Ejemplo n.º 1
std::string formatStatistics( const PerformanceMonitor &monitor, size_t maxLinesPerMetric )
	// First show totals
	std::vector<std::string> names;
	std::vector<std::string> values;
	for( int m = First; m <= Last; ++m )
		PerformanceMetric metric = static_cast<PerformanceMetric>( m );
		FormatTotalStatistics::ResultType p =
			dispatchMetric<FormatTotalStatistics>( FormatTotalStatistics( monitor.combinedStatistics() ), metric );
		names.push_back( p.first );
		values.push_back( p.second );

	std::stringstream ss;

	ss << "PerformanceMonitor Summary :\n\n";
	outputItems( names, values, ss );
	ss << "\n";

	// Now show breakdowns by plugs in each category
	std::string s = ss.str();
	for( int m = First; m <= Last; ++m )
		s += formatStatistics( monitor, static_cast<PerformanceMetric>( m ), maxLinesPerMetric );
		if( m != Last )
			s += "\n";
	return s;
Ejemplo n.º 2
                void DoccatTool::run(std::string args[])

                  if (sizeof(args) / sizeof(args[0]) != 1)
                    std::cout << getHelp() << std::endl;
                    throw TerminateToolException(1);

                  DoccatModel *model = (new DoccatModelLoader())->load(new File(args[0]));

                  DocumentCategorizerME *doccat = new DocumentCategorizerME(model);

                  ObjectStream<std::string> *documentStream = new ParagraphStream(new PlainTextByLineStream(new InputStreamReader(System::in)));

                  PerformanceMonitor *perfMon = new PerformanceMonitor(System::err, "doc");

                    std::string document;
                    while ((document = documentStream->read()) != "")
//ORIGINAL LINE: double prob[] = doccat.categorize(document);
//JAVA TO C++ CONVERTER WARNING: Since the array size is not known in this declaration, Java to C++ Converter has converted this array to a pointer.  You will need to call 'delete[]' where appropriate:
                      double *prob = doccat->categorize(document);
                      std::string category = doccat->getBestCategory(prob);

                      DocumentSample *sample = new DocumentSample(category, document);
//JAVA TO C++ CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no native C++ equivalent to 'toString':
                      std::cout << sample->toString() << std::endl;

                  catch (IOException e)

Ejemplo n.º 3
int main() {
	std::srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(nullptr)));

	const char* inputFilePath = { "Resources/numbers.txt" };
	PerformanceMonitor monitor;

	std::vector<int> originalNumbers;

	if (readNumbersFromFile) {
		std::cout << "Reading file..." << std::endl;
		if (utils::readFile(inputFilePath, originalNumbers) != utils::STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		std::cout << "Processing " << originalNumbers.size() << " integers" << std::endl;
		// Preprocessing for testing purposes:
		std::cout << "Shuffeling values..." << std::endl;
		std::random_shuffle(originalNumbers.begin(), originalNumbers.end());
	else {
		originalNumbers = utils::generateRandomNumbers(1000000, -10000, +10000);

	// The buffers are needed later for better test case comparisons
	std::cout << "Preparing buffers..." << std::endl;
	std::vector<int> sortedNumbers;
	std::vector<int> reversedNumbers;
	sortedNumbers = originalNumbers;
	std::sort(sortedNumbers.begin(), sortedNumbers.end());
	reversedNumbers = sortedNumbers;
	std::reverse(reversedNumbers.begin(), reversedNumbers.end());

	assert(utils::isSorted(&(originalNumbers[0]), originalNumbers.size()) >= 0);
	assert(utils::isSorted(&(sortedNumbers[0]), sortedNumbers.size()) == -1);
	assert(utils::isReverseSorted(&(reversedNumbers[0]), reversedNumbers.size()) == -1);

	// Holder for time measurements:
	double stdSort[3] = { 0 };
	double quickSort[3] = { 0 };
	double stdNthElementSort[3] = { 0 };
	double medianOfMedianRes[3] = { 0 };
	double stdNthElement[3] = { 0 };
	double nthElement[3] = { 0 };

	std::vector<int> numbers;

	// ========================================================================================================================================================================

	// stdSort: unsorted array
	std::cout << "Running std::sort on unsorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = originalNumbers;
	std::sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());
	stdSort[0] = monitor.stop();
	// stdSort: sorted array
	std::cout << "Running std::sort on sorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = sortedNumbers;
	std::sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());
	stdSort[1] = monitor.stop();
	// stdSort: reverse sorted array
	std::cout << "Running std::sort on reverse sorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = reversedNumbers;
	std::sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());
	stdSort[2] = monitor.stop();

	// ========================================================================================================================================================================

	// quickSort: unsorted array
	std::cout << "Running quickSort on unsorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = originalNumbers;
	utils::quickSort(&(numbers[0]), numbers.size());
	quickSort[0] = monitor.stop();
	// quickSort: sorted array
	std::cout << "Running quickSort on sorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = sortedNumbers;
	utils::quickSort(&(numbers[0]), numbers.size());
	quickSort[1] = monitor.stop();
	// quickSort: reverse sorted array
	std::cout << "Running quickSort on reverse sorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = reversedNumbers;
	utils::quickSort(&(numbers[0]), numbers.size());
	quickSort[2] = monitor.stop();

	// ========================================================================================================================================================================

	// sort with std::nth_element
	// std::nth_element: unsorted array
	std::cout << "Running std::nth_element sort on unsorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = originalNumbers;
	simon::std_nthElementSort(numbers, 0, numbers.size() / 2, numbers.size());
	stdNthElementSort[0] = monitor.stop();
	// std::nth_element: sorted array
	std::cout << "Running std::nth_element sort on sorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = sortedNumbers;
	simon::std_nthElementSort(numbers, 0, numbers.size() / 2, numbers.size());
	stdNthElementSort[1] = monitor.stop();
	// std::nth_element: reverse sorted array
	std::cout << "Running std::nth_element sort on reverse sorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = reversedNumbers;
	simon::std_nthElementSort(numbers, 0, numbers.size() / 2, numbers.size());
	stdNthElementSort[2] = monitor.stop();

	// ========================================================================================================================================================================

	// median of medians: unsorted array
	std::cout << "Running median of medians on unsorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = originalNumbers;
	int median = simon::findMedianOfMedians(numbers, 0, numbers.size());
	std::cout << "Median: " << median << std::endl;
	medianOfMedianRes[0] = monitor.stop();
	// median of medians: sorted array
	std::cout << "Running median of medians on sorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = sortedNumbers;
	median = simon::findMedianOfMedians(numbers, 0, numbers.size());
	std::cout << "Median: " << median << std::endl;
	medianOfMedianRes[1] = monitor.stop();
	// median of medians: reverse sorted array
	std::cout << "Running median of medians on reverse sorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = reversedNumbers;
	median = simon::findMedianOfMedians(numbers, 0, numbers.size());
	std::cout << "Median: " << median << std::endl;
	medianOfMedianRes[2] = monitor.stop();

	// ========================================================================================================================================================================

	const int sampleCount = 100;		// number of nth-element calls
	int n = originalNumbers.size() / 2;

	// std::nth_element: unsorted array
	std::cout << "Running std::nth_element on unsorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = originalNumbers;
	for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
		//int n = utils::randRange(1, numbers.size());
		std::nth_element(numbers.begin(), numbers.begin() + n, numbers.end());
		stdNthElement[0] += monitor.stop();
		median = numbers[n];
	std::cout << "Median: " << median << std::endl;

	// std::nth_element: sorted array
	std::cout << "Running std::nth_element on sorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = sortedNumbers;
	for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
		//int n = utils::randRange(1, numbers.size());
		std::nth_element(numbers.begin(), numbers.begin() + n, numbers.end());
		stdNthElement[1] += monitor.stop();
		median = numbers[n];
	std::cout << "Median: " << median << std::endl;
	// std::nth_element: reverse sorted array
	std::cout << "Running std::nth_element on reverse sorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = reversedNumbers;
	for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
		//int n = utils::randRange(1, numbers.size());
		std::nth_element(numbers.begin(), numbers.begin() + n, numbers.end());
		stdNthElement[2] += monitor.stop();
		median = numbers[n];
	std::cout << "Median: " << median << std::endl;

	// ========================================================================================================================================================================

	// nthElement: unsorted array
	std::cout << "Running nthElement on unsorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = originalNumbers;
	for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
		//int n = utils::randRange(1, numbers.size());
		median = utils::nthElement(&(numbers[0]), numbers.size(), n);
		nthElement[0] += monitor.stop();
	std::cout << "Median: " << median << std::endl;
	// nthElement: sorted array
	std::cout << "Running nthElement on sorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = sortedNumbers;
	for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
		//int n = utils::randRange(1, numbers.size());
		median = utils::nthElement(&(numbers[0]), numbers.size(), n);
		nthElement[1] += monitor.stop();
	std::cout << "Median: " << median << std::endl;
	// nthElement: reverse sorted array
	std::reverse(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());
	std::cout << "Running nthElement on reverse sorted array..." << std::endl;
	numbers = reversedNumbers;
	for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
		//int n = utils::randRange(1, numbers.size());
		median = utils::nthElement(&(numbers[0]), numbers.size(), n);
		nthElement[2] += monitor.stop();
	std::cout << "Median: " << median << std::endl;

	// ========================================================================================================================================================================

	std::cout << std::endl << numbers.size() << " elements have been used." << std::endl
		<< "                     unsorted array       sorted array     reverse sorted array" << std::endl
		<< "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl
		<< "      std::sort       " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(stdSort[0]) << "        " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(stdSort[1]) << "         " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(stdSort[2]) << std::endl
		<< "      quicksort       " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(quickSort[0]) << "        " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(quickSort[1]) << "         " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(quickSort[2]) << std::endl
		<< " std::nthElementSort  " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(stdNthElementSort[0]) << "        " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(stdNthElementSort[1]) << "         " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(stdNthElementSort[2]) << std::endl
		<< "  median of medians   " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(medianOfMedianRes[0]) << "        " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(medianOfMedianRes[1]) << "         " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(medianOfMedianRes[2]) << std::endl
		<< "   std::nthElement    " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(stdNthElement[0]) << "        " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(stdNthElement[1]) << "         " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(stdNthElement[2]) << std::endl
		<< "     nth-element      " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(nthElement[0]) << "        " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(nthElement[1]) << "         " << PerformanceMonitor::millisToString(nthElement[2]) << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Note: nth element has been executed " << sampleCount << " times per measurement." << std::endl;
	int mid = numbers.size() / 2;
	std::cout << "Median: Middle element has value " << sortedNumbers[mid] << std::endl;

Ejemplo n.º 4
void annotate( Node &root, const PerformanceMonitor &monitor, PerformanceMetric metric )
	dispatchMetric<Annotate>( Annotate( root, monitor.allStatistics() ), metric );
Ejemplo n.º 5
std::string formatStatistics( const PerformanceMonitor &monitor, PerformanceMetric metric, size_t maxLines )
	return dispatchMetric<FormatStatistics>( FormatStatistics( monitor.allStatistics(), maxLines ), metric );