Ejemplo n.º 1
vector<shared_ptr<SplineSurface> >
SurfaceCreators::separateRationalParts(const SplineSurface& sf)
    bool rat = sf.rational();

    int dim= sf.dimension();
    int rdim = dim + 1;
    vector<shared_ptr<SplineSurface> > sep_sfs;
    vector<double> coefs(sf.coefs_begin(), sf.coefs_end());
    int nmb1 = sf.numCoefs_u();
    int nmb2 = sf.numCoefs_v();
    vector<double> rcoefs;
    int num_coefs = nmb1*nmb2;
    vector<double>::const_iterator rcoef_iter = sf.rcoefs_begin();
    for (int ki = 0; ki < num_coefs; ++ki) {
	for (int kj = 0; kj < dim; ++kj) {
	    coefs[ki*dim+kj] /= (rcoefs.back());
		      (new SplineSurface(nmb1, nmb2, sf.order_u(), sf.order_v(),
					 sf.basis_u().begin(), sf.basis_v().begin(),
					 coefs.begin(), dim)));
		      (new SplineSurface(nmb1, nmb2, sf.order_u(), sf.order_v(),
					 sf.basis_u().begin(), sf.basis_v().begin(),
					 rcoefs.begin(), 1)));

    return sep_sfs;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void GeometryTools::splitSurfaceIntoPatches(const SplineSurface& sf,
			     vector<SplineSurface>& pat)
    SplineSurface orig = sf;

    int num_u = orig.numCoefs_u();
    int num_v = orig.numCoefs_v();
    int order_u = orig.order_u();
    int order_v = orig.order_v();
    int numpat_u = num_u / order_u;
    int numpat_v = num_v / order_v;

    pat.resize(numpat_u * numpat_v);
    typedef vector<double>::const_iterator const_iter;
    const_iter itu = orig.basis_u().begin();
    const_iter itv;
    for (int i = 0; i < numpat_u; ++i) {
	itv = orig.basis_v().begin();
	for (int j = 0; j < numpat_v; ++j) {
		new_sf(orig.subSurface(*itu, *itv,
				       *(itu+order_u), *(itv+order_v)));
	    pat[numpat_u*j + i] = *new_sf;
	    itv += order_v;
	itu += order_u;

Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  if (argc < 3) {
      cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0]
	   << " inputfile outputfile [max_coefs_u max_coefs_v]" << endl;
      return 1;

  ifstream in(argv[1]);
  ofstream out(argv[2]);

  if (!in || !out) {
    cout << "Bad file(s) or filename(s)." << endl;
    return 1;

  ObjectHeader oh;
  SplineSurface sf;

  in >> oh >> sf;

  int m = sf.numCoefs_v() - sf.order_v() + 1;
  int n = sf.numCoefs_u() - sf.order_u() + 1;
  if (argc >= 5) {
      // Note the weird order (v then u)
      m = min(atoi(argv[4])-sf.numCoefs_v(), m);
      n = min(atoi(argv[3])-sf.numCoefs_u(), n);
  int i;
  vector<double> newknots_v;
  vector<double> newknots_u;
  for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
    vector<double>::const_iterator it = sf.basis_v().begin();
    double newknot = 0.5*it[sf.order_v()+i-1] + 0.5*it[sf.order_v()+i];
  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    vector<double>::const_iterator it = sf.basis_u().begin();
    double newknot = 0.5*it[sf.order_u()+i-1] + 0.5*it[sf.order_u()+i];


  out << oh << sf;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
shared_ptr<SplineSurface> SplineUtils::refineToBezier(const SplineSurface& spline_sf)
    shared_ptr<SplineSurface> bez_sf;

    const BsplineBasis& bas_u = spline_sf.basis_u();
    const BsplineBasis& bas_v = spline_sf.basis_v();
    const int order_u = bas_u.order();
    const int order_v = bas_v.order();

    // We extract the unique knots.
    vector<double> new_knots_u, new_knots_v;
    // vector<double> ref_knots_u, ref_knots_v;
    vector<double>::const_iterator iter = bas_u.begin();
    while (iter != bas_u.end() - order_u)
	if (iter[0] != iter[1])
	    int knot_mult = bas_u.knotMultiplicity(iter[0]);
	    int num_insert = order_u - knot_mult;
	    if (num_insert > 0)
		new_knots_u.insert(new_knots_u.end(), num_insert, iter[0]);

    iter = bas_v.begin();
    while (iter != bas_v.end() - order_v)
	if (iter[0] != iter[1])
	    int knot_mult = bas_v.knotMultiplicity(iter[0]);
	    int num_insert = order_v - knot_mult;
	    if (num_insert > 0)
		new_knots_v.insert(new_knots_v.end(), num_insert, iter[0]);

    bez_sf = insertKnots(spline_sf,
			 new_knots_u, new_knots_v);

    return bez_sf;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void cart_to_bary(const SplineSurface& sf, const BaryCoordSystem3D& bc,
		  SplineSurface& sf_bc)
    ALWAYS_ERROR_IF(sf.dimension() != 3, "Dimension must be 3.");

    int nu = sf.numCoefs_u();
    int nv = sf.numCoefs_v();
    Vector3D cart;
    Vector4D bary;
    vector<double> new_coefs;
    if (!sf.rational()) {
	new_coefs.resize(4 * nu * nv);
	for (int iv = 0; iv < nv; ++iv) {
	    for (int iu = 0; iu < nu; ++iu) {
		int offset = nu * iv + iu;
		cart = Vector3D(sf.coefs_begin() + 3 * offset);
		bary = bc.cartToBary(cart);
		for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
		    new_coefs[4*offset + j] = bary[j];
    } else {
	new_coefs.resize(5 * nu * nv);
	for (int iv = 0; iv < nv; ++iv) {
	    for (int iu = 0; iu < nu; ++iu) {
		int offset = nu * iv + iu;
		cart = Vector3D(sf.coefs_begin() + 3 * offset);
		bary = bc.cartToBary(cart);
		double w = sf.rcoefs_begin()[4*offset + 3];
		for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
		    new_coefs[5*offset + j] = bary[j] * w;
		new_coefs[5*offset + 4] = w;
    sf_bc = SplineSurface(nu, nv, sf.order_u(), sf.order_v(),
			  sf.basis_u().begin(), sf.basis_v().begin(),
			  new_coefs.begin(), 4, sf.rational());
Ejemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char** argv)

  if (argc != 6)
      cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " surfaceinfile surface3doutfile points3doutfile num_u num_v" << endl;

  ifstream filein(argv[1]);
  ALWAYS_ERROR_IF(filein.bad(), "Bad or no curvee input filename");
  ObjectHeader head;
  filein >> head;
  if (head.classType() != SplineSurface::classType()) {
    THROW("Not a spline surface");

  SplineSurface sf;
  filein >> sf;

  ofstream fileoutsurf(argv[2]);
  ALWAYS_ERROR_IF(fileoutsurf.bad(), "Bad surface output filename");

  ofstream fileoutpts(argv[3]);
  ALWAYS_ERROR_IF(fileoutpts.bad(), "Bad points output filename");

  int num_u = atoi(argv[4]);
  int num_v = atoi(argv[5]);

  vector<double> pts, param_u, param_v;

  sf.gridEvaluator(num_u, num_v, pts, param_u, param_v);

  vector<double> coefs3d;
  vector<Point> pts3d;
  int dim = sf.dimension();
  bool rational = sf.rational();

  int ctrl_pts = sf.numCoefs_u() * sf.numCoefs_v();
  vector<double>::const_iterator it = sf.ctrl_begin();

  for (int i = 0; i < ctrl_pts; ++i)
      if (dim <= 3)
	for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
	    if (j>=dim)
	  for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j, ++it)
	  it += (dim-3);
      if (rational)

  int pts_pos = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_u*num_v; ++i)
      double x, y, z;
      if (dim == 0)
	x = 0.0;
	x = pts[pts_pos];
      if (dim <= 1)
	y = 0.0;
	y = pts[pts_pos+1];
      if (dim <= 2)
	z = 0.0;
	z = pts[pts_pos+2];
      pts_pos += dim;
      pts3d.push_back(Point(x, y, z));

  SplineSurface sf3d(sf.basis_u(), sf.basis_v(), coefs3d.begin(), 3, rational);


  fileoutpts << "400 1 0 4 255 255 0 255" << endl;
  fileoutpts << pts3d.size() << endl;
  for (int i = 0; i < (int)pts3d.size(); ++i)
    fileoutpts << pts3d[i] << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void SplineUtils::refinedBezierCoefsCubic(SplineSurface& spline_sf,
					  int ind_u_min, int ind_v_min,
					  vector<double>& bez_coefs)

    if (bez_coefs.size() != 48)
    std::fill(bez_coefs.begin(), bez_coefs.end(), 0.0);

    // Values for inpute spline surface.
    int dim = spline_sf.dimension();
    int order_u = spline_sf.order_u();
    int order_v = spline_sf.order_u();
    int num_coefs_u = spline_sf.numCoefs_u();
    int num_coefs_v = spline_sf.numCoefs_v();

    // Checking that input index is within range.
    assert(ind_u_min >= order_u - 1 && ind_u_min < num_coefs_u);
    assert(ind_v_min >= order_v - 1 && ind_v_min < num_coefs_v);

    BsplineBasis& basis_u = spline_sf.basis_u();
    BsplineBasis& basis_v = spline_sf.basis_v();
    double* knot_u = &basis_u.begin()[0];
    double* knot_v = &basis_v.begin()[0];

    // We expect the knot index to refer to the last occurence.
    assert(knot_u[ind_u_min] != knot_u[ind_u_min+1]);
    assert(knot_v[ind_v_min] != knot_v[ind_v_min+1]);

    // We expect knot mult to be 1 or 4.
    int knot_mult_umin = (knot_u[ind_u_min-1] == knot_u[ind_u_min]) ? 4 : 1;
    int knot_mult_umax = (knot_u[ind_u_min+1] == knot_u[ind_u_min+2]) ? 4 : 1;
    int knot_mult_vmin = (knot_v[ind_v_min-1] == knot_v[ind_v_min]) ? 4 : 1;
    int knot_mult_vmax = (knot_v[ind_v_min+1] == knot_v[ind_v_min+2]) ? 4 : 1;

    bool kreg_at_ustart = (knot_mult_umin == 4);
    bool kreg_at_uend = (knot_mult_umax == 4);
    vector<double> transf_mat_u(16, 0.0);
    // if (!kreg_at_ustart && !kreg_at_uend)
    splineToBezierTransfMat(knot_u + ind_u_min - 3,

#ifndef NDEBUG
    std::cout << "\ntransf_mat_u=" << std::endl;
    for (size_t kj = 0; kj < 4; ++kj)
	for (size_t ki = 0; ki < 4; ++ki)
	    std::cout << transf_mat_u[kj*4+ki] << " ";
	std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;
#endif // NDEBUG

    // else
    // 	cubicTransfMat(knot_u + ind_u_min - 3,
    // 		       kreg_at_ustart, kreg_at_uend,
    // 		       transf_mat_u);

    bool kreg_at_vstart = (knot_mult_vmin == 4);
    bool kreg_at_vend = (knot_mult_vmax == 4);
    vector<double> transf_mat_v(16, 0.0);
    // if (!kreg_at_ustart && !kreg_at_uend)
    splineToBezierTransfMat(knot_v + ind_v_min - 3,

#ifndef NDEBUG
    std::cout << "\ntransf_mat_v=" << std::endl;
    for (size_t kj = 0; kj < 4; ++kj)
	for (size_t ki = 0; ki < 4; ++ki)
	    std::cout << transf_mat_v[kj*4+ki] << " ";
	std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;
#endif // NDEBUG

		       num_coefs_u, num_coefs_v,
		       ind_u_min, ind_v_min,
		       transf_mat_u, transf_mat_v,
