Ejemplo n.º 1
// Convert a declaration such as "A x = A(1, 2);" into "A x(1, 2);".  This is
// always (IIRC) safe to do by C++ language rules, even if A has a nontrivial
// copy constructor and/or destructor.
// FIXME (bug in another part of ROSE) -- the output from this routine unparses
// as if no changes had occurred, even though the PDF shows the transformation
// correctly.
void removeRedundantCopyInConstruction(SgInitializedName* in) {
  SgAssignInitializer* ai = isSgAssignInitializer(in->get_initializer());
  SgInitializer* realInit = isSgInitializer(ai->get_operand());
  ROSE_ASSERT (realInit);
  ROSE_ASSERT (isSgConstructorInitializer(realInit));
  // FIXME -- do we need to delete ai?
Ejemplo n.º 2
void examineInitializedName(SgInitializedName *name, ostream &out) {
    SgSymbol* symbol = name->get_symbol_from_symbol_table();
    if (NULL == symbol)
    SgType *type = symbol->get_type();
    int nr_stars = 0;
    stringstream ss1;
    while (isSgArrayType(type) ||
            isSgPointerType(type)) {
        if (isSgArrayType(type)) {
            SgArrayType *atype = isSgArrayType(type);
            SgExpression *expr = atype->get_index();

            type = atype->get_base_type();
            ss1 << "[";
            if (expr)
                examineExpr(expr, ss1);
            ss1 << "]";
        } else {
            SgPointerType *ttype = isSgPointerType(type);
            type = ttype->get_base_type();
    examinePrimTypeName(type, out);
    out << " ";
    for (int i = 0; i < nr_stars; ++i)
        out << "*";
    out << symbol->get_name().getString();
    out << ss1.str();

    SgInitializer *initer = name->get_initializer();
    if (initer) {
        switch (initer->variantT()) {
            case V_SgAssignInitializer:
                SgAssignInitializer *ai = isSgAssignInitializer(initer);
                SgExpression *expr = ai->get_operand();
                if (expr) {
                    out << "=";
                    examineExpr(expr, out);
Ejemplo n.º 3
StencilEvaluationTraversal::evaluateInheritedAttribute (SgNode* astNode, StencilEvaluation_InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute )
#if 0
     printf ("In evaluateInheritedAttribute(): astNode = %p = %s \n",astNode,astNode->class_name().c_str());

     bool foundPairShiftDoubleConstructor = false;

  // This is for stencil specifications using vectors of points to represent offsets (not finished).
  // bool foundVariableDeclarationForStencilInput = false;

     double stencilCoeficientValue = 0.0;

  // StencilOffsetFSM offset;
     StencilOffsetFSM* stencilOffsetFSM = NULL;

  // We want to interogate the SgAssignInitializer, but we need to generality in the refactored function to use any SgInitializer (e.g. SgConstructorInitializer, etc.).
     SgInitializedName* initializedName = detectVariableDeclarationOfSpecificType (astNode,"Point");

     if (initializedName != NULL)
       // This is the code that is specific to the DSL (e.g. the semantics of getZeros() and getUnitv() functions).
       // So this may be the limit of what can be refactored to common DSL support code.
       // Or I can maybe do a second pass at atempting to refactor more code later.

          string name = initializedName->get_name();

          SgInitializer* initializer = initializedName->get_initptr();

          SgAssignInitializer* assignInitializer = isSgAssignInitializer(initializer);
          if (assignInitializer != NULL)
               SgExpression* exp = assignInitializer->get_operand();
               ROSE_ASSERT(exp != NULL);
               SgFunctionCallExp* functionCallExp = isSgFunctionCallExp(exp);
               if (functionCallExp != NULL)
                    SgFunctionRefExp* functionRefExp = isSgFunctionRefExp(functionCallExp->get_function());
                    if (functionRefExp != NULL)
                         SgFunctionSymbol* functionSymbol = functionRefExp->get_symbol();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(functionSymbol != NULL);
                         string functionName = functionSymbol->get_name();
#if 0
                         printf ("functionName = %s \n",functionName.c_str());
                         if (functionName == "getZeros")
                           // We leverage the semantics of known functions used to initialize "Point" objects ("getZeros" initialized the Point object to be all zeros).
                           // In a stencil this will be the center point from which all other points will have non-zero offsets.
                           // For a common centered difference discretization this will be the center point of the stencil.
#if 0
                              printf ("Identified and interpreting the semantics of getZeros() function \n");
                              stencilOffsetFSM = new StencilOffsetFSM(0,0,0);
                              ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetFSM != NULL);

                         if (functionName == "getUnitv")
                           // We leverage the semantics of known functions used to initialize "Point" objects 
                           // ("getUnitv" initializes the Point object to be a unit vector for a specific input dimention).
                           // In a stencil this will be an ofset from the center point.
#if 0
                              printf ("Identified and interpreting the semantics of getUnitv() function \n");
                           // Need to get the dimention argument.
                              SgExprListExp* argumentList = functionCallExp->get_args();
                              ROSE_ASSERT(argumentList != NULL);
                           // This function has a single argument.
                              ROSE_ASSERT(argumentList->get_expressions().size() == 1);
                              SgExpression* functionArg = argumentList->get_expressions()[0];
                              ROSE_ASSERT(functionArg != NULL);
                              SgIntVal* intVal = isSgIntVal(functionArg);
                           // ROSE_ASSERT(intVal != NULL);
                              if (intVal != NULL)
                                   int value = intVal->get_value();
#if 0
                                   printf ("value = %d \n",value);
                                        case 0: stencilOffsetFSM = new StencilOffsetFSM(1,0,0); break;
                                        case 1: stencilOffsetFSM = new StencilOffsetFSM(0,1,0); break;
                                        case 2: stencilOffsetFSM = new StencilOffsetFSM(0,0,1); break;

                                             printf ("Error: default reached in switch: value = %d (for be value of 0, 1, or 2) \n",value);

                                   ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetFSM != NULL);

                                // End of test for intVal != NULL
#if 0
                                   printf ("functionArg = %p = %s \n",functionArg,functionArg->class_name().c_str());

                          // ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetFSM != NULL);

           if (stencilOffsetFSM != NULL)
            // Put the FSM into the map.
#if 0
               printf ("Put the stencilOffsetFSM = %p into the StencilOffsetMap using key = %s \n",stencilOffsetFSM,name.c_str());
               ROSE_ASSERT(StencilOffsetMap.find(name) == StencilOffsetMap.end());

            // We have a choice of syntax to add the element to the map.
            // StencilOffsetMap.insert(pair<string,StencilOffsetFSM*>(name,stencilOffsetFSM));
               StencilOffsetMap[name] = stencilOffsetFSM;

       // new StencilOffsetFSM();
#if 0
          printf ("Exiting as a test! \n");

  // Recognize member function calls on "Point" objects so that we can trigger events on those associated finite state machines.
     bool isTemplateClass = false;
     bool isTemplateFunctionInstantiation = false;
     SgInitializedName* initializedNameUsedToCallMemberFunction = NULL;
     SgFunctionCallExp* functionCallExp = detectMemberFunctionOfSpecificClassType(astNode,initializedNameUsedToCallMemberFunction,"Point",isTemplateClass,"operator*=",isTemplateFunctionInstantiation);
     if (functionCallExp != NULL)
       // This is the DSL specific part (capturing the semantics of operator*= with specific integer values).

       // The name of the variable off of which the member function is called (variable has type "Point").
          ROSE_ASSERT(initializedNameUsedToCallMemberFunction != NULL);
          string name = initializedNameUsedToCallMemberFunction->get_name();

       // Need to get the dimention argument.
          SgExprListExp* argumentList = functionCallExp->get_args();
          ROSE_ASSERT(argumentList != NULL);
       // This function has a single argument.
          ROSE_ASSERT(argumentList->get_expressions().size() == 1);
          SgExpression* functionArg = argumentList->get_expressions()[0];
          ROSE_ASSERT(functionArg != NULL);
          SgIntVal* intVal = isSgIntVal(functionArg);

          bool usingUnaryMinus = false;
          if (intVal == NULL)
               SgMinusOp* minusOp = isSgMinusOp(functionArg);
               if (minusOp != NULL)
#if 0
                    printf ("Using SgMinusOp on stencil constant \n");
                    usingUnaryMinus = true;
                    intVal = isSgIntVal(minusOp->get_operand());

          ROSE_ASSERT(intVal != NULL);
          int value = intVal->get_value();

          if (usingUnaryMinus == true)
               value *= -1;
#if 0
          printf ("value = %d \n",value);
       // Look up the stencil offset finite state machine
          ROSE_ASSERT(StencilOffsetMap.find(name) != StencilOffsetMap.end());
          StencilOffsetFSM* stencilOffsetFSM = StencilOffsetMap[name];
          ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetFSM != NULL);
#if 0
          printf ("We have found the StencilOffsetFSM associated with the StencilOffset named %s \n",name.c_str());
#if 0
          stencilOffsetFSM->display("before multiply event");
          if (value == -1)
            // Execute the event on the finte state machine to accumulate the state.
               printf ("Error: constant value other than -1 are not supported \n");
#if 0
          stencilOffsetFSM->display("after multiply event");

  // Detection of "pair<Shift,double>(xdir,ident)" defined as an event in the stencil finite machine model.
  // Actually, it is the Stencil that is create using the "pair<Shift,double>(xdir,ident)" that should be the 
  // event so we first detect the SgConstructorInitializer.  There is not other code similar to this which 
  // has to test for the template arguments, so this has not yet refactored into the dslSupport.C file.
  // I will do this later since this is general support that could be resused in other DSL compilers.
     SgConstructorInitializer* constructorInitializer = isSgConstructorInitializer(astNode);
     if (constructorInitializer != NULL)
       // DQ (10/20/2014): This can sometimes be NULL.
       // ROSE_ASSERT(constructorInitializer->get_class_decl() != NULL);
          SgClassDeclaration* classDeclaration = constructorInitializer->get_class_decl();
       // ROSE_ASSERT(classDeclaration != NULL);
          if (classDeclaration != NULL)
#if 0
          printf ("constructorInitializer = %p class name    = %s \n",constructorInitializer,classDeclaration->get_name().str());
          SgTemplateInstantiationDecl* templateInstantiationDecl = isSgTemplateInstantiationDecl(classDeclaration);
       // ROSE_ASSERT(templateInstantiationDecl != NULL);
#if 0
          if (templateInstantiationDecl != NULL)
               printf ("constructorInitializer = %p name = %s template name = %s \n",constructorInitializer,templateInstantiationDecl->get_name().str(),templateInstantiationDecl->get_templateName().str());

       // if (classDeclaration->get_name() == "pair")
          if (templateInstantiationDecl != NULL && templateInstantiationDecl->get_templateName() == "pair")
            // Look at the template parameters.
#if 0
               printf ("Found template instantiation for pair \n");
               SgTemplateArgumentPtrList & templateArgs = templateInstantiationDecl->get_templateArguments();
               if (templateArgs.size() == 2)
                 // Now look at the template arguments and check that they represent the pattern that we are looking for in the AST.
                 // It is not clear now flexible we should be, at present shift/coeficent pairs must be specified exactly one way.

                    SgType* type_0 = templateArgs[0]->get_type();
                    SgType* type_1 = templateArgs[1]->get_type();

                    if ( type_0 != NULL && type_1 != NULL)
                         SgClassType* classType_0 = isSgClassType(type_0);
                      // ROSE_ASSERT(classType_0 != NULL);
                         if (classType_0 != NULL)
                         SgClassDeclaration* classDeclarationType_0 = isSgClassDeclaration(classType_0->get_declaration());
                         ROSE_ASSERT(classDeclarationType_0 != NULL);
#if 0
                         printf ("templateArgs[0]->get_name() = %s \n",classDeclarationType_0->get_name().str());
                         printf ("templateArgs[1]->get_type()->class_name() = %s \n",type_1->class_name().c_str());
                         bool foundShiftExpression   = false;
                         bool foundStencilCoeficient = false;

                      // We might want to be more flexiable about the type of the 2nd parameter (allow SgTypeFloat, SgTypeComplex, etc.).
                         if (classDeclarationType_0->get_name() == "Shift" && type_1->variant() == V_SgTypeDouble)
                           // Found a pair<Shift,double> input for a stencil.
#if 0
                              printf ("##### Found a pair<Shift,double>() input for a stencil input \n");
                           // *****************************************************************************************************
                           // Look at the first parameter to the pair<Shift,double>() constructor.
                           // *****************************************************************************************************
                              SgExpression* stencilOffset = constructorInitializer->get_args()->get_expressions()[0];
                              ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffset != NULL);
#if 0
                              printf ("stencilOffset = %p = %s \n",stencilOffset,stencilOffset->class_name().c_str());
                              SgConstructorInitializer* stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer = isSgConstructorInitializer(stencilOffset);
                              if (stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer != NULL)
                                // This is the case of a Shift being constructed implicitly from a Point (doing so more directly would be easier to make sense of in the AST).
#if 0
                                   printf ("!!!!! Looking for the stencil offset \n");
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer->get_class_decl() != NULL);
                                   SgClassDeclaration* stencilOffsetClassDeclaration = stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer->get_class_decl();
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetClassDeclaration != NULL);
#if 0
                                   printf ("stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer = %p class name    = %s \n",stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer,stencilOffsetClassDeclaration->get_name().str());
                                   printf ("stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer = %p class = %p = %s \n",stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer,stencilOffsetClassDeclaration,stencilOffsetClassDeclaration->class_name().c_str());
                                // This should not be a template instantiation (the Shift is defined to be a noo-template class declaration, not a template class declaration).
                                   SgTemplateInstantiationDecl* stencilOffsetTemplateInstantiationDecl = isSgTemplateInstantiationDecl(stencilOffsetClassDeclaration);
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetTemplateInstantiationDecl == NULL);

                                   if (stencilOffsetClassDeclaration != NULL && stencilOffsetClassDeclaration->get_name() == "Shift")
                                     // Now we know that the type associated with the first template parameter is associated with the class "Shift".
                                     // But we need so also now what the first parametr is associate with the constructor initializer, since it will
                                     // be the name of the variable used to interprete the stencil offset (and the name of the variable will be the 
                                     // key into the map of finite machine models used to accumulate the state of the stencil offsets that we accumulate
                                     // to build the stencil.

                                     // Now we need the value of the input (computed using it's fine state machine).
                                        SgExpression* inputToShiftConstructor = stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer->get_args()->get_expressions()[0];
                                        ROSE_ASSERT(inputToShiftConstructor != NULL);
                                        SgConstructorInitializer* inputToShiftConstructorInitializer = isSgConstructorInitializer(inputToShiftConstructor);
                                        if (stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer != NULL)
                                             SgExpression* inputToPointConstructor = inputToShiftConstructorInitializer->get_args()->get_expressions()[0];
                                             ROSE_ASSERT(inputToPointConstructor != NULL);

                                          // This should be a SgVarRefExp (if we strictly follow the stencil specification rules (which are not written down yet).
                                             SgVarRefExp* inputToPointVarRefExp = isSgVarRefExp(inputToPointConstructor);
                                             if (inputToPointVarRefExp != NULL)
#if 0
                                                  printf ("Found varRefExp in bottom of chain of constructors \n");
                                                  SgVariableSymbol* variableSymbolForOffset = isSgVariableSymbol(inputToPointVarRefExp->get_symbol());
                                                  ROSE_ASSERT(variableSymbolForOffset != NULL);
                                                  SgInitializedName* initializedNameForOffset = variableSymbolForOffset->get_declaration();
                                                  ROSE_ASSERT(initializedNameForOffset != NULL);
                                                  SgInitializer* initializer = initializedNameForOffset->get_initptr();
                                                  ROSE_ASSERT(initializer != NULL);
#if 0
                                                  printf ("Found initializedName: name = %s in bottom of chain of constructors: initializer = %p = %s \n",initializedNameForOffset->get_name().str(),initializer,initializer->class_name().c_str());
                                               // Record the name to be used as a key into the map of "StencilOffset" finite state machines.

                                                  SgAssignInitializer* assignInitializer = isSgAssignInitializer(initializer);
                                                  ROSE_ASSERT(assignInitializer != NULL);

                                                  string name = initializedNameForOffset->get_name();
                                               // Look up the current state in the finite state machine for the "Point".

                                               // Check that this is a previously defined stencil offset.
                                                  ROSE_ASSERT(StencilOffsetMap.find(name) != StencilOffsetMap.end());
                                               // StencilOffsetFSM* stencilOffsetFSM = StencilOffsetMap[name];
                                                  stencilOffsetFSM = StencilOffsetMap[name];
                                                  ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetFSM != NULL);
#if 0
                                                  printf ("We have found the StencilOffsetFSM associated with the StencilOffset named %s \n",name.c_str());
#if 0
                                                  printf ("Exiting as a test! \n");
                                                  printf ("What is this expression: inputToPointConstructor = %p = %s \n",inputToPointConstructor,inputToPointConstructor->class_name().c_str());
#if 0
                                        printf ("Found Shift type \n");
                                        foundShiftExpression = true;
#if 0
                                   printf ("Exiting as a test! \n");
                                // This case for the specification of a Shift in the first argument is not yet supported (need an example of this).
                                   printf ("This case of using a shift is not a part of what is supported \n");

                           // *****************************************************************************************************
                           // Look at the second parameter to the pair<Shift,double>(first_parameter,second_parameter) constructor.
                           // *****************************************************************************************************
                              SgExpression* stencilCoeficent = constructorInitializer->get_args()->get_expressions()[1];
                              ROSE_ASSERT(stencilCoeficent != NULL);

                              SgVarRefExp* stencilCoeficentVarRefExp = isSgVarRefExp(stencilCoeficent);
                              if (stencilCoeficentVarRefExp != NULL)
                                // Handle the case where this is a constant SgVarRefExp and the value is available in the declaration.
                                   SgVariableSymbol* variableSymbolForConstant = isSgVariableSymbol(stencilCoeficentVarRefExp->get_symbol());
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(variableSymbolForConstant != NULL);
                                   SgInitializedName* initializedNameForConstant = variableSymbolForConstant->get_declaration();
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(initializedNameForConstant != NULL);
                                   SgInitializer* initializer = initializedNameForConstant->get_initptr();
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(initializer != NULL);
                                   SgAssignInitializer* assignInitializer = isSgAssignInitializer(initializer);
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(assignInitializer != NULL);

                                   SgValueExp* valueExp = isSgValueExp(assignInitializer->get_operand());

                                   bool usingUnaryMinus = false;
                                // ROSE_ASSERT(valueExp != NULL);
                                   if (valueExp == NULL)
                                        SgExpression* operand = assignInitializer->get_operand();
                                        SgMinusOp* minusOp = isSgMinusOp(operand);
                                        if (minusOp != NULL)
#if 0
                                             printf ("Using SgMinusOp on stencil constant \n");
                                             usingUnaryMinus = true;
                                             valueExp = isSgValueExp(minusOp->get_operand());

                                   SgDoubleVal* doubleVal = isSgDoubleVal(valueExp);
                                // ROSE_ASSERT(doubleVal != NULL);
                                   double value = 0.0;
                                   if (doubleVal == NULL)
                                     // Call JP's function to evaluate the constant expression.
                                        ROSE_ASSERT(valueExp == NULL);
                                        ROSE_ASSERT(stencilCoeficent != NULL);
                                        DSL_Support::const_numeric_expr_t const_expression = DSL_Support::evaluateConstNumericExpression(stencilCoeficent);
                                        if (const_expression.hasValue_ == true)
                                             ROSE_ASSERT(const_expression.isIntOnly_ == false);
                                             value = const_expression.value_;

                                             printf ("const expression evaluated to value = %4.2f \n",value);
                                             printf ("constnat value expression could not be evaluated to a constant \n");
#if 1
                                        printf ("SgDoubleVal value = %f \n",doubleVal->get_value());
                                        value = (usingUnaryMinus == false) ? doubleVal->get_value() : -(doubleVal->get_value());
#if 1
                                   printf ("Stencil coeficient = %f \n",value);
                                   foundStencilCoeficient = true;

                                   stencilCoeficientValue = value;
                                // When we turn on constant folding in the frontend we eveluate directly to a SgDoubleVal.
                                   SgDoubleVal* doubleVal = isSgDoubleVal(stencilCoeficent);
                                   if (doubleVal != NULL)
                                        ROSE_ASSERT(doubleVal != NULL);
#if 0
                                        printf ("SgDoubleVal value = %f \n",doubleVal->get_value());
                                        double value = doubleVal->get_value();
#if 0
                                        printf ("Stencil coeficient = %f \n",value);
                                        foundStencilCoeficient = true;

                                        stencilCoeficientValue = value;
                                        printf ("Error: second parameter in pair for stencil is not a SgVarRefExp (might be explicit value not yet supported) \n");
                                        printf ("   --- stencilCoeficent = %p = %s \n",stencilCoeficent,stencilCoeficent->class_name().c_str());
#if 0
                         printf ("foundShiftExpression   = %s \n",foundShiftExpression   ? "true" : "false");
                         printf ("foundStencilCoeficient = %s \n",foundStencilCoeficient ? "true" : "false");
                         if (foundShiftExpression == true && foundStencilCoeficient == true)
#if 0
                              printf ("Found pair<Shift,double>() constructor expression! \n");
                              foundPairShiftDoubleConstructor = true;

                         // End of test for classType_0 != NULL
#if 0
               printf ("This is not a SgConstructorInitializer for the pair templated class \n");

          // End of test for classDeclaration != NULL

#if 0
     printf ("foundPairShiftDoubleConstructor = %s \n",foundPairShiftDoubleConstructor ? "true" : "false");

     if (foundPairShiftDoubleConstructor == true)
       // This is the recognition of an event for one of the finite state machines we implement to evaluate the stencil at compile time.
#if 0
          printf ("In evaluateInheritedAttribute(): found pair<Shift,double>() constructor expression! \n");
          printf ("   --- stencilOffsetFSM       = %p \n",stencilOffsetFSM);
          printf ("   --- stencilCoeficientValue = %f \n",stencilCoeficientValue);
          ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetFSM != NULL);

          inheritedAttribute.stencilOffsetFSM       = stencilOffsetFSM;
          inheritedAttribute.stencilCoeficientValue = stencilCoeficientValue;

#if 0
          printf ("Exiting as a test! \n");

  // Construct the return attribute from the modified input attribute.
     return StencilEvaluation_InheritedAttribute(inheritedAttribute);
Ejemplo n.º 4
nodeColor( SgExpression* expression )
  /* color: colorCode:red:on
     color: colorCode:orange:on 
     color: colorCode:yellow:on 
     color: colorCode:blue:on 
     color: colorCode:green:on 
     color: colorCode:violet:on 
     color: colorCode:brown:on 
     color: colorCode:purple:on 
     color: colorCode:lightblue:on 
     color: colorCode:lightgreen:on 
     color: colorCode:lightred:on 
     color: colorCode:black:on 
     color: colorCode:darkblue:on 
     color: colorCode:grey:on 
     color: colorCode:darkgrey:on 
     color: colorCode:olivegreen:on 
     color: colorCode:darkgreen:on 
     string returnString;

     SgBinaryOp* binaryOperator = isSgBinaryOp(expression);
     if (binaryOperator != NULL)
          switch (binaryOperator->variantT())
               case V_SgAddOp:
               case V_SgAndAssignOp:
               case V_SgAndOp:
               case V_SgArrowExp:
               case V_SgArrowStarOp:
               case V_SgAssignOp:
               case V_SgBitAndOp:
               case V_SgBitOrOp:
               case V_SgBitXorOp:
               case V_SgCommaOpExp:
               case V_SgDivAssignOp:
               case V_SgDivideOp:
               case V_SgDotExp:
               case V_SgDotStarOp:
               case V_SgMinusAssignOp:
               case V_SgModAssignOp:
               case V_SgModOp:
               case V_SgMultAssignOp:
               case V_SgMultiplyOp:
               case V_SgNotEqualOp:
               case V_SgOrOp:
               case V_SgPlusAssignOp:
               case V_SgPntrArrRefExp:
               case V_SgScopeOp:
               case V_SgSubtractOp:
               case V_SgXorAssignOp:
                    returnString = "orange";

               case V_SgEqualityOp:
               case V_SgGreaterOrEqualOp:
               case V_SgGreaterThanOp:
               case V_SgIntegerDivideOp:
               case V_SgIorAssignOp:
               case V_SgLessOrEqualOp:
               case V_SgLessThanOp:
                    returnString = "yellow";

               case V_SgLshiftAssignOp:
               case V_SgLshiftOp:
               case V_SgRshiftAssignOp:
               case V_SgRshiftOp:
                    returnString = "lightred";

                    returnString = "ERROR DEFAULT REACHED";
                    printf ("Default reached in nodeColor() exiting ... (%s) \n",binaryOperator->class_name().c_str());

     SgUnaryOp* unaryOperator = isSgUnaryOp(expression);
     if (unaryOperator != NULL)
          switch (unaryOperator->variantT())
               case V_SgAddressOfOp:
               case V_SgBitComplementOp:
               case V_SgPointerDerefExp:
               case V_SgThrowOp:
               case V_SgUnaryAddOp:
                    returnString = "lightblue";

               case V_SgMinusMinusOp:
               case V_SgMinusOp:
               case V_SgNotOp:
               case V_SgPlusPlusOp:
                    returnString = "darkblue";

               case V_SgCastExp:
               case V_SgExpressionRoot:
                    returnString = "black";

                    returnString = "ERROR DEFAULT REACHED";
                    printf ("Default reached in nodeColor() exiting ... (%s) \n",unaryOperator->class_name().c_str());

     SgInitializer* initializer = isSgInitializer(expression);
     if (initializer != NULL)
          switch (initializer->variantT())
               case V_SgAggregateInitializer:
               case V_SgAssignInitializer:
               case V_SgConstructorInitializer:
                    returnString = "lightblue";

                    returnString = "ERROR DEFAULT REACHED";
                    printf ("Default reached in nodeColor() exiting ... (%s) \n",initializer->class_name().c_str());

     SgValueExp* valueExpression = isSgValueExp(expression);
     if (valueExpression != NULL)
          switch (valueExpression->variantT())
               case V_SgComplexVal:
               case V_SgIntVal:
               case V_SgLongIntVal:
               case V_SgLongLongIntVal:
               case V_SgShortVal:
               case V_SgUnsignedCharVal:
               case V_SgUnsignedIntVal:
               case V_SgUnsignedLongLongIntVal:
               case V_SgUnsignedLongVal:
               case V_SgUnsignedShortVal:
                    returnString = "lightblue";

               case V_SgFloatVal:
               case V_SgDoubleVal:
               case V_SgLongDoubleVal:
                    returnString = "darkblue";

               case V_SgEnumVal:
               case V_SgBoolValExp:
               case V_SgCharVal:
               case V_SgWcharVal:
               case V_SgStringVal:
                    returnString = "black";

            // DQ (11/11/2012): Added support for newer IR nodes in edg4x work.
               case V_SgTemplateParameterVal:
                    returnString = "red";

                    returnString = "ERROR DEFAULT REACHED";
                    printf ("Default reached in nodeColor() exiting ... (%s) \n",valueExpression->class_name().c_str());

     if (binaryOperator == NULL && unaryOperator == NULL && initializer == NULL && valueExpression == NULL)
          switch (expression->variantT())
               case V_SgFunctionCallExp:
               case V_SgFunctionRefExp:
               case V_SgMemberFunctionRefExp:
               case V_SgPseudoDestructorRefExp:
                    returnString = "violet";

               case V_SgAsmOp:
               case V_SgClassNameRefExp:
               case V_SgConditionalExp:
               case V_SgDeleteExp:
               case V_SgExprListExp:
               case V_SgNewExp:
               case V_SgNullExpression:
               case V_SgRefExp:
               case V_SgSizeOfOp:
               case V_SgStatementExpression:
               case V_SgThisExp:
               case V_SgTypeIdOp:
               case V_SgVarArgCopyOp:
               case V_SgVarArgEndOp:
               case V_SgVarArgOp:
               case V_SgVarArgStartOneOperandOp:
               case V_SgVarArgStartOp:
               case V_SgVariantExpression:
               case V_SgVarRefExp:
                    returnString = "brown";

            // DQ (1/23/2013): Added support for newer IR nodes in edg4x work.
               case V_SgTemplateMemberFunctionRefExp:
               case V_SgTemplateFunctionRefExp:
                    returnString = "brown";

                    returnString = "ERROR DEFAULT REACHED";
                    printf ("Default reached in nodeColor() exiting ... (%s) \n",expression->class_name().c_str());

     return returnString;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Do finite differencing on one expression within one context.  The expression
// must be defined and valid within the entire body of root.  The rewrite rules
// are used to simplify expressions.  When a variable var is updated from
// old_value to new_value, an expression of the form (var, (old_value,
// new_value)) is created and rewritten.  The rewrite rules may either produce
// an arbitrary expression (which will be used as-is) or one of the form (var,
// (something, value)) (which will be changed to (var = value)).
void doFiniteDifferencingOne(SgExpression* e, 
                             SgBasicBlock* root,
                             RewriteRule* rules)
     SgStatementPtrList& root_stmts = root->get_statements();
     SgStatementPtrList::iterator i;
     for (i = root_stmts.begin(); i != root_stmts.end(); ++i)
          if (expressionComputedIn(e, *i))
     if (i == root_stmts.end())
          return; // Expression is not used within root, so quit
     vector<SgVariableSymbol*> used_symbols = SageInterface::getSymbolsUsedInExpression(e);
     SgName cachename = "cache_fd__"; cachename << ++SageInterface::gensym_counter;
     SgVariableDeclaration* cachedecl = new SgVariableDeclaration(SgNULL_FILE, cachename, e->get_type(),0 /* new SgAssignInitializer(SgNULL_FILE, e) */);
     SgInitializedName* cachevar = cachedecl->get_variables().back();
     ROSE_ASSERT (cachevar);
     root->get_statements().insert(i, cachedecl);
     SgVariableSymbol* sym = new SgVariableSymbol(cachevar);
     root->insert_symbol(cachename, sym);
     SgVarRefExp* vr = new SgVarRefExp(SgNULL_FILE, sym);
     replaceCopiesOfExpression(e, vr, root);

     vector<SgExpression*> modifications_to_used_symbols;
     FdFindModifyingStatementsVisitor(used_symbols, modifications_to_used_symbols).go(root);

          new PreprocessingInfo(PreprocessingInfo::CplusplusStyleComment,(string("// Finite differencing: ") + 
               cachename.str() + " is a cache of " + 
               e->unparseToString()).c_str(),"Compiler-Generated in Finite Differencing",0, 0, 0, PreprocessingInfo::before));

     if (modifications_to_used_symbols.size() == 0)
          SgInitializer* cacheinit = new SgAssignInitializer(SgNULL_FILE, e);
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < modifications_to_used_symbols.size(); ++i)
               SgExpression* modstmt = modifications_to_used_symbols[i];
#ifdef FD_DEBUG
               cout << "Updating cache after " << modstmt->unparseToString() << endl;
               SgExpression* updateCache = 0;
               SgVarRefExp* varref = new SgVarRefExp(SgNULL_FILE, sym);
               SgTreeCopy tc;
               SgExpression* eCopy = isSgExpression(e->copy(tc));
               switch (modstmt->variantT())
                    case V_SgAssignOp:
                         SgAssignOp* assignment = isSgAssignOp(modstmt);
                         assert (assignment);
                         SgExpression* lhs = assignment->get_lhs_operand();
                         SgExpression* rhs = assignment->get_rhs_operand();
                         replaceCopiesOfExpression(lhs, rhs, eCopy);

                    case V_SgPlusAssignOp:
                    case V_SgMinusAssignOp:
                    case V_SgAndAssignOp:
                    case V_SgIorAssignOp:
                    case V_SgMultAssignOp:
                    case V_SgDivAssignOp:
                    case V_SgModAssignOp:
                    case V_SgXorAssignOp:
                    case V_SgLshiftAssignOp:
                    case V_SgRshiftAssignOp:
                         SgBinaryOp* assignment = isSgBinaryOp(modstmt);
                         assert (assignment);
                         SgExpression* lhs = assignment->get_lhs_operand();
                         SgExpression* rhs = assignment->get_rhs_operand();
                         SgTreeCopy tc;
                         SgExpression* rhsCopy = isSgExpression(rhs->copy(tc));
                         SgExpression* newval = 0;
                         switch (modstmt->variantT())
#define DO_OP(op, nonassignment) \
                              case V_##op: { \
                                   newval = new nonassignment(SgNULL_FILE, lhs, rhsCopy); \
                                   newval->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); \
                              } \

                              DO_OP(SgPlusAssignOp, SgAddOp);
                              DO_OP(SgMinusAssignOp, SgSubtractOp);
                              DO_OP(SgAndAssignOp, SgBitAndOp);
                              DO_OP(SgIorAssignOp, SgBitOrOp);
                              DO_OP(SgMultAssignOp, SgMultiplyOp);
                              DO_OP(SgDivAssignOp, SgDivideOp);
                              DO_OP(SgModAssignOp, SgModOp);
                              DO_OP(SgXorAssignOp, SgBitXorOp);
                              DO_OP(SgLshiftAssignOp, SgLshiftOp);
                              DO_OP(SgRshiftAssignOp, SgRshiftOp);
#undef DO_OP

                              default: break;
                         assert (newval);
                         replaceCopiesOfExpression(lhs, newval, eCopy);

                    case V_SgPlusPlusOp:
                         SgExpression* lhs = isSgPlusPlusOp(modstmt)->get_operand();
                         SgIntVal* one = new SgIntVal(SgNULL_FILE, 1);
                         SgAddOp* add = new SgAddOp(SgNULL_FILE, lhs, one);

                    case V_SgMinusMinusOp:
                         SgExpression* lhs = isSgMinusMinusOp(modstmt)->get_operand();
                         SgIntVal* one = new SgIntVal(SgNULL_FILE, 1);
                         SgSubtractOp* sub = new SgSubtractOp(SgNULL_FILE, lhs, one);

                         cerr << modstmt->sage_class_name() << endl;
                         assert (false);

#ifdef FD_DEBUG
            cout << "e is " << e->unparseToString() << endl;
            cout << "eCopy is " << eCopy->unparseToString() << endl;
               updateCache = doFdVariableUpdate(rules, varref, e, eCopy);
#ifdef FD_DEBUG
            cout << "updateCache is " << updateCache->unparseToString() << endl;
               if (updateCache)
                    ROSE_ASSERT(modstmt != NULL);
                    SgNode* ifp = modstmt->get_parent();
                    SgCommaOpExp* comma = new SgCommaOpExp(SgNULL_FILE, updateCache, modstmt);

                    if (ifp == NULL)
                         printf ("modstmt->get_parent() == NULL modstmt = %p = %s \n",modstmt,modstmt->class_name().c_str());
                         modstmt->get_startOfConstruct()->display("modstmt->get_parent() == NULL: debug");
                    ROSE_ASSERT(ifp != NULL);
#ifdef FD_DEBUG
                 cout << "New expression is " << comma->unparseToString() << endl;
                 cout << "IFP is " << ifp->sage_class_name() << ": " << ifp->unparseToString() << endl;
                    if (isSgExpression(ifp))
                         isSgExpression(ifp)->replace_expression(modstmt, comma);
                      // DQ (12/16/2006): Need to handle cases that are not SgExpression (now that SgExpressionRoot is not used!)
                      // cerr << ifp->sage_class_name() << endl;
                      // assert (!"Bad parent type for inserting comma expression");
                         SgStatement* statement = isSgStatement(ifp);
                         if (statement != NULL)
#ifdef FD_DEBUG
                              printf ("Before statement->replace_expression(): statement = %p = %s modstmt = %p = %s \n",statement,statement->class_name().c_str(),modstmt,modstmt->class_name().c_str());
                              SgExprStatement* expresionStatement = isSgExprStatement(statement);
                              if (expresionStatement != NULL)
                                   SgExpression* expression = expresionStatement->get_expression();
                                   printf ("expressionStatement expression = %p = %s \n",expression,expression->class_name().c_str());
                              statement->replace_expression(modstmt, comma);
                              ROSE_ASSERT(ifp != NULL);
                              printf ("Error: parent is neither a SgExpression nor a SgStatement ifp = %p = %s \n",ifp,ifp->class_name().c_str());

#ifdef FD_DEBUG
                    cout << "IFP is now " << ifp->unparseToString() << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 6
ExprSynAttr *examineVariableDeclaration(SgVariableDeclaration* decl, ostream &out) {
  SgInitializedNamePtrList& name_list = decl->get_variables();
  SgInitializedNamePtrList::const_iterator name_iter;
  ExprSynAttr *ret = NULL;
  ExprSynAttr *gc = NULL;
  ret = new ExprSynAttr();
  for (name_iter = name_list.begin(); 
       name_iter != name_list.end(); 
       name_iter++) {
    SgInitializedName* name = *name_iter;
    SgSymbol* symbol = name->get_symbol_from_symbol_table();
    SgType *type = symbol->get_type();
    int nr_stars = 0;
    stringstream ss1;
    while (isSgArrayType(type) ||
            isSgPointerType(type)) {
        if (isSgArrayType(type)) {
            SgArrayType *atype = isSgArrayType(type);
            SgExpression *expr = atype->get_index();

            type = atype->get_base_type();
            ss1 << "[";
            if (expr)
                examineExpr(expr, ss1);
            ss1 << "]";
        } else {
            SgPointerType *ttype = isSgPointerType(type);
            type = ttype->get_base_type();

    examinePrimTypeName(type, ret->code);
    ret->code << " ";
    for (int i = 0; i < nr_stars; ++i)
        ret->code << "*";
    ret->code << symbol->get_name().getString();
    ret->code << ss1.str();


    SgInitializer *initer = name->get_initializer();
    if (initer) {
        switch (initer->variantT()) {
            case V_SgAssignInitializer:
                SgAssignInitializer *ai = isSgAssignInitializer(initer);
                SgExpression *expr = ai->get_operand();
                if (expr) {
                    ret->code << "=";
                    gc = examineExpr(expr, ret->code);
                    if (gc != NULL)
                        delete gc;

    /* end of this decl */
    ret->code << ";";
    out << ret->code.str();

    return ret;

    cout << "[Decl] Variable (name:"<<symbol->get_name().getString();
    cout << ",type:"<<symbol->get_type()->class_name();
    cout << ",init:";

    SgInitializer* init_expr = name->get_initializer();
    if (init_expr) 
      cout << init_expr->class_name();
      cout << "none";
    cout << ")" << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 7
std::string getSgInitializedName(SgInitializedName* initName) {
	std::string exprStr;
	SgSymbol* initNameSym = initName->search_for_symbol_from_symbol_table();
	std::string varInit = initializeVariable(initName);
	std::string retString;
	if (initName->get_initptr() != NULL) {
		SgInitializer* nameInitializer = initName->get_initializer();

	        VariantT var = nameInitializer->variantT();
		switch (var) {
                	case V_SgAggregateInitializer:
				SgAggregateInitializer* aggInit = isSgAggregateInitializer(nameInitializer);
				if (!isSgArrayType(aggInit->get_type())) {
					std::cout << "currently only arrays use aggregate initializers, you are using " << aggInit->class_name() << std::endl;
				SgExprListExp* members = aggInit->get_initializers();
				SgExpressionPtrList member_expressions = members->get_expressions();
				std::string symName = SymbolToZ3[initNameSym];
				ROSE_ASSERT(SymbolToInstances[initNameSym] == 0);
				int arrmem = 0;
				std::stringstream exprStream;
				for (SgExpressionPtrList::iterator i = member_expressions.begin(); i != member_expressions.end(); i++) {
			exprStream << "\n(assert (= (select " << symName << "_0 "  << arrmem << ") " << getSgExpressionString((isSgAssignInitializer((*i))->get_operand())) << ")";
				arrmem = arrmem+1;
                       		retString = varInit + "\n" + exprStream.str(); 
				#ifdef ARRAY_TEST
				std::cout << "retString: " << retString << std::endl;
			case V_SgCompoundInitializer:
			std::cout << "SgCompoundInitializer not yet supported" << std::endl;
			case V_SgConstructorInitializer:
			std::cout << "SgConstructorInitializer is not yet supported" << std::endl;
			case V_SgDesignatedInitializer:
			std::cout << "SgDesignatedInitializer is not yet supported" << std::endl;
			case V_SgAssignInitializer:
			SgAssignInitializer* assignInit = isSgAssignInitializer(nameInitializer);
			std::string symName = SymbolToZ3[initNameSym];
			ROSE_ASSERT(SymbolToInstances[initNameSym] == 0);
			exprStr = "(assert (= " + symName + "_0 " + getSgExpressionString(assignInit->get_operand()) + "))";
			retString = varInit + "\n" + exprStr;
			std::cout << "unknown initializer of type: " << nameInitializer->class_name() << std::endl;
	else {
		retString = varInit;
	return retString;