Ejemplo n.º 1
Worker::removeByAttributes(Job::Ptr job)
        std::stringstream initialLogMsgStream;
        initialLogMsgStream     << "job " << job->getId()
                                << ": remove-by-attributes on layer \"" << job->getLayerName() << "\"";
        poco_information(logger, initialLogMsgStream.str().c_str());

    auto layer = configuration->getLayer(job->getLayerName());

    if (!layer->allow_feature_deletion) {
        std::string msg = "Layer \"" + job->getLayerName() + "\" does not allow deletion of features.";
        poco_warning(logger, msg.c_str());

    // perform the work in an transaction
    if (auto transaction = db.getTransaction()) {

        // set the postgresql date style
        transaction->exec("set DateStyle to SQL, YMD");

        // fetch the column list from the target_table as the tempTable
        // does not have the constraints of the original table
        auto tableFields = transaction->getTableFields(layer->target_table_schema, layer->target_table_name);

        std::stringstream deleteStmt;
        deleteStmt  << "delete from " << transaction->quoteIdentJ(layer->target_table_schema, layer->target_table_name)
                    << " where ";

        int numDeleted = 0;
        std::vector<Job::AttributeValue> attrValues;
        for(const auto & attributeSet: job->getAttributeSets()) {
            if (attributeSet.size() > 0) {
                int i = 0;
                if (!attrValues.empty()) {
                    deleteStmt << " or ";
                deleteStmt << " ( ";
                for(const auto & attributePair: attributeSet) {
                    auto tableFieldIt = tableFields.find(attributePair.first);
                    if (tableFieldIt == tableFields.end()) {
                        throw WorkerError("Layer \"" + job->getLayerName() + "\" has no field \""
                                        + attributePair.first + "\"");
                    if (i > 0) {
                        deleteStmt << " and ";
                    deleteStmt  << transaction->quoteIdentJ(layer->target_table_name, attributePair.first)
                                << " is not distinct from $" << attrValues.size() << "::" << tableFieldIt->second.pgTypeName;
                deleteStmt << " ) ";

        if (!attrValues.empty()) {
            poco_debug(logger, deleteStmt.str().c_str());

            // convert to an array of c strings
            std::vector<const char*> cStrValues;
            std::vector<int> cStrValueLenghts;
            std::transform(attrValues.begin(), attrValues.end(), std::back_inserter(cStrValues),
                        [](const Job::AttributeValue & aV) -> const char * {
                            if (aV.isNull()) {
                                return NULL;
                            return aV.get().c_str();
            std::transform(attrValues.begin(), attrValues.end(), std::back_inserter(cStrValueLenghts),
                        [](const Job::AttributeValue & aV) -> int {
                            if (aV.isNull()) {
                                return 0;
                            return aV.get().length();

            auto deleteRes = transaction->execParams(deleteStmt.str(), cStrValues.size(), NULL, &cStrValues[0],
                        &cStrValueLenghts[0], NULL, 1);
            numDeleted = std::atoi(PQcmdTuples(deleteRes.get()));
        else {
            std::stringstream logMsgStream;
            logMsgStream   << "job " << job->getId() << ": no attributes to remove features given. skipping";
            poco_information(logger, logMsgStream.str().c_str());

        job->setStatistics(0, 0, 0, numDeleted);

        std::stringstream finalLogMsgStream;
        finalLogMsgStream   << "job " << job->getId() << " finished. Stats: "
                            << "deleted=" << numDeleted;
        poco_information(logger, finalLogMsgStream.str().c_str());

    else {
        std::string msg("Could not start a database transaction");
        poco_error(logger, msg.c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 2
Worker::pull(Job::Ptr job)
    auto layer = configuration->getLayer(job->getLayerName());
    bool allow_feature_deletion = layer->allow_feature_deletion;

    // assemble the complete filter to filter the features od the source by
    std::string filterString;
        std::stringstream filterStream;
        if ( (!layer->filter.empty()) && (!job->getFilter().empty()) ) {
            filterStream << "(";
        if (!layer->filter.empty()) {
            filterStream << layer->filter;
        if ( (!layer->filter.empty()) && (!job->getFilter().empty()) ) {
            filterStream << ") and (";
        if (!job->getFilter().empty()) {
            filterStream << job->getFilter();
        if ( (!layer->filter.empty()) && (!job->getFilter().empty()) ) {
            filterStream << ")";
        filterString = filterStream.str();

    // log the job
        std::stringstream initialLogMsgStream;
        initialLogMsgStream     << "job " << job->getId()
                                << " pulling layer \"" << job->getLayerName() << "\"";
        if (!filterString.empty()) {
            initialLogMsgStream << " using filter \"" + filterString + "\"";
        poco_information(logger, initialLogMsgStream.str().c_str());

    // open the dataset
    std::unique_ptr<OGRDataSource, decltype((OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource))> ogrDataset(
        OGRSFDriverRegistrar::Open(layer->source.c_str(), false),  OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource);
    if (!ogrDataset) {
        throw WorkerError("Could not open dataset for layer \"" + layer->name + "\"");

    // find the layer
    auto ogrLayer = ogrDataset->GetLayerByName(layer->source_layer.c_str());
    if (ogrLayer == nullptr) {
        // check if the layer exists and is just not readable
        // and collect some info for better diagnosis of the 
        // problem.
        bool layerExists = false;
        int layersNotOpenable = 0;
        std::string closestMatch;
        int ldClosestMatch = 5000; // initialize to a high value
        for (int layerIdx=0; layerIdx<ogrDataset->GetLayerCount(); layerIdx++) {
            auto searchLayer = ogrDataset->GetLayer(layerIdx);
            if (searchLayer != nullptr) {
                if (layer->source_layer == searchLayer->GetName()) {
                    layerExists = true;

                int ldSearchLayer = StringUtils::levenshteinDistance(
                            layer->source_layer, searchLayer->GetName());
                if (ldSearchLayer < ldClosestMatch) {
                    ldClosestMatch = ldSearchLayer;
                    closestMatch = searchLayer->GetName();
            else {

        std::stringstream msgstream;
        msgstream  << "source_layer \"" << layer->source_layer 
                   << "\" for configured layer \"" << layer->name << "\" ";
        if (layerExists) {
            msgstream << "exists, but could not be opened.";
        else {
            msgstream << "does not exist.";

            // info about next, best match if levensthein seems to be realistic to be
            // the layer we are looking for. Should help to debug typos, ...
            if (ldClosestMatch < 12) {
                msgstream   << " HINT: The source has a layer named \""
                            << closestMatch << "\".";

            if (layersNotOpenable > 0) {
                msgstream   << " HINT: " << layersNotOpenable 
                            << " layer(s) could not be opened.";

        throw WorkerError(msgstream.str());

    // set filter if there is one specified
    if (!filterString.empty()) {

        // when a filter is set the deletion of features is always disabled to allow
        // partial syncs without losing the rest of the data
        allow_feature_deletion = false;

        if (ogrLayer->SetAttributeFilter(filterString.c_str()) != OGRERR_NONE) {
            std::stringstream msgstream;
            msgstream   << "The given filter for layer \""
                        << layer->name
                        << "\" is invalid";
            if (CPLGetLastErrorMsg()) {
                msgstream   << ": " << CPLGetLastErrorMsg();
            else {
                msgstream   << ".";
            msgstream   << " The applied filter was [ "
                        << filterString
                        << " ]";
            throw WorkerError(msgstream.str());

    auto ogrFeatureDefn = ogrLayer->GetLayerDefn();

    if (ogrFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount() > 1) {
        std::string msg = "The source provides " + std::to_string(ogrFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount()) +
                "geometry fields. Currently only sources with no or only one geometry field are supported";
        throw WorkerError(msg);

    // collect the columns of the dataset
    OgrFieldMap ogrFields;
    for(int i=0; i<ogrFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); i++) {
        auto ogrFieldDefn = ogrFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i);

        // lowercase column names -- TODO: this may cause problems when postgresqls column names
        // contain uppercase letters, but will do for a start
        std::string fieldName = StringUtils::tolower(std::string(ogrFieldDefn->GetNameRef()));

#ifdef _DEBUG
            std::string msg = "ogr layer provides the column " + fieldName;
            poco_debug(logger, msg.c_str());
        auto entry = &ogrFields[fieldName];
        entry->index = i;
        entry->type = ogrFieldDefn->GetType();

    // perform the work in an transaction
    if (auto transaction = db.getTransaction()) {
        int numPulled = 0;
        int numCreated = 0;
        int numUpdated = 0;
        int numDeleted = 0;
        int numIgnored = 0;

        // set the postgresql date style
        transaction->exec("set DateStyle to SQL, YMD");

        // build a unique name for the temporary table
        std::string tempTableName = "batyr_" + job->getId();

        auto versionPostgis = Db::PostGis::getVersion(*(transaction.get()));

        // create a temp table to write the data to
        transaction->createTempTable(layer->target_table_schema, layer->target_table_name, tempTableName);

        // fetch the column list from the target_table as the tempTable
        // does not have the constraints of the original table
        auto tableFields = transaction->getTableFields(layer->target_table_schema, layer->target_table_name);

        // check if the requirements of the primary key are satisfied
        std::vector<std::string> primaryKeyColumns;
        std::string geometryColumn;
        std::vector<std::string> insertColumns;
        std::vector<std::string> updateColumns;
        for(const auto &tableFieldPair : tableFields) {
            if (tableFieldPair.second.isPrimaryKey) {
            else {
            if (tableFieldPair.second.pgTypeName == "geometry") {
                if (!geometryColumn.empty()) {
                    throw WorkerError("Layer \"" + job->getLayerName() + "\" has multiple geometry columns. Currently only one is supported");
                geometryColumn = tableFieldPair.second.name;
            if (ogrFields.find(tableFieldPair.second.name) != ogrFields.end()) {
        // allow overriding the primarykey from the configfile if there are alternatives cofigured there
        if (!layer->primary_key_columns.empty()) {
            for(const auto primary_key_column : layer->primary_key_columns) {
                if (tableFields.find(primary_key_column) == tableFields.end()) {
                    throw WorkerError("The configured primary key column \"" + primary_key_column + "\" does not exist in the table"
                            " of layer \"" + job->getLayerName() + "\"");
            primaryKeyColumns = layer->primary_key_columns;
        if (primaryKeyColumns.empty()) {
            throw WorkerError("Got no primarykey for layer \"" + job->getLayerName() + "\"");
        std::vector<std::string> missingPrimaryKeysSource;
        for( const auto &primaryKeyCol : primaryKeyColumns) {
            if (ogrFields.find(primaryKeyCol) == ogrFields.end()) {
        if (!missingPrimaryKeysSource.empty()) {
            throw WorkerError("The source for layer \"" + job->getLayerName() + "\" is missing the following fields required "+
                    "by the primary key: " + StringUtils::join(missingPrimaryKeysSource, ", "));

        // fetch the srid used for the column in postgis
        int pgSrid = POSTGIS_NO_SRID_FOUND;
        int pgUndefinedSrid = Db::PostGis::getUndefinedSRIDValue(versionPostgis);
        if (!geometryColumn.empty()) {
            pgSrid = Db::PostGis::getGeometryColumnSRID(*(transaction.get()),
                        layer->target_table_name, geometryColumn);
            poco_debug(logger, "table " + layer->target_table_schema + "." + layer->target_table_name +
                        " column " + geometryColumn + " uses SRID " + std::to_string(pgSrid));

        // prepare an insert query into the temporary table
        std::vector<std::string> insertQueryValues;
        unsigned int idxColumn = 1;
        for (const std::string &insertColumn : insertColumns) {
            auto tableField = &tableFields[insertColumn];
            std::stringstream colStream;

            if (tableField->pgTypeName != "geometry") {
                auto ogrField = &ogrFields[insertColumn];

                colStream   << "$" << idxColumn
                            << "::" << getPostgresType(ogrField->type)
                            << "::" << tableField->pgTypeName;
            else {
                std::stringstream logStream;
                logStream << "job " << job->getId() << " geometry_columns for " << insertColumn;

                if (pgSrid == POSTGIS_NO_SRID_FOUND) {
                    logStream   << " contains no SRID information."
                                << " Reprojection is impossible -> using the SRID of the geometries as they are read from the source.";

                    colStream   <<  "$" << idxColumn << "::" << tableField->pgTypeName;
                else {
                    // all srids smaller than 1 are treated as undefined.
                    // see http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/postgis-devel/2011-October/015413.html
                    if (pgSrid <= 0) {
                        logStream   << " returns SRID=" << pgSrid << " (undefined)."
                                    << " Reprojection is impossible -> assigning the SRID=" << pgUndefinedSrid << " (native undefined) to the new geometries";

                        colStream   << "st_setsrid($" << idxColumn << "::" << tableField->pgTypeName << ", "
                                    << pgUndefinedSrid << ")";
                    else {
                        logStream   << " returns SRID=" << pgSrid << "."
                                    << " Reprojecting geometries with a SRS, assigning SRID=" << pgSrid << " to incomming geometries without SRS.";

                        // in case the geometries do not have a SRS, assign the one of the table to them
                        colStream   << "(select "
                                    <<      "case when st_srid(foo.g) = " << pgUndefinedSrid << " then "
                                    <<          " st_setsrid(foo.g, " << pgSrid << ") "
                                    <<      "else "
                                    <<          " st_transform(foo.g, " << pgSrid << ") "
                                    <<      "end"
                                    << " from ( select $" << idxColumn << "::" << tableField->pgTypeName << " as g "
                                    << " ) foo)";
                poco_information(logger, logStream.str().c_str());

        std::stringstream insertQueryStream;
        insertQueryStream   << "insert into " << transaction->quoteIdent(tempTableName) << " ("
                            << StringUtils::join(transaction->quoteIdent(insertColumns), ", ")
                            << ") "
                            << "select "
                            << StringUtils::join(insertQueryValues, ", ");
        poco_debug(logger, insertQueryStream.str().c_str());
        std::string insertStmtName = "batyr_insert" + job->getId();
        auto resInsertStmt = transaction->prepare(insertStmtName, insertQueryStream.str(), insertColumns.size(), NULL);

        OGRFeature * ogrFeatureP = 0;
        // ensure that features get free'd by wraping them in a smart pointer
        std::unique_ptr<OGRFeature, decltype((OGRFeature::DestroyFeature))> ogrFeature(
                NULL ,  OGRFeature::DestroyFeature);

        while( (ogrFeatureP = ogrLayer->GetNextFeature()) != nullptr) {

            std::vector<PgFieldValue> pgValues;

            for (const std::string &insertColumn : insertColumns) {
                auto tableField = &tableFields[insertColumn];

                if (tableField->pgTypeName == "geometry") {

                    PgFieldValue pgVal;
                    auto ogrGeometry = ogrFeature->GetGeometryRef();
                    if (ogrGeometry != nullptr) {
                        // TODO: Maybe use the implementation from OGRPGLayer::GeometryToHex
                        GByte * buffer;
                        int bufferSize = ogrGeometry->WkbSize();

                        buffer = (GByte *) CPLMalloc(bufferSize);
                        if (buffer == nullptr) {
                            throw WorkerError("Unable to allocate memory to export geometry");
                        if (ogrGeometry->exportToWkb(wkbNDR, buffer) != OGRERR_NONE) {
                            throw WorkerError("Could not export the geometry from feature #" + std::to_string(numPulled));
                        char * hexBuffer = CPLBinaryToHex(bufferSize, buffer);
                        if (hexBuffer == nullptr) {
                            throw WorkerError("Unable to allocate memory to convert geometry to hex");
                        pgVal.setIsNull(bufferSize == 0);
                        if (!pgVal.isNull()) {
                    else {
                else {
                    auto ogrField = &ogrFields[insertColumn];
                    PgFieldValue pV = convertToString(ogrFeature.get(), ogrField->index, ogrField->type, tableField->pgTypeName);
                    pgValues.push_back( std::move(pV) );

            // convert to an array of c strings
            std::vector<const char*> cStrValues;
            std::vector<int> cStrValueLenghts;
            std::transform(pgValues.begin(), pgValues.end(), std::back_inserter(cStrValues),
                        [](const PgFieldValue & pV) -> const char * {
                            if (pV.isNull()) {
                                return NULL;
                            return pV.get().c_str();
            std::transform(pgValues.begin(), pgValues.end(), std::back_inserter(cStrValueLenghts),
                        [](const PgFieldValue & pV) -> int {
                            if (pV.isNull()) {
                                return 0;
                            return pV.get().length();

            if (layer->ignore_failures) {
                try {
                    transaction->exec("savepoint insertfeature;");
                    transaction->execPrepared(insertStmtName, cStrValues.size(), &cStrValues[0],
                                &cStrValueLenghts[0], NULL, 1);
                    transaction->exec("release savepoint insertfeature;");
                catch (Batyr::Db::DbError &e) {
                    if (!e.isDataException()) {
                    transaction->exec("rollback to savepoint insertfeature;");

                    std::stringstream ignoreMsgStream;
                    ignoreMsgStream << "Ignoring feature: " << e.what();
                    poco_warning(logger, ignoreMsgStream.str().c_str());
            else {
                transaction->execPrepared(insertStmtName, cStrValues.size(), &cStrValues[0],
                            &cStrValueLenghts[0], NULL, 1);
        job->setStatistics(numPulled, numCreated, numUpdated, numDeleted, numIgnored);

        // update the existing table only touching rows which have differences to prevent
        // slowdowns by triggers
        std::stringstream updateStmt;
        updateStmt          << "update " << transaction->quoteIdentJ(layer->target_table_schema, layer->target_table_name) << " "
                            << " set ";
        for (size_t i=0; i<updateColumns.size(); i++) {
            if (i != 0) {
                updateStmt << ", ";
            updateStmt  << transaction->quoteIdent(updateColumns[i]) << " = " 
                        << transaction->quoteIdentJ(tempTableName, updateColumns[i]) << " ";
        updateStmt          << " from " << transaction->quoteIdent(tempTableName) 
                            << " where (";
        for (size_t i=0; i<primaryKeyColumns.size(); i++) {
            if (i != 0) {
                updateStmt << " and ";
            updateStmt  << transaction->quoteIdentJ(layer->target_table_name, primaryKeyColumns[i])
                        << " is not distinct from "
                        << transaction->quoteIdentJ(tempTableName, primaryKeyColumns[i]);
        updateStmt          << ") and (";
        // update only rows which are actual different
        for (size_t i=0; i<updateColumns.size(); i++) {
            if (i != 0) {
                updateStmt << " or ";

            auto tableField = &tableFields[updateColumns[i]];

            if (tableField->pgTypeName == "geometry") {
                std::string quotedTargetGeom =  transaction->quoteIdentJ(layer->target_table_name, updateColumns[i]);
                std::string quotedTempGeom = transaction->quoteIdentJ(tempTableName, updateColumns[i]);

                // update geometries always if the srid differs or when they are collections
                // MEMO: geometries with different SRIDs can not be compared with the "=" operator
                // MEMO: collections can not be compared with st_equals
                updateStmt  << "("
                            <<      "case when "
                            <<          "(st_srid(" << quotedTargetGeom << ") != st_srid(" << quotedTempGeom << ")) ";

                if (std::get<0>(versionPostgis) >= 2) {
                        // st_iscollection is only supported starting with postgis 2.0
                        updateStmt  << " or st_iscollection(" << quotedTargetGeom << ") "
                                    << " or st_iscollection(" << quotedTempGeom << ") ";
                else {
                        updateStmt  << " or ("
                                    <<   "st_geometrytype(" << quotedTargetGeom << ") = 'ST_GeometryCollection'"
                                    <<   " or st_geometrytype(" << quotedTargetGeom << ") like 'ST_Multi%'"
                                    << ") "
                                    << " or ("
                                    <<   "st_geometrytype(" << quotedTempGeom << ") = 'ST_GeometryCollection'"
                                    <<   " or st_geometrytype(" << quotedTempGeom << ") like 'ST_Multi%'"
                                    << ") ";

                updateStmt  <<  "then "
                            // compare using the binary representation as ST_Equals can not be used in this case
                            <<      quotedTargetGeom << "::bytea " << " is distinct from " << quotedTempGeom << "::bytea "
                            <<  " else "
                            // compare using st_equals
                            <<      "not st_equals("  << quotedTargetGeom << ", " << quotedTempGeom << ")"
                            <<  " end "
                            << ")";
            else {
                updateStmt  << "(" << transaction->quoteIdentJ(layer->target_table_name, updateColumns[i])
                            << " is distinct from "
                            << transaction->quoteIdentJ(tempTableName, updateColumns[i]) << ")";
        updateStmt          << ")";
        auto updateRes = transaction->exec(updateStmt.str());
        numUpdated = std::atoi(PQcmdTuples(updateRes.get()));
        updateRes.reset(NULL); // immediately dispose the result

        // insert missing rows in the exisiting table
        std::stringstream insertMissingStmt;
        insertMissingStmt   << "insert into " << transaction->quoteIdentJ(layer->target_table_schema, layer->target_table_name)
                            << " ( " << StringUtils::join(transaction->quoteIdent(insertColumns), ", ") << ") "
                            << " select " << StringUtils::join(transaction->quoteIdent(insertColumns), ", ") << " "
                            << " from " << transaction->quoteIdent(tempTableName)
                            << " where (" << StringUtils::join(transaction->quoteIdent(primaryKeyColumns), ", ") << ") not in ("
                            << " select " << StringUtils::join(transaction->quoteIdent(primaryKeyColumns), ",") << " "
                            << "       from " << transaction->quoteIdentJ(layer->target_table_schema, layer->target_table_name)
                            << ")";
        auto insertMissingRes = transaction->exec(insertMissingStmt.str());
        numCreated = std::atoi(PQcmdTuples(insertMissingRes.get()));
        insertMissingRes.reset(NULL); // immediately dispose the result

        // delete deprecated rows from the exisiting table
        if (allow_feature_deletion) {
            std::stringstream deleteRemovedStmt;
            auto quotedPrimaryKeyColumnsStr = StringUtils::join(transaction->quoteIdent(primaryKeyColumns), ", ");
            deleteRemovedStmt   << "delete from " << transaction->quoteIdentJ(layer->target_table_schema, layer->target_table_name)
                                << " where (" << quotedPrimaryKeyColumnsStr << ") not in ("
                                << " select " << quotedPrimaryKeyColumnsStr << " "
                                << "       from " << transaction->quoteIdent(tempTableName)
                                << ")";
            auto deleteRemovedRes = transaction->exec(deleteRemovedStmt.str());
            numDeleted = std::atoi(PQcmdTuples(deleteRemovedRes.get()));
            deleteRemovedRes.reset(NULL); // immediately dispose the result
        else {
            poco_information(logger, "job " + job->getId() + " feature deletion disabled");

        job->setStatistics(numPulled, numCreated, numUpdated, numDeleted, numIgnored);

        std::stringstream finalLogMsgStream;
        finalLogMsgStream   << "job " << job->getId() << " finished. Stats: "
                            << "pulled=" << numPulled << ", "
                            << "created=" << numCreated << ", "
                            << "updated=" << numUpdated << ", "
                            << "deleted=" << numDeleted;
        poco_information(logger, finalLogMsgStream.str().c_str());
    else {
        std::string msg("Could not start a database transaction");
        poco_error(logger, msg.c_str());
