Ejemplo n.º 1
FeatureSourceOptions::toConfig() const
    Config conf = DriverOptions::toConfig();

    //TODO: make each of these filters Configurable.
    for( FeatureFilterList::const_iterator i = _filters.begin(); i != _filters.end(); ++i )
        BufferFilter* buffer = dynamic_cast<BufferFilter*>( i->get() );
        if ( buffer ) {
            Config bufferConf( "buffer" );
            bufferConf.addIfSet( "distance", buffer->distance() );
            conf.update( bufferConf );
        ResampleFilter* resample = dynamic_cast<ResampleFilter*>( i->get() );
        if ( resample ) { 
            Config resampleConf( "resample" );
            resampleConf.addIfSet( "min_length", resample->minLength() );
            resampleConf.addIfSet( "max_length", resample->maxLength() );
            conf.update( resampleConf );

    return conf;
Ejemplo n.º 2
FeatureSourceOptions::FeatureSourceOptions( const PluginOptions* opt ) :
DriverOptions( opt )
    const Config& bufferConf = config().child("buffer");
    if ( !bufferConf.empty() )
        BufferFilter* buffer = new BufferFilter();
        bufferConf.getIfSet( "distance", buffer->distance() );
        _filters.push_back( buffer );

    // resample operation:
    // resampling must occur AFTER buffering, because the buffer op will remove colinear segments.
    const Config& resampleConf = config().child("resample");
    if ( !resampleConf.empty() )
        ResampleFilter* resample = new ResampleFilter();
        resampleConf.getIfSet( "min_length", resample->minLength() );
        resampleConf.getIfSet( "max_length", resample->maxLength() );
        _filters.push_back( resample );
Ejemplo n.º 3
Graticule::createGridLevel( unsigned int levelNum ) const
    if ( !_map->isGeocentric() )
        OE_WARN << "Graticule: only supports geocentric maps" << std::endl;
        return 0L;

    Graticule::Level level;
    if ( !getLevel( levelNum, level ) )
        return 0L;

    OE_DEBUG << "Graticule: creating grid level " << levelNum << std::endl;

    osg::Group* group = new osg::Group();

    const Profile* mapProfile = _map->getProfile();
    const GeoExtent& pex = mapProfile->getExtent();

    double tw = pex.width() / (double)level._cellsX;
    double th = pex.height() / (double)level._cellsY;

    for( unsigned int x=0; x<level._cellsX; ++x )
        for( unsigned int y=0; y<level._cellsY; ++y )
            GeoExtent tex(
                pex.xMin() + tw * (double)x,
                pex.yMin() + th * (double)y,
                pex.xMin() + tw * (double)(x+1),
                pex.yMin() + th * (double)(y+1) );

            Geometry* geom = createCellGeometry( tex, level._lineWidth, pex, _map->isGeocentric() );

            Feature* feature = new Feature();
            feature->setGeometry( geom );
            FeatureList features;
            features.push_back( feature );

            FilterContext cx;
            cx.profile() = new FeatureProfile( tex );
            //cx.isGeocentric() = _map->isGeocentric();

            if ( _map->isGeocentric() )
                // We need to make sure that on a round globe, the points are sampled such that
                // long segments follow the curvature of the earth.
                ResampleFilter resample;
                resample.maxLength() = tex.width() / 10.0;
                cx = resample.push( features, cx );

            TransformFilter xform( mapProfile->getSRS() );
            //xform.setMakeGeocentric( _map->isGeocentric() );
            //xform.setLocalizeCoordinates( true );
            cx = xform.push( features, cx );

            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> output;
            BuildGeometryFilter bg;
            bg.setStyle( _lineStyle );
            //cx = bg.push( features, cx );
            output = bg.push( features, cx ); //.getNode();

            if ( _map->isGeocentric() )
                // get the geocentric control point:
                double cplon, cplat, cpx, cpy, cpz;
                tex.getCentroid( cplon, cplat );
                    osg::DegreesToRadians( cplat ), osg::DegreesToRadians( cplon ), 0.0, cpx, cpy, cpz );
                osg::Vec3 controlPoint(cpx, cpy, cpz);

                // get the horizon point:
                    osg::DegreesToRadians( tex.yMin() ), osg::DegreesToRadians( tex.xMin() ), 0.0,
                    cpx, cpy, cpz );
                osg::Vec3 horizonPoint(cpx, cpy, cpz);

                // the deviation is the dot product of the control vector and the vector from the
                // control point to the horizon point.
                osg::Vec3 controlPointNorm = controlPoint; controlPointNorm.normalize();
                osg::Vec3 horizonVecNorm = horizonPoint - controlPoint; horizonVecNorm.normalize();                
                float deviation = controlPointNorm * horizonVecNorm;

                // construct the culling callback using the deviation.
                osg::ClusterCullingCallback* ccc = new osg::ClusterCullingCallback();
                ccc->set( controlPoint, controlPointNorm, deviation, (controlPoint-horizonPoint).length() );

                // need a new group, because never put a cluster culler on a matrixtransform (doesn't work)
                osg::Group* me = new osg::Group();
                me->setCullCallback( ccc );
                me->addChild( output.get() );
                output = me;

            group->addChild( output.get() );

    // organize it for better culling
    osgUtil::Optimizer opt;
    opt.optimize( group, osgUtil::Optimizer::SPATIALIZE_GROUPS );

    osg::Node* result = group;

    if ( levelNum < getNumLevels() )
        Graticule::Level nextLevel;
        if ( getLevel( levelNum+1, nextLevel ) )
            osg::PagedLOD* plod = new osg::PagedLOD();
            plod->addChild( group, nextLevel._maxRange, level._maxRange );
            std::stringstream buf;
            buf << levelNum+1 << "_" << getID() << "." << GRID_MARKER << "." << GRATICLE_EXTENSION;
            std::string bufStr = buf.str();
            plod->setFileName( 1, bufStr );
            plod->setRange( 1, 0, nextLevel._maxRange );
            result = plod;

    return result;
GeometryCompiler::compile(FeatureList&          workingSet,
                          const Style&          style,
                          const FilterContext&  context)
    osg::Timer_t p_start = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    unsigned p_features = workingSet.size();

    // for debugging/validation.
    std::vector<std::string> history;
    bool trackHistory = (_options.validate() == true);

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> resultGroup = new osg::Group();

    // create a filter context that will track feature data through the process
    FilterContext sharedCX = context;

    if ( !sharedCX.extent().isSet() && sharedCX.profile() )
        sharedCX.extent() = sharedCX.profile()->getExtent();

    // ref_ptr's to hold defaults in case we need them.
    osg::ref_ptr<PointSymbol>   defaultPoint;
    osg::ref_ptr<LineSymbol>    defaultLine;
    osg::ref_ptr<PolygonSymbol> defaultPolygon;

    // go through the Style and figure out which filters to use.
    const PointSymbol*     point     = style.get<PointSymbol>();
    const LineSymbol*      line      = style.get<LineSymbol>();
    const PolygonSymbol*   polygon   = style.get<PolygonSymbol>();
    const ExtrusionSymbol* extrusion = style.get<ExtrusionSymbol>();
    const AltitudeSymbol*  altitude  = style.get<AltitudeSymbol>();
    const TextSymbol*      text      = style.get<TextSymbol>();
    const MarkerSymbol*    marker    = style.get<MarkerSymbol>();    // to be deprecated
    const IconSymbol*      icon      = style.get<IconSymbol>();
    const ModelSymbol*     model     = style.get<ModelSymbol>();

    // Perform tessellation first.
    if ( line )
        if ( line->tessellation().isSet() )
            TemplateFeatureFilter<TessellateOperator> filter;
            filter.setNumPartitions( *line->tessellation() );
            filter.setDefaultGeoInterp( _options.geoInterp().get() );
            sharedCX = filter.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "tessellation" );
        else if ( line->tessellationSize().isSet() )
            TemplateFeatureFilter<TessellateOperator> filter;
            filter.setMaxPartitionSize( *line->tessellationSize() );
            filter.setDefaultGeoInterp( _options.geoInterp().get() );
            sharedCX = filter.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "tessellationSize" );

    // if the style was empty, use some defaults based on the geometry type of the
    // first feature.
    if ( !point && !line && !polygon && !marker && !extrusion && !text && !model && !icon && workingSet.size() > 0 )
        Feature* first = workingSet.begin()->get();
        Geometry* geom = first->getGeometry();
        if ( geom )
            switch( geom->getComponentType() )
            case Geometry::TYPE_LINESTRING:
            case Geometry::TYPE_RING:
                defaultLine = new LineSymbol();
                line = defaultLine.get();
            case Geometry::TYPE_POINTSET:
                defaultPoint = new PointSymbol();
                point = defaultPoint.get();
            case Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON:
                defaultPolygon = new PolygonSymbol();
                polygon = defaultPolygon.get();
            case Geometry::TYPE_MULTI:
            case Geometry::TYPE_UNKNOWN:

    // resample the geometry if necessary:
    if (_options.resampleMode().isSet())
        ResampleFilter resample;
        resample.resampleMode() = *_options.resampleMode();        
        if (_options.resampleMaxLength().isSet())
            resample.maxLength() = *_options.resampleMaxLength();
        sharedCX = resample.push( workingSet, sharedCX ); 
        if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "resample" );
    // check whether we need to do elevation clamping:
    bool altRequired =
        _options.ignoreAltitudeSymbol() != true &&
        altitude && (
            altitude->clamping() != AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_NONE ||
            altitude->verticalOffset().isSet() ||
            altitude->verticalScale().isSet() ||
            altitude->script().isSet() );

    // marker substitution -- to be deprecated in favor of model/icon
    if ( marker )
        if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "marker" );

        // use a separate filter context since we'll be munging the data
        FilterContext markerCX = sharedCX;

        if ( marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM   ||
             marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_INTERVAL )
            ScatterFilter scatter;
            scatter.setDensity( *marker->density() );
            scatter.setRandom( marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM );
            scatter.setRandomSeed( *marker->randomSeed() );
            markerCX = scatter.push( workingSet, markerCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "scatter" );
        else if ( marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_CENTROID )
            CentroidFilter centroid;
            markerCX = centroid.push( workingSet, markerCX );  
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "centroid" );

        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            markerCX = clamp.push( workingSet, markerCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "altitude" );

            // don't set this; we changed the input data.
            //altRequired = false;

        SubstituteModelFilter sub( style );

        sub.setClustering( *_options.clustering() );

        sub.setUseDrawInstanced( *_options.instancing() );

        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            sub.setFeatureNameExpr( *_options.featureName() );

        osg::Node* node = sub.push( workingSet, markerCX );
        if ( node )
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "substitute" );
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    // instance substitution (replaces marker)
    else if ( model )
        const InstanceSymbol* instance = model ? (const InstanceSymbol*)model : (const InstanceSymbol*)icon;

        // use a separate filter context since we'll be munging the data
        FilterContext localCX = sharedCX;
        if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "model");

        if ( instance->placement() == InstanceSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM   ||
             instance->placement() == InstanceSymbol::PLACEMENT_INTERVAL )
            ScatterFilter scatter;
            scatter.setDensity( *instance->density() );
            scatter.setRandom( instance->placement() == InstanceSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM );
            scatter.setRandomSeed( *instance->randomSeed() );
            localCX = scatter.push( workingSet, localCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "scatter" );
        else if ( instance->placement() == InstanceSymbol::PLACEMENT_CENTROID )
            CentroidFilter centroid;
            localCX = centroid.push( workingSet, localCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "centroid" );

        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            localCX = clamp.push( workingSet, localCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "altitude" );

        SubstituteModelFilter sub( style );

        // activate clustering
        sub.setClustering( *_options.clustering() );

        // activate draw-instancing
        sub.setUseDrawInstanced( *_options.instancing() );

        // activate feature naming
        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            sub.setFeatureNameExpr( *_options.featureName() );

        osg::Node* node = sub.push( workingSet, localCX );
        if ( node )
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "substitute" );

            resultGroup->addChild( node );

            // enable auto scaling on the group?
            if ( model && model->autoScale() == true )
                resultGroup->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(0, osgEarth::AUTO_SCALE_BIN );

    // extruded geometry
    if ( extrusion )
        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            sharedCX = clamp.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "altitude" );
            altRequired = false;

        ExtrudeGeometryFilter extrude;
        extrude.setStyle( style );

        // apply per-feature naming if requested.
        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            extrude.setFeatureNameExpr( *_options.featureName() );

        if ( _options.mergeGeometry().isSet() )
            extrude.setMergeGeometry( *_options.mergeGeometry() );

        osg::Node* node = extrude.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
        if ( node )
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "extrude" );
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    // simple geometry
    else if ( point || line || polygon )
        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            sharedCX = clamp.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "altitude" );
            altRequired = false;

        BuildGeometryFilter filter( style );
        filter.maxGranularity() = *_options.maxGranularity();
        filter.geoInterp()      = *_options.geoInterp();

        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            filter.featureName() = *_options.featureName();

        osg::Node* node = filter.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
        if ( node )
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "geometry" );
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    if ( text || icon )
        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            sharedCX = clamp.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "altitude" );
            altRequired = false;

        BuildTextFilter filter( style );
        osg::Node* node = filter.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
        if ( node )
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "text" );
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    if (Registry::capabilities().supportsGLSL())
        if ( _options.shaderPolicy() == SHADERPOLICY_GENERATE )
            // no ss cache because we will optimize later.
                "osgEarth.GeomCompiler" );
        else if ( _options.shaderPolicy() == SHADERPOLICY_DISABLE )
                new osg::Program(),
                osg::StateAttribute::OFF | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "no shaders" );

    // Optimize stateset sharing.
    if ( _options.optimizeStateSharing() == true )
        // Common state set cache?
        osg::ref_ptr<StateSetCache> sscache;
        if ( sharedCX.getSession() )
            // with a shared cache, don't combine statesets. They may be
            // in the live graph
            sscache = sharedCX.getSession()->getStateSetCache();
            sscache->consolidateStateAttributes( resultGroup.get() );
            // isolated: perform full optimization
            sscache = new StateSetCache();
            sscache->optimize( resultGroup.get() );
        if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "share state" );

    if ( _options.optimize() == true )
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "optimize begin" << std::endl;

        // Run the optimizer on the resulting graph
        int optimizations =
            osgUtil::Optimizer::FLATTEN_STATIC_TRANSFORMS |
            osgUtil::Optimizer::REMOVE_REDUNDANT_NODES |
            osgUtil::Optimizer::COMBINE_ADJACENT_LODS |
            osgUtil::Optimizer::SHARE_DUPLICATE_STATE |
            osgUtil::Optimizer::MERGE_GEOMETRY |
            osgUtil::Optimizer::CHECK_GEOMETRY |
            osgUtil::Optimizer::MERGE_GEODES |

        osgUtil::Optimizer opt;
        opt.optimize(resultGroup.get(), optimizations);
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "optimize complete" << std::endl;

        if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "optimize" );

    //test: dump the tile to disk
    //osgDB::writeNodeFile( *(resultGroup.get()), "out.osg" );

    static double totalTime = 0.0;
    static Threading::Mutex totalTimeMutex;
    osg::Timer_t p_end = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    double t = osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s(p_start, p_end);
    totalTime += t;
    OE_INFO << LC
        << "features = " << p_features
        << ", time = " << t << " s.  cummulative = " 
        << totalTime << " s."
        << std::endl;

    if ( _options.validate() == true )
        OE_NOTICE << LC << "-- Start Debugging --\n";
        std::stringstream buf;
        buf << "HISTORY ";
        for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator h = history.begin(); h != history.end(); ++h)
            buf << ".. " << *h;
        OE_NOTICE << LC << buf.str() << "\n";
        osgEarth::GeometryValidator validator;
        OE_NOTICE << LC << "-- End Debugging --\n";

    return resultGroup.release();
Ejemplo n.º 5
GeometryCompiler::compile(FeatureList&          workingSet,
                          const Style&          style,
                          const FilterContext&  context)
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> resultGroup = new osg::Group();

    // create a filter context that will track feature data through the process
    FilterContext sharedCX = context;
    if ( !sharedCX.extent().isSet() )
        sharedCX.extent() = sharedCX.profile()->getExtent();

    // only localize coordinates if the map is geocentric AND the extent is
    // less than 180 degrees.
    const MapInfo& mi = sharedCX.getSession()->getMapInfo();
    GeoExtent workingExtent = sharedCX.extent()->transform( sharedCX.profile()->getSRS()->getGeographicSRS() );
    bool localize = mi.isGeocentric() && workingExtent.width() < 180.0;

    // go through the Style and figure out which filters to use.
    const MarkerSymbol*    marker    = style.get<MarkerSymbol>();
    const PointSymbol*     point     = style.get<PointSymbol>();
    const LineSymbol*      line      = style.get<LineSymbol>();
    const PolygonSymbol*   polygon   = style.get<PolygonSymbol>();
    const ExtrusionSymbol* extrusion = style.get<ExtrusionSymbol>();
    const AltitudeSymbol*  altitude  = style.get<AltitudeSymbol>();
    const TextSymbol*      text      = style.get<TextSymbol>();

    if (_options.resampleMode().isSet())
        ResampleFilter resample;
        resample.resampleMode() = *_options.resampleMode();        
        if (_options.resampleMaxLength().isSet())
            resample.maxLength() = *_options.resampleMaxLength();
        sharedCX = resample.push( workingSet, sharedCX );        
    bool clampRequired =
        altitude && altitude->clamping() != AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_NONE;
    // transform the features into the map profile
    TransformFilter xform( mi.getProfile()->getSRS(), mi.isGeocentric() );   
    xform.setLocalizeCoordinates( localize );
    if ( altitude && altitude->verticalOffset().isSet() && !clampRequired )
        xform.setMatrix( osg::Matrixd::translate(0, 0, *altitude->verticalOffset()) );
    sharedCX = xform.push( workingSet, sharedCX );

    // model substitution
    if ( marker )
        // use a separate filter context since we'll be munging the data
        FilterContext markerCX = sharedCX;

        if ( marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM   ||
             marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_INTERVAL )
            ScatterFilter scatter;
            scatter.setDensity( *marker->density() );
            scatter.setRandom( marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM );
            scatter.setRandomSeed( *marker->randomSeed() );
            markerCX = scatter.push( workingSet, markerCX );

        if ( clampRequired )
            ClampFilter clamp;
            clamp.setIgnoreZ( altitude->clamping() == AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN );
            clamp.setOffsetZ( *altitude->verticalOffset() );
            markerCX = clamp.push( workingSet, markerCX );

            // don't set this; we changed the input data.
            //clampRequired = false;

        SubstituteModelFilter sub( style );
        sub.setClustering( *_options.clustering() );
        if ( marker->scale().isSet() )
            sub.setModelMatrix( osg::Matrixd::scale( *marker->scale() ) );
        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            sub.setFeatureNameExpr( *_options.featureName() );

        markerCX = sub.push( workingSet, markerCX );

        osg::Node* node = sub.getNode();
        if ( node )
            if ( markerCX.hasReferenceFrame() )
                osg::MatrixTransform* delocalizer = new osg::MatrixTransform( markerCX.inverseReferenceFrame() );
                delocalizer->addChild( node );
                node = delocalizer;

            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    // extruded geometry
    if ( extrusion && ( line || polygon ) )
        if ( clampRequired )
            ClampFilter clamp;
            clamp.setIgnoreZ( altitude->clamping() == AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN );
            if ( extrusion->heightReference() == ExtrusionSymbol::HEIGHT_REFERENCE_MSL )
                clamp.setMaxZAttributeName( "__max_z");
            clamp.setOffsetZ( *altitude->verticalOffset() );
            sharedCX = clamp.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            clampRequired = false;

        ExtrudeGeometryFilter extrude;
        if ( extrusion )
            if ( extrusion->height().isSet() )
                extrude.setExtrusionHeight( *extrusion->height() );
            if ( extrusion->heightExpression().isSet() )
                extrude.setExtrusionExpr( *extrusion->heightExpression() );
            if ( extrusion->heightReference() == ExtrusionSymbol::HEIGHT_REFERENCE_MSL )
                extrude.setHeightOffsetExpression( NumericExpression("[__max_z]") );
            if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
                extrude.setFeatureNameExpr( *_options.featureName() );
            extrude.setFlatten( *extrusion->flatten() );
        if ( polygon )
            extrude.setColor( polygon->fill()->color() );

        osg::Node* node = extrude.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
        if ( node )
            if ( sharedCX.hasReferenceFrame() )
                osg::MatrixTransform* delocalizer = new osg::MatrixTransform( sharedCX.inverseReferenceFrame() );
                delocalizer->addChild( node );
                node = delocalizer;
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    // simple geometry
    else if ( point || line || polygon )
        if ( clampRequired )
            ClampFilter clamp;
            clamp.setIgnoreZ( altitude->clamping() == AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN );
            clamp.setOffsetZ( *altitude->verticalOffset() );
            sharedCX = clamp.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            clampRequired = false;

        BuildGeometryFilter filter( style );
        if ( _options.maxGranularity().isSet() )
            filter.maxGranularity() = *_options.maxGranularity();
        if ( _options.geoInterp().isSet() )
            filter.geoInterp() = *_options.geoInterp();
        if ( _options.mergeGeometry().isSet() )
            filter.mergeGeometry() = *_options.mergeGeometry();
        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            filter.featureName() = *_options.featureName();
        sharedCX = filter.push( workingSet, sharedCX );

        osg::Node* node = filter.getNode();
        if ( node )
            if ( sharedCX.hasReferenceFrame() )
                osg::MatrixTransform* delocalizer = new osg::MatrixTransform( sharedCX.inverseReferenceFrame() );
                delocalizer->addChild( node );
                node = delocalizer;
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    if ( text )
        if ( clampRequired )
            ClampFilter clamp;
            clamp.setIgnoreZ( altitude->clamping() == AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN );
            clamp.setOffsetZ( *altitude->verticalOffset() );
            sharedCX = clamp.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            clampRequired = false;

        BuildTextFilter filter( style );
        sharedCX = filter.push( workingSet, sharedCX );

        osg::Node* node = filter.takeNode();
        if ( node )
            if ( sharedCX.hasReferenceFrame() )
                osg::MatrixTransform* delocalizer = new osg::MatrixTransform( sharedCX.inverseReferenceFrame() );
                delocalizer->addChild( node );
                node = delocalizer;
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    //else // insufficient symbology
    //    OE_WARN << LC << "Insufficient symbology; no geometry created" << std::endl;

#if 0
    // install the localization transform if necessary.
    if ( cx.hasReferenceFrame() )
        osg::MatrixTransform* delocalizer = new osg::MatrixTransform( cx.inverseReferenceFrame() );
        delocalizer->addChild( resultGroup.get() );
        resultGroup = delocalizer;

    resultGroup->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode( GL_BLEND, 1 );

    //osgDB::writeNodeFile( *(resultGroup.get()), "out.osg" );

    return resultGroup.release();
Ejemplo n.º 6
GeometryCompiler::compile(FeatureList&          workingSet,
                          const Style&          style,
                          const FilterContext&  context)
    osg::Timer_t p_start = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    unsigned p_features = workingSet.size();

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> resultGroup = new osg::Group();

    // create a filter context that will track feature data through the process
    FilterContext sharedCX = context;
    if ( !sharedCX.extent().isSet() && sharedCX.profile() )
        sharedCX.extent() = sharedCX.profile()->getExtent();

    // ref_ptr's to hold defaults in case we need them.
    osg::ref_ptr<PointSymbol>   defaultPoint;
    osg::ref_ptr<LineSymbol>    defaultLine;
    osg::ref_ptr<PolygonSymbol> defaultPolygon;

    // go through the Style and figure out which filters to use.
    const PointSymbol*     point     = style.get<PointSymbol>();
    const LineSymbol*      line      = style.get<LineSymbol>();
    const PolygonSymbol*   polygon   = style.get<PolygonSymbol>();
    const ExtrusionSymbol* extrusion = style.get<ExtrusionSymbol>();
    const AltitudeSymbol*  altitude  = style.get<AltitudeSymbol>();
    const TextSymbol*      text      = style.get<TextSymbol>();
    const MarkerSymbol*    marker    = style.get<MarkerSymbol>();    // to be deprecated
    const IconSymbol*      icon      = style.get<IconSymbol>();
    const ModelSymbol*     model     = style.get<ModelSymbol>();

    // check whether we need tessellation:
    if ( line && line->tessellation().isSet() )
        TemplateFeatureFilter<TessellateOperator> filter;
        filter.setNumPartitions( *line->tessellation() );
        sharedCX = filter.push( workingSet, sharedCX );

    // if the style was empty, use some defaults based on the geometry type of the
    // first feature.
    if ( !point && !line && !polygon && !marker && !extrusion && !text && !model && !icon && workingSet.size() > 0 )
        Feature* first = workingSet.begin()->get();
        Geometry* geom = first->getGeometry();
        if ( geom )
            switch( geom->getComponentType() )
            case Geometry::TYPE_LINESTRING:
            case Geometry::TYPE_RING:
                defaultLine = new LineSymbol();
                line = defaultLine.get();
            case Geometry::TYPE_POINTSET:
                defaultPoint = new PointSymbol();
                point = defaultPoint.get();
            case Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON:
                defaultPolygon = new PolygonSymbol();
                polygon = defaultPolygon.get();
            case Geometry::TYPE_MULTI:
            case Geometry::TYPE_UNKNOWN:

    // resample the geometry if necessary:
    if (_options.resampleMode().isSet())
        ResampleFilter resample;
        resample.resampleMode() = *_options.resampleMode();        
        if (_options.resampleMaxLength().isSet())
            resample.maxLength() = *_options.resampleMaxLength();
        sharedCX = resample.push( workingSet, sharedCX );        
    // check whether we need to do elevation clamping:
    bool altRequired =
        _options.ignoreAltitudeSymbol() != true &&
        altitude && (
            altitude->clamping() != AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_NONE ||
            altitude->verticalOffset().isSet() ||
            altitude->verticalScale().isSet() ||
            altitude->script().isSet() );

    // marker substitution -- to be deprecated in favor of model/icon
    if ( marker )
        // use a separate filter context since we'll be munging the data
        FilterContext markerCX = sharedCX;

        if ( marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM   ||
             marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_INTERVAL )
            ScatterFilter scatter;
            scatter.setDensity( *marker->density() );
            scatter.setRandom( marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM );
            scatter.setRandomSeed( *marker->randomSeed() );
            markerCX = scatter.push( workingSet, markerCX );
        else if ( marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_CENTROID )
            CentroidFilter centroid;
            centroid.push( workingSet, markerCX );

        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            markerCX = clamp.push( workingSet, markerCX );

            // don't set this; we changed the input data.
            //altRequired = false;

        SubstituteModelFilter sub( style );

        sub.setClustering( *_options.clustering() );

        sub.setUseDrawInstanced( *_options.instancing() );

        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            sub.setFeatureNameExpr( *_options.featureName() );

        osg::Node* node = sub.push( workingSet, markerCX );
        if ( node )
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    // instance substitution (replaces marker)
    else if ( model )
        const InstanceSymbol* instance = model ? (const InstanceSymbol*)model : (const InstanceSymbol*)icon;

        // use a separate filter context since we'll be munging the data
        FilterContext localCX = sharedCX;

        if ( instance->placement() == InstanceSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM   ||
             instance->placement() == InstanceSymbol::PLACEMENT_INTERVAL )
            ScatterFilter scatter;
            scatter.setDensity( *instance->density() );
            scatter.setRandom( instance->placement() == InstanceSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM );
            scatter.setRandomSeed( *instance->randomSeed() );
            localCX = scatter.push( workingSet, localCX );
        else if ( instance->placement() == InstanceSymbol::PLACEMENT_CENTROID )
            CentroidFilter centroid;
            centroid.push( workingSet, localCX );

        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            localCX = clamp.push( workingSet, localCX );

        SubstituteModelFilter sub( style );

        // activate clustering
        sub.setClustering( *_options.clustering() );

        // activate draw-instancing
        sub.setUseDrawInstanced( *_options.instancing() );

        // activate feature naming
        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            sub.setFeatureNameExpr( *_options.featureName() );

        osg::Node* node = sub.push( workingSet, localCX );
        if ( node )
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

            // enable auto scaling on the group?
            if ( model && model->autoScale() == true )
                resultGroup->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(0, osgEarth::AUTO_SCALE_BIN );

    // extruded geometry
    if ( extrusion )
        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            sharedCX = clamp.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            altRequired = false;

        ExtrudeGeometryFilter extrude;
        extrude.setStyle( style );

        // Activate texture arrays if the GPU supports them and if the user
        // hasn't disabled them.        
        extrude.useTextureArrays() =
            Registry::capabilities().supportsTextureArrays() &&
            _options.useTextureArrays() == true;

        // apply per-feature naming if requested.
        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            extrude.setFeatureNameExpr( *_options.featureName() );
        if ( _options.useVertexBufferObjects().isSet())
            extrude.useVertexBufferObjects() = *_options.useVertexBufferObjects();

        osg::Node* node = extrude.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
        if ( node )
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    // simple geometry
    else if ( point || line || polygon )
        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            sharedCX = clamp.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            altRequired = false;

        BuildGeometryFilter filter( style );
        if ( _options.maxGranularity().isSet() )
            filter.maxGranularity() = *_options.maxGranularity();
        if ( _options.geoInterp().isSet() )
            filter.geoInterp() = *_options.geoInterp();
        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            filter.featureName() = *_options.featureName();

        osg::Node* node = filter.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
        if ( node )
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    if ( text || icon )
        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            sharedCX = clamp.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            altRequired = false;

        BuildTextFilter filter( style );
        osg::Node* node = filter.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
        if ( node )
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    if (Registry::capabilities().supportsGLSL())
        if ( _options.shaderPolicy() == SHADERPOLICY_GENERATE )
            // no ss cache because we will optimize later.
                "osgEarth.GeomCompiler" );
        else if ( _options.shaderPolicy() == SHADERPOLICY_DISABLE )
                new osg::Program(),
                osg::StateAttribute::OFF | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE );

    // Optimize stateset sharing.
    if ( _options.optimizeStateSharing() == true )
        // Common state set cache?
        osg::ref_ptr<StateSetCache> sscache;
        if ( sharedCX.getSession() )
            // with a shared cache, don't combine statesets. They may be
            // in the live graph
            sscache = sharedCX.getSession()->getStateSetCache();
            sscache->consolidateStateAttributes( resultGroup.get() );
            // isolated: perform full optimization
            sscache = new StateSetCache();
            sscache->optimize( resultGroup.get() );

    //test: dump the tile to disk
    //osgDB::writeNodeFile( *(resultGroup.get()), "out.osg" );

    osg::Timer_t p_end = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    OE_INFO << LC
        << "features = " << p_features
        << ", time = " << osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s(p_start, p_end) << " s." << std::endl;

    return resultGroup.release();
Ejemplo n.º 7
Graticule::createGridLevel( unsigned int levelNum ) const
    if ( !_map->isGeocentric() )
        OE_WARN << "Graticule: only supports geocentric maps" << std::endl;
        return 0L;

    Graticule::Level level;
    if ( !getLevel( levelNum, level ) )
        return 0L;

    OE_DEBUG << "Graticule: creating grid level " << levelNum << std::endl;

    osg::Group* group = new osg::Group();

    const Profile* mapProfile = _map->getProfile();
    const GeoExtent& pex = mapProfile->getExtent();

    double tw = pex.width() / (double)level._cellsX;
    double th = pex.height() / (double)level._cellsY;

    for( unsigned int x=0; x<level._cellsX; ++x )
        for( unsigned int y=0; y<level._cellsY; ++y )
            GeoExtent tex(
                pex.xMin() + tw * (double)x,
                pex.yMin() + th * (double)y,
                pex.xMin() + tw * (double)(x+1),
                pex.yMin() + th * (double)(y+1) );

            double ox = level._lineWidth;
            double oy = level._lineWidth;

            Geometry* geom = createCellGeometry( tex, level._lineWidth, pex, _map->isGeocentric() );

            Feature* feature = new Feature();
            feature->setGeometry( geom );
            FeatureList features;
            features.push_back( feature );

            FilterContext cx;
            cx.profile() = new FeatureProfile( tex );
            cx.isGeocentric() = _map->isGeocentric();

            if ( _map->isGeocentric() )
                // We need to make sure that on a round globe, the points are sampled such that
                // long segments follow the curvature of the earth.
                ResampleFilter resample;
                resample.maxLength() = tex.width() / 10.0;
                resample.perturbationThreshold() = level._lineWidth/1000.0;
                cx = resample.push( features, cx );

            TransformFilter xform( mapProfile->getSRS() );
            xform.setMakeGeocentric( _map->isGeocentric() );
            cx = xform.push( features, cx );

            Bounds bounds = feature->getGeometry()->getBounds();
            double exDist = bounds.radius()/2.0;

            osg::Node* cellVolume = createVolume(
                cx );

            osg::Node* child = cellVolume;

            if ( cx.hasReferenceFrame() )
                osg::MatrixTransform* xform = new osg::MatrixTransform( cx.inverseReferenceFrame() );
                xform->addChild( child );

                // the transform matrix here does NOT include a rotation, so we need to get the normal
                // for the cull plane callback.
                osg::Vec3d normal = xform->getBound().center();
                xform->setCullCallback( new CullPlaneCallback( normal ) );

                child = xform;

            group->addChild( child );

    // organize it for better culling
    osgUtil::Optimizer opt;
    opt.optimize( group, osgUtil::Optimizer::SPATIALIZE_GROUPS );

    osg::Node* result = group;

    if ( levelNum+1 < getNumLevels() )
        Graticule::Level nextLevel;
        if ( getLevel( levelNum+1, nextLevel ) )
            osg::PagedLOD* plod = new osg::PagedLOD();
            plod->addChild( group, nextLevel._maxRange, level._maxRange );
            std::stringstream buf;
            buf << levelNum+1 << "_" << getID() << "." << GRID_MARKER << "." << GRATICLE_EXTENSION;
            std::string bufStr = buf.str();
            plod->setFileName( 1, bufStr );
            plod->setRange( 1, 0, nextLevel._maxRange );
            result = plod;

    return result;