Ejemplo n.º 1
void CatMemeMakerApp::setup()
	//Ask the user for a cat picture!
	try {
	mImage = gl::Texture( loadImage( getOpenFilePath()) );

	//If the user doesn't specify... (and therefore raises an exception)
	catch (exception) {
		//Fetch a cat picture!
		Url url( "http://libcinder.org/docs/v0.8.4/tutorial_part1_01.jpg" );
		//Put it on the screen, and then initialize message stringbuffer
		mImage = gl::Texture( loadImage( loadUrl( url ) ) );

	mMessage = stringstream(stringstream::in | stringstream::out | stringstream::ate);
	mMessage.put(' ');
	offset = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CatMemeMakerApp::addChar(char ch) 