Ejemplo n.º 1
void CopyWordCounts( WordCount& targetWordCount, WordCount& sourceWordCount, int weight )
    for( wciter iwc=sourceWordCount.begin(); iwc!=sourceWordCount.end(); iwc++ )
        if( targetWordCount.find( iwc->first ) == targetWordCount.end() )
            targetWordCount[ iwc->first ] = 0;
        targetWordCount[ iwc->first ] += weight * iwc->second;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	timeval start,end;
	double difference,t1,t2;
	 char *str1;
	string str2;
	int cnt=1;
	int i=0;	
	cout<<"Please enter an input file :-";
	return 0;
	FileReader reader;		//Instantiate class FileReadermas
	std::string s=reader.readFile(str1);	//Call to function read
	WordCount word;			//Instantiate class word
	gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
	t1 = start.tv_sec + start.tv_usec/1000000.0;
	word.count(s);			//call to function count		
	t2 = end.tv_sec + end.tv_usec/1000000.0;
	difference=t2 - t1;

	//cout<<"Map time:"<<difference*1000000<<" microseconds"<<endl;
	Node* n;
	Tree* t = new Tree();
	stringstream str(s);
	gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
	t1 = start.tv_sec + start.tv_usec/1000000.0;
	t2 = end.tv_sec + end.tv_usec/1000000.0;
	difference=t2 - t1;

	//cout<<"Red Black Tree time:"<<difference*1000000<<" microseconds"<<endl;
return 0;	
Ejemplo n.º 3
void DumpPositionTable( PositionText& ptext )
    for( ptiter ip=ptext.begin(); ip!=ptext.end(); ip++ )
        cout << "DumpPositionTable for key value ='" << ip->first << "'" << endl;
        WordCount* wc = ip->second;
        for( wciter iwc=wc->begin(); iwc!=wc->end(); iwc++ )
            cout << iwc->first << ": " << iwc->second << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    WordCount count;
    string infile;
    cout << "Input a filename to read:" << endl;
    cin >> infile;
    string outfile;
    cout << "Input a filename to write:" << endl;
    cin >> outfile;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
string GetMaxWord( WordCount& wordCount )
    string word;
    int maxCount = 0;
    for( wciter iwc=wordCount.begin(); iwc!=wordCount.end(); iwc++ )
        // cout << iwc->first << ": " << iwc->second << endl;
        if( iwc->second > maxCount )
            word = iwc->first;
            maxCount = iwc->second;
    return word;
// impl by chenshuo
void sort_words_by_frequencies(const WordCount& counts)
	typedef std::vector<std::pair<int, WordCount::const_iterator> > FreqList;
	FreqList freq;
	for (WordCount::const_iterator it = counts.begin(); it != counts.end(); ++it)
		freq.push_back(make_pair(it->second, it));

	std::sort(freq.begin(), freq.end(), Greater());
	for (FreqList::iterator itr = freq.begin(); itr!=freq.end(); ++itr)
		std::cout << itr->first << '\t' << itr->second->first << '\n';
Ejemplo n.º 7
void TranslateNumber::Translate(char buffer)
	extern vector <DataBase> m_NumLib;
	WordCount Wc;
	ToSTL  stl;

	for (int i = 0;i < m_NumLib.size();i++)
		if (buffer == m_NumLib[i].Ch[0])
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: span.cpp Proyecto: mazonka/w
int show(int ac, const char ** av, std::vector<Summary> * sum)
    int level = 1;
    if ( ac > 1 ) level = std::atoi(av[1]);

    cout <<  "\nFluency Bad     Need    New     Old     When     Name\n";
    cout <<    "=====================================================\n";

    Show data;

    WordCount wc;
    showr(".", data, level, sum, &wc);
    cout <<    "-----------------------------------------------------\n";
    output_les_stat(data.st, data.flue);
    cout << '\n';

    cout << '\n' << wc.str() << '\n';

    return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	 char *str1;

	cout<<"Please enter an input file :-";
	return 0;
	FileReader reader;		//Instantiate class FileReader
	std::string s=reader.readFile(str1);//Call to function read
	WordCount word;			//Instantiate class word
	word.count(s);			//call to function count
return 0;	
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: span.cpp Proyecto: mazonka/w
int wordc(int ac, const char ** av)
    if (ac < 2)
        cout << "Use: -wc {srt or txt file}\n";
        cout << "word count statistics\n";
        return 1;

    string fi = av[1];

    bool srt = false;

        int sz = fi.size();
        if ( sz < 5 ) throw 1;
        if ( fi.substr(sz - 4) == ".srt" ) srt = true;
    catch (int)
        throw "Input file must be .srt or .txt";

    cout << "Input     : " << fi << '\n';

    WordCount wc;
    if (srt)
        Lesson si(fi, true, true);
        wc = si.wordcount();
        wc = wordcount(gl::file2str(fi));

    cout << wc.str() << '\n';

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
string GetRandWord( WordCount& wordCount, int accumulation )
   WordCount wordTable;
   int totalCount = 0;
   // cout << "-----[ RANDOM TABLE ]-----" << endl;
   int terminalWeight = 0;
   if( accumulation > 5 )
       int distance = accumulation - 5;
       terminalWeight = distance * distance * distance;
   for( wciter iwc=wordCount.begin(); iwc!=wordCount.end(); iwc++ )
       totalCount += iwc->second * iwc->second;
       if( iwc->first == BEGIN_KEY || iwc->first == END_KEY )
           totalCount += terminalWeight;
       wordTable[ iwc->first ] = totalCount;
       // cout << totalCount << " " << iwc->first << endl;
   int roll = rand() % totalCount;
   // cout << "  --> roll: " << roll << endl;

   totalCount = 0;
   string word;
   // cout << "-----[ SAME TABLE? ]-----" << endl;
   for( wciter iwc=wordTable.begin(); iwc!=wordTable.end(); iwc++ )
       // cout << iwc->second << " " << iwc->first << endl;
       if( roll <= iwc->second )
           word = iwc->first;
   // cout << "  --> word: " << word << endl;
   return word;
void ExtractLex::Process(WordCount &wcIn, const std::string *out)
  std::map<const std::string*, WordCount> &collOut = wcIn.GetColl();
  WordCount &wcOut = collOut[out];
Ejemplo n.º 13
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    bool isEnd;
    string triplet, pair, token, word;
    string peripenultimate = WORD_KEY;
    string penultimate = WORD_KEY;
    string previous = BEGIN_KEY;
    WordCount mainWordCount;
    while( true )
        cin >> token;
        if( token == END_KEY )
        word = Convert( token, isEnd );

        cout << "READ WORD FROM INPUT: " << word << endl;

        if( mainWordCount.find( word ) == mainWordCount.end() )
            mainWordCount[ word ] = 0;
        ++mainWordCount[ word ];

        AddCount( PreText, word, previous );
        AddCount( PostText, previous, word );

        if( penultimate != WORD_KEY )
           pair = previous + " " + word;
           AddCount( PrePairText, pair, penultimate );
           pair = penultimate + " " + previous;
           AddCount( PostPairText, pair, word );
           if( penultimate != WORD_KEY )
              triplet = penultimate + " " + previous + " " + word;
              AddCount( PreTripletText, triplet, peripenultimate );
              triplet = peripenultimate + " " + penultimate + " " + previous;
              AddCount( PostTripletText, triplet, word );

        if( isEnd )
           AddCount( PostText, word, END_KEY );
           if( previous != WORD_KEY )
              pair = previous + " " + word;
              AddCount( PostPairText, pair, END_KEY );

              if( penultimate != WORD_KEY )
                 triplet = penultimate + " " + previous + " " + word;
                 AddCount( PostTripletText, triplet, END_KEY );
           previous = BEGIN_KEY;
           peripenultimate = WORD_KEY;
           penultimate = WORD_KEY;
           peripenultimate = penultimate;
           penultimate = previous;
           previous = word;

    // cout << endl;

    cout << "PreText" << endl;
    DumpPositionTable( PreText );
    cout << "PostText" << endl;
    DumpPositionTable( PostText );

    cout << "PrePairText" << endl;
    DumpPositionTable( PrePairText );
    cout << "PostPairText" << endl;
    DumpPositionTable( PostPairText );

    cout << "PreTripletText" << endl;
    DumpPositionTable( PreTripletText );
    cout << "PostTripletText" << endl;
    DumpPositionTable( PostTripletText );

        cin >> word;

        if( word == END_KEY )

        word = Convert( word, isEnd );
        // cout << endl << "create utterance for word: " << word << endl;

        penultimate = WORD_KEY;
        previous = WORD_KEY;
        BackTrack( penultimate, previous, word );

        int accumulation = 0;
        while( word != END_KEY )
            cout << word;

            pair = previous + " " + word;
            triplet = penultimate + " " + previous + " " + word;

            // cout << endl << "pair='" << pair << "'" << endl;
            // cout << "triplet='" << triplet << "'" << endl;

            peripenultimate = penultimate;
            penultimate = previous;
            previous = word;

            WordCount wordCount;

            if( PostTripletText.find(triplet) != PostTripletText.end() )
                // cout << " -> call GetRandWord( PostTripletText[" << triplet << "] )" << endl;
                // word = GetRandWord( *PostTripletText[triplet], accumulation++ );
                CopyWordCounts( wordCount, *PostTripletText[triplet], 9 );
            else if( PostPairText.find(pair) != PostPairText.end() )
                // cout << " -> call GetRandWord( PostPairText[" << pair << "] )" << endl;
                // word = GetRandWord( *PostPairText[pair], accumulation++ );
                CopyWordCounts( wordCount, *PostPairText[pair], 3 );
                // cout << " -> call GetRandWord( PostText[" << word << "] )" << endl;
                // word = GetRandWord( *PostText[word], accumulation++ );
                CopyWordCounts( wordCount, *PostText[word], 1 );
            word = GetRandWord( wordCount, accumulation++ );

            if( word == END_KEY )
                cout << "." << endl << endl;
                cout << " ";
