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ASL-version of the Pixhawk/PX4 Firmware


This repository follows standard PX4 and ASL coding guidelines, most notably a strict pull-request-to-master workflow and a master/stable/feature/fix/... branch structure.


  • Keep code (structure, formatting, variables) as close to PX4 as possible. Be ready to push our stuff back to PX4 using Pull Requests.


  • stable: Current stable release, flight tested
  • master: Current main release, i.e. under development but bench-tested and thus operational. Please do not push directly to master, but use Pull Requests (PR) to contribute to master (see below!).
  • features/MYFEATURENAME: A new feature branch. All new features shall be added like this.
  • fix/MYFIX: A new fix. All new fixes shall be added like this.


  • Commit Target: Direct commits to master are NOT allowed ! Please create a new branch (fix/feature/...), push to github, and create a pull request w.r.t. master. This follows the standard code review process at ASL (see
  • Commit Message: Please use the "Module: Message" format, where Module is the approximate location or scope of your change (e.g. Mavlink, aslctrl, sensors) and Message is your ordinary message.


  • TAGGING: Use tags (done via "git tag") to name specific releases and milestones, e.g. those used for a specific flight test ("AS-1 TF#7", "Techpod TF#XX").
  • ISSUES: Use the github issue tracking & bug reporting system


  • git clone this repository (e.g. into ../PX4/Firmware)
  • Do the usual submodule init and submodule update to update your submodules
