Ejemplo n.º 1
wxXmlNode* ToolBar::WriteNode()
 * \brief Writes a 'toolbar' xml element node.
 * See class description for structure of such an xml node.
 * \return The 'toolbar' xml element node; or NULL on error.
    // ToolBar Node erstellen
    wxXmlNode* node = PenvHelper::CreateXmlNode(_T("toolbar"));
    node->AddProperty(_T("id"), m_id);
    node->AddProperty(_T("name"), m_name);
    node->AddProperty(_T("visible"), PenvHelper::CreateBoolean(m_visible));
    // Positions Node erstellen (node ist parent!)
    wxAuiManager* mgr = Environment::Get()->GetFrame()->GetManager();
    wxString posinfo = mgr->SavePaneInfo(m_paneinfo);
    wxXmlNode* posnode = PenvHelper::CreateXmlNode(_T("position"), posinfo);
    PenvHelper::AddXmlChildNode(node, posnode);
    // ToolBar Itemes erstellen und hinzufügen
    for (size_t i=0; i<m_array->Count(); ++i)
        ToolBarItem* item = (*m_array)[i];
        wxXmlNode* toolitemnode = item->WriteNode();
        PenvHelper::AddXmlChildNode(node, toolitemnode);
    return (node);
Ejemplo n.º 2
ToolBarItem *ToolBar::add_separator_item(const std::string &name)
  ToolBarItem *item = mforms::manage(new ToolBarItem(SeparatorItem));
  return item;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool ToolBar::get_item_checked(const std::string &name)
  ToolBarItem *item = find_item(name);
  if (item)
    return item->get_checked();
  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool ToolBar::ReadNode(wxXmlNode* node)
 * \brief Read out a 'toolbar' xml element node.
 * See class description for structure of such an xml node.
 * \param node The 'toolbar' xml element node.
 * \return True on success; false otherwise.
    // Fehler überprüfen
    if (unlikely(node == NULL)) {
        wxLogError(_T("[penv::ToolBar::ReadNode] Cannot load xml node, because parameter argument is NULL."));
        return (false);
    if (unlikely(node->GetType() != wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE)) {
        wxLogError(_T("[penv::ToolBar::ReadNode] Cannot load, xml node must be an element node."));
        return (false);
    if (unlikely(node->GetName() != _T("toolbar"))) {
        wxLogError(_T("[penv::ToolBar::ReadNode] Cannot load, xml element node must have the name \"toolbar\". This element node has the name \"%s\"."), node->GetName().c_str());
        return (false);

    // Einlesen der Attribute der Toolbar
    if (unlikely(!node->HasProp(_T("id")))) {
        wxLogError(_T("[penv::ToolBar::ReadNode] Cannot load, xml element node must have the attribute \"id\". This element node has the name \"%s\"."), node->GetName().c_str());
        return (false);
    m_id = node->GetPropVal(_T("id"), wxEmptyString);
    m_name = node->GetPropVal(_T("name"), wxEmptyString);
    m_visible = PenvHelper::ParseBoolean(node->GetPropVal(_T("visible"), _T("true")));

    // Einlesen der Position und der ToolBar Items
    Environment* env = Environment::Get();
    wxXmlNode* child = node->GetChildren();
    while (child != NULL)
        // Nicht Elemente überspringen
        if (unlikely(child->GetType() != wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE)) {
            child = child->GetNext();
        if (child->GetName() == _T("position")) {
            wxString strg = child->GetNodeContent();
            env->GetFrame()->GetManager()->LoadPaneInfo(strg, m_paneinfo);
        if (child->GetName() == _T("toolitem")) {
            ToolBarItem* item = new ToolBarItem();
            if (!item->ReadNode(child)) {
                wxLogWarning(_T("[penv::ToolBar::ReadNode] Toolbar item in toolbar \"%s\" could not be readed. Skipping..."), m_name.c_str());
                delete item;
            } else {
        child = child->GetNext();
    return (true);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Workbench::setupCustomToolbars(ToolBarItem* root, const Base::Reference<ParameterGrp>& hGrp) const
    std::vector<Base::Reference<ParameterGrp> > hGrps = hGrp->GetGroups();
    CommandManager& rMgr = Application::Instance->commandManager();
    std::string separator = "Separator";
    for (std::vector<Base::Reference<ParameterGrp> >::iterator it = hGrps.begin(); it != hGrps.end(); ++it) {
        bool active = (*it)->GetBool("Active", true);
        if (!active) // ignore this toolbar
        ToolBarItem* bar = new ToolBarItem(root);

        // get the elements of the subgroups
        std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string> > items = hGrp->GetGroup((*it)->GetGroupName())->GetASCIIMap();
        for (std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string> >::iterator it2 = items.begin(); it2 != items.end(); ++it2) {
            if (it2->first.substr(0, separator.size()) == separator) {
                *bar << "Separator";
            else if (it2->first == "Name") {
            else {
                Command* pCmd = rMgr.getCommandByName(it2->first.c_str());
                if (!pCmd) { // unknown command
                    // first try the module name as is
                    std::string pyMod = it2->second;
                    try {
                        // Try again
                        pCmd = rMgr.getCommandByName(it2->first.c_str());
                    catch(const Base::Exception&) {

                // still not there?
                if (!pCmd) {
                    // add the 'Gui' suffix
                    std::string pyMod = it2->second + "Gui";
                    try {
                        // Try again
                        pCmd = rMgr.getCommandByName(it2->first.c_str());
                    catch(const Base::Exception&) {

                if (pCmd) {
                    *bar << it2->first; // command name
Ejemplo n.º 6
void PythonBaseWorkbench::appendToolbar(const std::string& bar, const std::list<std::string>& items) const
    ToolBarItem* item = _toolBar->findItem(bar);
    if (!item)
        item = new ToolBarItem(_toolBar);

    for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it)
        *item << *it;
Ejemplo n.º 7
ToolBarItem* StdWorkbench::setupToolBars() const
    ToolBarItem* root = new ToolBarItem;

    // File
    ToolBarItem* file = new ToolBarItem( root );
    *file << "Std_New" << "Std_Open" << "Std_Save" << "Std_Print" << "Separator" << "Std_Cut"
          << "Std_Copy" << "Std_Paste" << "Separator" << "Std_Undo" << "Std_Redo" << "Separator"
          << "Std_Refresh" << "Separator" << "Std_WhatsThis";

    // Workbench switcher
    ToolBarItem* wb = new ToolBarItem( root );
    *wb << "Std_Workbench";

    // Macro
    ToolBarItem* macro = new ToolBarItem( root );
    *macro << "Std_DlgMacroRecord" << "Std_MacroStopRecord" << "Std_DlgMacroExecute"
           << "Std_DlgMacroExecuteDirect";

    // View
    ToolBarItem* view = new ToolBarItem( root );
    *view << "Std_ViewFitAll" << "Std_ViewFitSelection" << "Std_DrawStyle" << "Separator" << "Std_ViewAxo" << "Separator" << "Std_ViewFront"
          << "Std_ViewTop" << "Std_ViewRight" << "Separator" << "Std_ViewRear" << "Std_ViewBottom"
          << "Std_ViewLeft" << "Separator" << "Std_MeasureDistance" ;
    return root;
Ejemplo n.º 8
ToolBarItem* StdWorkbench::setupCommandBars() const
    ToolBarItem* root = new ToolBarItem;

    // View
    ToolBarItem* view = new ToolBarItem( root );
    view->setCommand("Standard views");
    *view << "Std_ViewFitAll" << "Std_ViewFitSelection" << "Std_ViewAxo" << "Separator"
          << "Std_ViewFront" << "Std_ViewRight" << "Std_ViewTop" << "Separator"
          << "Std_ViewRear" << "Std_ViewLeft" << "Std_ViewBottom";
    // Special Ops
    ToolBarItem* macro = new ToolBarItem( root );
    macro->setCommand("Special Ops");
    *macro << "Std_DlgParameter" << "Std_DlgPreferences" << "Std_DlgMacroRecord" << "Std_MacroStopRecord" 
           << "Std_DlgMacroExecute" << "Std_DlgCustomize";

    return root;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void Workbench::setupCustomToolbars(ToolBarItem* root, const char* toolbar) const
    std::string name = this->name();
    ParameterGrp::handle hGrp = App::GetApplication().GetUserParameter().GetGroup("BaseApp")
    std::vector<Base::Reference<ParameterGrp> > hGrps = hGrp->GetGroups();
    CommandManager& rMgr = Application::Instance->commandManager();
    for (std::vector<Base::Reference<ParameterGrp> >::iterator it = hGrps.begin(); it != hGrps.end(); ++it) {
        bool active = (*it)->GetBool("Active", true);
        if (!active) // ignore this toolbar
        ToolBarItem* bar = new ToolBarItem(root);
        // get the elements of the subgroups
        std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string> > items = hGrp->GetGroup((*it)->GetGroupName())->GetASCIIMap();
        for (std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string> >::iterator it2 = items.begin(); it2 != items.end(); ++it2) {
            if (it2->first == "Separator") {
                *bar << "Separator";
            } else if (it2->first == "Name") {
            } else {
                Command* pCmd = rMgr.getCommandByName(it2->first.c_str());
                if (!pCmd) { // unknown command
                    // try to find out the appropriate module name
                    std::string pyMod = it2->second + "Gui";
                    try {
                    catch(const Base::Exception&) {

                    // Try again
                    pCmd = rMgr.getCommandByName(it2->first.c_str());

                if (pCmd) {
                    *bar << it2->first; // command name
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool ToolBar::Update()
 * \brief Updates the toolbar and all its item. In some cases it is
 * necessary to update the wxAuiManager after calling this method.
 * \return True on success; false otherwise.
    Environment* env = Environment::Get();
    if (unlikely(m_toolbar == NULL)) {
        wxToolBar* m_toolbar = new wxToolBar(env->GetFrame(), wxID_ANY,
            wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, penvCOMMON_TOOLBARSTYLE);
        // Because ClearTools does not remove events
        //  from event handler, remove them manually
        // Clear all tool items
    if (m_toolbarids != NULL) delete [] m_toolbarids;
    m_toolbarids = new int[m_array->Count()];
    m_counttoolbarids = m_array->Count();
    for (size_t i=0; i<m_array->Count(); ++i)
        ToolBarItem* item = m_array->ItemPtr(i);
        // Überprüfen ob ID schon aufgelöst wurde
        if (item->GetCommand() == NULL && !item->GetId().IsEmpty()) {
            if (item->GetCommand() == NULL) {
                wxLogWarning(_T("[penv::ToolBar::Update] Could not resolve command id '%s' for item. Removing item!"), item->GetId().c_str());
                m_array->Del(i, true);
        if (item->GetCommand() != NULL) {
            if (item->GetCommand()->IsEvent()) {
                wxLogWarning(_T("[penv::ToolBar::Update] Could not add command id '%s' to toolbar, because this command is a event. Removing item!"), item->GetId().c_str());
                m_array->Del(i, true);
            if (!item->GetIcon().IsOk()) {
                wxLogWarning(_T("[penv::ToolBar::Update] Could not add command id '%s' to toolbar, because this command does not have a bitmap."), item->GetId().c_str());
        wxToolBarToolBase* tool = NULL;
        if (unlikely(item->IsSeparator())) {
            tool = m_toolbar->AddSeparator();
        } else {
            tool = m_toolbar->AddTool(wxNewId(),
            if (unlikely(!item->TryConnect())) {
                wxLogWarning(_T("[penv::ToolBar::Update] Could not connect tool item, with wxWidgets Event."));
                m_toolbarids[i] = -1;
            } else {
                m_toolbarids[i] = tool->GetId();
    for (int i=m_array->Count()-1; i>=0; --i)
        if (m_array->ItemPtr(i) == NULL) m_array->Remove((size_t)i, false);
    // Toolbar always set caption new
    // Toolbar is always on top!
    if (m_paneinfo.dock_direction != wxAUI_DOCK_TOP) {
        wxLogWarning(_T("[penv::ToolBar::Update] Toolbar '%s' is not on top of the frame, changing it to display toolbar on top."), m_name.c_str());
    // Always set the correct size
    // Add toolbar to aui manager, if toolbar visible and there are min. 1 item
    if (m_visible && m_array->Count() > 0) {
        wxAuiManager* manager = Environment::Get()->GetFrame()->GetManager();
        if (unlikely(!manager->AddPane(m_toolbar, m_paneinfo))) {
            wxLogError(_T("[penv::ToolBar::Update] Cannot add toolbar '%s' to aui manager."), m_name.c_str());
            return (false);
    } else {
    return (true);
Ejemplo n.º 11
void ToolBar::set_item_checked(const std::string &name, bool flag)
  ToolBarItem *item = find_item(name);
  if (item)
Ejemplo n.º 12
MultiLineEditor::MultiLineEditor( bool call_static, bool richtextMode, QWidget *parent, QWidget *editWidget,
				  FormWindow *fw, const QString &text )
    : MultiLineEditorBase( parent, 0, WType_Dialog | WShowModal ), formwindow( fw ), doWrap( FALSE )
    callStatic = call_static;

    if ( callStatic )

    textEdit = new TextEdit( centralWidget(), "textedit" );
    Layout4->insertWidget( 0, textEdit );

    if ( richtextMode ) {
	QPopupMenu *stylesMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
	menuBar->insertItem( tr( "&Styles" ), stylesMenu );

	basicToolBar = new QToolBar( tr( "Basics" ), this, DockTop );

	ToolBarItem *it = new ToolBarItem( this, basicToolBar, tr( "Italic" ),
					   "i", QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_textitalic.png" ), CTRL+Key_I );
	it->addTo( stylesMenu );
	connect( it, SIGNAL( clicked( const QString& ) ),
		 this, SLOT( insertTags( const QString& )));

	ToolBarItem *b = new ToolBarItem( this, basicToolBar, tr( "Bold" ),
					  "b", QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_textbold.png" ), CTRL+Key_B );
	b->addTo( stylesMenu );
	connect( b, SIGNAL( clicked( const QString& ) ),
		 this, SLOT( insertTags( const QString& )));

	ToolBarItem *ul = new ToolBarItem( this, basicToolBar, tr( "Underline" ),
					   "u", QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_textunderline.png" ), CTRL+Key_U );
	ul->addTo( stylesMenu );
	connect( ul, SIGNAL( clicked( const QString& ) ),
		 this, SLOT( insertTags( const QString& )));

	ToolBarItem *tt = new ToolBarItem( this, basicToolBar, tr( "Typewriter" ),
					   "tt", QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_textteletext.png" ) );
	tt->addTo( stylesMenu );
	connect( tt, SIGNAL( clicked( const QString& ) ),
		 this, SLOT( insertTags( const QString& )));


	QPopupMenu *layoutMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
	menuBar->insertItem( tr( "&Layout" ), layoutMenu );

	QAction *brAction = new QAction( this );
	brAction->setIconSet( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_textlinebreak.png" ) );
	brAction->setText( tr("Break" ) );
	brAction->addTo( basicToolBar );
	brAction->addTo( layoutMenu );
	connect( brAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this, SLOT( insertBR() ) );

	ToolBarItem *p = new ToolBarItem( this, basicToolBar, tr( "Paragraph" ),
					  "p", QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_textparagraph.png" ) );
	p->addTo( layoutMenu );
	connect( p, SIGNAL( clicked( const QString& ) ),
		 this, SLOT( insertTags( const QString& )));

	ToolBarItem *al = new ToolBarItem( this, basicToolBar, tr( "Align left" ),
					   "p align=\"left\"", QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_textleft.png" ) );
	al->addTo( layoutMenu );
	connect( al, SIGNAL( clicked( const QString& ) ),
		 this, SLOT( insertTags( const QString& )));

	ToolBarItem *ac = new ToolBarItem( this, basicToolBar, tr( "Align center" ),
					   "p align=\"center\"", QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_textcenter.png" ) );
	ac->addTo( layoutMenu );
	connect( ac, SIGNAL( clicked( const QString& ) ),
		 this, SLOT( insertTags( const QString& )));

	ToolBarItem *ar = new ToolBarItem( this, basicToolBar, tr( "Align right" ),
					   "p align=\"right\"", QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_textright.png" ) );
	ar->addTo( layoutMenu );
	connect( ar, SIGNAL( clicked( const QString& ) ),
		 this, SLOT( insertTags( const QString& )));

	ToolBarItem *block = new ToolBarItem( this, basicToolBar, tr( "Blockquote" ),
					      "blockquote", QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_textjustify.png" ) );
	block->addTo( layoutMenu );
	connect( block, SIGNAL( clicked( const QString& ) ),
		 this, SLOT( insertTags( const QString& )));

	QPopupMenu *fontMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
	menuBar->insertItem( tr( "&Font" ), fontMenu );

	fontToolBar = new QToolBar( "Fonts", this, DockTop );

	QAction *fontAction = new QAction( this );
	fontAction->setIconSet( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_textfont.png" ) );
	fontAction->setText( tr("Font" ) );
	fontAction->addTo( fontToolBar );
	fontAction->addTo( fontMenu );
	connect( fontAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this, SLOT( showFontDialog() ) );

	ToolBarItem *fp1 = new ToolBarItem( this, fontToolBar, tr( "Fontsize +1" ),
					    "font size=\"+1\"", QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_textlarger.png" ) );
	connect( fp1, SIGNAL( clicked( const QString& ) ),
		 this, SLOT( insertTags( const QString& )));

	ToolBarItem *fm1 = new ToolBarItem( this, fontToolBar, tr( "Fontsize -1" ),
					    "font size=\"-1\"", QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_textsmaller.png" ) );
	connect( fm1, SIGNAL( clicked( const QString& ) ),
		 this, SLOT( insertTags( const QString& )));

	ToolBarItem *h1 = new ToolBarItem( this, fontToolBar, tr( "Headline 1" ),
					   "h1", QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_texth1.png" ) );
	connect( h1, SIGNAL( clicked( const QString& ) ),
		 this, SLOT( insertTags( const QString& )));

	ToolBarItem *h2 = new ToolBarItem( this, fontToolBar, tr( "Headline 2" ),
					   "h2", QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_texth2.png"  ) );
	connect( h2, SIGNAL( clicked( const QString& ) ),
		 this, SLOT( insertTags( const QString& )));

	ToolBarItem *h3 = new ToolBarItem( this, fontToolBar, tr( "Headline 3" ),
					   "h3", QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_texth3.png" ) );
	connect( h3, SIGNAL( clicked( const QString& ) ),
		 this, SLOT( insertTags( const QString& )));

	QPopupMenu *optionsMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
	menuBar->insertItem( tr( "O&ptions" ), optionsMenu );

	optionsToolBar = new QToolBar( "Options", this, DockTop );
	wrapAction = new QAction( this );
	wrapAction->setToggleAction( TRUE );
	wrapAction->setIconSet( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_wordwrap.png" ) );
	wrapAction->setText( tr( "Word Wrapping" ) );
	wrapAction->addTo( optionsToolBar );
	wrapAction->addTo( optionsMenu );
	connect( wrapAction, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( changeWrapMode( bool ) ) );

	oldDoWrap = doWrap;
	wrapAction->setOn( doWrap );

	connect( helpButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), MainWindow::self, SLOT( showDialogHelp() ) );
	textEdit->document()->setFormatter( new QTextFormatterBreakInWords );
	textEdit->document()->setUseFormatCollection( FALSE );
	textEdit->document()->setPreProcessor( new SyntaxHighlighter_HTML );

	if ( !callStatic && ::qt_cast<QTextEdit*>(editWidget) ) {
	    mlined = (QTextEdit*)editWidget;
	    mlined->setReadOnly( TRUE );

	    const QMetaProperty *wordWrap = mlined->metaObject()->property(
					    mlined->metaObject()->findProperty( "wordWrap", TRUE ), TRUE );
	    oldWrapMode = 0;
	    oldWrapString = "NoWrap";
	    if ( wordWrap ) {
		oldWrapMode = mlined->property( "wordWrap" );
		oldWrapString = QString( wordWrap->valueToKey( oldWrapMode.toInt() ) );
		if ( oldWrapString != "NoWrap" )
		    doWrap = TRUE;
	    textEdit->setAlignment( mlined->alignment() );
	    textEdit->setWordWrap( mlined->wordWrap() );
	    textEdit->setWrapColumnOrWidth( mlined->wrapColumnOrWidth() );
	    textEdit->setWrapPolicy( mlined->wrapPolicy() );
	    textEdit->setText( mlined->text() );
	    if ( !mlined->text().isEmpty() )
	} else {
	    textEdit->setText( text );
    } else {