlugValue ( MPlug& plug, const MColor& value )
        MStatus status;
        if ( plug.isCompound() && plug.numChildren() >= 3 )
            MPlug rPlug = plug.child ( 0, &status );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return false;

            status = rPlug.setValue ( value.r );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return false;

            MPlug gPlug = plug.child ( 1, &status );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return false;

            status = gPlug.setValue ( value.g );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return false;

            MPlug bPlug = plug.child ( 2, &status );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return false;

            status = bPlug.setValue ( value.b );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return false;

            if ( plug.numChildren() >= 4 )
                MPlug aPlug = plug.child ( 3, &status );
                if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return false;

                status = aPlug.setValue ( value.a );
                if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return false;

        return true;
MStatus ClassParameterHandler::storeClass( IECore::ConstParameterPtr parameter, MPlug &plug )
	IECorePython::ScopedGILLock gilLock;
		boost::python::object pythonParameter( IECore::constPointerCast<IECore::Parameter>( parameter ) );
		boost::python::object classInfo = pythonParameter.attr( "getClass" )( true );
		std::string className = boost::python::extract<std::string>( classInfo[1] );
		int classVersion = boost::python::extract<int>( classInfo[2] );
		std::string searchPathEnvVar = boost::python::extract<std::string>( classInfo[3] );
		MString storedClassName;
		int storedClassVersion;
		MString storedSearchPathEnvVar;
		currentClass( plug, storedClassName, storedClassVersion, storedSearchPathEnvVar );
		// only set the plug values if the new value is genuinely different, as otherwise
		// we end up generating unwanted reference edits.
		if ( storedClassName != className.c_str() || storedClassVersion != classVersion || storedSearchPathEnvVar != searchPathEnvVar.c_str() )
			MStringArray updatedClassInfo;
			updatedClassInfo.append( className.c_str() );
			MString classVersionStr;
			classVersionStr.set( classVersion, 0 );
			updatedClassInfo.append( classVersionStr );
			updatedClassInfo.append( searchPathEnvVar.c_str() );
			MObject attribute = plug.attribute();
			MFnTypedAttribute fnTAttr( attribute );
			if ( fnTAttr.attrType() == MFnData::kStringArray )
				MObject data = MFnStringArrayData().create( updatedClassInfo );
				plug.setValue( data );
				// compatibility for the deprecated compound plug behaviour. keeping this code
				// so we can still read old scenes. creation of these plugs has been removed.
				/// \todo: find all such notes and remove the unnecessary code for Cortex 9.
				plug.child( 0 ).setString( className.c_str() );
				plug.child( 1 ).setInt( classVersion );
				plug.child( 2 ).setString( searchPathEnvVar.c_str() );
	catch( boost::python::error_already_set )
		return MS::kFailure;
	catch( const std::exception &e )
		MGlobal::displayError( MString( "ClassParameterHandler::setClass : " ) + e.what() );
		return MS::kFailure;
	return MS::kSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void liqRibData::parseVectorAttributes( MFnDependencyNode & nodeFn, MStringArray & strArray, ParameterType pType )
  int i;
  MStatus status;
  if ( strArray.length() > 0 ) {
    for ( i = 0; i < strArray.length(); i++ ) {
      liqTokenPointer tokenPointerPair;
      MString cutString = strArray[i].substring(5, strArray[i].length());
      MPlug vPlug = nodeFn.findPlug( strArray[i] );
      MObject plugObj;
      status = vPlug.getValue( plugObj );
      if ( plugObj.apiType() == MFn::kVectorArrayData ) {
        MFnVectorArrayData  fnVectorArrayData( plugObj );
        MVectorArray vectorArrayData = fnVectorArrayData.array( &status );
        tokenPointerPair.set(   cutString.asChar(),
                                ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) ? true : false,
                                vectorArrayData.length() );
        for ( int kk = 0; kk < vectorArrayData.length(); kk++ ) {
          tokenPointerPair.setTokenFloat( kk, vectorArrayData[kk].x, vectorArrayData[kk].y, vectorArrayData[kk].z );

        // should it be per vertex or face-varying
        if ( ( ( type() == MRT_Mesh ) || ( type() == MRT_Subdivision ) ) && ( vectorArrayData.length() == faceVaryingCount ) ) {
          tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rFaceVarying);
        } else {
          tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rVertex );

        // store it all
        tokenPointerArray.push_back( tokenPointerPair );

      } else {
        // Hmmmm float ? double ?
        float x, y, z;
          tokenPointerPair.set( cutString.asChar(),
                                ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) ? true : false,
                                0 );
        vPlug.child(0).getValue( x );
        vPlug.child(1).getValue( y );
        vPlug.child(2).getValue( z );
        tokenPointerPair.setTokenFloat( 0, x, y, z );
        tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rConstant );
        tokenPointerArray.push_back( tokenPointerPair );
Ejemplo n.º 8
    MPlug DagHelper::getChildPlug ( const MPlug& parent, const MString& name, MStatus* rc )
        MStatus st;
        uint childCount = parent.numChildren ( &st );
        if ( st != MStatus::kSuccess )
            if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = st;
            return parent;

        // Check shortNames first
        for ( uint i = 0; i < childCount; ++i )
            MPlug child = parent.child ( i, &st );
            if ( st != MStatus::kSuccess )
                if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = st;
                return parent;

            MFnAttribute attributeFn ( child.attribute() );
            MString n = attributeFn.shortName();
            if ( n == name )
                if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = MStatus::kSuccess;
                return child;

        // Check longNames second, use shortNames!
        for ( uint i = 0; i < childCount; ++i )
            MPlug child = parent.child ( i, &st );
            if ( st != MStatus::kSuccess )
                if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = st;
                return parent;

            MFnAttribute attributeFn ( child.attribute() );
            MString n = attributeFn.name();
            if ( n == name )
                if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = MStatus::kSuccess;
                return child;

        if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = MStatus::kNotFound;
        return parent;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void getConnectedChildPlugs(const MPlug& plug, bool dest, MPlugArray& thisNodePlugs, MPlugArray& otherSidePlugs)
    if (plug.numConnectedChildren() == 0)
    for (uint chId = 0; chId < plug.numChildren(); chId++)
        if (plug.child(chId).isConnected())
            if ((plug.child(chId).isDestination() && dest) || (plug.child(chId).isSource() && !dest))
                otherSidePlugs.append(getDirectConnectedPlug(plug, dest));
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool isChildOf(MPlug& parent, MPlug& child)
	for (uint i = 0; i < parent.numChildren(); i++)
		if (parent.child(i) == child)
			return true;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void getDirectConnectedPlugs(const char *attrName, MFnDependencyNode& depFn, bool dest, MPlugArray& thisNodePlugs, MPlugArray& otherSidePlugs)
	MPlug thisPlug = depFn.findPlug(attrName);
	if (!thisPlug.isArray())
		if (thisPlug.isConnected())
			otherSidePlugs.append(getDirectConnectedPlug(thisPlug, dest));
	for (uint i = 0; i < thisPlug.numElements(); i++)
		if (thisPlug.isCompound())
			// we only support simple compounds like colorListEntry
			if (MString(attrName) == MString("colorEntryList"))
				MPlug element = thisPlug[i];
				if (element.child(0).isConnected())
					MPlug connectedPlug = element.child(0);
					otherSidePlugs.append(getDirectConnectedPlug(connectedPlug, dest));
				if (element.child(1).isConnected())
					MPlug connectedPlug = element.child(1);
					otherSidePlugs.append(getDirectConnectedPlug(connectedPlug, dest));
			if (!thisPlug[i].isConnected())
			MPlug connectedPlug = thisPlug[i];
			otherSidePlugs.append(getDirectConnectedPlug(connectedPlug, dest));

Ejemplo n.º 12
    int DagHelper::getChildPlugIndex ( const MPlug& parent, const MString& name, MStatus* rc )
        MStatus st;
        uint childCount = parent.numChildren ( &st );
        CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN ( st, -1 );

        // Check shortNames first
        for ( uint i = 0; i < childCount; ++i )
            MPlug child = parent.child ( i, &st );
            CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN ( st, -1 );

            MFnAttribute attributeFn ( child.attribute() );
            MString n = attributeFn.shortName();

            if ( n == name )
                if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = MStatus::kSuccess;

                return i;

        // Check longNames second, use shortNames!
        for ( uint i = 0; i < childCount; ++i )
            MPlug child = parent.child ( i, &st );
            CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN ( st, -1 );

            MFnAttribute attributeFn ( child.attribute() );
            MString n = attributeFn.name();

            if ( n == name )
                if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = MStatus::kSuccess;

                return i;

        if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = MStatus::kNotFound;

        return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 13
// This function is a utility that can be used to extract vector values from
// plugs.
MVector vectorPlugValue(const MPlug& plug) {
	if (plug.numChildren() == 3)
		double x,y,z;
		MPlug rx = plug.child(0);
		MPlug ry = plug.child(1);
		MPlug rz = plug.child(2);
		MVector result(x,y,z);
		return result;
	else {
		MGlobal::displayError("Expected 3 children for plug "+MString(plug.name()));
		MVector result(0,0,0);
		return result;
 // -------------------------------------------
 MPlug AnimationHelper::getTargetedPlug ( MPlug parentPlug, int index )
     if ( index >= 0 && parentPlug.isCompound() )
         return parentPlug.child ( index );
     else if ( index >= 0 && parentPlug.isArray() )
         return parentPlug.elementByLogicalIndex ( index );
     else return parentPlug;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void SurfaceAttach::inUVs(MFnDependencyNode &fn) {
    MPlug inUVPlug = fn.findPlug("inUV");
    const std::uint32_t numElements = inUVPlug.numElements();


    for (std::uint32_t i=0; i < numElements; i++){
        MPlug uvPlug = inUVPlug.elementByLogicalIndex(i);
        this->uInputs[i] = uvPlug.child(0).asDouble();
        this->vInputs[i] = uvPlug.child(1).asDouble();
Ejemplo n.º 16
MStatus BoxParameterHandler<T>::doSetValue( const MPlug &plug, IECore::ParameterPtr parameter ) const
	typename IECore::TypedParameter<Box<T> >::Ptr p = IECore::runTimeCast<IECore::TypedParameter<Box<T> > >( parameter );
	if( !p )
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( plug.numChildren() != 2 )
		return MS::kFailure;

	MPlug minPlug = plug.child( 0 );
	MPlug maxPlug = plug.child( 1 );

	if( minPlug.numChildren()!=T::dimensions() || maxPlug.numChildren()!=T::dimensions() )
		return MS::kFailure;

	Box<T> v;
	for( unsigned i=0; i<minPlug.numChildren(); i++ )
		MStatus s = minPlug.child( i ).getValue( v.min[i] );
		if( !s )
			return s;
		s = maxPlug.child( i ).getValue( v.max[i] );
		if( !s )
			return s;

	p->setTypedValue( v );
	return MS::kSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    bool DagHelper::getPlugValue ( const MObject& node, const String attributeName, MEulerRotation& value )
        MStatus status;
        MPlug plug = MFnDependencyNode ( node ).findPlug ( attributeName.c_str(), &status );
        if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return false;

        if ( plug.isCompound() && plug.numChildren() >= 3 )
            status = plug.child ( 0 ).getValue ( value.x );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return false;

            status = plug.child ( 1 ).getValue ( value.y );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return false;

            status = plug.child ( 2 ).getValue ( value.z );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return false;

            return true;

        else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int getChildId(MPlug& plug)
	if (!plug.isChild())
		return -1;

	MPlug parentPlug = plug.parent();
	for (uint chId = 0; chId < parentPlug.numChildren(); chId++)
		if (parentPlug.child(chId) == plug)
			return chId;
	return -1;
void ClassParameterHandler::currentClass( const MPlug &plug, MString &className, int &classVersion, MString &searchPathEnvVar )
	MObject attribute = plug.attribute();
	MFnTypedAttribute fnTAttr( attribute );
	if ( !fnTAttr.hasObj( attribute ) || fnTAttr.attrType() != MFnData::kStringArray )
		// compatibility for the deprecated compound plug behaviour
		className = plug.child( 0 ).asString();
		classVersion = plug.child( 1 ).asInt();
		searchPathEnvVar = plug.child( 2 ).asString();
	MFnStringArrayData fnSAD( plug.asMObject() );
	if ( fnSAD.length() == 0 )
		className = "";
		classVersion = 0;
		searchPathEnvVar = "";
	if ( fnSAD.length() != 3 )
		throw( IECore::InvalidArgumentException( ( plug.name() + " has more than 3 values. Expected name, version, searchPath only." ).asChar() ) );

	MStringArray storedClassInfo = fnSAD.array();
	if ( !storedClassInfo[1].isInt() )
		throw( IECore::InvalidArgumentException( ( "Second value of " + plug.name() + " must represent an integer" ).asChar() ) );
	className = storedClassInfo[0];
	classVersion = storedClassInfo[1].asInt();
	searchPathEnvVar = storedClassInfo[2];
MStatus TransformationMatrixParameterHandler<T>::doSetValue( IECore::ConstParameterPtr parameter, MPlug &plug ) const
	typename IECore::TypedParameter<IECore::TransformationMatrix<T> >::ConstPtr p = IECore::runTimeCast<const IECore::TypedParameter<IECore::TransformationMatrix<T> > >( parameter );
	if( !p )
		return MS::kFailure;

	IECore::TransformationMatrix<T> tMatrix = p->getTypedValue();

	if( tMatrix.rotate.order() != Imath::Euler<T>::XYZ )
			"The rotation order of the parameter '"+parameter->name()+"' is not XYZ, unable to set value."
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( !setVecValues( plug.child( TRANSLATE_INDEX ), tMatrix.translate ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( !setVecValues( plug.child( ROTATE_INDEX ), tMatrix.rotate ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( !setVecValues( plug.child( SCALE_INDEX ), tMatrix.scale ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( !setVecValues( plug.child( SHEAR_INDEX ), tMatrix.shear ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( !setVecValues( plug.child( SCALEPIVOT_INDEX ), tMatrix.scalePivot ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( !setVecValues( plug.child( SCALEPIVOTTRANS_INDEX ), tMatrix.scalePivotTranslation ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( !setVecValues( plug.child( ROTATEPIVOT_INDEX ), tMatrix.rotatePivot ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( !setVecValues( plug.child( ROTATEPIVOTTRANS_INDEX ), tMatrix.rotatePivotTranslation ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 21
FxInternal::GetValuePlug(MPlug& plug)
	MFnDependencyNode depNode(GetSite());

	MObject oAttribute = plug.attribute();

	MFnAttribute fnAttribute(oAttribute);

	MString name = fnAttribute.name() + MString("Value");

	oAttribute= depNode.attribute(name);

	return plug.child(oAttribute);
MStatus TransformationMatrixParameterHandler<T>::getVecValues( MPlug vecPlug, Imath::Vec3<T> &values ) const
	if( vecPlug.numChildren() != 3 )
		return MS::kFailure;

	for( unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++ )
		if( !vecPlug.child(i).getValue( values[i] ) )
			return MS::kFailure;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 23
void GDExporter::GetUniqueRenderContexts( MFnTransform& transform, std::list<GDRenderContext>& uniqueContexts )
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < transform.childCount(); ++i)
		if( transform.child(i).apiType() == MFn::kMesh )
			MFnMesh childMesh( transform.child(i) );

			if( childMesh.isIntermediateObject() )

			MDagPath meshPath;
			MFnDependencyNode depNode(meshPath.node());
			MStatus fpResult;
			MPlug gdRenderContextPlug = childMesh.findPlug("GDRenderContext", &fpResult);

			if( fpResult != MS::kSuccess )

			GDRenderContext newContext(gdRenderContextPlug);

			bool bFound = false;
			std::list<GDRenderContext>::iterator uniqueIter = uniqueContexts.begin();
			for(; uniqueIter != uniqueContexts.end(); ++uniqueIter )
				if( (*uniqueIter) == newContext )
					bFound = true;

			if( bFound == false )
				uniqueContexts.push_back( newContext );
				gdRenderContextPlug.child(0).setValue( (*uniqueIter).name.c_str() );
		else if( transform.child(i).apiType() == MFn::kTransform )
			MFnTransform childTransform( transform.child(i) );
			GetUniqueRenderContexts( childTransform, uniqueContexts );
MStatus TransformationMatrixParameterHandler<T>::setUnitVecDefaultValues( MPlug vecPlug, Imath::Vec3<T> &defaultValue ) const
	if( vecPlug.numChildren() != 3 )
		return MS::kFailure;

	MFnUnitAttribute fnU;
	for( unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++ )
		fnU.setObject( vecPlug.child(i).attribute() );
		if( !fnU.setDefault( defaultValue[i] ) )
			return MS::kFailure;

	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus TransformationMatrixParameterHandler<T>::doSetValue( const MPlug &plug, IECore::ParameterPtr parameter ) const
	typename IECore::TypedParameter<IECore::TransformationMatrix<T> >::Ptr p = IECore::runTimeCast<IECore::TypedParameter<IECore::TransformationMatrix<T> > >( parameter );
	if( !p )
		return MS::kFailure;

	IECore::TransformationMatrix<T> tMatrix = p->getTypedValue();

	if( tMatrix.rotate.order() != Imath::Euler<T>::XYZ )
			"The rotation order of the parameter '"+parameter->name()+"' is not XYZ, unable to set value."
		return MS::kFailure;

	std::vector<Imath::Vec3<T> > v;

	for( unsigned int i=0; i<8; i++ )
		if( !getVecValues( plug.child(i), v[i] ) )
			return MS::kFailure;

	tMatrix.translate = v[ TRANSLATE_INDEX ];
	tMatrix.rotate = Imath::Euler<T>(v[ ROTATE_INDEX ]);
	tMatrix.scale = v[ SCALE_INDEX ];
	tMatrix.shear = v[ SHEAR_INDEX ];
	tMatrix.scalePivot = v[ SCALEPIVOT_INDEX ];
	tMatrix.scalePivotTranslation = v[ SCALEPIVOTTRANS_INDEX ];
	tMatrix.rotatePivot = v[ ROTATEPIVOT_INDEX ];
	tMatrix.rotatePivotTranslation = v[ ROTATEPIVOTTRANS_INDEX ];

	p->setTypedValue( tMatrix );

	return MS::kSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 26
MObject getOtherSideNode(const MString& plugName, MObject& thisObject, MStringArray& otherSidePlugNames)
    MStatus stat;
    MObject result = MObject::kNullObj;
    MFnDependencyNode depFn(thisObject, &stat);
    if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) return result;
    MPlug plug = depFn.findPlug(plugName, &stat);
    if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess)return result;
    if (!plug.isConnected())
        int numChildConnects = plug.numConnectedChildren();
        if (numChildConnects == 0)
            return result;
            for (int i = 0; i < numChildConnects; i++)
                MPlug child = plug.child(i);
                MString otherSidePlugName;
                MObject childObj = getOtherSideNode(child.partialName(false), thisObject, otherSidePlugName);
                if (childObj != MObject::kNullObj)
                    result = childObj;
                } else
        MPlugArray plugArray;
        plug.connectedTo(plugArray, 1, 0, &stat);
        if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) return result;
        if (plugArray.length() == 0)
            return result;
        MPlug otherSidePlug = plugArray[0];
        result = otherSidePlug.node();
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 27
void V3Manipulator::getPlugValues( MPlug &plug, double *values )
	if( plug.numChildren() == 3 )
		for( unsigned i = 0; i<3; i++ )
			MPlug child = plug.child( i );
			*values = child.asDouble();
		for( unsigned i = 0; i<3; i++ )
			MPlug element = plug.elementByLogicalIndex( i );
			*values = element.asDouble();
Ejemplo n.º 28
void liqRibData::addAdditionalSurfaceParameters( MObject node )
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF("-> scanning for additional rman surface attributes \n");
  MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
  unsigned i;

  // work out how many elements there would be in a facevarying array if a mesh or subD
  // faceVaryingCount is a private data member
  if ( ( type() == MRT_Mesh ) || ( type() == MRT_Subdivision ) ) {
    faceVaryingCount = 0;
    MFnMesh fnMesh( node );
    for ( uint pOn = 0; pOn < fnMesh.numPolygons(); pOn++ ) {
      faceVaryingCount += fnMesh.polygonVertexCount( pOn );

  // find how many additional
  MFnDependencyNode nodeFn( node );

  // find the attributes
  MStringArray floatAttributesFound  = findAttributesByPrefix( "rmanF", nodeFn );
  MStringArray pointAttributesFound  = findAttributesByPrefix( "rmanP", nodeFn );
  MStringArray vectorAttributesFound = findAttributesByPrefix( "rmanV", nodeFn );
  MStringArray normalAttributesFound = findAttributesByPrefix( "rmanN", nodeFn );
  MStringArray colorAttributesFound  = findAttributesByPrefix( "rmanC", nodeFn );
  MStringArray stringAttributesFound = findAttributesByPrefix( "rmanS", nodeFn );

  if ( floatAttributesFound.length() > 0 ) {
    for ( i = 0; i < floatAttributesFound.length(); i++ ) {
      liqTokenPointer tokenPointerPair;
      MString cutString = floatAttributesFound[i].substring(5, floatAttributesFound[i].length());
      MPlug fPlug = nodeFn.findPlug( floatAttributesFound[i] );
      MObject plugObj;
      status = fPlug.getValue( plugObj );
      if ( plugObj.apiType() == MFn::kDoubleArrayData ) {
        MFnDoubleArrayData  fnDoubleArrayData( plugObj );
        MDoubleArray doubleArrayData = fnDoubleArrayData.array( &status );
        tokenPointerPair.set( cutString.asChar(),
                              ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) ? true : false,
                              doubleArrayData.length() );
        for( unsigned int kk = 0; kk < doubleArrayData.length(); kk++ ) {
          tokenPointerPair.setTokenFloat( kk, doubleArrayData[kk] );
        if ( ( type() == MRT_NuCurve ) && ( cutString == MString( "width" ) ) ) {
          tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rVarying);
        } else if ( ( ( type() == MRT_Mesh ) || ( type() == MRT_Subdivision ) ) && ( doubleArrayData.length() == faceVaryingCount ) ) {
          tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rFaceVarying);
        } else {
          tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rVertex );
      } else {

        if( fPlug.isArray() ) {

          int nbElts = fPlug.evaluateNumElements();
          float floatValue;
          tokenPointerPair.set( cutString.asChar(),
                                ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) ? true : false,
                                true, // philippe :passed as uArray, otherwise it will think it is a single float
                                nbElts );
          MPlug elementPlug;
          for( unsigned int kk = 0; kk < nbElts; kk++ ) {
            elementPlug = fPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(kk);
            elementPlug.getValue( floatValue );
            tokenPointerPair.setTokenFloat( kk, floatValue );
          tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rConstant );

        } else {

          float floatValue;
          tokenPointerPair.set( cutString.asChar(),
                                ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) ? true : false,
                                0 );
          fPlug.getValue( floatValue );
          tokenPointerPair.setTokenFloat( 0, floatValue );
          tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rConstant );


      tokenPointerArray.push_back( tokenPointerPair );

  if ( pointAttributesFound.length() > 0 ) {
    for ( i = 0; i < pointAttributesFound.length(); i++ ) {
      liqTokenPointer tokenPointerPair;
      MString cutString = pointAttributesFound[i].substring(5, pointAttributesFound[i].length());
      MPlug pPlug = nodeFn.findPlug( pointAttributesFound[i] );
      MObject plugObj;
      status = pPlug.getValue( plugObj );
      if ( plugObj.apiType() == MFn::kPointArrayData ) {
        MFnPointArrayData  fnPointArrayData( plugObj );
        MPointArray pointArrayData = fnPointArrayData.array( &status );
        tokenPointerPair.set( cutString.asChar(),
                              ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) ? true : false,
                              pointArrayData.length() );
        if ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) {
          for ( int kk = 0; kk < pointArrayData.length(); kk++ ) {
            tokenPointerPair.setTokenFloat( kk, pointArrayData[kk].x, pointArrayData[kk].y, pointArrayData[kk].z, pointArrayData[kk].w );
        } else {
          for ( int kk = 0; kk < pointArrayData.length(); kk++ ) {
            tokenPointerPair.setTokenFloat( kk, pointArrayData[kk].x, pointArrayData[kk].y, pointArrayData[kk].z );
        tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rVertex );
      } else {
        // Hmmmm float ? double ?
        float x, y, z;
                ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) ? true : false,
                0 );
        // Hmmm should check as for arrays if we are in nurbs mode : 4 values
        pPlug.child(0).getValue( x );
        pPlug.child(1).getValue( y );
        pPlug.child(2).getValue( z );
        tokenPointerPair.setTokenFloat( 0, x, y, z );
        tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rConstant );
      tokenPointerArray.push_back( tokenPointerPair );
  parseVectorAttributes( nodeFn, vectorAttributesFound, rVector );
  parseVectorAttributes( nodeFn, normalAttributesFound, rNormal );
  parseVectorAttributes( nodeFn, colorAttributesFound,  rColor  );

  if ( stringAttributesFound.length() > 0 ) {
    for ( i = 0; i < stringAttributesFound.length(); i++ ) {
      liqTokenPointer tokenPointerPair;
      MString cutString = stringAttributesFound[i].substring(5, stringAttributesFound[i].length());
      MPlug sPlug = nodeFn.findPlug( stringAttributesFound[i] );
      MObject plugObj;
      status = sPlug.getValue( plugObj );
        ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) ? true : false,
        0 );
      MString stringVal;
      sPlug.getValue( stringVal );
      tokenPointerPair.setTokenString( 0, stringVal.asChar(), stringVal.length() );
      tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rConstant );
      tokenPointerArray.push_back( tokenPointerPair );
Ejemplo n.º 29
 *	Exports Camera node
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> Camera::exporta(MObject &obj)
	// Each camera is exported to a separate file
	MFnCamera cam(obj);
	MFnDagNode dn(obj);

	std::string node_name = dn.name().asChar();
	if ( !Config::instance()->getExportDefaultCameras() && (
		node_name == "topShape" ||
		node_name == "frontShape" ||
		node_name == "sideShape" ||
		node_name == "perspShape"
		return NULL;

	if ( ! Config::instance()->getExportOrthographicCameras() && cam.isOrtho() )
		return NULL;

	osgViewer::Viewer viewer;

	// Camera name
//	std::cout << "Exporting Camera " << dn.name().asChar() << std::endl;

	// Background color
	MPlug backgroundColor = cam.findPlug("backgroundColor");
	float red, green, blue;
	backgroundColor.child(0).getValue( red );
	backgroundColor.child(1).getValue( green );
	backgroundColor.child(2).getValue( blue );
	viewer.getCamera()->setClearColor( osg::Vec4( red, green, blue, 1.0 ) );

	// View matrix (does not work as expected. Transformations are not considered. FIXME!)
	MPoint meye = cam.eyePoint(MSpace::kPostTransform);
	MPoint mcenter = cam.centerOfInterestPoint(MSpace::kPostTransform);
	MPoint mup = cam.upDirection(MSpace::kPostTransform);
//	std::cout << "eye    : " << meye.x << " " << meye.y << " " << meye.z << std::endl;
//	std::cout << "center : " << mcenter.x << " " << mcenter.y << " " << mcenter.z << std::endl;
//	std::cout << "up     : " << mup.x << " " << mup.y << " " << mup.z << std::endl;
	osg::Vec3d eye(meye.x, meye.y, meye.z);
	osg::Vec3d center(mcenter.x, mcenter.y, mcenter.z);
	osg::Vec3d up(mup.x, mup.y, mup.z);

    osg::Matrix look_at;
    look_at.makeLookAt(eye, center, up);

    // Now we get the camera transformation and apply it to the lookAt matrix
    osg::Matrix trans;

    if ( dn.parentCount() > 1 ) {
        std::cerr << "WARNING: Multiple instanced cameras not currently supported" << std::endl;
        return NULL;
    MObject parent = dn.parent(0);
    MFnDagNode dn_parent(parent);
    MFnTransform mfn_trans(parent);
    mfn_trans.transformationMatrix().get( (double(*)[4]) trans.ptr() );

    // Accumulate transformations up to the root
    while ( dn_parent.parentCount() > 0 ){
        if ( dn_parent.parentCount() > 1 ) {
            std::cerr << "WARNING: Multiple instanced cameras not currently supported" << std::endl;
            return NULL;
        osg::Matrix new_trans;
        mfn_trans.transformationMatrix().get( (double(*)[4]) new_trans.ptr() );
        trans *= new_trans;
        dn_parent.setObject( dn_parent.parent(0) );

    if ( Config::instance()->getYUp2ZUp() ) {
        osg::Matrix yup2zup;
        yup2zup.makeRotate( osg::Vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), osg::Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) );
        trans *= yup2zup;

	viewer.getCamera()->setViewMatrix( look_at * osg::Matrix::inverse(trans) );

	// Projection matrix
	double l, r, b ,t;
//    double ar = cam.aspectRatio();
    // WARNING: Camera does not know the aspect ratio of the render window
    // It must be queried in the Render Settings
    MCommonRenderSettingsData render_settings;
    float ar = render_settings.deviceAspectRatio;

	// We use the rendering frustum instead of the viewing frustum
	cam.getRenderingFrustum(ar, l, r, b, t);
	double n = cam.nearClippingPlane();
	double f = cam.farClippingPlane();
	if ( cam.isOrtho() ) {
		viewer.getCamera()->setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho(l, r, b, t, n, f);
	else {
		viewer.getCamera()->setProjectionMatrixAsFrustum(l, r, b, t, n, f);

	// Auto Render Clip Plane -> ComputeNearFarMode
	MPlug bfcp = cam.findPlug("bestFitClippingPlanes");
	bool autoClipPlanes;
	if ( !autoClipPlanes ) {

	// Write camera/viewer config file
    std::string camera_filename = Config::instance()->getSceneFilePath().getDirectory() + "/" + Config::instance()->getSceneFilePath().getFileBaseName() + "_" + std::string(dn.name().asChar()) + ".osg";
    osgDB::writeObjectFile( viewer, camera_filename );

	// We do not include the camera in the scene graph, so return NULL
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 30
//tokenize the path.
//add each token into the element list which tracks the attributes and indices
//for each entry added make sure there are no parents left out from maya name mangling.
//after the list is populated and missing elements area added 
//we reiterate and produce the final result.
MPlug		FxInternal::DecodePlug(const CStringA& plugStr)

	MPlug result;
	MFnDependencyNode depNode(GetSite());

	CAtlList<PathDecodeElement> elementList;

	//tokenize the path
	int iLastPos=0;
	int iThisPos=0;
	CStringA subStr;
	while( iLastPos= iThisPos, 
		subStr=plugStr.Tokenize(".[]", iThisPos), 
		iThisPos != -1 )
		//char lastChar= subStr[iLastPos];
		//char thisChar= subStr[iThisPos];

		//are we looking at a named portion?
		if(iLastPos == 0 
			|| plugStr[iLastPos-1]=='.'
			|| (plugStr[iLastPos-1]==']' && plugStr[iLastPos]=='.'))
			//if the name is length zero then it must be the case when 
			// you do last[#].  The situation is caused by  the sequence "]."
			//if we dont have a name we can skip since only 1d arrays are allowed.

			if(subStr.GetLength() > 0)
				//everything we add is going to be based on the current tail.
				//because we are adding parents, as we find parents we can continue
				//to add them to this position so that they will order themselves properly
				POSITION insertPos= elementList.GetTailPosition();

				//calculate the cancel condition.
				//it is the current tail's object if a tail exists otherwise NULL
				//NULL indicates go all the way to the root
				MObject cancelObj= MObject::kNullObj;
				if(elementList.GetCount() > 0)
					cancelObj= elementList.GetTail().Attribute.object();

				//get the object we are currently working with
				MObject thisObj= depNode.attribute(subStr.GetString());
					return MPlug();//Critical element of the path was not found...return NULL

				//add it to the list so that we have something to insertBefore
				elementList.GetTail().Name= subStr;

				//walk through all of the parents until we reach cancel condition.
				//we can add  the current element onto the list in the same way.
				for( MFnAttribute itrAttr( elementList.GetTail().Attribute.parent() );
					!itrAttr.object().isNull()  && (cancelObj != itrAttr.object());
					PathDecodeElement element;
					element.Attribute.setObject( itrAttr.object() );

					//we change the position so that the grandparent is inserted before the parent
					insertPos= elementList.InsertBefore( insertPos, element);
		//are we looking at a numbered portion?
		else if(plugStr[iLastPos-1]=='[' && plugStr[iThisPos-1]==']')
			//if so change the array index.
			elementList.GetTail().IsArray= true;
			elementList.GetTail().Index = atoi( subStr.GetString() );


	//produce the result plug off of the elementList.
	bool first= true;
	for(POSITION pos= elementList.GetHeadPosition();
		pos != NULL;
		PathDecodeElement& element= elementList.GetAt(pos);

		{//on first one we initialize the result 
			first= false;
			result= MPlug( GetSite(), element.Attribute.object() );
			result= result.child( element.Attribute.object() );

			result= result.elementByLogicalIndex(element.Index);

			return MPlug();//Critical element of the path was not found...return NULL

	return result;