Ejemplo n.º 1
TVFloat CADSMCtr::getStatus ( void ){
	TVFloat result;

	sNPower* power = m_pcNode-> getNPower(); 
	result.push_back( power->load );
	result.push_back( power->pv   );
	result.push_back( power->bat  );
	result.push_back( power->grid );

	float self_consumption;	
	self_consumption = min ( power->pv , power->load );
	result.push_back( self_consumption );
//	if ( m_pcNode->getPV() ){
//		result.push_back( m_pcNode->getPV()->getPower() );
//	}
//	result.push_back( m_pcNode->getLoad()->getPower() );
//	result.push_back( m_pcNode->getLoad()->getDefPower() );
//	result.push_back( m_pcNode->getLoad()->getNDefPower() );
//	if ( m_pcNode->getStorage() ){
//		result.push_back( m_pcNode->getStorage()->getPower() );
//	}
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
TVFloat CPV::getRangeNrFrc ( int begin , int end ){
	TVFloat result;
	for ( int i = begin ; i < end ; i++ ){
		result.push_back( m_vPwFrc->at ( ( i ) % m_vPwFrc->size() ) );
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
TVFloat CPV::getNextDayNrFrc ( int time_ref ){
	TVFloat result;
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < 1440 ; i++ ){
		result.push_back( m_vPwFrc->at( ( i + time_ref ) % m_vPwFrc->size() ) );
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
TVFloat CSimulator::getEvaluation ( void ){
	TVFloat results;
	TVFloat* tmp_sgn = m_pcEnvironment->getGSignal();
	int ini_ptr = tmp_sgn->size() - 43200;
	// Evaluate 30 days	
	float   tmp_daily_max, tmp_daily_min;	
	TVFloat daily_max, daily_min;
	float   month_max = tmp_sgn->at( ini_ptr );
	float   month_min = tmp_sgn->at( ini_ptr );
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < 43200 ; i++ ){
		// Monthly
		if ( month_max < tmp_sgn->at( ini_ptr + i ) )
			month_max = tmp_sgn->at( ini_ptr + i );
		if ( month_min > tmp_sgn->at( ini_ptr + i ) )
			month_min = tmp_sgn->at( ini_ptr + i );
		// Daily 
		if ( i % 1440 == 0 ){
			if ( i != 0 ){
				daily_max.push_back( tmp_daily_max );
				daily_min.push_back( tmp_daily_min );
			tmp_daily_max = tmp_daily_min = tmp_sgn->at( ini_ptr + i );						
		if ( tmp_daily_max < tmp_sgn->at( ini_ptr + i ) )
			tmp_daily_max = tmp_sgn->at( ini_ptr + i );
		if ( tmp_daily_min > tmp_sgn->at( ini_ptr + i ) )
			tmp_daily_min = tmp_sgn->at( ini_ptr + i );
	float   month_rel = month_max / month_min;
	TVFloat daily_rel;
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < daily_max.size() ; i++ ){
		daily_rel.push_back( daily_max[i] / daily_min[i] );
	float  daily_rel_ave = 0.0;
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < daily_rel.size() ; i++ ){
		daily_rel_ave += daily_rel[i];
	daily_rel_ave /= daily_rel.size();

	// Get results
	results.push_back( month_rel );	
	results.push_back( daily_rel_ave );
	return results;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int COscillator::_roulette ( TVFloat* prob ){	
	TVFloat roulette;
	roulette.push_back( (*prob)[0] );
	for ( int i = 1 ; i < prob->size() ; i++ ){
		roulette.push_back( (*prob)[i] +  roulette.back() );
	float rand = m_pcRandom->nextDouble( roulette.back() );	
	bool  Exit = false;
	int   cnt  = 0;
	while (!Exit){
		if ( roulette[cnt] > rand ){			
			Exit   = true;
	return cnt;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void IRACE_slave ( void ){
	/* Create Simulator and take over it */
	CSimulator   *pcSimulator   = new CSimulator ( g_sMainFilename );
	CMainControl *pcMainControl = pcSimulator->getMainControl();
	/* Set environment */	
	pcSimulator->setFFTsize  ( pow ( 2 , g_ne1 ) );
	pcSimulator->setSampling ( g_ne2 * 45 );					
	/* Set Controllers */	
	TVFloat param;
	param.push_back( - g_fk );
	param.push_back(   g_fp );
	param.push_back(   g_nr );
	param.push_back(   g_fb );	
	pcMainControl->setParameters ( param );							
	/* Restart Simulator */	
	pcSimulator->restart       (  );
	/* Execute the experiment */
	pcSimulator->ExecuteSimulation ( );
	/* Get the results */
	float   ave_res = pcMainControl->getAssessment();
	/* Write the output */
	ofstream output (g_sOutputFile.c_str());	
	output << ave_res << endl;
	cout << " FITNESS: " << ave_res << endl;
	TVFloat* result = pcMainControl->getEvaluation();	
	cout << " RESULT: ";
	if ( result ){
		for ( int i = 0 ; i < result->size() ; i++ ){
			cout << result->at(i) << " ";
	cout << endl;
	/* Kill simulator */
	delete pcSimulator;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void CSimulator::_configureGrid ( XMLElement* elem ){
	string attr;
	// Get Grid maximum amplitude
	if ( elem->Attribute("amp") ){
		attr = elem->Attribute("amp");
		m_sSimCnf.GridProfile.amp = atof( attr.c_str() );
		m_sSimCnf.GridProfile.amp = 0.0;
	// Configure grid sinusiodal components	
	int nCmp;
	if ( elem->Attribute("cmp") ){
		attr = elem->Attribute("cmp");
		nCmp = atoi( attr.c_str() );
		nCmp = 0;
	if ( nCmp > 0 ){
		m_pcGrid->setSCmp ( elem );
	// Get Profile
	if ( elem->Attribute("file") ){
		string file_name;
		attr = elem->Attribute("file");
		file_name.assign   ( m_sSimCnf.sDataFolder );
		file_name.append   ( attr );
		ifstream inputFile ( file_name.c_str() );
		if ( inputFile.is_open() ){
			TVFloat  profile;
			float tmp_float, tmp_float_old, slope;		
			inputFile.ignore   ( 256, ' ' );
			inputFile.ignore   ( 256, ' ' );
			inputFile.ignore   ( 256, ' ' );
			inputFile.ignore   ( 256, ' ' );
			inputFile.ignore   ( 256, ' ' );
			inputFile >> tmp_float_old;
			inputFile.ignore   ( 256, '\n' );
			inputFile.ignore   ( 256, ' ' );
			inputFile.ignore   ( 256, ' ' );
			inputFile.ignore   ( 256, ' ' );
			inputFile.ignore   ( 256, ' ' );
			inputFile.ignore   ( 256, ' ' );
			while( !inputFile.eof() ){				
				inputFile >> tmp_float;				
				slope = (tmp_float - tmp_float_old)/60.0;
				for ( int j = 0 ; j  < 60 ; j++ ){
					profile.push_back( tmp_float_old + slope * j );
				tmp_float_old = tmp_float;
				inputFile.ignore   ( 256, '\n' );
				inputFile.ignore   ( 256, ' ' );
				inputFile.ignore   ( 256, ' ' );
				inputFile.ignore   ( 256, ' ' );
				inputFile.ignore   ( 256, ' ' );
				inputFile.ignore   ( 256, ' ' );
			m_sSimCnf.GridProfile.dur     = profile.size();
			m_sSimCnf.GridProfile.profile = profile;
			// Normalized profile
			TVFloat  nr_profile;
			float max = 0.0;
			for ( int i = 0 ; i < profile.size() ; i++ ){
				if ( profile[i] > max ){
					max = profile[i];
			for ( int i = 0 ; i < profile.size() ; i++ ){
				nr_profile.push_back( profile[i] / max );
			m_sSimCnf.GridProfile.nr_profile = nr_profile;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void MPI_slaveLoop  ( void ){	
	cout << "Created process " << g_nMyid << " as SLAVE " << endl;
	/* Parallel stuff */
	int                flags_tx [1];
	int                flags_rx [1];
	int                nParams  [g_nParamN];
	int                nEnviro  [g_nEnvirN];
	float              fResults [g_nResltN];
	int                nSeed    [1];
	bool               Exit;
	MPI_Status         stat;	
	std::vector<float> tmp_vec;	
	flags_tx[0] = 0;	

	/* Create Simulator*/
	CSimulator   *pcSimulator   = new CSimulator ( g_sExpConf );
	CMainControl *pcMainControl = pcSimulator->getMainControl();

	/* SLAVE Main Loop - getting work and executing*/	
	Exit = false;
		/* Ask for job */
		MPI_Send ( flags_tx   , 1 , MPI_INT , 0 , 0 , MPI_COMM_WORLD );        		
		MPI_Recv ( flags_rx   , 1 , MPI_INT , 0 , 1 , MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat ); 
		/* Flag to continue working or finish the process */
		if ( flags_rx[0] == 1 ){		
			/* Receives work */			
			MPI_Recv ( nParams , g_nParamN , MPI_INT  , 0 , 3 , MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat );
			MPI_Recv ( nEnviro , g_nEnvirN , MPI_INT  , 0 , 8 , MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat );
			MPI_Recv ( nSeed   , 1         , MPI_INT  , 0 , 6 , MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat );										
			/* Restart Simulator */
			pcSimulator->setSeed       ( nSeed[0] );
			pcSimulator->restart       (  );	
			/* Set environment */	
			TVFloat enviro;
			for ( int i = 0 ; i < g_nEnvirN ; i++ ){
				enviro.push_back( g_vEnvirs[i].step * float(nEnviro[i]) + g_vEnvirs[i].offset );
			//enviro.push_back( g_vEnvirs[0].step * float(nEnviro[0]) + g_vEnvirs[0].offset );
			//enviro.push_back( g_vEnvirs[1].step * float(nEnviro[1]) + g_vEnvirs[1].offset );
			pcMainControl->setEnvironment ( enviro );					
			/* Set Controllers */		
			TVFloat param;
			for ( int i = 0 ; i < g_nParamN ; i++ ){
				param.push_back( g_vParams[i].step * float(nParams[i]) + g_vParams[i].offset );
			//param.push_back( g_vParams[0].step * float(nParams[0]) + g_vParams[0].offset );
			//param.push_back( g_vParams[1].step * float(nParams[1]) + g_vParams[1].offset );
			pcMainControl->setParameters ( param );			
			/* Execute the experiment */
			pcSimulator->ExecuteSimulation ( );
			/* Get the results */
			TVFloat* tmp_res = pcMainControl->getEvaluation();
			for ( int i = 0 ; i < g_nResltN ; i++ )
				fResults[i] = tmp_res->at(i);			
			/* Send the results to the MPI Master*/		
			MPI_Send ( nParams  , g_nParamN , MPI_INT   , 0 , 2 , MPI_COMM_WORLD );
			MPI_Send ( nEnviro  , g_nEnvirN , MPI_INT   , 0 , 7 , MPI_COMM_WORLD );	
			MPI_Send ( nSeed    , 1         , MPI_INT   , 0 , 5 , MPI_COMM_WORLD );		
			MPI_Send ( fResults , g_nResltN , MPI_FLOAT , 0 , 4 , MPI_COMM_WORLD );			
			flags_tx[0] = 1;					
			Exit = true;
	/* Delete Simulator */
	delete pcSimulator;