Ejemplo n.º 1
void run_simulation(Pqueue &arrival_queue, int num_checkers, int break_time, ostream &os)
  int clock = 0;
  int customer_time = 0;
  int num_customers = arrival_queue.length();           //get number of customers
  Checker *check_array = new Checker[num_checkers];     //create array of checkers
  Cust* temp_customer = NULL;

  Pqueue shopping_q;
  Pqueue checker_q;

  //Initialize all of the checkers
  for(int i = 0; i < num_checkers; i++)
    check_array[i].money = 100;
    check_array[i].break_left = 0;
    check_array[i].time_finished = 0;
    check_array[i].current_customer = NULL;

  //start simulation
  for(clock = 1; num_customers > 0; clock++)
    //----Entering Store----
    while(!arrival_queue.empty() && arrival_queue.get_priority_of_first() == clock)
      temp_customer = arrival_queue.dequeue();                  //get customer to enter store
      temp_customer->print_entered(os, clock);                  //print that customer entered store
      customer_time = clock + temp_customer->get_items()*2;     //calculate when customer will be done
      shopping_q.enqueue(temp_customer, customer_time);         //que up customers by the time they are done shopping

    while(!shopping_q.empty() && shopping_q.get_priority_of_first() == clock)
      temp_customer = shopping_q.dequeue();                     //get customer to enter checker's line
      temp_customer->print_finish_shop(os, clock);              //print that customer finished shopping
      checker_q.enqueue(temp_customer, 0);                      //place customer on checker q with no priority

    //----See if any Checkers are done----
    for(int i = 0; i < num_checkers; i++)
      if(check_array[i].current_customer != NULL && check_array[i].time_finished <= clock)
        if(check_array[i].current_customer->get_alignment())    //if person is a robber
          check_array[i].current_customer->print_finish_cs(os, clock, i, check_array[i].money);
          check_array[i].money = 0;                            //checker loses all money
          check_array[i].break_left = clock + break_time;
        else                                                    //if person is a customer 
          check_array[i].current_customer->print_finish_cs(os, clock, i, 0);
          check_array[i].money += check_array[i].current_customer->get_items()*3;       //customer gets 3*number of items
        temp_customer = check_array[i].current_customer; 
        check_array[i].current_customer = NULL;
        delete temp_customer;
        num_customers--;                                        //a customer has been served and leaves the store

    //----Finding Available Checker----
      for(int i = 0; i < num_checkers; i++)
        if(check_array[i].current_customer == NULL && check_array[i].break_left <= clock && !checker_q.empty())    //if checker is available
          temp_customer = checker_q.dequeue();                                //get cusotomer waiting in line
          check_array[i].current_customer = temp_customer;                    //assign that checker the customer
            customer_time = clock + 4;                                        //robbers take clock + 4
            customer_time = clock + temp_customer->get_items();               //customers take *1 every item
          check_array[i].time_finished = customer_time;                       //set the time the checker will be finished at
          temp_customer->print_start_cs(os, clock, i);
  for(int i = 0; i < num_checkers; i++)
    os << "registers[" << i << "] = $" << check_array[i].money << endl;
  os << "time = " << clock << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void run_simulation(Pqueue &arrival_queue, int num_checkers, int break_duration, ostream &os)
  struct Checker
    int money;
    int m_available_time;
    Cust *m_cust;
  Checker *checkers = new Checker[num_checkers];//array, it is an array, array always is a pointer to the first element, 

  int clock;
  int num_customers=arrival_queue.size();     
  Pqueue shop_Q;
  Pqueue checkout_q;
  for(clock=0; num_customers > 0; clock++)
    while(!arrival_queue.empty() &&  (arrival_queue.time_check() == clock))
      Cust *customer = arrival_queue.dequeue();
      customer->print_entered(cout, clock);
      shop_Q.enqueue(customer, customer->time_done_shopping());
    while(!shop_Q.empty() && (shop_Q.time_check() == clock))
      Cust *cust_done = shop_Q.dequeue();
      cust_done->print_done_shopping(cout, clock);
      checkout_q.enqueue(cust_done, 0);
for(int i=0; i<num_checkers; i++)
        cout << "right yeah" << endl;
cout << "break1" << endl;
cout << checkers[i].m_available_time<< endl;
cout << "clock: " << clock<< endl;
if(checkers[i].m_available_time == clock && checkers[i].m_cust == NULL)
//  if((checkers[i].m_cust->done_checkout(checkers[i].m_available_time)) && checkers[i].m_cust == NULL)
      cout << "break2" << endl;
    cout << "checker: " << i << endl;
      cout << "break3" << endl;
      cout << "time: " << clock << endl;
cout << "break4" << endl;
      cout << checkers[i].money<< endl;
      cout << "break5" << endl;
      cout << "break6" << endl;
      checkers[i].money = 0;
      checkers[i].money = checkers[i].money + checkers[i].m_cust->money_earned();
      checkers[i].m_cust->print_done_checkout_shopper(os, clock, checkers[i].money, i);
      cout << "break3" << endl;
      checkers[i].money = checkers[i].money + checkers[i].m_cust->money_earned();
      checkers[i].m_cust->print_done_checkout_shopper(os, clock, checkers[i].money, i);
      checkers[i].money = 0;

    //Cust *tmp = checkers[i].m_cust;
    //delete [] tmp;
    //delete [] checkers[i].m_cust;
//    checkers[i].m_cust=NULL;

//cout << "num:" << num_customers << endl;

for(int i=0; i < num_checkers && checkout_q.empty() == false; i++)
cout << "break3" << endl;
  Cust *checkout_done=checkout_q.dequeue();
  checkers[i].m_cust = checkout_done;
  checkers[i].m_available_time =  checkers[i].m_cust->checkout_time() + checkers[i].m_available_time;
   // checkers[i].m_cust->done_checkout_time(checkers[i].m_available_time);
  checkers[i].m_cust->print_start_checkout(os, clock, i);
    checkers[i].m_available_time = checkers[i].m_available_time+break_duration;

cout << "break4" << endl;
cout << "clock: " << clock << endl;
cout << "break5" << endl;