Ejemplo n.º 1
 wxFileOffset TellI() const
     { wxASSERT(m_pStream); return m_pStream->TellI(); }
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool wxBMPHandler::DoLoadDib(wxImage * image, int width, int height,
                             int bpp, int ncolors, int comp,
                             wxFileOffset bmpOffset, wxInputStream& stream,
                             bool verbose, bool IsBmp, bool hasPalette)
    wxInt32         aDword, rmask = 0, gmask = 0, bmask = 0, amask = 0;
    int             rshift = 0, gshift = 0, bshift = 0, ashift = 0;
    int             rbits = 0, gbits = 0, bbits = 0;
    wxInt32         dbuf[4];
    wxInt8          bbuf[4];
    wxUint8         aByte;
    wxUint16        aWord;

    // allocate space for palette if needed:
    BMPPalette *cmap;

    if ( bpp < 16 )
        cmap = new BMPPalette[ncolors];
        if ( !cmap )
            if (verbose)
                wxLogError(_("BMP: Couldn't allocate memory."));
            return false;
    else // no palette
        cmap = NULL;

    wxON_BLOCK_EXIT1(&BMPPalette::Free, cmap);

    // destroy existing here instead of:
    image->Create(width, height);

    unsigned char *ptr = image->GetData();

    if ( !ptr )
        if ( verbose )
            wxLogError( _("BMP: Couldn't allocate memory.") );
        return false;

    unsigned char *alpha;
    if ( bpp == 32 )
        // tell the image to allocate an alpha buffer
        alpha = image->GetAlpha();
        if ( !alpha )
            if ( verbose )
                wxLogError(_("BMP: Couldn't allocate memory."));
            return false;
    else // no alpha
        alpha = NULL;

    // Reading the palette, if it exists:
    if ( bpp < 16 && ncolors != 0 )
        unsigned char* r = new unsigned char[ncolors];
        unsigned char* g = new unsigned char[ncolors];
        unsigned char* b = new unsigned char[ncolors];
        for (int j = 0; j < ncolors; j++)
            if (hasPalette)
                stream.Read(bbuf, 4);
                cmap[j].b = bbuf[0];
                cmap[j].g = bbuf[1];
                cmap[j].r = bbuf[2];

                r[j] = cmap[j].r;
                g[j] = cmap[j].g;
                b[j] = cmap[j].b;
                //used in reading .ico file mask
                r[j] = cmap[j].r =
                g[j] = cmap[j].g =
                b[j] = cmap[j].b = ( j ? 255 : 0 );

        // Set the palette for the wxImage
        image->SetPalette(wxPalette(ncolors, r, g, b));
#endif // wxUSE_PALETTE

        delete[] r;
        delete[] g;
        delete[] b;
    else if ( bpp == 16 || bpp == 32 )
        if ( comp == BI_BITFIELDS )
            int bit;
            stream.Read(dbuf, 4 * 3);
            rmask = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(dbuf[0]);
            gmask = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(dbuf[1]);
            bmask = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(dbuf[2]);
            // find shift amount (Least significant bit of mask)
            for (bit = bpp-1; bit>=0; bit--)
                if (bmask & (1 << bit))
                    bshift = bit;
                if (gmask & (1 << bit))
                    gshift = bit;
                if (rmask & (1 << bit))
                    rshift = bit;
            // Find number of bits in mask (MSB-LSB+1)
            for (bit = 0; bit < bpp; bit++)
                if (bmask & (1 << bit))
                    bbits = bit-bshift+1;
                if (gmask & (1 << bit))
                    gbits = bit-gshift+1;
                if (rmask & (1 << bit))
                    rbits = bit-rshift+1;
        else if ( bpp == 16 )
            rmask = 0x7C00;
            gmask = 0x03E0;
            bmask = 0x001F;
            rshift = 10;
            gshift = 5;
            bshift = 0;
            rbits = 5;
            gbits = 5;
            bbits = 5;
        else if ( bpp == 32 )
            rmask = 0x00FF0000;
            gmask = 0x0000FF00;
            bmask = 0x000000FF;
            amask = 0xFF000000;

            ashift = 24;
            rshift = 16;
            gshift = 8;
            bshift = 0;
            rbits = 8;
            gbits = 8;
            bbits = 8;

     * Reading the image data
    if ( IsBmp )
        // NOTE: seeking a positive amount in wxFromCurrent mode allows us to
        //       load even non-seekable streams (see wxInputStream::SeekI docs)!
        const wxFileOffset pos = stream.TellI();
        if (pos != wxInvalidOffset && bmpOffset > pos)
            if (stream.SeekI(bmpOffset - pos, wxFromCurrent) == wxInvalidOffset)
                return false;
        //else: icon, just carry on

    unsigned char *data = ptr;

    /* set the whole image to the background color */
    if ( bpp < 16 && (comp == BI_RLE4 || comp == BI_RLE8) )
        for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++)
            *ptr++ = cmap[0].r;
            *ptr++ = cmap[0].g;
            *ptr++ = cmap[0].b;
        ptr = data;

    int linesize = ((width * bpp + 31) / 32) * 4;

    /* BMPs are stored upside down */
    for ( int line = (height - 1); line >= 0; line-- )
        int linepos = 0;
        for ( int column = 0; column < width ; )
            if ( bpp < 16 )
                aByte = stream.GetC();
                if ( bpp == 1 )
                    for (int bit = 0; bit < 8 && column < width; bit++)
                        int index = ((aByte & (0x80 >> bit)) ? 1 : 0);
                        ptr[poffset] = cmap[index].r;
                        ptr[poffset + 1] = cmap[index].g;
                        ptr[poffset + 2] = cmap[index].b;
                else if ( bpp == 4 )
                    if ( comp == BI_RLE4 )
                        wxUint8 first;
                        first = aByte;
                        aByte = stream.GetC();
                        if ( first == 0 )
                            if ( aByte == 0 )
                                if ( column > 0 )
                                    column = width;
                            else if ( aByte == 1 )
                                column = width;
                                line = -1;
                            else if ( aByte == 2 )
                                aByte = stream.GetC();
                                column += aByte;
                                linepos = column * bpp / 4;
                                aByte = stream.GetC();
                                line -= aByte; // upside down
                                int absolute = aByte;
                                wxUint8 nibble[2] ;
                                int readBytes = 0 ;
                                for (int k = 0; k < absolute; k++)
                                    if ( !(k % 2 ) )
                                        ++readBytes ;
                                        aByte = stream.GetC();
                                        nibble[0] = (wxUint8)( (aByte & 0xF0) >> 4 ) ;
                                        nibble[1] = (wxUint8)( aByte & 0x0F ) ;
                                    ptr[poffset    ] = cmap[nibble[k%2]].r;
                                    ptr[poffset + 1] = cmap[nibble[k%2]].g;
                                    ptr[poffset + 2] = cmap[nibble[k%2]].b;
                                    if ( k % 2 )
                                if ( readBytes & 0x01 )
                                    aByte = stream.GetC();
                            wxUint8 nibble[2] ;
                            nibble[0] = (wxUint8)( (aByte & 0xF0) >> 4 ) ;
                            nibble[1] = (wxUint8)( aByte & 0x0F ) ;

                            for ( int l = 0; l < first && column < width; l++ )
                                ptr[poffset    ] = cmap[nibble[l%2]].r;
                                ptr[poffset + 1] = cmap[nibble[l%2]].g;
                                ptr[poffset + 2] = cmap[nibble[l%2]].b;
                                if ( l % 2 )
// load the mxf file format
bool wxMXFHandler::LoadFile(wxImage *image, wxInputStream& stream, bool verbose, int index)
	opj_dparameters_t parameters;	/* decompression parameters */
	opj_event_mgr_t event_mgr;		/* event manager */
	opj_image_t *opjimage = NULL;
	unsigned char *src = NULL;
    unsigned char *ptr;
	int file_length, j2k_point, j2k_len;
	opj_codestream_info_t cstr_info;  /* Codestream information structure */

	// destroy the image

	/* handle to a decompressor */
	opj_dinfo_t* dinfo = NULL;	
	opj_cio_t *cio = NULL;

	/* configure the event callbacks (not required) */
	memset(&event_mgr, 0, sizeof(opj_event_mgr_t));
	event_mgr.error_handler = mxf_error_callback;
	event_mgr.warning_handler = mxf_warning_callback;
	event_mgr.info_handler = mxf_info_callback;

	/* set decoding parameters to default values */

	/* prepare parameters */
	strncpy(parameters.infile, "", sizeof(parameters.infile)-1);
	strncpy(parameters.outfile, "", sizeof(parameters.outfile)-1);
	parameters.decod_format = J2K_CFMT;
	parameters.cod_format = BMP_DFMT;
	if (m_reducefactor)
		parameters.cp_reduce = m_reducefactor;
	if (m_qualitylayers)
		parameters.cp_layer = m_qualitylayers;
	/*if (n_components)
		parameters. = n_components;*/

	/* JPWL only */
#ifdef USE_JPWL
	parameters.jpwl_exp_comps = m_expcomps;
	parameters.jpwl_max_tiles = m_maxtiles;
	parameters.jpwl_correct = m_enablejpwl;
#endif /* USE_JPWL */

	/* get a decoder handle */
	dinfo = opj_create_decompress(CODEC_J2K);

	/* find length of the stream */
	stream.SeekI(0, wxFromEnd);
	file_length = (int) stream.TellI();

	/* search for the m_framenum codestream position and length  */
	//jp2c_point = searchjp2c(stream, file_length, m_framenum);
	//jp2c_len = searchjp2c(stream, file_length, m_framenum);
	j2k_point = 0;
	j2k_len = 10;

	// malloc memory source
    src = (unsigned char *) malloc(j2k_len);

	// copy the jp2c
	stream.SeekI(j2k_point, wxFromStart);
	stream.Read(src, j2k_len);

	/* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */
	opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, &event_mgr, stderr);

	/* setup the decoder decoding parameters using user parameters */
	opj_setup_decoder(dinfo, &parameters);

	/* open a byte stream */
	cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, src, j2k_len);

	/* decode the stream and fill the image structure */
	opjimage = opj_decode_with_info(dinfo, cio, &cstr_info);
	if (!opjimage) {
		wxLogError(wxT("MXF: failed to decode image!"));
		return false;

	/* close the byte stream */

	/* common rendering method */
#include "imagjpeg2000.cpp"

    wxLogMessage(wxT("MXF: image loaded."));

	/* close openjpeg structs */

	if (!image->Ok())
		return false;
		return true;

Ejemplo n.º 4
// load the jpeg2000 file format
bool wxJPEG2000Handler::LoadFile(wxImage *image, wxInputStream& stream, bool verbose, int index)
	opj_dparameters_t parameters;	/* decompression parameters */
	opj_event_mgr_t event_mgr;		/* event manager */
	opj_image_t *opjimage = NULL;
	unsigned char *src = NULL;
    unsigned char *ptr;
	int file_length, jp2c_point, jp2h_point;
	unsigned long int jp2hboxlen, jp2cboxlen;
	opj_codestream_info_t cstr_info;  /* Codestream information structure */
    unsigned char hdr[24];
	int jpfamform;

	// destroy the image

	/* read the beginning of the file to check the type */ 
    if (!stream.Read(hdr, WXSIZEOF(hdr)))
        return false;
	if ((jpfamform = jpeg2000familytype(hdr, WXSIZEOF(hdr))) < 0)
		return false;
	stream.SeekI(0, wxFromStart);

	/* handle to a decompressor */
	opj_dinfo_t* dinfo = NULL;	
	opj_cio_t *cio = NULL;

	/* configure the event callbacks */
	memset(&event_mgr, 0, sizeof(opj_event_mgr_t));
	event_mgr.error_handler = jpeg2000_error_callback;
	event_mgr.warning_handler = jpeg2000_warning_callback;
	event_mgr.info_handler = jpeg2000_info_callback;

	/* set decoding parameters to default values */

	/* prepare parameters */
	strncpy(parameters.infile, "", sizeof(parameters.infile) - 1);
	strncpy(parameters.outfile, "", sizeof(parameters.outfile) - 1);
	parameters.decod_format = jpfamform;
	parameters.cod_format = BMP_DFMT;
	if (m_reducefactor)
		parameters.cp_reduce = m_reducefactor;
	if (m_qualitylayers)
		parameters.cp_layer = m_qualitylayers;
	/*if (n_components)
		parameters. = n_components;*/

	/* JPWL only */
#ifdef USE_JPWL
	parameters.jpwl_exp_comps = m_expcomps;
	parameters.jpwl_max_tiles = m_maxtiles;
	parameters.jpwl_correct = m_enablejpwl;
#endif /* USE_JPWL */

	/* get a decoder handle */
	if (jpfamform == JP2_CFMT || jpfamform == MJ2_CFMT)
		dinfo = opj_create_decompress(CODEC_JP2);
	else if (jpfamform == J2K_CFMT)
		dinfo = opj_create_decompress(CODEC_J2K);
		return false;

	/* find length of the stream */
	stream.SeekI(0, wxFromEnd);
	file_length = (int) stream.TellI();

	/* it's a movie */
	if (jpfamform == MJ2_CFMT) {
		/* search for the first codestream box and the movie header box  */
		jp2c_point = searchjpeg2000c(stream, file_length, m_framenum);
		jp2h_point = searchjpeg2000headerbox(stream, file_length);

		// read the jp2h box and store it
		stream.SeekI(jp2h_point, wxFromStart);
		stream.Read(&jp2hboxlen, sizeof(unsigned long int));
		jp2hboxlen = BYTE_SWAP4(jp2hboxlen);

		// read the jp2c box and store it
		stream.SeekI(jp2c_point, wxFromStart);
		stream.Read(&jp2cboxlen, sizeof(unsigned long int));
		jp2cboxlen = BYTE_SWAP4(jp2cboxlen);

		// malloc memory source
		src = (unsigned char *) malloc(jpeg2000headSIZE + jp2hboxlen + jp2cboxlen);

		// copy the jP and ftyp
		memcpy(src, jpeg2000head, jpeg2000headSIZE);

		// copy the jp2h
		stream.SeekI(jp2h_point, wxFromStart);
		stream.Read(&src[jpeg2000headSIZE], jp2hboxlen);

		// copy the jp2c
		stream.SeekI(jp2c_point, wxFromStart);
		stream.Read(&src[jpeg2000headSIZE + jp2hboxlen], jp2cboxlen);
	} else 	if (jpfamform == JP2_CFMT || jpfamform == J2K_CFMT) {
		/* It's a plain image */
		/* get data */
		stream.SeekI(0, wxFromStart);
		src = (unsigned char *) malloc(file_length);
		stream.Read(src, file_length);
	} else
		return false;

	/* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */
	opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, &event_mgr, stderr);

	/* setup the decoder decoding parameters using user parameters */
	opj_setup_decoder(dinfo, &parameters);

	/* open a byte stream */
	if (jpfamform == MJ2_CFMT)
		cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, src, jpeg2000headSIZE + jp2hboxlen + jp2cboxlen);
	else if (jpfamform == JP2_CFMT || jpfamform == J2K_CFMT)
		cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, src, file_length);
	else {
		return false;

	/* decode the stream and fill the image structure */
	opjimage = opj_decode_with_info(dinfo, cio, &cstr_info);
	if (!opjimage) {
		wxLogError(wxT("JPEG 2000 failed to decode image!"));
		return false;

	/* close the byte stream */


	- At this point, we have the structure "opjimage" that is filled with decompressed
	  data, as processed by the OpenJPEG decompression engine

	- We need to fill the class "image" with the proper pixel sample values

		int shiftbpp;
		int c, tempcomps;

		// check components number
		if (m_components > opjimage->numcomps)
			m_components = opjimage->numcomps;

		// check image depth (only on the first one, for now)
		if (m_components)
			shiftbpp = opjimage->comps[m_components - 1].prec - 8;
			shiftbpp = opjimage->comps[0].prec - 8;

		// prepare image size
		if (m_components)
			image->Create(opjimage->comps[m_components - 1].w, opjimage->comps[m_components - 1].h, true);
			image->Create(opjimage->comps[0].w, opjimage->comps[0].h, true);

		// access image raw data
		ptr = image->GetData();

		// workaround for components different from 1 or 3
		if ((opjimage->numcomps != 1) && (opjimage->numcomps != 3)) {
#ifndef __WXGTK__ 
#endif /* __WXGTK__ */
			wxLogMessage(wxT("JPEG2000: weird number of components"));
#ifndef __WXGTK__ 
#endif /* __WXGTK__ */
			tempcomps = 1;
		} else
			tempcomps = opjimage->numcomps;

		// workaround for subsampled components
		for (c = 1; c < tempcomps; c++) {
			if ((opjimage->comps[c].w != opjimage->comps[c - 1].w) || (opjimage->comps[c].h != opjimage->comps[c - 1].h)) {
				tempcomps = 1;

		// workaround for different precision components
		for (c = 1; c < tempcomps; c++) {
			if (opjimage->comps[c].bpp != opjimage->comps[c - 1].bpp) {
				tempcomps = 1;

		// only one component selected
		if (m_components)
			tempcomps = 1;

		// RGB color picture
		if (tempcomps == 3) {
			int row, col;
			int *r = opjimage->comps[0].data;
			int *g = opjimage->comps[1].data;
			int *b = opjimage->comps[2].data;
			if (shiftbpp > 0) {
				for (row = 0; row < opjimage->comps[0].h; row++) {
					for (col = 0; col < opjimage->comps[0].w; col++) {
						*(ptr++) = (*(r++)) >> shiftbpp;
						*(ptr++) = (*(g++)) >> shiftbpp;
						*(ptr++) = (*(b++)) >> shiftbpp;


			} else if (shiftbpp < 0) {
				for (row = 0; row < opjimage->comps[0].h; row++) {
					for (col = 0; col < opjimage->comps[0].w; col++) {
						*(ptr++) = (*(r++)) << -shiftbpp;
						*(ptr++) = (*(g++)) << -shiftbpp;
						*(ptr++) = (*(b++)) << -shiftbpp;

			} else {
				for (row = 0; row < opjimage->comps[0].h; row++) {
					for (col = 0; col < opjimage->comps[0].w; col++) {

						*(ptr++) = *(r++);
						*(ptr++) = *(g++);
						*(ptr++) = *(b++);
Ejemplo n.º 5
// read callstacks
void Database::loadProcList(wxInputStream &file,bool collapseKernelCalls)
    wxTextInputStream str(file);

    wxProgressDialog progressdlg("Sleepy", "Please wait while the profile database is scanned...",
                                 (int)file.GetSize(), theMainWin,

    class CallStackPtrComp
        CallStack *p;
        CallStackPtrComp(CallStack *_p): p(_p) {}
        bool operator <(const CallStackPtrComp b) const {
            return p->stack < b.p->stack;
        CallStack *Get() {
            return p;

    std::set<CallStackPtrComp> callstackSet;

        wxString line = str.ReadLine();
        if (line.IsEmpty())

        std::wistringstream stream(line.c_str().AsWChar());

        CallStack callstack;
        stream >> callstack.samplecount;

            std::wstring id;
            stream >> id;
            if (id.empty())

            const Symbol *sym = symbols[id];

            if(collapseKernelCalls && sym->isCollapseFunction) {


        if(collapseKernelCalls) {
            if(callstack.stack.size() && callstack.stack[0]->isCollapseModule) {
                while(callstack.stack.size() >= 2) {
                    if(	!callstack.stack[1]->isCollapseModule )

        std::set<CallStackPtrComp>::iterator iter = callstackSet.find(&callstack);
        if(iter != callstackSet.end()) {
            ((CallStackPtrComp)*iter).Get()->samplecount += callstack.samplecount;

        wxFileOffset offset = file.TellI();
        if(offset != wxInvalidOffset)