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liblouisxml REQUIRES the latest version of liblouis


For documentation, see liblouisxml-guide.html or liblouisxml-guide.txt . 
These are in the docs directory. For an example of a configuration file,
see default.cfg and canonical.cfg . For an example of a semantics-action
file, see dtbook3.sem . For examples of translation tables, see
en-us-g2.ctb en-us-g1.ctb chardefs.cti nemeth.ctb and whatever other
files they may include. These are all in the lbx_files directory.


First obtain the latest version of liblouis and compile it. Before 
compiling, you should chose between 16- and 32-bit Unicode, as described 
in the README file and the documentation.
If you chose 32-bit Unicode, you must make the corresponding choice in 
the copy of liblouis.h in the liblouisxml src subdirectory.

After unpacking the distribution tarball for liblouisxml go to the
directory it creates, then go to the subdirectory src. In this
subdirectory are files with names like linux-Makefile, macosx-Makefile,
etc. You may need to edit these Makefiles for a successful installation,
in particular the lines beginning with "includes" and "libs". You may
also want to edit the file choices.h . This controls where liblouisxml
and liblouis will look for configuration files, semantic-action files,
and translation tables. As distributed, it will cause liblouisxml to
look for the first configuration file in your current directory and for
all other files in the lbx_files subdirectory of your home directory.

Then type:

make -f linux-Makefile 
make -f macosx-Makefile 
make -f FreeBSD-Makefile

etc., according to your operating system.

This will produce the library (or liblouis.dylib for
Mac) and the programs xml2brl, brl2xml, brl2brl, any2brl, mathml2brl and
extext . Copy these programs to the bin directory in your home
directory, or wherever it is convenient. Also copy the script msword2brl
to this directory. Msword2brl requires the antiword program. Copy the (or .dylib, etc.) into your home directory. Create the
directory lbx_files in your home directory, and copy into it the
contents of the directory lbx_files in the unpacked directory. Get root
privileges and go to whereever your Unix flavor likes to keep libraries.
On Redhat systems it is /usr/lib . In this directory type a command

ln -s /home/myname/src/

(with appropriate changes for Mac) You may also need to run the ldconfig 

Note that you also need the latest version of liblouis. A similar 
installation procedure applies to it.


mathml2brl is primarily for testing. Type mathml2brl -h to see usage

xml2brl is a full transcription program. Again, type xml2brl -h to see
usage information. It will handle xml files from, docbook
files, xhtml files and files saved as xml by Microsoft Word "right out
of the box." 

brl2xml is a back-translation program. It will produce the 
back-translation in either html or text form according to the backFormat 
setting in the configuration file.

brl2brl first backtranslates a brf file and then retranslates it 
according to the format specified in the configuration file.

any2brl is used for poorly-formatted text or xml files. It makes 
educated guesses on paragraph breaks which are often better than those 
in the original.

msword2brl takes a Microsoft Word file and produces a well-formatted 
braille file.

extext is like any2brl except that it produces a text file and it takes
input from the standard input unit and delivers output to the standard
output unit. 

The standard GNU "configure, make, make install" procedure will be added
when the pressure of development becomes somewhat less. A Mac GUI
application is available and a similar Windows application is in the


Braille XML transcriber







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