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	Edit Makefile, choose an OS and modify XINC and LDFLAGS if necessary.
	Exec 'make' and 'make install' to install ted.

Usage:  SEE
	Press F1 to see the brief help.  For more help, press ^A F1
to edit '/usr/local/lib/Ted/tedrc'.  If you don't like the keyboard mapping,
you can modify 'tedrc' to meet your own need and save it to the directory
"$HOME/.Ted". You should be able to configure your keyboard mapping similar to
'joe' or 'emacs', but the default mapping is easier to use.
Note that some X servers map Shift-F1..F10 to F11..F20. It is also possible
that your X server doesn't support the key combinations you want. Some X server
like HP's doen't accept the combination of Alt key and (A..Z 0..1) keys.
You can first press ^A (C-a) then the 2nd key the help file specified.
You may also try the xmodmap files 'xmodmap.hp.*' for HP. You can put
	xmodmap xmodmap.hp.??? (model) 		in your X startup script

	 Some X servers map 'Backspace' to 'Delete'. If your backspace key doesn't
work. Add the following line to your .xinitrc
	xmodmap -e 'keycode 22 = BackSpace' (Linux XFree86)

Your window manager(e.g. fvwm) may intercept some key strokes like a-f10.
In this case, you can modify your .fvwmrc to disable the key bindings.
You can use 'xev' to see whether your X app can receive the key stroke or
your X server does some translations.

	 The default tedrc file name 'ted' will first load is 'tedrc'. You can change
it by using the command line arg '-tedrc'.  Ted will search for the specified
tedrc in the sequence of "./"(can be disabled, see next), "$HOME/.Ted"  and

	 If you don't like the default colors of ted, you may modify tedrc to set the
color of ted.

	 The C tag support requires elvis's  'ref' and 'ctags'.  Both of them are
included. Press Alt-F9 will execute ctags to rebuild 'ctags' file. Press Alt-T
to use the 'goto C tags' function.

* Ted's command line argument and application default
	argument	application default	expected arg
	-fg		Ted.fg			foreground
	-bg			background
	-fn		Ted.fn			font name
	-g		Ted.g			geometry
	-tedrc		Ted.tedrc		start-up tedrc
	-display	*   			Display name
	-cdtedrc	Ted.cdtedrc	0:ignore current dir tedrc (security)
					1:load current dir tedrc if it exists
	-bgps           Ted.bgps        0:disable exec as a background process
					1:enable exec as a background process
	-autofocusin    Ted.autofocusin 0:disable Auto focusIn on startup
					1:enble Auto focusIn on startup
- Press F9 will execute 'make' and enter IDE mode.
	Press F12 will execute './ted'
	These are my development settings for 'ted'. Modify them in tedrc as you
- Sometime you need to do 'grep' in xterm to search for a keyword.
	In ted, you simply place the cursor to the keyword you want to search and
	press F11. It will do 'grep -n KEYWORD *.[ch]' and pipe the out to 'ted'.
	Press F8 to switch between files. Remember to press 'F4' to close the output,
	otherwise you will open too many files. You can modify tedrc to 'grep' other
	files like '.cpp .pas .for'.
Send bug reports, comments and suggestions to:
Edward D. H. Liu, Taiwan


Ted is a small and powerful text editor for X window






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