Ejemplo n.º 1
/// Calculates the absolute error between sln1 and sln2 using function fn
double calc_error(double (*fn)(MeshFunction*, MeshFunction*, int, QuadPt3D*), MeshFunction *sln1, MeshFunction *sln2) {
	Mesh *meshes[2] = { sln1->get_mesh(), sln2->get_mesh() };
	Transformable *tr[2] = { sln1, sln2 };
	Traverse trav;
	trav.begin(2, meshes, tr);

	double error = 0.0;
	Element **ee;
	while ((ee = trav.get_next_state(NULL, NULL)) != NULL) {
		ElementMode3D mode = ee[0]->get_mode();

		RefMap *ru = sln1->get_refmap();
		Ord3 order = max(sln1->get_fn_order(), sln2->get_fn_order()) + ru->get_inv_ref_order();

		Quad3D *quad = get_quadrature(mode);
		int np = quad->get_num_points(order);
		QuadPt3D *pt = quad->get_points(order);

		error += fn(sln1, sln2, np, pt);

	return error > H3D_TINY ? sqrt(error) : error;		// do not ruin the precision by taking the sqrt
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// Calculates the absolute error between sln1 and sln2 using function fn
double calc_abs_error(double (*fn)(MeshFunction*, MeshFunction*, RefMap*, RefMap*), MeshFunction* sln1,
                      MeshFunction* sln2)
  // sanity checks
  if (fn == NULL) error("error norm function is NULL in calc_abs_error().");
  if (sln1 == NULL) error("sln1 is NULL in calc_abs_error().");
  if (sln2 == NULL) error("sln2 is NULL in calc_abs_error().");

  Quad2D* quad = &g_quad_2d_std;

  Mesh* meshes[2] = { sln1->get_mesh(), sln2->get_mesh() };
  Transformable* tr[2] = { sln1, sln2 };
  Traverse trav;
  trav.begin(2, meshes, tr);

  double error = 0.0;
  Element** ee;
  while ((ee = trav.get_next_state(NULL, NULL)) != NULL)

    RefMap* ru = sln1->get_refmap();
    RefMap* rv = sln2->get_refmap();

    error += fn(sln1, sln2, ru, rv);
  return sqrt(error);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void DiscreteProblem::precalculate_sparse_structure(Page** pages)
  int i, j, m, n;
  AsmList* al = new AsmList[neq];

  // init multi-mesh traversal
  Mesh** meshes = new Mesh*[neq];
  for (i = 0; i < neq; i++)
    meshes[i] = spaces[i]->get_mesh();
  Traverse trav;
  trav.begin(neq, meshes);

  // loop through all triangles
  Element** e;
  while ((e = trav.get_next_state(NULL, NULL)) != NULL)
    // obtain assembly lists for the element at all spaces
    for (i = 0; i < neq; i++)
      spaces[i]->get_element_assembly_list(e[i], al + i);
      // todo: neziskavat znova, pokud se element nezmenil

    // go through all equation-blocks of the local stiffness matrix
    for (m = 0; m < neq; m++)
      for (n = 0; n < neq; n++)
        BiForm* bf = biform[m] + n;
        if (bf->sym == NULL && bf->unsym == NULL && bf->surf == NULL) continue;

        // pretend assembling of the element stiffness matrix
        for (j = 0; j < al[n].cnt; j++)
          // skip dirichlet dofs in 'j'
          if (al[n].dof[j] < 0) continue;

          for (i = 0; i < al[m].cnt; i++)
            // skip dirichlet dofs in 'i'
            if (al[m].dof[i] < 0) continue;

            // register the corresponding nonzero matrix element
            page_add_ij(pages, al[n].dof[j], al[m].dof[i]); // column-oriented (UMFPACK)
            //page_add_ij(pages, al[m].dof[i], al[n].dof[j]); // row-oriented (PETSc)

  delete [] meshes;
  delete [] al;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool adapt_velocity(Mesh* mesh,  Mesh* rmesh, MeshFunction* sln, MeshFunction* rsln, Space* space)
  int i, j;
  int ne = mesh->get_max_element_id() + 1;
  double *elem_error = new double[ne];
  memset(elem_error, 0, sizeof(double) * ne);
  double error;

  int num = mesh->get_num_active_elements();
  ElemList* elist = new ElemList[num]; 

  Quad2D* quad = &g_quad_2d_std;
  Mesh* meshes[2] = { mesh, rmesh };
  Transformable* tr[2] = { sln, rsln };
  Traverse trav;
  trav.begin(2, meshes, tr);

  Element** ee;
  while ((ee = trav.get_next_state(NULL, NULL)) != NULL)
    RefMap* ru = sln->get_refmap();
    RefMap* rr = rsln->get_refmap();
    elem_error[ee[0]->id] += int_l2_error(sln, rsln, ru, rr);

  Element* e;     
  double total_err = 0.0;
  int n = 0;
  for_all_active_elements(e, mesh)
    elist[n].id = e->id;
    elist[n].error = elem_error[e->id];
    total_err += elem_error[e->id];
double HcurlOrthoHP::calc_error_n(int n, ...)
  int i, j, k;

  if (n != num) error("Wrong number of solutions.");

  // obtain solutions and bilinear forms
  va_list ap;
  va_start(ap, n);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    sln[i] = va_arg(ap, Solution*);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    rsln[i] = va_arg(ap, Solution*);

  // prepare multi-mesh traversal and error arrays
  AUTOLA_OR(Mesh*, meshes, 2*num);
  AUTOLA_OR(Transformable*, tr, 2*num);
  Traverse trav;
  nact = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
    meshes[i] = sln[i]->get_mesh();
    meshes[i+num] = rsln[i]->get_mesh();
    tr[i] = sln[i];
    tr[i+num] = rsln[i];

    nact += sln[i]->get_mesh()->get_num_active_elements();

    int max = meshes[i]->get_max_element_id();
    if (errors[i] != NULL) delete [] errors[i];
    errors[i] = new double[max];
    memset(errors[i], 0, sizeof(double) * max);

  double total_norm = 0.0;
  AUTOLA_OR(double, norms, num);
  memset(norms, 0, num*sizeof(double));
  double total_error = 0.0;
  if (esort != NULL) delete [] esort;
  esort = new int2[nact];

  Element** ee;
  trav.begin(2*num, meshes, tr);
  while ((ee = trav.get_next_state(NULL, NULL)) != NULL)
    for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
      RefMap* rmi = sln[i]->get_refmap();
      RefMap* rrmi = rsln[i]->get_refmap();
      for (j = 0; j < num; j++)
        RefMap* rmj = sln[j]->get_refmap();
        RefMap* rrmj = rsln[j]->get_refmap();
        double e, t;
        if (form[i][j] != NULL)
          #ifndef COMPLEX
          e = fabs(eval_error(form[i][j], ord[i][j], sln[i], sln[j], rsln[i], rsln[j], rmi, rmj, rrmi, rrmj));
          t = fabs(eval_norm(form[i][j], ord[i][j], rsln[i], rsln[j], rrmi, rrmj));
          e = std::abs(eval_error(form[i][j], ord[i][j], sln[i], sln[j], rsln[i], rsln[j], rmi, rmj, rrmi, rrmj));
          t = std::abs(eval_norm(form[i][j], ord[i][j], rsln[i], rsln[j], rrmi, rrmj));

          norms[i] += t;
          total_norm  += t;
          total_error += e;
          errors[i][ee[i]->id] += e;

  Element* e;
  k = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
    for_all_active_elements(e, meshes[i]) {
      esort[k][0] = e->id;
      esort[k++][1] = i;
      errors[i][e->id] /= norms[i];
Ejemplo n.º 6
double KellyTypeAdapt::calc_err_internal(Hermes::vector<Solution *> slns,
                                         Hermes::vector<double>* component_errors,
                                         unsigned int error_flags)
  int n = slns.size();
  error_if (n != this->num,
            "Wrong number of solutions.");

  TimePeriod tmr;

  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    this->sln[i] = slns[i];

  have_coarse_solutions = true;
  WeakForm::Stage stage;

  num_act_elems = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)

    num_act_elems += stage.meshes[i]->get_num_active_elements();
    int max = stage.meshes[i]->get_max_element_id();

    if (errors[i] != NULL) delete [] errors[i];
    errors[i] = new double[max];
    memset(errors[i], 0.0, sizeof(double) * max);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < error_estimators_vol.size(); i++)
    trset.insert(error_estimators_vol[i].ext.begin(), error_estimators_vol[i].ext.end());
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < error_estimators_surf.size(); i++)
    trset.insert(error_estimators_surf[i].ext.begin(), error_estimators_surf[i].ext.end());

  double total_norm = 0.0;

  bool calc_norm = false;
      (error_flags & HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_MASK) == HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_REL) calc_norm = true;

  double *norms = NULL;
  if (calc_norm)
    norms = new double[num];
    memset(norms, 0.0, num * sizeof(double));

  double *errors_components = new double[num];
  memset(errors_components, 0.0, num * sizeof(double));
  this->errors_squared_sum = 0.0;
  double total_error = 0.0;

  bool bnd[4];          // FIXME: magic number - maximal possible number of element surfaces
  SurfPos surf_pos[4];
  Element **ee;
  Traverse trav;

  // Reset the e->visited status of each element of each mesh (most likely it will be set to true from
  // the latest assembling procedure).
  if (ignore_visited_segments)
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
      Element* e;
      for_all_active_elements(e, stage.meshes[i])
        e->visited = false;
  //WARNING: AD HOC debugging parameter.
  bool multimesh = false;

  // Begin the multimesh traversal.
  trav.begin(num, &(stage.meshes.front()), &(stage.fns.front()));
  while ((ee = trav.get_next_state(bnd, surf_pos)) != NULL)
    // Go through all solution components.
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
      if (ee[i] == NULL)
      // Set maximum integration order for use in integrals, see limit_order()

      RefMap *rm = sln[i]->get_refmap();

      double err = 0.0;

      // Go through all volumetric error estimators.
      for (unsigned int iest = 0; iest < error_estimators_vol.size(); iest++)
        // Skip current error estimator if it is assigned to a different component or geometric area
        // different from that of the current active element.
        if (error_estimators_vol[iest]->i != i)
        if (error_estimators_vol[iest].area != ee[i]->marker)
        else if (error_estimators_vol[iest]->area != HERMES_ANY)

        err += eval_volumetric_estimator(error_estimators_vol[iest], rm);

      // Go through all surface error estimators (includes both interface and boundary est's).
      for (unsigned int iest = 0; iest < error_estimators_surf.size(); iest++)
        if (error_estimators_surf[iest]->i != i)

        for (int isurf = 0; isurf < ee[i]->get_num_surf(); isurf++)
          if (error_estimators_surf[iest].area > 0 &&
              error_estimators_surf[iest].area != surf_pos[isurf].marker) continue;
          if (bnd[isurf])   // Boundary
            if (error_estimators_surf[iest]->area == H2D_DG_INNER_EDGE) continue;
            if (boundary_markers_conversion.get_internal_marker(error_estimators_surf[iest].area) < 0 &&
                error_estimators_surf[iest].area != HERMES_ANY) continue;
            err += eval_boundary_estimator(error_estimators_surf[iest], rm, surf_pos);
          else              // Interface
            if (error_estimators_surf[iest]->area != H2D_DG_INNER_EDGE) continue;

            // 5 is for bits per page in the array.
            LightArray<NeighborSearch*> neighbor_searches(5);
            unsigned int num_neighbors = 0;
            DiscreteProblem::NeighborNode* root;
            int ns_index;
            dp.min_dg_mesh_seq = 0;
            for(int j = 0; j < num; j++)
              if(stage.meshes[j]->get_seq() < dp.min_dg_mesh_seq || j == 0)
                dp.min_dg_mesh_seq = stage.meshes[j]->get_seq();
            ns_index = stage.meshes[i]->get_seq() - dp.min_dg_mesh_seq; // = 0 for single mesh
            // Determine the minimum mesh seq in this stage.
            if (multimesh) 
              // Initialize the NeighborSearches.
              dp.init_neighbors(neighbor_searches, stage, isurf);
              // Create a multimesh tree;
              root = new DiscreteProblem::NeighborNode(NULL, 0);
              dp.build_multimesh_tree(root, neighbor_searches);
              // Update all NeighborSearches according to the multimesh tree.
              // After this, all NeighborSearches in neighbor_searches should have the same count 
              // of neighbors and proper set of transformations
              // for the central and the neighbor element(s) alike.
              // Also check that every NeighborSearch has the same number of neighbor elements.
              for(unsigned int j = 0; j < neighbor_searches.get_size(); j++)
                if(neighbor_searches.present(j)) {
                  NeighborSearch* ns = neighbor_searches.get(j);
                  dp.update_neighbor_search(ns, root);
                  if(num_neighbors == 0)
                    num_neighbors = ns->n_neighbors;
                  if(ns->n_neighbors != num_neighbors)
                    error("Num_neighbors of different NeighborSearches not matching in KellyTypeAdapt::calc_err_internal.");
              NeighborSearch *ns = new NeighborSearch(ee[i], stage.meshes[i]);
              ns->original_central_el_transform = stage.fns[i]->get_transform();
              num_neighbors = ns->n_neighbors;
              neighbor_searches.add(ns, ns_index);

            // Go through all segments of the currently processed interface (segmentation is caused
            // by hanging nodes on the other side of the interface).
            for (unsigned int neighbor = 0; neighbor < num_neighbors; neighbor++)
              if (ignore_visited_segments) {
                bool processed = true;
                for(unsigned int j = 0; j < neighbor_searches.get_size(); j++)
                    if(!neighbor_searches.get(j)->neighbors.at(neighbor)->visited) {
                      processed = false;
                if (processed) continue;
              // Set the active segment in all NeighborSearches
              for(unsigned int j = 0; j < neighbor_searches.get_size(); j++)
                if(neighbor_searches.present(j)) {
                  neighbor_searches.get(j)->active_segment = neighbor;
                  neighbor_searches.get(j)->neighb_el = neighbor_searches.get(j)->neighbors[neighbor];
                  neighbor_searches.get(j)->neighbor_edge = neighbor_searches.get(j)->neighbor_edges[neighbor];
              // Push all the necessary transformations to all functions of this stage.
              // The important thing is that the transformations to the current subelement are already there.
              // Also store the current neighbor element and neighbor edge in neighb_el, neighbor_edge.
              if (multimesh) 
                for(unsigned int fns_i = 0; fns_i < stage.fns.size(); fns_i++)
                  for(unsigned int trf_i = 0; trf_i < neighbor_searches.get(stage.meshes[fns_i]->get_seq() - dp.min_dg_mesh_seq)->central_n_trans[neighbor]; trf_i++)
                    stage.fns[fns_i]->push_transform(neighbor_searches.get(stage.meshes[fns_i]->get_seq() - dp.min_dg_mesh_seq)->central_transformations[neighbor][trf_i]);
                // Push the transformations only to the solution on the current mesh
                for(unsigned int trf_i = 0; trf_i < neighbor_searches.get(ns_index)->central_n_trans[neighbor]; trf_i++)
              rm->force_transform(this->sln[i]->get_transform(), this->sln[i]->get_ctm());
              // The estimate is multiplied by 0.5 in order to distribute the error equally onto
              // the two neighboring elements.
              double central_err = 0.5 * eval_interface_estimator(error_estimators_surf[iest],
                                                                  rm, surf_pos, neighbor_searches, 
              double neighb_err = central_err;

              // Scale the error estimate by the scaling function dependent on the element diameter
              // (use the central element's diameter).
              if (use_aposteriori_interface_scaling && interface_scaling_fns[i])
                central_err *= interface_scaling_fns[i](ee[i]->get_diameter());

              // In the case this edge will be ignored when calculating the error for the element on
              // the other side, add the now computed error to that element as well.
              if (ignore_visited_segments)
                Element *neighb = neighbor_searches.get(i)->neighb_el;

                // Scale the error estimate by the scaling function dependent on the element diameter
                // (use the diameter of the element on the other side).
                if (use_aposteriori_interface_scaling && interface_scaling_fns[i])
                  neighb_err *= interface_scaling_fns[i](neighb->get_diameter());

                errors_components[i] += central_err + neighb_err;
                total_error += central_err + neighb_err;
                errors[i][ee[i]->id] += central_err;
                errors[i][neighb->id] += neighb_err;
                err += central_err;
              // Clear the transformations from the RefMaps and all functions.
              if (multimesh)
                for(unsigned int fns_i = 0; fns_i < stage.fns.size(); fns_i++)
                  stage.fns[fns_i]->set_transform(neighbor_searches.get(stage.meshes[fns_i]->get_seq() - dp.min_dg_mesh_seq)->original_central_el_transform);


            if (multimesh)
              // Delete the multimesh tree;
              delete root;
            // Delete the neighbor_searches array.
            for(unsigned int j = 0; j < neighbor_searches.get_size(); j++) 
                delete neighbor_searches.get(j);

      if (calc_norm)
        double nrm = eval_solution_norm(error_form[i][i], rm, sln[i]);
        norms[i] += nrm;
        total_norm += nrm;

      errors_components[i] += err;
      total_error += err;
      errors[i][ee[i]->id] += err;

      ee[i]->visited = true;

  // Store the calculation for each solution component separately.
  if(component_errors != NULL)
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
      else if ((error_flags & HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_MASK) == HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_REL)
        error("Unknown total error type (0x%x).", error_flags & HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_MASK);
        return -1.0;

  error_time = tmr.accumulated();

  // Make the error relative if needed.
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
      Element* e;
      for_all_active_elements(e, stage.meshes[i])
        errors[i][e->id] /= norms[i];

  this->errors_squared_sum = total_error;

  // Element error mask is used here, because this variable is used in the adapt()
  // function, where the processed error (sum of errors of processed element errors)
  // is matched to this variable.
    errors_squared_sum /= total_norm;

  // Prepare an ordered list of elements according to an error.
  have_errors = true;

  if (calc_norm)
    delete [] norms;
  delete [] errors_components;

  // Return error value.
    return sqrt(total_error);
    return sqrt(total_error / total_norm);
    error("Unknown total error type (0x%x).", error_flags & HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_MASK);
    return -1.0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void FeProblem::assemble(_Vector *rhs, _Matrix *jac, Tuple<Solution*> u_ext)
  // Sanity checks.
  if (!have_spaces) error("You have to call set_spaces() before calling assemble().");
  for (int i=0; i<this->wf->neq; i++) {
    if (this->spaces[i] == NULL) error("A space is NULL in assemble().");

  int k, m, n, marker;
  AUTOLA_CL(AsmList, al, wf->neq);
  AsmList *am, *an;
  bool bnd[4];
  AUTOLA_OR(bool, nat, wf->neq);
  AUTOLA_OR(bool, isempty, wf->neq);
  EdgePos ep[4];

  // create slave pss's for test functions, init quadrature points
  AUTOLA_OR(PrecalcShapeset*, spss, wf->neq);
  PrecalcShapeset *fu, *fv;
  AUTOLA_CL(RefMap, refmap, wf->neq);
  for (int i = 0; i < wf->neq; i++)
    spss[i] = new PrecalcShapeset(pss[i]);
    pss [i]->set_quad_2d(&g_quad_2d_std);

  // initialize buffer
  buffer = NULL;
  mat_size = 0;

  // obtain a list of assembling stages
  std::vector<WeakForm::Stage> stages;
  wf->get_stages(spaces, NULL, stages, jac == NULL);

  // Loop through all assembling stages -- the purpose of this is increased performance
  // in multi-mesh calculations, where, e.g., only the right hand side uses two meshes.
  // In such a case, the matrix forms are assembled over one mesh, and only the rhs
  // traverses through the union mesh. On the other hand, if you don't use multi-mesh
  // at all, there will always be only one stage in which all forms are assembled as usual.
  Traverse trav;
  for (unsigned ss = 0; ss < stages.size(); ss++)
    WeakForm::Stage* s = &stages[ss];
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < s->idx.size(); i++)
      s->fns[i] = pss[s->idx[i]];
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < s->ext.size(); i++)
    trav.begin(s->meshes.size(), &(s->meshes.front()), &(s->fns.front()));

    // assemble one stage
    Element** e;
    while ((e = trav.get_next_state(bnd, ep)) != NULL)
      // find a non-NULL e[i]
      Element* e0;
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s->idx.size(); i++)
        if ((e0 = e[i]) != NULL) break;
      if (e0 == NULL) continue;

      // set maximum integration order for use in integrals, see limit_order()

      // obtain assembly lists for the element at all spaces, set appropriate mode for each pss
      memset(isempty, 0, sizeof(bool) * wf->neq);
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s->idx.size(); i++)
        int j = s->idx[i];
        if (e[i] == NULL) { isempty[j] = true; continue; }
        spaces[j]->get_element_assembly_list(e[i], al+j);

        refmap[j].force_transform(pss[j]->get_transform(), pss[j]->get_ctm());

        u_ext[j]->force_transform(pss[j]->get_transform(), pss[j]->get_ctm());
      marker = e0->marker;

      //// assemble volume matrix forms //////////////////////////////////////
      if (jac != NULL)
        for (unsigned ww = 0; ww < s->mfvol.size(); ww++)
          WeakForm::MatrixFormVol* mfv = s->mfvol[ww];
          if (isempty[mfv->i] || isempty[mfv->j]) continue;
          if (mfv->area != H2D_ANY && !wf->is_in_area(marker, mfv->area)) continue;
          m = mfv->i;  fv = spss[m];  am = &al[m];
          n = mfv->j;  fu = pss[n];   an = &al[n];
          bool tra = (m != n) && (mfv->sym != 0);
          bool sym = (m == n) && (mfv->sym == 1);

          // assemble the local stiffness matrix for the form mfv
          scalar bi, **mat = get_matrix_buffer(std::max(am->cnt, an->cnt));
          for (int i = 0; i < am->cnt; i++)
            if (!tra && (k = am->dof[i]) < 0) continue;

            if (!sym) // unsymmetric block
              for (int j = 0; j < an->cnt; j++) {
                bi = eval_form(mfv, u_ext, fu, fv, refmap+n, refmap+m) * an->coef[j] * am->coef[i];
                if (an->dof[j] >= 0) mat[i][j] = bi;
            else // symmetric block
              for (int j = 0; j < an->cnt; j++) {
                if (j < i && an->dof[j] >= 0) continue;
                bi = eval_form(mfv, u_ext, fu, fv, refmap+n, refmap+m) * an->coef[j] * am->coef[i];
                if (an->dof[j] >= 0) mat[i][j] = mat[j][i] = bi;
          // insert the local stiffness matrix into the global one
          jac->add(am->cnt, an->cnt, mat, am->dof, an->dof);

          // insert also the off-diagonal (anti-)symmetric block, if required
          if (tra)
            if (mfv->sym < 0) chsgn(mat, am->cnt, an->cnt);
            transpose(mat, am->cnt, an->cnt);
            jac->add(am->cnt, an->cnt, mat, am->dof, an->dof);

      //// assemble volume linear forms ////////////////////////////////////////
      if (rhs != NULL)
        for (unsigned int ww = 0; ww < s->vfvol.size(); ww++)
          WeakForm::VectorFormVol* vfv = s->vfvol[ww];
          if (isempty[vfv->i]) continue;
          if (vfv->area != H2D_ANY && !wf->is_in_area(marker, vfv->area)) continue;
          m = vfv->i;  fv = spss[m];  am = &al[m];

          for (int i = 0; i < am->cnt; i++)
            if (am->dof[i] < 0) continue;
            rhs->add(am->dof[i], eval_form(vfv, u_ext, fv, refmap + m) * am->coef[i]);

      // assemble surface integrals now: loop through boundary edges of the element
      for (unsigned int edge = 0; edge < e0->nvert; edge++)
        if (!bnd[edge]) continue;
        marker = ep[edge].marker;

        // obtain the list of shape functions which are nonzero on this edge
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s->idx.size(); i++) {
          if (e[i] == NULL) continue;
          int j = s->idx[i];
          if ((nat[j] = (spaces[j]->bc_type_callback(marker) == BC_NATURAL)))
            spaces[j]->get_edge_assembly_list(e[i], edge, al + j);

        // assemble surface matrix forms ///////////////////////////////////
        if (jac != NULL)
          for (unsigned int ww = 0; ww < s->mfsurf.size(); ww++)
            WeakForm::MatrixFormSurf* mfs = s->mfsurf[ww];
            if (isempty[mfs->i] || isempty[mfs->j]) continue;
            if (mfs->area != H2D_ANY && !wf->is_in_area(marker, mfs->area)) continue;
            m = mfs->i;  fv = spss[m];  am = &al[m];
            n = mfs->j;  fu = pss[n];   an = &al[n];

            if (!nat[m] || !nat[n]) continue;
            ep[edge].base = trav.get_base();
            ep[edge].space_v = spaces[m];
            ep[edge].space_u = spaces[n];

            scalar bi, **mat = get_matrix_buffer(std::max(am->cnt, an->cnt));
            for (int i = 0; i < am->cnt; i++)
              if ((k = am->dof[i]) < 0) continue;
              for (int j = 0; j < an->cnt; j++)
                bi = eval_form(mfs, u_ext, fu, fv, refmap+n, refmap+m, ep+edge) * an->coef[j] * am->coef[i];
                if (an->dof[j] >= 0) mat[i][j] = bi;
            jac->add(am->cnt, an->cnt, mat, am->dof, an->dof);
        // assemble surface linear forms /////////////////////////////////////
        if (rhs != NULL)
          for (unsigned ww = 0; ww < s->vfsurf.size(); ww++)
            WeakForm::VectorFormSurf* vfs = s->vfsurf[ww];
            if (isempty[vfs->i]) continue;
            if (vfs->area != H2D_ANY && !wf->is_in_area(marker, vfs->area)) continue;
            m = vfs->i;  fv = spss[m];  am = &al[m];

            if (!nat[m]) continue;
            ep[edge].base = trav.get_base();
            ep[edge].space_v = spaces[m];

            for (int i = 0; i < am->cnt; i++)
              if (am->dof[i] < 0) continue;
              rhs->add(am->dof[i], eval_form(vfs, u_ext, fv, refmap+m, ep+edge) * am->coef[i]);

  for (int i = 0; i < wf->neq; i++) delete spss[i];
  delete [] buffer;
  buffer = NULL;
  mat_size = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 8
void FeProblem::create(SparseMatrix* mat)
  assert(mat != NULL);

  if (is_up_to_date())
    verbose("Reusing matrix sparse structure.");

  // spaces have changed: create the matrix from scratch

  int ndof = get_num_dofs();

  AUTOLA_CL(AsmList, al, wf->neq);
  AUTOLA_OR(Mesh*, meshes, wf->neq);
  bool **blocks = wf->get_blocks();

  // init multi-mesh traversal
  for (int i = 0; i < wf->neq; i++)
    meshes[i] = spaces[i]->get_mesh();

  Traverse trav;
  trav.begin(wf->neq, meshes);

  // loop through all elements
  Element **e;
  while ((e = trav.get_next_state(NULL, NULL)) != NULL)
    // obtain assembly lists for the element at all spaces
    for (int i = 0; i < wf->neq; i++)
      // TODO: do not get the assembly list again if the element was not changed
      if (e[i] != NULL)
        spaces[i]->get_element_assembly_list(e[i], al + i);

    // go through all equation-blocks of the local stiffness matrix
    for (int m = 0; m < wf->neq; m++)
      for (int n = 0; n < wf->neq; n++)
        if (blocks[m][n] && e[m] != NULL && e[n] != NULL)
          AsmList *am = al + m;
          AsmList *an = al + n;

          // pretend assembling of the element stiffness matrix
          // register nonzero elements
          for (int i = 0; i < am->cnt; i++)
            if (am->dof[i] >= 0)
              for (int j = 0; j < an->cnt; j++)
                if (an->dof[j] >= 0)
                  mat->pre_add_ij(am->dof[i], an->dof[j]);

  delete [] blocks;


  // save space seq numbers and weakform seq number, so we can detect their changes
  for (int i = 0; i < wf->neq; i++)
    sp_seq[i] = spaces[i]->get_seq();
  wf_seq = wf->get_seq();

  struct_changed = true;
  have_matrix = true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void DiscreteProblem::assemble_matrix_and_rhs(bool rhsonly)
  int i, j, k, l, m, n;
  bool bnd[4], nat[neq];
  EdgePos ep[4];

  if (!ndofs) return;
  warned_order = false;

  if (!rhsonly)
    if (!quiet) { verbose("Assembling stiffness matrix..."); begin_time(); }
    memset(RHS, 0, sizeof(scalar) * ndofs);
    if (!quiet) { verbose("Assembling RHS..."); begin_time(); }

  // create slave pss's for test functions, init quadrature points
  PrecalcShapeset* spss[neq];
  PrecalcShapeset *fu, *fv;
  for (i = 0; i < neq; i++)
    spss[i] = new PrecalcShapeset(pss[i]);
    pss [i]->set_quad_2d(&g_quad_2d_std);

  // initialize buffer
  buffer = NULL;
  mat_size = 0;

  // initialize assembly lists, refmap
  AsmList al[neq], *am, *an;

  RefMap* refmap = new RefMap[neq];
  for (i = 0; i < neq; i++)
  for (i = 0; i < num_extern; i++)

  // init multi-mesh traversal
  int nm = neq + num_extern;
  Mesh* meshes[nm];
  Transformable* fn[nm];
  for (i = 0; i < neq; i++)
    meshes[i] = spaces[i]->get_mesh();
  memcpy(fn, pss, neq * sizeof(Transformable*));
  for (i = 0; i < num_extern; i++) {
    meshes[neq+i] = extern_fns[i]->get_mesh();
    fn[neq+i] = extern_fns[i];
  // todo: kdyz maji nektere slozky stejnou sit, at sdili i refmapy
  //  - ale to bysme potrebovali slave RefMap

  // loop through all elements
  Element** e;
  Traverse trav;
  trav.begin(nm, meshes, fn);
  while ((e = trav.get_next_state(bnd, ep)) != NULL)
    // set maximum integration order for use in integrals, see limit_order()

    // obtain assembly lists for the element at all spaces, set appropriate mode for each pss
    for (i = 0; i < neq; i++)
      spaces[i]->get_element_assembly_list(e[i], al + i);
      // todo: neziskavat znova, pokud se element nezmenil
      if (is_equi)
        for (j = 0; j < al[i].cnt; j++)
          if (al[i].dof[j] >= 0)
            al[i].coef[j] /= equi[al[i].dof[j]];

      refmap[i].force_transform(pss[i]->get_transform(), pss[i]->get_ctm());

    // go through all equation-blocks of the element stiffness matrix, assemble volume integrals
    for (m = 0, am = al; m < neq; m++, am++)
      fv = spss[m];
      if (!rhsonly)
        for (n = 0, an = al; n < neq; n++, an++)
          fu = pss[n];
          BiForm* bf = biform[m] + n;
          if (!bf->sym && !bf->unsym) continue;
          if (bf->unsym == BF_SYM || bf->unsym == BF_ANTISYM) continue;
          bool tra = (biform[n][m].unsym == BF_SYM || biform[n][m].unsym == BF_ANTISYM);

          // assemble the (m,n)-block of the stiffness matrix
          scalar sy, un, **mat = get_matrix_buffer(std::max(am->cnt, an->cnt));
          for (i = 0; i < am->cnt; i++)
            if (!tra && (k = am->dof[i]) < 0) continue;

            // unsymmetric block
            if (!bf->sym)
              for (j = 0; j < an->cnt; j++)
                un = bf->unsym(fu, fv, refmap+n, refmap+m) * an->coef[j] * am->coef[i];
                if (an->dof[j] < 0) Dir[k] -= un; else mat[i][j] = un;
            // symmetric block
              for (j = 0; j < an->cnt; j++)
                scalar coef = an->coef[j] * am->coef[i];
                if (an->dof[j] < 0)
                  un = bf->unsym ? bf->unsym(fu, fv, refmap+n, refmap+m) * coef : 0.0;
                  sy = bf->sym(fu, fv, refmap+n, refmap+m) * coef;
                  Dir[k] -= (un + sy);
                if (j >= i)
                  un = bf->unsym ? bf->unsym(fu, fv, refmap+n, refmap+m) * coef : 0.0;
                  mat[j][i] = sy = bf->sym  (fu, fv, refmap+n, refmap+m) * coef;
                  mat[i][j] = (un + sy);
                else if (bf->unsym)
                  mat[i][j] += bf->unsym(fu, fv, refmap+n, refmap+m) * coef;

          // insert the local stiffness matrix into the global one
          insert_matrix(mat, am->dof, an->dof, am->cnt, an->cnt);

          // insert also the off-diagonal (anti-)symmetric block, if required
          if (tra)
            if (biform[n][m].unsym == BF_ANTISYM) chsgn(mat, am->cnt, an->cnt);
            transpose(mat, am->cnt, an->cnt);
            insert_matrix(mat, an->dof, am->dof, an->cnt, am->cnt);

            // we also need to take care of the RHS...
            for (j = 0; j < am->cnt; j++)
              if (am->dof[j] < 0)
                for (i = 0; i < an->cnt; i++)
                  if (an->dof[i] >= 0)
                    Dir[an->dof[i]] -= mat[i][j];

      // assemble rhs (linear form)
      if (!liform[m].lf) continue;
      for (i = 0; i < am->cnt; i++)
        if (am->dof[i] < 0) continue;
        RHS[am->dof[i]] += liform[m].lf(fv, refmap+m) * am->coef[i];

    // assemble surface integrals now: loop through boundary edges of the element
    if (rhsonly) continue; // fixme
    for (int edge = 0; edge < e[0]->nvert; edge++)
      if (!bnd[edge]) continue;

      // obtain the list of shape functions which are nonzero on this edge
      for (i = 0; i < neq; i++)
        if ((nat[i] = (spaces[i]->bc_type_callback(ep[edge].marker) == BC_NATURAL)))
          spaces[i]->get_edge_assembly_list(e[i], edge, al + i);

      // loop through the equation-blocks
      for (m = 0, am = al; m < neq; m++, am++)
        if (!nat[m]) continue;
        fv = spss[m];
        ep[edge].base = trav.get_base();
        ep[edge].space_v = spaces[m];
        for (n = 0, an = al; n < neq; n++, an++)
          if (!nat[n]) continue;
          BiForm* bf = biform[m] + n;
          if (!bf->surf) continue;
          fu = pss[n];
          ep[edge].space_u = spaces[n];

          // assemble the surface part of the bilinear form
          scalar bi, **mat = get_matrix_buffer(std::max(am->cnt, an->cnt));
          for (i = 0; i < am->cnt; i++)
            if ((k = am->dof[i]) < 0) continue;
            for (j = 0; j < an->cnt; j++)
              bi = bf->surf(fu, fv, refmap+n, refmap+m, ep+edge) * an->coef[j] * am->coef[i];
              if (an->dof[j] >= 0) mat[i][j] = bi; else Dir[k] -= bi;
          insert_matrix(mat, am->dof, an->dof, am->cnt, an->cnt);

        // assemble the surface part of the linear form
        if (!liform[m].surf) continue;
        for (i = 0; i < am->cnt; i++)
          if (am->dof[i] < 0) continue;
          RHS[am->dof[i]] += liform[m].surf(fv, refmap+m, ep+edge) * am->coef[i];

  for (i = 0; i < ndofs; i++)
    RHS[i] += Dir[i];

  if (!quiet) verbose("  (time: %g sec)", end_time());
  for (i = 0; i < neq; i++) delete spss[i];
  delete [] buffer;
  delete [] refmap;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void Vectorizer::process_solution(MeshFunction* xsln, int xitem, MeshFunction* ysln, int yitem, double eps)
  // sanity check
  if (xsln == NULL || ysln == NULL) error("One of the solutions is NULL in Vectorizer:process_solution().");

  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // initialization
  this->xsln = xsln;
  this->ysln = ysln;
  this->xitem = xitem;
  this->yitem = yitem;
  this->eps = eps;
  nv = nt = ne = nd = 0;
  del_slot = -1;

  Mesh* meshes[2] = { xsln->get_mesh(), ysln->get_mesh() };
  if (meshes[0] == NULL || meshes[1] == NULL) {
    error("One of the meshes is NULL in Vectorizer:process_solution().");

  Transformable* fns[2] = { xsln, ysln };
  Traverse trav;

  // estimate the required number of vertices and triangles
  // (based on the assumption that the linear mesh will be
  // about four-times finer than the original mesh).
  int nn = meshes[0]->get_num_elements() + meshes[1]->get_num_elements();
  int ev = std::max(32 * nn, 10000);
  int et = std::max(64 * nn, 20000);
  int ee = std::max(24 * nn, 7500);
  int ed = ee;

  lin_init_array(verts, double4, cv, ev);
  lin_init_array(tris, int3, ct, et);
  lin_init_array(edges, int3, ce, ee);
  lin_init_array(dashes, int2, cd, ed);

  info = (int4*) malloc(sizeof(int4) * cv);

  // initialize the hash table
  int size = 0x1000;
  while (size*2 < cv) size *= 2;
  hash_table = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * size);
  memset(hash_table, 0xff, sizeof(int) * size);
  mask = size-1;

  // select the linearization quadrature
  Quad2D *old_quad_x, *old_quad_y;
  old_quad_x = xsln->get_quad_2d();
  old_quad_y = ysln->get_quad_2d();

  xsln->set_quad_2d((Quad2D*) &quad_lin);
  ysln->set_quad_2d((Quad2D*) &quad_lin);

  if (!xitem) error("Parameter 'xitem' cannot be zero.");
  if (!yitem) error("Parameter 'yitem' cannot be zero.");
  get_gv_a_b(xitem, xia, xib);
  get_gv_a_b(yitem, yia, yib);
  if (xib >= 6) error("Invalid value of paremeter 'xitem'.");
  if (yib >= 6) error("Invalid value of paremeter 'yitem'.");

  max = 1e-10;
  trav.begin(2, meshes, fns);
  Element** e;
  while ((e = trav.get_next_state(NULL, NULL)) != NULL)
    xsln->set_quad_order(0, xitem);
    ysln->set_quad_order(0, yitem);
    scalar* xval = xsln->get_values(xia, xib);
    scalar* yval = ysln->get_values(yia, yib);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < e[0]->nvert; i++)
      double fx = getvalx(i);
      double fy = getvaly(i);
      if (fabs(sqrt(fx*fx + fy*fy)) > max) max = fabs(sqrt(fx*fx + fy*fy));

  trav.begin(2, meshes, fns);
  // process all elements of the mesh
  while ((e = trav.get_next_state(NULL, NULL)) != NULL)
    xsln->set_quad_order(0, xitem);
    ysln->set_quad_order(0, yitem);
    scalar* xval = xsln->get_values(xia, xib);
    scalar* yval = ysln->get_values(yia, yib);

    double* x = xsln->get_refmap()->get_phys_x(0);
    double* y = ysln->get_refmap()->get_phys_y(0);

    int iv[4];
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < e[0]->nvert; i++)
      double fx = getvalx(i);
      double fy = getvaly(i);
      iv[i] = create_vertex(x[i], y[i], fx, fy);

    // we won't bother calculating physical coordinates from the refmap if this is not a curved element
    curved = (e[0]->cm != NULL);

    // recur to sub-elements
    if (e[0]->is_triangle())
      process_triangle(iv[0], iv[1], iv[2], 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
      process_quad(iv[0], iv[1], iv[2], iv[3], 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    // process edges and dashes (bold line for edge in both meshes, dashed line for edge in one of the meshes)
    Trf* xctm = xsln->get_ctm();
    Trf* yctm = ysln->get_ctm();
    double r[4] = { -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0 };
    double ref[4][2] = { {-1.0,-1.0}, {1.0,-1.0}, {1.0,1.0}, {-1.0,1.0} };
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < e[0]->nvert; i++)
      bool bold = false;
      double px = ref[i][0];
      double py = ref[i][1];
      // for odd edges (1, 3) we check x coordinate after ctm transformation, if it's the same (1 or -1) in both meshes => bold
      if (i & 1) {
        if ((xctm->m[0]*px + xctm->t[0] == r[i]) && (yctm->m[0]*px + yctm->t[0] == r[i]))
          bold = true;
      // for even edges (0, 4) we check y coordinate after ctm transformation, if it's the same (-1 or 1) in both meshes => bold
      else {
        if ((xctm->m[1]*py + xctm->t[1] == r[i]) && (yctm->m[1]*py + yctm->t[1] == r[i]))
          bold = true;
      int j = e[0]->next_vert(i);
      // we draw a line only if both edges lies on the boundary or if the line is from left top to right bottom
      if (((e[0]->en[i]->bnd) && (e[1]->en[i]->bnd)) ||
         (verts[iv[i]][1] < verts[iv[j]][1]) ||
         (verts[iv[i]][1] == verts[iv[j]][1] && verts[iv[i]][0] < verts[iv[j]][0]))
        if (bold)
          process_edge(iv[i], iv[j], e[0]->en[i]->marker);
          process_dash(iv[i], iv[j]);


  verbose("Vectorizer created %d verts and %d tris in %0.3g s", nv, nt, cpu_time.tick().last());
  //if (verbose_mode) print_hash_stats();

   // select old quadratrues

  // clean up
