Ejemplo n.º 1
 * The function
 *    queryNodeAnonymousTypedefClassDeclaration()
 * is a NodeQuery which finds all Anonymous Typedefs is the scope.
NodeQuerySynthesizedAttributeType NodeQuery::queryNodeAnonymousTypedefClassDeclaration(SgNode* node)
  NodeQuerySynthesizedAttributeType returnList;
  ROSE_ASSERT( node     != NULL );

  SgTypedefDeclaration* sageTypedefDeclaration = isSgTypedefDeclaration(node);
  if (sageTypedefDeclaration != NULL)
      SgClassType* sageClassType = isSgClassType(sageTypedefDeclaration->get_base_type());
      SgClassDeclaration* sageClassDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration(sageClassType->get_declaration());
      ROSE_ASSERT(sageClassDeclaration != NULL);


  return returnList;
} /* End function:queryNodeCLassDeclarationFromName() */
Ejemplo n.º 2
         * The function:
	 *      buildTypedefTranslationTable()
	 * takes as a parameter a SgProject*. It will return a map<SgTypedefDeclaration*, SgType*>
	 * where the idea is that all SgTypedefDeclaration* are unique, and therefore it is 
	 * possible to create a map with it's corresponding type for easy access.  
        map< SgTypedefDeclaration*, SgType*> 
	typeInterpreter::buildTypedefTranslationTable(SgProject* project){
		ROSE_ASSERT (project != NULL);
		const SgFilePtrList& sageFilePtrList = project->get_fileList ();

		//Iterate over all global scopes in the all the files the project spans.
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sageFilePtrList.size (); i += 1)
		    const SgSourceFile *sageFile = isSgSourceFile (sageFilePtrList[i]);
		    ROSE_ASSERT (sageFile != NULL);
		    SgGlobal *sageGlobal = sageFile->get_globalScope();
		    ROSE_ASSERT (sageGlobal != NULL);

		    SgTypedefDeclaration* typedefDeclaration;
		    //Find all TypedefdefDeclarations in current global scope.
		    Rose_STL_Container< SgNode * > typedefDeclarationList =
		      NodeQuery::querySubTree (sageGlobal,

                    // DQ (9/26/2007): Moved from std::list to std::vector uniformly within ROSE.
                    printf ("Commented out unique() member function since it is not in std::vector class \n");
                    // typedefDeclarationList.unique();

		   //Iterate over all SgTypedefDeclarations in current global scope,
		   //and find corresponding SgType*.
		   for (Rose_STL_Container< SgNode * >::iterator typedefDeclarationElm =
			 typedefDeclarationList.begin ();
			 typedefDeclarationElm != typedefDeclarationList.end ();
			typedefDeclaration =
			  isSgTypedefDeclaration (*typedefDeclarationElm);
			ROSE_ASSERT (typedefDeclaration != NULL);
			//We only register a typedef once
			ROSE_ASSERT (typedefTranslationTable.find (typedefDeclaration) == typedefTranslationTable.end ());
			SgType* typedefBaseType = typedefDeclaration->get_base_type();
			ROSE_ASSERT(typedefBaseType != NULL );
			SgType* baseType  = typedefBaseType->findBaseType(); 
			//If the SgTypedefDeclarations has a base type which is of SgTypedefType, find a
			//SgType* which is not of type SgTypedefType. That is the corresponging SgType*.	
			while(isSgTypedefType(baseType) != NULL) 
				baseType = isSgTypedefType(baseType)->get_base_type();
	/*		cout << "The name of the typedef is:" << typedefDeclaration->get_name().str() ;
			string baseName = TransformationSupport::getTypeName(baseType);

			cout << "  The correpsonding basetype is:" << baseName << endl;

			if(isSgClassType(baseType) == NULL)
				cout << "It is NOT a CLASS TYPE." << endl;
			ROSE_ASSERT( baseType != NULL );
			typedefTranslationTable[typedefDeclaration] = baseType;


	return typedefTranslationTable;

	} /* End method: buildTypedefTranslationTable */