Ejemplo n.º 1
|   PLT_FileMediaServer::ProcessFileRequest
PLT_FileMediaServer::ProcessFileRequest(NPT_HttpRequest&  request, 
                                        NPT_HttpResponse& response, 
                                        NPT_SocketInfo&   client_info)

    NPT_LOG_FINE("PLT_FileMediaServer::ProcessFileRequest Received Request:");

    response.GetHeaders().SetHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");

    if (request.GetMethod().Compare("GET") && request.GetMethod().Compare("HEAD")) {
        response.SetStatus(500, "Internal Server Error");
        return NPT_SUCCESS;

    // File requested
    NPT_String path = m_FileBaseUri.GetPath();
    NPT_String strUri = NPT_Uri::PercentDecode(request.GetUrl().GetPath());

    NPT_HttpUrlQuery query(request.GetUrl().GetQuery());
    NPT_String file_path = query.GetField("path");

    // hack for XBMC support for 360, we urlencoded the ? to that the 360 doesn't strip out the query
    // but then the query ends being parsed as part of the path
    int index = strUri.Find("path=");
    if (index>0) file_path = strUri.Right(strUri.GetLength()-index-5);
    if (file_path.GetLength() == 0) goto failure;

    // HACK for wmp: somehow they inverse our slashes !
    // do it only if we're on windows
    if (m_DirDelimiter == "\\") {
        file_path.Replace('/', '\\');

    if (path.Compare(strUri.Left(path.GetLength()), true) == 0) {
        NPT_Integer start, end;
        PLT_HttpHelper::GetRange(&request, start, end);

        return PLT_FileServer::ServeFile(m_Path + file_path, &response, start, end, !request.GetMethod().Compare("HEAD"));

    // Album Art requested
    path = m_AlbumArtBaseUri.GetPath();
    if (path.Compare(strUri.Left(path.GetLength()), true) == 0) {
        return OnAlbumArtRequest(m_Path + file_path, response);

    response.SetStatus(404, "File Not Found");
    return NPT_SUCCESS;