Ejemplo n.º 1
void CGameSetup::LoadAllyTeams(const TdfParser& file)
	// i = allyteam index in game (no gaps), a = allyteam index in script
	int i = 0;
	for (int a = 0; a < MAX_TEAMS; ++a) {
		char section[50];
		string s(section);

		if (!file.SectionExist(s))

		AllyTeam data;
		std::map<std::string, std::string> setup = file.GetAllValues(s);

		for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = setup.begin(); it != setup.end(); ++it)
			data.SetValue(it->first, it->second);


		allyteamRemap[a] = i;

		const size_t numAllyTeams = allyStartingData.size();
		for (size_t a = 0; a < numAllyTeams; ++a) {
			allyStartingData[a].allies.resize(numAllyTeams, false);
			allyStartingData[a].allies[a] = true; // each team is allied with itself

			std::ostringstream section;
			section << "GAME\\ALLYTEAM" << a << "\\";

			const size_t numAllies = atoi(file.SGetValueDef("0", section.str() + "NumAllies").c_str());

			for (size_t b = 0; b < numAllies; ++b) {
				std::ostringstream key;
				key << "GAME\\ALLYTEAM" << a << "\\Ally" << b;
				const int other = atoi(file.SGetValueDef("0",key.str()).c_str());
				allyStartingData[a].allies[allyteamRemap[other]] = true;

	unsigned allyCount = 0;
	if (file.GetValue(allyCount, "GAME\\NumAllyTeams") && (allyStartingData.size() != allyCount)) {
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Incorrect number of ally teams in GameSetup script");
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CGameSetup::LoadPlayers(const TdfParser& file, std::set<std::string>& nameList)
	numDemoPlayers = 0;
	// i = player index in game (no gaps), a = player index in script
	int i = 0;
	for (int a = 0; a < MAX_PLAYERS; ++a) {
		char section[50];
		sprintf(section, "GAME\\PLAYER%i", a);
		string s(section);

		if (!file.SectionExist(s)) {
		PlayerBase data;

		// expects lines of form team=x rather than team=TEAMx
		// team field is relocated in RemapTeams
		std::map<std::string, std::string> setup = file.GetAllValues(s);
		for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = setup.begin(); it != setup.end(); ++it)
			data.SetValue(it->first, it->second);

		// do checks for sanity
		if (data.name.empty())
			throw content_error(str( boost::format("GameSetup: No name given for Player %i") %a ));
		if (nameList.find(data.name) != nameList.end())
			throw content_error(str(boost::format("GameSetup: Player %i has name %s which is already taken")	%a %data.name.c_str() ));

		if (data.isFromDemo)

		playerRemap[a] = i;

	unsigned playerCount = 0;
	if (file.GetValue(playerCount, "GAME\\NumPlayers") && playerStartingData.size() != playerCount) {
			_STPF_ " players in GameSetup script (NumPlayers says %i)",
			playerStartingData.size(), playerCount);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CGameSetup::LoadTeams(const TdfParser& file)
	// i = team index in game (no gaps), a = team index in script
	int i = 0;
	for (int a = 0; a < MAX_TEAMS; ++a) {
		char section[50];
		sprintf(section, "GAME\\TEAM%i", a);
		string s(section);

		if (!file.SectionExist(s.substr(0, s.length()))) {

		TeamBase data;
		data.startMetal = startMetal;
		data.startEnergy = startEnergy;

		// Get default color from palette (based on "color" tag)
		for (size_t num = 0; num < 3; ++num)
			data.color[num] = palette.teamColor[a][num];
		data.color[3] = 255;

		std::map<std::string, std::string> setup = file.GetAllValues(s);
		for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = setup.begin(); it != setup.end(); ++it)
			data.SetValue(it->first, it->second);

		if (data.startMetal == -1.0)
			data.startMetal = startMetal;
		if (data.startEnergy == -1.0)
			data.startEnergy = startEnergy;

		teamRemap[a] = i;

	unsigned teamCount = 0;
	if (file.GetValue(teamCount, "Game\\NumTeams") && teamStartingData.size() != teamCount)
		logOutput.Print("Warning: %i teams in GameSetup script (NumTeams: %i)", teamStartingData.size(), teamCount);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CGameSetup::LoadSkirmishAIs(const TdfParser& file, std::set<std::string>& nameList)
	// i = AI index in game (no gaps), a = AI index in script
//	int i = 0;
	for (int a = 0; a < MAX_PLAYERS; ++a) {
		char section[50];
		sprintf(section, "GAME\\AI%i\\", a);
		string s(section);

		if (!file.SectionExist(s.substr(0, s.length() - 1))) {

		SkirmishAIData data;

		data.team = atoi(file.SGetValueDef("-1", s + "Team").c_str());
		if (data.team == -1) {
			throw content_error("missing AI.Team in GameSetup script");
		data.hostPlayer = atoi(file.SGetValueDef("-1", s + "Host").c_str());
		if (data.hostPlayer == -1) {
			throw content_error("missing AI.Host in GameSetup script");

		data.shortName = file.SGetValueDef("", s + "ShortName");
		if (data.shortName == "") {
			throw content_error("missing AI.ShortName in GameSetup script");

		data.version = file.SGetValueDef("", s + "Version");
		if (file.SectionExist(s + "Options")) {
			data.options = file.GetAllValues(s + "Options");
			std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator kv;
			for (kv = data.options.begin(); kv != data.options.end(); ++kv) {

		// get the visible name (comparable to player-name)
		std::string name = file.SGetValueDef(data.shortName, s + "Name");
		int instanceIndex = 0;
		std::string name_unique = name;
		while (nameList.find(name_unique) != nameList.end()) {
			name_unique = name + "_" + IntToString(instanceIndex++);
			// so we possibly end up with something like myBot_0, or RAI_2
		data.name = name_unique;


	unsigned aiCount = 0;
	if (!file.GetValue(aiCount, "GAME\\NumSkirmishAIs")
			|| skirmishAIStartingData.size() == aiCount) {
		aiCount = skirmishAIStartingData.size();
	} else {
		throw content_error(
				"incorrect number of skirmish AIs in GameSetup script");