Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: ASMs1D.C Proyecto: OPM/IFEM
bool ASMs1D::evaluate (const RealFunc* func, RealArray& values,
                       int, double time) const
  Go::SplineCurve* scrv = SplineUtils::project(curv,*func,time);
  if (!scrv)
    std::cerr <<" *** ASMs1D::evaluate: Projection failure."<< std::endl;
    return false;

  delete scrv;

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool ASMs2D::evaluate (const ASMbase* basis, const Vector& locVec,
		       RealArray& vec, int basisNum) const
  const ASMs2D* pch = dynamic_cast<const ASMs2D*>(basis);
  if (!pch) return false;

  // Compute parameter values of the result sampling points (Greville points)
  std::array<RealArray,2> gpar;
  for (int dir = 0; dir < 2; dir++)
    if (!this->getGrevilleParameters(gpar[dir],dir,basisNum))
      return false;

  // Evaluate the result field at all sampling points.
  // Note: it is here assumed that *basis and *this have spline bases
  // defined over the same parameter domain.
  Matrix sValues;
  if (!pch->evalSolution(sValues,locVec,gpar.data()))
    return false;

  Go::SplineSurface* surf = this->getBasis(basisNum);

  // Project the results onto the spline basis to find control point
  // values based on the result values evaluated at the Greville points.
  // Note that we here implicitly assume that the number of Greville points
  // equals the number of control points such that we don't have to resize
  // the result array. Think that is always the case, but beware if trying
  // other projection schemes later.

  RealArray weights;
  if (surf->rational())

  const Vector& vec2 = sValues;
  Go::SplineSurface* surf_new =
						  gpar[0], gpar[1],

  delete surf_new;

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool ASMs2D::evaluate (const Field* field, RealArray& vec, int basisNum) const
  // Compute parameter values of the result sampling points (Greville points)
  std::array<RealArray,2> gpar;
  for (int dir = 0; dir < 2; dir++)
    if (!this->getGrevilleParameters(gpar[dir],dir,basisNum))
      return false;

  // Evaluate the result field at all sampling points.
  // Note: it is here assumed that *basis and *this have spline bases
  // defined over the same parameter domain.
  Vector sValues(gpar[0].size()*gpar[1].size());
  Vector::iterator it=sValues.begin();
  for (size_t j=0;j<gpar[1].size();++j) {
    FiniteElement fe;
    fe.v = gpar[1][j];
    for (size_t i=0;i<gpar[0].size();++i) {
      fe.u = gpar[0][i];
      *it++ = field->valueFE(fe);

  Go::SplineSurface* surf = this->getBasis(basisNum);

  // Project the results onto the spline basis to find control point
  // values based on the result values evaluated at the Greville points.
  // Note that we here implicitly assume that the number of Greville points
  // equals the number of control points such that we don't have to resize
  // the result array. Think that is always the case, but beware if trying
  // other projection schemes later.

  RealArray weights;
  if (surf->rational())

  Go::SplineSurface* surf_new =
                                            gpar[0], gpar[1],
                                            sValues, 1, surf->rational(),

  delete surf_new;

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
const std::vector<RealArray>& USNTwoWayRange::CalculateMeasurementDerivatives(
      GmatBase *obj, Integer id)
            "Derivatives(%s, %d) called\n", obj->GetName().c_str(), id);

   if (!initialized)

   GmatBase *objPtr = NULL;

   Integer size = obj->GetEstimationParameterSize(id);
   Integer objNumber = -1;

      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   ParameterSize = %d\n", size);

   if (size <= 0)
      throw MeasurementException("The derivative parameter on derivative "
            "object " + obj->GetName() + "is not recognized");

   // Check to see if obj is a participant
   for (UnsignedInt i = 0; i < participants.size(); ++i)
      if (participants[i] == obj)
         objPtr = participants[i];
         objNumber = i + 1;
         #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Participant %s found\n",

   // Or if it is the measurement model for this object
   if (obj->IsOfType(Gmat::MEASUREMENT_MODEL))
   if (obj->GetRefObject(Gmat::CORE_MEASUREMENT, "") == this)
      objPtr = obj;
      objNumber = 0;
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   The measurement is the object\n",

   if (objNumber == -1)
      throw MeasurementException(
            "USNTwoWayRange error - object is neither participant nor "
            "measurement model.");

   RealArray oneRow;
   oneRow.assign(size, 0.0);

   Integer parameterID = GetParmIdFromEstID(id, obj);

      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Looking up id %d\n", parameterID);

   if (objPtr != NULL)
      if (objNumber == 1) // participant number 1, either a GroundStation or a Spacecraft
         #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Deriv is w.r.t. %s of Participant"
                     " 1\n", objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID).c_str());
         if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Position")
            throw MeasurementException("Derivative w.r.t. " +
                  participants[0]->GetName() +" position is not yet implemented");

//            CalculateRangeVectorInertial();
//            Rvector3 tmp, result;
//            Rvector3 rangeUnit = rangeVecInertial.GetUnitVector();
//            #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
//               MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   RVInertial      = %.12lf %.12lf %.12lf\n",
//                        rangeVecInertial[0], rangeVecInertial[1], rangeVecInertial[2]);
//               MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Unit RVInertial = %.12lf %.12lf %.12lf ",
//                        rangeUnit[0], rangeUnit[1], rangeUnit[2]);
//            #endif
//            if (stationParticipant)
//            {
//               for (UnsignedInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
//                  tmp[i] = - rangeUnit[i];
//               // for a Ground Station, need to rotate to the F1 frame
//               result = tmp * R_j2k_1;
//               for (UnsignedInt jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++)
//                  currentDerivatives[0][jj] = result[jj];
//            }
//            else
//            {
//               // for a spacecraft participant 1, we don't need the rotation matrices (I33)
//               for (UnsignedInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
//                  currentDerivatives[0][i] = - rangeUnit[i];
//            }
         else if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Velocity")
            throw MeasurementException("Derivative w.r.t. " +
                  participants[0]->GetName() +" velocity is not yet implemented");

//            for (UnsignedInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
//               currentDerivatives[0][i] = 0.0;
         else if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "CartesianX")
            throw MeasurementException("Derivative w.r.t. " +
                  participants[0]->GetName() + " CartesianState is not yet implemented");
//            CalculateRangeVectorInertial();
//            Rvector3 tmp, result;
//            Rvector3 rangeUnit = rangeVecInertial.GetUnitVector();
//            #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
//               MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   RVInertial      = %.12lf %.12lf %.12lf\n",
//                        rangeVecInertial[0], rangeVecInertial[1], rangeVecInertial[2]);
//               MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Unit RVInertial = %.12lf %.12lf %.12lf ",
//                        rangeUnit[0], rangeUnit[1], rangeUnit[2]);
//            #endif
//            if (stationParticipant)
//            {
//               for (UnsignedInt i = 0; i < size; ++i)
//                  tmp[i] = - rangeUnit[i];
//               // for a Ground Station, need to rotate to the F1 frame
//               result = tmp * R_j2k_1;
//               for (UnsignedInt jj = 0; jj < size; jj++)
//                  currentDerivatives[0][jj] = result[jj];
//            }
//            else
//            {
//               // for a spacecraft participant 1, we don't need the rotation matrices (I33)
//               for (UnsignedInt i = 0; i < size; ++i)
//                  currentDerivatives[0][i] = - rangeUnit[i];
//            }
//            // velocity all zeroes
//            for (UnsignedInt ii = 3; ii < size; ii++)
//               currentDerivatives[0][ii] = 0.0;
         else if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Bias")
            for (Integer i = 0; i < size; ++i)
               currentDerivatives[0][i] = 1.0;
            #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Deriv is w.r.t. something "
                        "independent, so zero\n");
            for (Integer i = 0; i < size; ++i)
               currentDerivatives[0][i] = 0.0;

      else if (objNumber == 2) // participant 2, always a Spacecraft
         #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Deriv is w.r.t. %s of Participant"
                     " 2\n", objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID).c_str());

         if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Position")
            // Get the inverse of the orbit STM at the measurement epoch
            // Will need adjustment if stm changes
            Rmatrix stmInv(6,6);
            GetInverseSTM(obj, stmInv);

            Rvector3 uplinkRderiv;
            GetRangeDerivative(uplinkLeg, stmInv, uplinkRderiv, false, 0, 1,
                  true, false);

            // Downlink leg
            Rvector3 downlinkRderiv;
            GetRangeDerivative(downlinkLeg, stmInv, downlinkRderiv, false, 0, 1,
                  true, false);

            // Add 'em up per eq 7.52 and 7.53
            for (Integer i = 0; i < size; ++i)
               currentDerivatives[0][i] =
                     0.5 * (uplinkRderiv[i] + downlinkRderiv[i]);
            #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage("Position Derivative: [%.12lf "
                     "%.12lf %.12lf]\n", currentDerivatives[0][0],
                     currentDerivatives[0][1], currentDerivatives[0][2]);
         else if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Velocity")
            // Get the inverse of the orbit STM at the measurement epoch
            // Will need adjustment if stm changes
            Rmatrix stmInv(6,6);
            GetInverseSTM(obj, stmInv);

            Rvector3 uplinkVderiv;
            GetRangeDerivative(uplinkLeg, stmInv, uplinkVderiv, false, 0, 1,

            // Downlink leg
            Rvector3 downlinkVderiv;
            GetRangeDerivative(downlinkLeg, stmInv, downlinkVderiv, false, 0, 1,

            // Add 'em up per eq 7.52 and 7.53
            for (Integer i = 0; i < size; ++i)
               currentDerivatives[0][i] =
                     0.5 * (uplinkVderiv[i] + downlinkVderiv[i]);
            #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage("Velocity Derivative: [%.12lf "
                     "%.12lf %.12lf]\n", currentDerivatives[0][0],
                     currentDerivatives[0][1], currentDerivatives[0][2]);
         else if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "CartesianX")
            // Get the inverse of the orbit STM at the measurement epoch
            // Will need adjustment if stm changes
            Rmatrix stmInv(6,6);
            GetInverseSTM(obj, stmInv);

            Rvector6 uplinkDeriv;
            GetRangeDerivative(uplinkLeg, stmInv, uplinkDeriv, false);

            // Downlink leg
            Rvector6 downlinkDeriv;
            GetRangeDerivative(downlinkLeg, stmInv, downlinkDeriv, false);

            // Add 'em up per eq 7.52 and 7.53
            for (Integer i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
               currentDerivatives[0][i] =
                     0.5 * (uplinkDeriv[i] + downlinkDeriv[i]);
            #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage("CartesianState Derivative: "
                     "[%.12lf %.12lf %.12lf %.12lf %.12lf %.12lf]\n",
                     currentDerivatives[0][0], currentDerivatives[0][1],
                     currentDerivatives[0][2], currentDerivatives[0][3],
                     currentDerivatives[0][4], currentDerivatives[0][5]);
      else if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Bias")
         for (Integer i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            currentDerivatives[0][i] = 1.0;
         for (Integer i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            currentDerivatives[0][i] = 0.0;

   else if (objNumber == 0) // measurement model
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Deriv is w.r.t. %s of the "
                  "measurement model\n",
      if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Bias")
         for (Integer i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            currentDerivatives[0][i] = 1.0;
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Deriv is w.r.t. %s of a non-"
      for (Integer i = 0; i < size; ++i)
         currentDerivatives[0][i] = 0.0;

         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Deriv =\n   ");

         for (Integer i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   %.12le",currentDerivatives[0][i]);
   return currentDerivatives;
Ejemplo n.º 5
const std::vector<RealArray>& TDRSSTwoWayRange::CalculateMeasurementDerivatives(
      GmatBase *obj, Integer id)
            "Derivatives(%s, %d) called\n", obj->GetName().c_str(), id);

   if (!initialized)

   GmatBase *objPtr = NULL;

   Integer size = obj->GetEstimationParameterSize(id);
   Integer objNumber = -1;

      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   ParameterSize = %d\n", size);

   if (size <= 0)
      throw MeasurementException("The derivative parameter on derivative "
            "object " + obj->GetName() + "is not recognized");

   // Check to see if obj is a participant
   for (UnsignedInt i = 0; i < this->participants.size(); ++i)
      if (participants[i] == obj)
         objPtr = participants[i];
         objNumber = i + 1;
         #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Participant %s found\n",

   // Or if it is the measurement model for this object
   if (obj->IsOfType(Gmat::MEASUREMENT_MODEL))
   if (obj->GetRefObject(Gmat::CORE_MEASUREMENT, "") == this)
      objPtr = obj;
      objNumber = 0;
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   The measurement is the object\n",

   if (objNumber == -1)
      throw MeasurementException(
            "TDRSSTwoWayRange error - object is neither participant nor "
            "measurement model.");

   RealArray oneRow;
   oneRow.assign(size, 0.0);

   Integer parameterID = GetParmIdFromEstID(id, obj);

      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Looking up id %d\n", parameterID);

   if (objPtr != NULL)
      if (objNumber == 1) // participant number 1, either a GroundStation or a Spacecraft
         #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Deriv is w.r.t. %s of Participant"
                     " 1\n", objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID).c_str());
         if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Position")
            throw MeasurementException("Derivative w.r.t. " +
                  participants[0]->GetName() + " Position is not yet implemented");
         else if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Velocity")
            throw MeasurementException("Derivative w.r.t. " +
                  participants[0]->GetName() + " Velocity is not yet implemented");
         else if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "CartesianX")
            throw MeasurementException("Derivative w.r.t. " +
                  participants[0]->GetName() + " CartesianState is not yet implemented");
         else if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Bias")
            for (Integer i = 0; i < size; ++i)
               currentDerivatives[0][i] = 1.0;
            #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Deriv is w.r.t. something "
                        "independent, so zero\n");
            for (UnsignedInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
               currentDerivatives[0][i] = 0.0;
      else if (objNumber == 2) // participant 2, should be a TDRSS Spacecraft
         #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Deriv is w.r.t. %s of Participant"
                     " 1\n", objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID).c_str());
         if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Position")
            throw MeasurementException("Derivative w.r.t. " +
                  participants[0]->GetName() + " Position is not yet implemented");
         else if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Velocity")
            throw MeasurementException("Derivative w.r.t. " +
                  participants[0]->GetName() + " Velocity is not yet implemented");
         else if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "CartesianX")
            throw MeasurementException("Derivative w.r.t. " +
                  participants[0]->GetName() + " CartesianState is not yet implemented");
         else if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Bias")
            for (Integer i = 0; i < size; ++i)
               currentDerivatives[0][i] = 1.0;
            #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Deriv is w.r.t. something "
                        "independent, so zero\n");
            for (UnsignedInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
               currentDerivatives[0][i] = 0.0;
      else if (objNumber == 3) // participant 3, always a Spacecraft
         #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Deriv is w.r.t. %s of Participant"
                     " 3\n", objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID).c_str());

         if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Position")
            // Get the inverse of the orbit STM at the measurement epoch
            // Will need adjustment if stm changes
            Rmatrix stmInv(6,6);
            GetInverseSTM(obj, stmInv);

            Rvector3 forwardlinkRderiv;
            GetRangeDerivative(forwardlinkLeg, stmInv, forwardlinkRderiv, false,
                  1, 2, true, false);

            // Downlink leg
            Rvector3 backlinkRderiv;
            GetRangeDerivative(backlinkLeg, stmInv, backlinkRderiv, false, 1, 2,
                  true, false);

            // Add 'em up per eq tbd
            for (Integer i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
               currentDerivatives[0][i] =
                     0.5 * (forwardlinkRderiv[i] + backlinkRderiv[i]);
            #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage("Position Derivative: [%.12lf "
                     "%.12lf %.12lf]\n", currentDerivatives[0][0],
                     currentDerivatives[0][1], currentDerivatives[0][2]);
         else if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Velocity")
            // Get the inverse of the orbit STM at the measurement epoch
            // Will need adjustment if stm changes
            Rmatrix stmInv(6,6);
            GetInverseSTM(obj, stmInv);

            Rvector3 forwardlinkVderiv;
            GetRangeDerivative(forwardlinkLeg, stmInv, forwardlinkVderiv, false,
                  1, 2, false);

            // Downlink leg
            Rvector3 backlinkVderiv;
            GetRangeDerivative(backlinkLeg, stmInv, backlinkVderiv, false, 1, 2,

            // Add 'em up per eq tbd
            for (Integer i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
               currentDerivatives[0][i] =
                     0.5 * (forwardlinkVderiv[i] + backlinkVderiv[i]);
            #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage("Velocity Derivative: [%.12lf "
                     "%.12lf %.12lf]\n", currentDerivatives[0][0],
                     currentDerivatives[0][1], currentDerivatives[0][2]);
         else if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "CartesianX")
            // Get the inverse of the orbit STM at the measurement epoch
            // Will need adjustment if stm changes
            Rmatrix stmInv(6,6);
            GetInverseSTM(obj, stmInv);

            Rvector6 forwardlinkDeriv;
            GetRangeDerivative(forwardlinkLeg, stmInv, forwardlinkDeriv, false,
                  1, 2);

            // Downlink leg
            Rvector6 backlinkDeriv;
            GetRangeDerivative(backlinkLeg, stmInv, backlinkDeriv, false, 1, 2);

            // Add 'em up per eq tbd
            for (Integer i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
               currentDerivatives[0][i] =
                     0.5 * (forwardlinkDeriv[i] + backlinkDeriv[i]);
            #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage("CartesianState Derivative: "
                     "[%.12lf %.12lf %.12lf %.12lf %.12lf %.12lf]\n",
                     currentDerivatives[0][0], currentDerivatives[0][1],
                     currentDerivatives[0][2], currentDerivatives[0][3],
                     currentDerivatives[0][4], currentDerivatives[0][5]);
         else if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Bias")
            for (Integer i = 0; i < size; ++i)
               currentDerivatives[0][i] = 1.0;
            for (UnsignedInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
               currentDerivatives[0][i] = 0.0;

      else if (objNumber == 0) // measurement model
         #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Deriv is w.r.t. %s of the "
                     "measurement model\n",
         if (objPtr->GetParameterText(parameterID) == "Bias")
            for (Integer i = 0; i < size; ++i)
               currentDerivatives[0][i] = 1.0;
         #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Deriv is w.r.t. %s of a non-"
         for (UnsignedInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            currentDerivatives[0][i] = 0.0;

         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Deriv =\n   ");

         for (Integer i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   %.12le",currentDerivatives[0][i]);
   return currentDerivatives;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void ExtendedKalmanInv::ComputeObs()
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("Computing obs and hTilde\n");
   // Compute the O-C, Htilde, and Kalman gain
   const MeasurementData *calculatedMeas = NULL;
   std::vector<RealArray> stateDeriv;
   const std::vector<ListItem*> *stateMap = esm.GetStateMap();
   const ObservationData *currentObs =  measManager.GetObsData();

      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("StateMap size is %d\n", stateMap->size());

   modelsToAccess = measManager.GetValidMeasurementList();

   UnsignedInt rowCount;
   // Currently assuming uniqueness in models to access
   if (measManager.Calculate(modelsToAccess[0], true) >= 1)
      calculatedMeas = measManager.GetMeasurement(modelsToAccess[0]);
      RealArray hTrow;
      hTrow.assign(stateSize, 0.0);
      rowCount = calculatedMeas->value.size();
      measSize = currentObs->value.size();

         if (rowCount != measSize)
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage("Mismatch between rowCount (%d) and "
                  "measSize(%d)\n", rowCount, measSize);

      for (UnsignedInt i = 0; i < rowCount; ++i)

      // Now walk the state vector and get elements of H-tilde for each piece
      for (UnsignedInt i = 0; i < stateSize; ++i)
         if ((*stateMap)[i]->subelement == 1)
            stateDeriv = measManager.CalculateDerivatives(
                  (*stateMap)[i]->object, (*stateMap)[i]->elementID,

            // Fill in the corresponding elements of hTilde
            for (UnsignedInt j = 0; j < rowCount; ++j)
               for (Integer k = 0; k < (*stateMap)[i]->length; ++k)
                  hTilde[j][i+k] = stateDeriv[j][k];

   if (calculatedMeas == NULL)
      throw EstimatorException("No measurement was calculated!");

   Real ocDiff;
   for (UnsignedInt k = 0; k < measSize; ++k)
      ocDiff = currentObs->value[k] - calculatedMeas->value[k];
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("*** Current O-C = %.12lf\n", ocDiff);

   if (currentObs->noiseCovariance == NULL)
      measCovariance = calculatedMeas->covariance;
      measCovariance = currentObs->noiseCovariance;