Ejemplo n.º 1
void Recipe::set_coefficients(int i, int j, const MatType &coef) {
    for(int in_chan = 0; in_chan < coef.rows(); ++in_chan)
    for(int out_chan = 0; out_chan < coef.cols(); ++out_chan)
        int ac_map_i = in_chan*height + i;
        int ac_map_j = out_chan*width +j;
        ac(ac_map_i, ac_map_j) = coef(in_chan,out_chan);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void BinarySpaceTree<BoundType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType>::SplitNode(
    MatType& data,
    std::vector<size_t>& oldFromNew,
    const size_t maxLeafSize,
    SplitType& splitter)
  // This should be a single function for Bound.
  // We need to expand the bounds of this node properly.
  bound |= data.cols(begin, begin + count - 1);

  // Calculate the furthest descendant distance.
  furthestDescendantDistance = 0.5 * bound.Diameter();

  // First, check if we need to split at all.
  if (count <= maxLeafSize)
    return; // We can't split this.

  // splitCol denotes the two partitions of the dataset after the split. The
  // points on its left go to the left child and the others go to the right
  // child.
  size_t splitCol;

  // Split the node. The elements of 'data' are reordered by the splitting
  // algorithm. This function call updates splitCol and oldFromNew.
  const bool split = splitter.SplitNode(bound, data, begin, count, splitCol,

  // The node may not be always split. For instance, if all the points are the
  // same, we can't split them.
  if (!split)

  // Now that we know the split column, we will recursively split the children
  // by calling their constructors (which perform this splitting process).
  left = new BinarySpaceTree<BoundType, StatisticType, MatType>(data, begin,
      splitCol - begin, oldFromNew, splitter, this, maxLeafSize);
  right = new BinarySpaceTree<BoundType, StatisticType, MatType>(data, splitCol,
      begin + count - splitCol, oldFromNew, splitter, this, maxLeafSize);

  // Calculate parent distances for those two nodes.
  arma::vec centroid, leftCentroid, rightCentroid;

  const double leftParentDistance = bound.Metric().Evaluate(centroid,
  const double rightParentDistance = bound.Metric().Evaluate(centroid,

  left->ParentDistance() = leftParentDistance;
  right->ParentDistance() = rightParentDistance;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  /** Dimensionality check during initialization */
  bool dimCheck(){

    if( Sx_.rows() != Sx_.cols() ){
      std::cerr << "Error: MatType must be a square matrix \n";
      return false;
    if( Sx_.rows() != x_.size() ){
      std::cerr << "Error: VecType and MatType dimension mismatch \n";
      return false;
    nDim_ = x_.size();
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool UBTreeSplit<BoundType, MatType>::SplitNode(BoundType& bound,
                                                MatType& data,
                                                const size_t begin,
                                                const size_t count,
                                                SplitInfo& splitInfo)
  constexpr size_t order = sizeof(AddressElemType) * CHAR_BIT;
  if (begin == 0 && count == data.n_cols)
    // Calculate all addresses.

    // Probably this is not a good idea. Maybe it is better to get
    // a number of distinct samples and find the median.
    std::sort(addresses.begin(), addresses.end(), ComparePair);

    // Save the vector in order to rearrange the dataset later.
    splitInfo.addresses = &addresses;
    // We have already rearranged the dataset.
    splitInfo.addresses = NULL;

  // The bound shouldn't contain too many subrectangles.
  // In order to minimize the number of hyperrectangles we set last bits
  // of the last address in the node to 1 and last bits of the first  address
  // in the next node to zero in such a way that the ordering is not
  // disturbed.
  if (begin + count < data.n_cols)
    // Omit leading equal bits.
    size_t row = 0;
    arma::Col<AddressElemType>& lo = addresses[begin + count - 1].first;
    const arma::Col<AddressElemType>& hi = addresses[begin + count].first;

    for (; row < data.n_rows; row++)
      if (lo[row] != hi[row])

    size_t bit = 0;

    for (; bit < order; bit++)
      if ((lo[row] & ((AddressElemType) 1 << (order - 1 - bit))) !=
          (hi[row] & ((AddressElemType) 1 << (order - 1 - bit))))


    // Replace insignificant bits.
    if (bit == order)
      bit = 0;
      for (; bit < order; bit++)
        lo[row] |= ((AddressElemType) 1 << (order - 1 - bit));

    for (; row < data.n_rows; row++)
      for (; bit < order; bit++)
        lo[row] |= ((AddressElemType) 1 << (order - 1 - bit));

  // The bound shouldn't contain too many subrectangles.
  // In order to minimize the number of hyperrectangles we set last bits
  // of the first address in the next node to 0 and last bits of the last
  // address in the previous node to 1 in such a way that the ordering is not
  // disturbed.
  if (begin > 0)
    // Omit leading equal bits.
    size_t row = 0;
    const arma::Col<AddressElemType>& lo = addresses[begin - 1].first;
    arma::Col<AddressElemType>& hi = addresses[begin].first;

    for (; row < data.n_rows; row++)
      if (lo[row] != hi[row])

    size_t bit = 0;

    for (; bit < order; bit++)
      if ((lo[row] & ((AddressElemType) 1 << (order - 1 - bit))) !=
          (hi[row] & ((AddressElemType) 1 << (order - 1 - bit))))


    // Replace insignificant bits.
    if (bit == order)
      bit = 0;
      for (; bit < order; bit++)
        hi[row] &= ~((AddressElemType) 1 << (order - 1 - bit));

    for (; row < data.n_rows; row++)
      for (; bit < order; bit++)
        hi[row] &= ~((AddressElemType) 1 << (order - 1 - bit));

  // Set the minimum and the maximum addresses.
  for (size_t k = 0; k < bound.Dim(); k++)
    bound.LoAddress()[k] = addresses[begin].first[k];
    bound.HiAddress()[k] = addresses[begin + count - 1].first[k];
  bound.UpdateAddressBounds(data.cols(begin, begin + count - 1));

  return true;