Ejemplo n.º 1
Vertex Rendering::shade(Ray intersect, Scene scene, Vertex viewerDirection) {
	// intersect is a ray with origin at the point of intersect,
	// and direction of the normal of the intersected polygon
	Vertex shade (0,0,0);
	vector<Vertex> lights = scene.getDirectionalLights();
	for (int a=0; a<lights.size(); a++) {
		// see if that light is blocked, if so, it's shadow
		Vertex light = Vertex(lights[a].get(0), lights[a].get(1), lights[a].get(2));
		Vertex color = Vertex(lights[a].get(3), lights[a].get(4), lights[a].get(5));
		light = light.scale(-1);
		if (!isShadowed(intersect.getOrigin(), light, scene, false)) {
			light = light.normalize();
			float gradient = max(0.0f, light.dot(intersect.getDirection()));
			float specular = intersect.getDirection().reflect(light.scale(-1)).dot(viewerDirection.scale(-1).normalize());
			specular = pow(max(0.0f, specular),specularConst);
			shade = shade.add(color.scale(gradient+specular));
	vector<Vertex> plights = scene.getPointLights();
	for (int a=0; a<plights.size(); a++) {
		Vertex light = Vertex(plights[a].get(0), plights[a].get(1), plights[a].get(2));
		Vertex color = Vertex(plights[a].get(3), plights[a].get(4), plights[a].get(5));
		light = light.sub(intersect.getOrigin());
		if (!isShadowed(intersect.getOrigin(), light, scene, true)) {
			light = light.normalize();
			float gradient = max(0.0f, light.dot(intersect.getDirection()));
			float specular = intersect.getDirection().reflect(light.scale(-1)).dot(viewerDirection.scale(-1).normalize());
			specular = pow(max(0.0f, specular),10);
			shade = shade.add(color.scale(gradient+specular));
	return shade;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Calculates a Catmull Clark Edgepoint. Overloading the original Faces version to accept QFaces.
Vertex GeometryOps::getEdgePoint(Edge* edg,QFace*fptr,int iFaces,Edge * eptr,int i){
	Vertex edgePoint = Vertex();
	GeometryOps::twoQFace touchingFaces;
	touchingFaces = getOtherFace(*edg,fptr,iFaces); // WAS PASSING THE SIZE OF EDGE ARRAY -.-

	//cout << "EdgePoint Added" << vertexToString(edgePoint)<<endl;
	//cout << "Edgepoint: \t" << vertexToString(edgePoint)<<"\n"<<endl;
	return edgePoint;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Calculates a Catmull Clark Edgepoint.
Vertex GeometryOps::getEdgePoint(Edge* edg,Face*fptr,int i,Edge * eptr,int j){
	Vertex edgePoint = Vertex();
	GeometryOps::twoFace touchingFaces;
	touchingFaces = getOtherFace(*edg,fptr,i);

	//cout << "EdgePoint Added" << vertexToString(edgePoint)<<endl;
	//cout << "Edgepoint: \t" << vertexToString(edgePoint)<<"\n"<<endl;
	return edgePoint;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Vertex Rendering::raytrace(Ray ray, Scene scene, int numReflections) {
	vector<Model*> models = scene.getModels();
	vector<Sphere> spheres = scene.getSpheres();
	//cout << endl;
	float lowestT = 100000;
	Vertex color (0,0,0);
	// for every model, check if intersect. if so, shade it as the pixel's color
	for (int a=0; a<models.size(); a++) {
		Ray intersect = models[a]->intersect(ray);
		// if intersect, then shade
		if (!intersect.getDirection().isNull()) {
			float t = models[a]->intersect_t(ray);
			if (t < lowestT) {
				lowestT = t;
				color = Vertex(0,0,0);
				color = color.add(shade(intersect, scene, ray.getDirection()).scale(1-reflectConst));
				color = color.add(reflect(intersect, ray.getDirection(), scene, numReflections).scale(reflectConst));
				color = color.add(Vertex(ambientConst,ambientConst,ambientConst));
	for (int a=0; a<spheres.size(); a++) {
		Ray intersect = spheres[a].intersect(ray);
		if (!intersect.getDirection().isNull()) {
			float t = spheres[a].intersect_t(ray);
			if (t < lowestT) {
				lowestT = t;
				color = Vertex(0,0,0);
				color = color.add(shade(intersect, scene, ray.getDirection()).scale(1-reflectConst));
				color = color.add(reflect(intersect, ray.getDirection(), scene, numReflections).scale(reflectConst));
				color = color.add(Vertex(ambientConst,ambientConst,ambientConst));
	return color;