Ejemplo n.º 1
bool NVPTXSplitBBatBar::runOnFunction(Function &F) {

  SmallVector<Instruction *, 4> SplitPoints;
  bool changed = false;

  // Collect all the split points in SplitPoints
  for (Function::iterator BI = F.begin(), BE = F.end(); BI != BE; ++BI) {
    BasicBlock::iterator IB = BI->begin();
    BasicBlock::iterator II = IB;
    BasicBlock::iterator IE = BI->end();

    // Skit the first instruction. No splitting is needed at this
    // point even if this is a bar.
    while (II != IE) {
      if (IntrinsicInst *inst = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(II)) {
        Intrinsic::ID id = inst->getIntrinsicID();
        // If this is a barrier, split at this instruction
        // and the next instruction.
        if (llvm::isBarrierIntrinsic(id)) {
          if (II != IB)
          if ((II != IE) && (!II->isTerminator())) {

  for (unsigned i = 0; i != SplitPoints.size(); i++) {
    changed = true;
    Instruction *inst = SplitPoints[i];
    inst->getParent()->splitBasicBlock(inst, "bar_split");

  return changed;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Reroll the provided loop with respect to the provided induction variable.
// Generally, we're looking for a loop like this:
// %iv = phi [ (preheader, ...), (body, %iv.next) ]
// f(%iv)
// %iv.1 = add %iv, 1                <-- a root increment
// f(%iv.1)
// %iv.2 = add %iv, 2                <-- a root increment
// f(%iv.2)
// %iv.scale_m_1 = add %iv, scale-1  <-- a root increment
// f(%iv.scale_m_1)
// ...
// %iv.next = add %iv, scale
// %cmp = icmp(%iv, ...)
// br %cmp, header, exit
// Notably, we do not require that f(%iv), f(%iv.1), etc. be isolated groups of
// instructions. In other words, the instructions in f(%iv), f(%iv.1), etc. can
// be intermixed with eachother. The restriction imposed by this algorithm is
// that the relative order of the isomorphic instructions in f(%iv), f(%iv.1),
// etc. be the same.
// First, we collect the use set of %iv, excluding the other increment roots.
// This gives us f(%iv). Then we iterate over the loop instructions (scale-1)
// times, having collected the use set of f(%iv.(i+1)), during which we:
//   - Ensure that the next unmatched instruction in f(%iv) is isomorphic to
//     the next unmatched instruction in f(%iv.(i+1)).
//   - Ensure that both matched instructions don't have any external users
//     (with the exception of last-in-chain reduction instructions).
//   - Track the (aliasing) write set, and other side effects, of all
//     instructions that belong to future iterations that come before the matched
//     instructions. If the matched instructions read from that write set, then
//     f(%iv) or f(%iv.(i+1)) has some dependency on instructions in
//     f(%iv.(j+1)) for some j > i, and we cannot reroll the loop. Similarly,
//     if any of these future instructions had side effects (could not be
//     speculatively executed), and so do the matched instructions, when we
//     cannot reorder those side-effect-producing instructions, and rerolling
//     fails.
// Finally, we make sure that all loop instructions are either loop increment
// roots, belong to simple latch code, parts of validated reductions, part of
// f(%iv) or part of some f(%iv.i). If all of that is true (and all reductions
// have been validated), then we reroll the loop.
bool LoopReroll::reroll(Instruction *IV, Loop *L, BasicBlock *Header,
                        const SCEV *IterCount,
                        ReductionTracker &Reductions) {
  const SCEVAddRecExpr *RealIVSCEV = cast<SCEVAddRecExpr>(SE->getSCEV(IV));
  uint64_t Inc = cast<SCEVConstant>(RealIVSCEV->getOperand(1))->
  // The collection of loop increment instructions.
  SmallInstructionVector LoopIncs;
  uint64_t Scale = Inc;

  // The effective induction variable, IV, is normally also the real induction
  // variable. When we're dealing with a loop like:
  //   for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i)
  //     x[3*i] = ...;
  //     x[3*i+1] = ...;
  //     x[3*i+2] = ...;
  // then the real IV is still i, but the effective IV is (3*i).
  Instruction *RealIV = IV;
  if (Inc == 1 && !findScaleFromMul(RealIV, Scale, IV, LoopIncs))
    return false;

  assert(Scale <= MaxInc && "Scale is too large");
  assert(Scale > 1 && "Scale must be at least 2");

  // The set of increment instructions for each increment value.
  SmallVector<SmallInstructionVector, 32> Roots(Scale-1);
  SmallInstructionSet AllRoots;
  if (!collectAllRoots(L, Inc, Scale, IV, Roots, AllRoots, LoopIncs))
    return false;

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "LRR: Found all root induction increments for: " <<
                  *RealIV << "\n");

  // An array of just the possible reductions for this scale factor. When we
  // collect the set of all users of some root instructions, these reduction
  // instructions are treated as 'final' (their uses are not considered).
  // This is important because we don't want the root use set to search down
  // the reduction chain.
  SmallInstructionSet PossibleRedSet;
  SmallInstructionSet PossibleRedLastSet, PossibleRedPHISet;
  Reductions.restrictToScale(Scale, PossibleRedSet, PossibleRedPHISet,

  // We now need to check for equivalence of the use graph of each root with
  // that of the primary induction variable (excluding the roots). Our goal
  // here is not to solve the full graph isomorphism problem, but rather to
  // catch common cases without a lot of work. As a result, we will assume
  // that the relative order of the instructions in each unrolled iteration
  // is the same (although we will not make an assumption about how the
  // different iterations are intermixed). Note that while the order must be
  // the same, the instructions may not be in the same basic block.
  SmallInstructionSet Exclude(AllRoots);
  Exclude.insert(LoopIncs.begin(), LoopIncs.end());

  DenseSet<Instruction *> BaseUseSet;
  collectInLoopUserSet(L, IV, Exclude, PossibleRedSet, BaseUseSet);

  DenseSet<Instruction *> AllRootUses;
  std::vector<DenseSet<Instruction *> > RootUseSets(Scale-1);

  bool MatchFailed = false;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Scale-1 && !MatchFailed; ++i) {
    DenseSet<Instruction *> &RootUseSet = RootUseSets[i];
    collectInLoopUserSet(L, Roots[i], SmallInstructionSet(),
                         PossibleRedSet, RootUseSet);

    DEBUG(dbgs() << "LRR: base use set size: " << BaseUseSet.size() <<
                    " vs. iteration increment " << (i+1) <<
                    " use set size: " << RootUseSet.size() << "\n");

    if (BaseUseSet.size() != RootUseSet.size()) {
      MatchFailed = true;

    // In addition to regular aliasing information, we need to look for
    // instructions from later (future) iterations that have side effects
    // preventing us from reordering them past other instructions with side
    // effects.
    bool FutureSideEffects = false;
    AliasSetTracker AST(*AA);

    // The map between instructions in f(%iv.(i+1)) and f(%iv).
    DenseMap<Value *, Value *> BaseMap;

    assert(L->getNumBlocks() == 1 && "Cannot handle multi-block loops");
    for (BasicBlock::iterator J1 = Header->begin(), J2 = Header->begin(),
         JE = Header->end(); J1 != JE && !MatchFailed; ++J1) {
      if (cast<Instruction>(J1) == RealIV)
      if (cast<Instruction>(J1) == IV)
      if (!BaseUseSet.count(J1))
      if (PossibleRedPHISet.count(J1)) // Skip reduction PHIs.

      while (J2 != JE && (!RootUseSet.count(J2) ||
             std::find(Roots[i].begin(), Roots[i].end(), J2) !=
               Roots[i].end())) {
        // As we iterate through the instructions, instructions that don't
        // belong to previous iterations (or the base case), must belong to
        // future iterations. We want to track the alias set of writes from
        // previous iterations.
        if (!isa<PHINode>(J2) && !BaseUseSet.count(J2) &&
            !AllRootUses.count(J2)) {
          if (J2->mayWriteToMemory())

          // Note: This is specifically guarded by a check on isa<PHINode>,
          // which while a valid (somewhat arbitrary) micro-optimization, is
          // needed because otherwise isSafeToSpeculativelyExecute returns
          // false on PHI nodes.
          if (!isSimpleLoadStore(J2) && !isSafeToSpeculativelyExecute(J2, DL))
            FutureSideEffects = true; 


      if (!J1->isSameOperationAs(J2)) {
        DEBUG(dbgs() << "LRR: iteration root match failed at " << *J1 <<
                        " vs. " << *J2 << "\n");
        MatchFailed = true;

      // Make sure that this instruction, which is in the use set of this
      // root instruction, does not also belong to the base set or the set of
      // some previous root instruction.
      if (BaseUseSet.count(J2) || AllRootUses.count(J2)) {
        DEBUG(dbgs() << "LRR: iteration root match failed at " << *J1 <<
                        " vs. " << *J2 << " (prev. case overlap)\n");
        MatchFailed = true;

      // Make sure that we don't alias with any instruction in the alias set
      // tracker. If we do, then we depend on a future iteration, and we
      // can't reroll.
      if (J2->mayReadFromMemory()) {
        for (AliasSetTracker::iterator K = AST.begin(), KE = AST.end();
             K != KE && !MatchFailed; ++K) {
          if (K->aliasesUnknownInst(J2, *AA)) {
            DEBUG(dbgs() << "LRR: iteration root match failed at " << *J1 <<
                            " vs. " << *J2 << " (depends on future store)\n");
            MatchFailed = true;

      // If we've past an instruction from a future iteration that may have
      // side effects, and this instruction might also, then we can't reorder
      // them, and this matching fails. As an exception, we allow the alias
      // set tracker to handle regular (simple) load/store dependencies.
      if (FutureSideEffects &&
            ((!isSimpleLoadStore(J1) && !isSafeToSpeculativelyExecute(J1)) ||
             (!isSimpleLoadStore(J2) && !isSafeToSpeculativelyExecute(J2)))) {
        DEBUG(dbgs() << "LRR: iteration root match failed at " << *J1 <<
                        " vs. " << *J2 <<
                        " (side effects prevent reordering)\n");
        MatchFailed = true;

      // For instructions that are part of a reduction, if the operation is
      // associative, then don't bother matching the operands (because we
      // already know that the instructions are isomorphic, and the order
      // within the iteration does not matter). For non-associative reductions,
      // we do need to match the operands, because we need to reject
      // out-of-order instructions within an iteration!
      // For example (assume floating-point addition), we need to reject this:
      //   x += a[i]; x += b[i];
      //   x += a[i+1]; x += b[i+1];
      //   x += b[i+2]; x += a[i+2];
      bool InReduction = Reductions.isPairInSame(J1, J2);

      if (!(InReduction && J1->isAssociative())) {
        bool Swapped = false, SomeOpMatched = false;;
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < J1->getNumOperands() && !MatchFailed; ++j) {
          Value *Op2 = J2->getOperand(j);

	  // If this is part of a reduction (and the operation is not
	  // associatve), then we match all operands, but not those that are
	  // part of the reduction.
          if (InReduction)
            if (Instruction *Op2I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Op2))
              if (Reductions.isPairInSame(J2, Op2I))

          DenseMap<Value *, Value *>::iterator BMI = BaseMap.find(Op2);
          if (BMI != BaseMap.end())
            Op2 = BMI->second;
          else if (std::find(Roots[i].begin(), Roots[i].end(),
                             (Instruction*) Op2) != Roots[i].end())
            Op2 = IV;

          if (J1->getOperand(Swapped ? unsigned(!j) : j) != Op2) {
	    // If we've not already decided to swap the matched operands, and
	    // we've not already matched our first operand (note that we could
	    // have skipped matching the first operand because it is part of a
	    // reduction above), and the instruction is commutative, then try
	    // the swapped match.
            if (!Swapped && J1->isCommutative() && !SomeOpMatched &&
                J1->getOperand(!j) == Op2) {
              Swapped = true;
            } else {
              DEBUG(dbgs() << "LRR: iteration root match failed at " << *J1 <<
                              " vs. " << *J2 << " (operand " << j << ")\n");
              MatchFailed = true;

          SomeOpMatched = true;

      if ((!PossibleRedLastSet.count(J1) && hasUsesOutsideLoop(J1, L)) ||
          (!PossibleRedLastSet.count(J2) && hasUsesOutsideLoop(J2, L))) {
        DEBUG(dbgs() << "LRR: iteration root match failed at " << *J1 <<
                        " vs. " << *J2 << " (uses outside loop)\n");
        MatchFailed = true;

      if (!MatchFailed)
        BaseMap.insert(std::pair<Value *, Value *>(J2, J1));

      Reductions.recordPair(J1, J2, i+1);


  if (MatchFailed)
    return false;

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "LRR: Matched all iteration increments for " <<
                  *RealIV << "\n");

  DenseSet<Instruction *> LoopIncUseSet;
  collectInLoopUserSet(L, LoopIncs, SmallInstructionSet(),
                       SmallInstructionSet(), LoopIncUseSet);
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "LRR: Loop increment set size: " <<
                  LoopIncUseSet.size() << "\n");

  // Make sure that all instructions in the loop have been included in some
  // use set.
  for (BasicBlock::iterator J = Header->begin(), JE = Header->end();
       J != JE; ++J) {
    if (isa<DbgInfoIntrinsic>(J))
    if (cast<Instruction>(J) == RealIV)
    if (cast<Instruction>(J) == IV)
    if (BaseUseSet.count(J) || AllRootUses.count(J) ||
        (LoopIncUseSet.count(J) && (J->isTerminator() ||
                                    isSafeToSpeculativelyExecute(J, DL))))

    if (AllRoots.count(J))

    if (Reductions.isSelectedPHI(J))

    DEBUG(dbgs() << "LRR: aborting reroll based on " << *RealIV <<
                    " unprocessed instruction found: " << *J << "\n");
    MatchFailed = true;

  if (MatchFailed)
    return false;

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "LRR: all instructions processed from " <<
                  *RealIV << "\n");

  if (!Reductions.validateSelected())
    return false;

  // At this point, we've validated the rerolling, and we're committed to
  // making changes!


  // Remove instructions associated with non-base iterations.
  for (BasicBlock::reverse_iterator J = Header->rbegin();
       J != Header->rend();) {
    if (AllRootUses.count(&*J)) {
      Instruction *D = &*J;
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "LRR: removing: " << *D << "\n");


  // Insert the new induction variable.
  const SCEV *Start = RealIVSCEV->getStart();
  if (Inc == 1)
    Start = SE->getMulExpr(Start,
                           SE->getConstant(Start->getType(), Scale));
  const SCEVAddRecExpr *H =
                           SE->getConstant(RealIVSCEV->getType(), 1),
                           L, SCEV::FlagAnyWrap));
  { // Limit the lifetime of SCEVExpander.
    SCEVExpander Expander(*SE, "reroll");
    Value *NewIV = Expander.expandCodeFor(H, IV->getType(), Header->begin());

    for (DenseSet<Instruction *>::iterator J = BaseUseSet.begin(),
         JE = BaseUseSet.end(); J != JE; ++J)
      (*J)->replaceUsesOfWith(IV, NewIV);

    if (BranchInst *BI = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(Header->getTerminator())) {
      if (LoopIncUseSet.count(BI)) {
        const SCEV *ICSCEV = RealIVSCEV->evaluateAtIteration(IterCount, *SE);
        if (Inc == 1)
          ICSCEV =
            SE->getMulExpr(ICSCEV, SE->getConstant(ICSCEV->getType(), Scale));
        // Iteration count SCEV minus 1
        const SCEV *ICMinus1SCEV =
          SE->getMinusSCEV(ICSCEV, SE->getConstant(ICSCEV->getType(), 1));

        Value *ICMinus1; // Iteration count minus 1
        if (isa<SCEVConstant>(ICMinus1SCEV)) {
          ICMinus1 = Expander.expandCodeFor(ICMinus1SCEV, NewIV->getType(), BI);
        } else {
          BasicBlock *Preheader = L->getLoopPreheader();
          if (!Preheader)
            Preheader = InsertPreheaderForLoop(L, this);

          ICMinus1 = Expander.expandCodeFor(ICMinus1SCEV, NewIV->getType(),
        Value *Cond = new ICmpInst(BI, CmpInst::ICMP_EQ, NewIV, ICMinus1,

        if (BI->getSuccessor(1) != Header)

  SimplifyInstructionsInBlock(Header, DL, TLI);
  DeleteDeadPHIs(Header, TLI);
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/// Recursively traverse the CFG of the function, renaming loads and
/// stores to the allocas which we are promoting.
/// IncomingVals indicates what value each Alloca contains on exit from the
/// predecessor block Pred.
void PromoteMem2Reg::RenamePass(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock *Pred,
                                RenamePassData::ValVector &IncomingVals,
                                RenamePassData::LocationVector &IncomingLocs,
                                std::vector<RenamePassData> &Worklist) {
  // If we are inserting any phi nodes into this BB, they will already be in the
  // block.
  if (PHINode *APN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(BB->begin())) {
    // If we have PHI nodes to update, compute the number of edges from Pred to
    // BB.
    if (PhiToAllocaMap.count(APN)) {
      // We want to be able to distinguish between PHI nodes being inserted by
      // this invocation of mem2reg from those phi nodes that already existed in
      // the IR before mem2reg was run.  We determine that APN is being inserted
      // because it is missing incoming edges.  All other PHI nodes being
      // inserted by this pass of mem2reg will have the same number of incoming
      // operands so far.  Remember this count.
      unsigned NewPHINumOperands = APN->getNumOperands();

      unsigned NumEdges = std::count(succ_begin(Pred), succ_end(Pred), BB);
      assert(NumEdges && "Must be at least one edge from Pred to BB!");

      // Add entries for all the phis.
      BasicBlock::iterator PNI = BB->begin();
      do {
        unsigned AllocaNo = PhiToAllocaMap[APN];

        // Update the location of the phi node.
        updateForIncomingValueLocation(APN, IncomingLocs[AllocaNo],
                                       APN->getNumIncomingValues() > 0);

        // Add N incoming values to the PHI node.
        for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumEdges; ++i)
          APN->addIncoming(IncomingVals[AllocaNo], Pred);

        // The currently active variable for this block is now the PHI.
        IncomingVals[AllocaNo] = APN;
        for (DbgVariableIntrinsic *DII : AllocaDbgDeclares[AllocaNo])
          ConvertDebugDeclareToDebugValue(DII, APN, DIB);

        // Get the next phi node.
        APN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(PNI);
        if (!APN)

        // Verify that it is missing entries.  If not, it is not being inserted
        // by this mem2reg invocation so we want to ignore it.
      } while (APN->getNumOperands() == NewPHINumOperands);

  // Don't revisit blocks.
  if (!Visited.insert(BB).second)

  for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB->begin(); !II->isTerminator();) {
    Instruction *I = &*II++; // get the instruction, increment iterator

    if (LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I)) {
      AllocaInst *Src = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(LI->getPointerOperand());
      if (!Src)

      DenseMap<AllocaInst *, unsigned>::iterator AI = AllocaLookup.find(Src);
      if (AI == AllocaLookup.end())

      Value *V = IncomingVals[AI->second];

      // If the load was marked as nonnull we don't want to lose
      // that information when we erase this Load. So we preserve
      // it with an assume.
      if (AC && LI->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_nonnull) &&
          !isKnownNonZero(V, SQ.DL, 0, AC, LI, &DT))
        addAssumeNonNull(AC, LI);

      // Anything using the load now uses the current value.
    } else if (StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(I)) {
      // Delete this instruction and mark the name as the current holder of the
      // value
      AllocaInst *Dest = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(SI->getPointerOperand());
      if (!Dest)

      DenseMap<AllocaInst *, unsigned>::iterator ai = AllocaLookup.find(Dest);
      if (ai == AllocaLookup.end())

      // what value were we writing?
      unsigned AllocaNo = ai->second;
      IncomingVals[AllocaNo] = SI->getOperand(0);

      // Record debuginfo for the store before removing it.
      IncomingLocs[AllocaNo] = SI->getDebugLoc();
      for (DbgVariableIntrinsic *DII : AllocaDbgDeclares[ai->second])
        ConvertDebugDeclareToDebugValue(DII, SI, DIB);

  // 'Recurse' to our successors.
  succ_iterator I = succ_begin(BB), E = succ_end(BB);
  if (I == E)

  // Keep track of the successors so we don't visit the same successor twice
  SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 8> VisitedSuccs;

  // Handle the first successor without using the worklist.
  Pred = BB;
  BB = *I;

  for (; I != E; ++I)
    if (VisitedSuccs.insert(*I).second)
      Worklist.emplace_back(*I, Pred, IncomingVals, IncomingLocs);

  goto NextIteration;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    bool ModuloSchedulerDriverPass::runOnLoop(Loop *IncomingLoop, LPPassManager &LPM_Ref) {
        subscripts subs(IncomingLoop);

        if (!loop_is_ms_able(IncomingLoop) ) return false; 

        // The header before the parallelized loop will be placed here
        BasicBlock* preheader = IncomingLoop->getLoopPreheader();
        assert(preheader && "Unable to get a hold of the preheader");

        // Balance all BasicBlocks in this loop
        for (Loop::block_iterator it=IncomingLoop->block_begin(); it!=IncomingLoop->block_end();++it) {

        // For each BB in loop
        for (Loop::block_iterator it=IncomingLoop->block_begin(); it!=IncomingLoop->block_end();++it) {
            instructionPriority  ip(*it);
            // ++++++++ Preheader part +++++++++
            // Make a copy of the body for each instruction. Place a pointer to the 
            // parallel cloned instruction in the map below. Later on we will replace it 
            // with a PHINode.
            DenseMap<const Value *, Value *>  InstToPreheader;

            // For each Instruction in body of the loop, clone, store, etc.
            for (BasicBlock::iterator ib = (*it)->begin(), eb = (*it)->end(); ib!=eb; ++ib) {
                // If this is NOT a phi node
                if (!dyn_cast<PHINode>(ib)) {
                    // Get the priority of the instruction
                    unsigned int p = ip.getPriority(ib);
                    // This is the header version of each variable that goes into a PHI node.
                    // The other edge needs to come from the 'prev' iteration
                    // We subtract -1 because this is one iteration before 
                    // Store the result into the map of the cloned
                    InstToPreheader[ib] = copyLoopBodyToHeader(ib, subs.getInductionVar(), preheader, p-1);

            // ++++++++ Loop body part +++++++++
            // For each of the cloned increment the indexs if needed and place the PHINode.
            for (BasicBlock::iterator ib = (*it)->begin(), eb = (*it)->end(); ib!=eb; ++ib) {
                // If this is NOT a phi node
                if (!dyn_cast<PHINode>(ib)) {
                    unsigned int p = ip.getPriority(ib);

                    // If this variable is not dependent on i (not i:=i+1)
                    // then we need to replace each i to i+5 ...
                    // We also do not need to create a PHI node, etc.
                    if (!subs.isUsedByInductionVariable(ib)) {

                        // Create the new PHI Node to replace the node
                        if (!dyn_cast<StoreInst>(ib) && !ib->isTerminator()) {
                            std::string newname = "glue" + (*it)->getName();

                            //PHINode* np = PHINode::Create(ib->getType(), "glue", *it);
                            PHINode* np = PHINode::Create(ib->getType(), newname, *it);
                            np->addIncoming(InstToPreheader[ib], preheader);
                            np->addIncoming(ib, *it);

                    }// end of if this is not an IV node (i:=i+1) 

        for (Loop::block_iterator it=IncomingLoop->block_begin(); it!=IncomingLoop->block_end();++it) {
            for (BasicBlock::iterator in = (*it)->begin(); in != (*it)->end(); ++in) {
        return true;